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๐Ÿ—‘๏ธ ๐Ÿงต Untitled Thread

Anonymous No. 972875

Anyone know of a safe Maya 2020+ crack?

I'm on a time crunch for something and I need to use live surface + quad draw to do it in less than an hour.

>pic semirelated

Anonymous No. 972876

>pic semirelated
Are you going to pee on someone?

Anonymous No. 972877

I signed an NDA so I can't answer that except to say that I signed an NDA

Anonymous No. 972878

I see, so you didn't signed and NDA about signing an NDA, novice error my friend.
I can't help you because I'm a blender fag but good luck getting the crack

Anonymous No. 972882

>novice error my friend.
during orientation, literally the first question that was asked was "can we say that we signed an NDA" and the HR lady said yes
>I'm a blender fag
Blender was designed by the sons of Nazi doctors who performed horrific torture experiments on mentally disabled children

Anonymous No. 972912

If you sign an NDA about signing an NDA then you can't talk about signing an NDA, because it's in the NDA

Anonymous No. 976610

bumping this because relevant

Anonymous No. 976616

Installing Blender now, thanks for the recommendation.