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๐Ÿงต Low poly and stylized 3d general

Anonymous No. 973746

I think /3/ could use a general thread similar to the /alt/ stylized art thread on /ic/. It would be a good idea to have a place to discuss "soul" aka retro graphics without creating needless new threads everytime.
Both Eastern and Western stylization are welcome.

Examples of topics to discuss:
>anime models and shaders
>toon shaders in general
>PS1 graphics
>3D pixel art (both low poly models with pixelated textures and 2D sprites in 3D environments)
>voxel art
>3D that looks like paintings (ex: Arcane)

>Rules & Guidelines
(1) Any form of stylization is welcome; so submit and receive feedback from others. (2) Please resize your images before posting. (3) Share your knowledge and (4) Remember to not be afraid of asking for critique. Most importantly, keep discussion at a civil level.

Anonymous No. 973747


Anonymous No. 973751


Anonymous No. 973865

there are like 5-10 or more threads about this subject on this board. Shut the fuck up, retard.

Anonymous No. 973873

>without creating needless new threads
>creates needless new thread
epic. kill yourself cris

Anonymous No. 973878

And yet you decided to make a new one instead of posting in those 5 other threads, that you made.

Anonymous No. 973887

you're mentally ill
this is my first hread

Anonymous No. 973894


Anonymous No. 973900

I know that I am mentally ill, but that doesn't give you the right to post this thread

Anonymous No. 973901

Yes I am Cris, and?
What's your point?

Anonymous No. 973910

My point is stop spamming. You want attention but you also drive people away from the board because you're insane and normal people instinctively (and correctly) don't want to hang around insane people.
You need to learn to be more discrete, Cris.
Also, low-poly is not any easier to do than high-poly and you suck at both even after 10 years and it certainly could be time to find another hobby, Cris.