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neon fakery.jpg

๐Ÿงต I think current screens just don't have the ability to properly represent neon lights

Anonymous No. 973220

Neither the fade to white of film/modern tonemappers nor the raw saturation of old CG images manage to reproduce the characteristic saturated intensity of neon core highlights. Neon signs aren't fucking white irl.

Anonymous No. 973226

this is sounds like something someone retarded says

Anonymous No. 973230

>ITT tr/3/pots learn how display devices don't match the dynamic range of physical reality.

And this kids is why you don't go blind whenever someone's welding on TV.

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Anonymous No. 973232

If I was making a scene where it was important the neon read as actually glowing saturated I'd de-emphasis the range of the surrounding pushing it darker and use psychovisual trickery to make it read as it glows, like have it 'glow dark' against dark elements along the edges to let the contrast read as the surface emanating the bright tint despite having the same or lower brightness value.

This is a photoshop mockup of what I'd try.

Anonymous No. 973250

>"Is somebody a retard?"
>"You're a retard"
>"I'm a retard"

Anonymous No. 973267

>properly represent
what does that even mean you drooling retard? not a single screen can properly represent anything

๐Ÿ—‘๏ธ the chair nerd No. 973302

>I think current screens don t have the capability of showing a picture of the sun at full brightness.

I knew there where some blithering idiots in this site but shit man you got me on this one. Great bait mate or at least I fucking hope so.