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🧵 Can one of you mentor me on low poly model

Anonymous No. 973763

I want one of you to show me how to make low poly model like this. Please show me. Please, please. Please. I want someone to stream and show me. Please. Why the fuck do I have to learn on my own. Please show me.

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🗑️ Anonymous No. 973764

>like this.
SUre, here you have
Sculpt > lowpoly> bake > paint

Anonymous No. 973765

your link doesn't work. Let me guess, it's that dota 2 link that doesn't even apply in this scenario.

🗑️ Anonymous No. 973768

>your link doesn't work.
it works on my machine, try to change the /es/ to en or whatever.

Anonymous No. 973769

it works now, yep it's the dota 2 link. You been posting this link for like 3 years now. You post it regardless of context. Regardless of what question is asked.
>h-how do I sculpt?
>*links dota link that doesn't talk about that.
>h-how do I use substance painter?
>*links dota link that doesn't talk about that.

Do you even do 3D?

🗑️ Anonymous No. 973770

lad, that's a tutorial to paint textures on low poly models and that's how it is done usually, do you need a basic tutorial to sculpt stylized characters? Sure, here you have a playlist too, faggot.
this used to be quite popular back in the day too but you have to be more skilled
>You been posting this link for like 3 years now
it has been 6-7 years or so.

Anonymous No. 973771

Does he seriously spend 30 hours sculpting that pirate?

🗑️ Anonymous No. 973774

he is working on the model 10% of the time, yes he has better paid courses too but that's free and you learn blocking and other useful shits if you are noob.

Anonymous No. 973781

The OP picture does not use sculpt or baking. There's no reason to sculpt a high poly model. Look at the face, look at the outfit. That's not a high poly model baked onto a low poly model. That's hand painted directly. You are retarded if you think someone has to waste 30 hours sculpting for a low poly model like this. Also links you gave are ugly higher poly characters. You clearly don't have much experience doing 3D if you can't see that the OP picture is entirely texture painted.

🗑️ Anonymous No. 973783

You can see all the fake ambient occlusion in the texture of the body, yes it can be painted by hand but it is harder and you have to be more skilled, same shit for the face, it is always easier to sculpt and bake and to texture after instead of try to fake all that by hand
>B-but you noob

Anonymous No. 973785

The fake ambient occlusion looks like it was very quickly added with a soft brush. I think you could replicate those results in about five minutes
I also suspect you could get decent results by texturing the low-poly directly in substance painter. Making an entire sculpt+retopo for that level of detail just seems completely unnecessary

Anonymous No. 973787


Anonymous No. 973789

this sub is so fucking disingenuous, one guy is advertising his udemy course that has nothing to do with topic.

It's faster to texture paint the shadow. If you are telling someone to spend 30 hours sculpting just to convert the high poly to low poly. ALL for the sake of shadows, you clearly are either retarded or don't have any experience at all with making a character. The fact that you been linking the dota shit for 6 years, and you didn't even know you could just paint the shadow is depressing.

to think you were the guy who posted a spoonfeed picture, when you literally have dunning kruger. I'm laughing my ass off that I tried asking for advice from people who don't even do 3D. And you clowns are the ones with god complexes.

🗑️ Anonymous No. 973795

>It's faster to texture paint the shadow.
it depdends really
>If you are telling someone to spend 30 hours sculpting just to convert the high poly to low poly.
I've linked both the Captain Delilah, full handpainted, and the dota tutorial, yes i think it is easier to bake first, depending on the polycount you don't even have to sculpt. Are you Cris?

Anonymous No. 973796

You're retarded man. I put a picture for reference, there's no situation where baking or high poly sculpting is preferable here. How is 30 hours sculpting then retopo to bake. Easier than 5 minutes of texture painting.

You literally have never touched 3D once in your life. Linking shit from 7 years ago. Alzheimers retard who can only repeat the same things regardless of context.

🗑️ Anonymous No. 973797

>there's no situation where baking is usefull in texturing

Anonymous No. 973802

>there's no situation where baking or high poly sculpting is preferable here
Baking AO from 3d information (including painted or noise-driven height/normal details) can give you nice results and it's very easy in Blender. Doesn't require any sculpting, just paint on some bump details (if you want) and bake.
For the style of the OP, it's probably overkill, but for something even slightly less low-fi and stylized it would probably give nicer results.

Anonymous No. 973813

tutorials are slow because youre learning. once you understand it, it will take half the time, maybe less.
Be patient.

Anonymous No. 973848

>this sub
Go back.

Anonymous No. 973863

once you get how modeling works you can just skim through a tutorial in a few seconds

Anonymous No. 973864

You liked my thread OP?
Slightly off-topic but does anyone have more models (or textures and images of them) made by shrapnelsoup? He used to frequent this board and I'm sure someone must've saved his stuff.

Anonymous No. 974762

Whoa those are some bad tits

Anonymous No. 974809

You sound insufferable. Go look up tutorials on YouTube

Anonymous No. 978072

he is streaming it, so mostly a lot of teaching/talking, hell I skimmed it, and he was going on about making a playdough finger to have a scorpion attack it to extract poison.

but in skimming... its like holy shit, he is barely using the program to sculpt, at that point he in all honestly would have been better off getting a base model and then moving over to blender or any other poly modeling program rather than trying to poly model in z brush.

Anonymous No. 978073

its far FAR easier to sculpt an organic thing and then scale back with a remesh than it is to make it ground up from pollies unless you specifically draw it to be modeled.

Anonymous No. 978075

for a model as lowpoly as the one in the op image you definitely do not need to sculpt and remesh and bake etc its very clearly handpainted textures
to remesh it you would be losing so much detail theres literally zero benefit to sculpting and remeshing it all for a baked texture you wont need because op is handpainted
your method would require so much correcting and polymodeling you might as well have just polymodeled it to begin with, massive waste of time

Anonymous No. 978102

I just go here
and download a model I like and study it, it's topology, it's textures. No fucking industry big wig is going to teach you how to make texture convey form to keep poly counts down, all they know is pixar shit.

Anonymous No. 978139

oh, i'm not saying bake anything, I mean its far easier to shape the body with a sculpt and remesh it, nothing to the level of baking, just enough to get a low poly out of it.especially if you suck or if you are going into it with no model reference images, moving around some 'clay' is far easier than unfucking low poly mesh. then you build up the mesh from the sculpt correctly.

Anonymous No. 979098

Learn To DRAW

Anonymous No. 979106

Download PS1/N64 model rips and study their topology and texturework

Anonymous No. 979108

Shit man low poly like that you can just import a drawing as an image plane and trace the contours with your verts. Easy stuff.

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Anonymous No. 980294

looks pretty simple to me, and texturing on it would just be dithering & posterization. shadows & highlights are painted in, but there is rimlight and bearly any shadows being cast so its not 100% flat-ly lit.

unironically just try and recreate the model you posted, fuck off this website, and see what you can do with your eyes. get stuck? look it up on youtube

I would recommend picrel for more reference in that type of style but beware, HE is a troon

anybody have an archive of shrapnelsoup's work? seems he deleted everything

Anonymous No. 980325

That's more PS2/3DS-tier than PS1.

Anonymous No. 980350

What shape are her thighs and arms?

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Anonymous No. 980352

probs wrong, but close from what i can tell

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Anonymous No. 980384

Better get in on the ground floor before low poly gooning takes off.

Anonymous No. 980385

Show us what you've managed to get on your own.

Anonymous No. 980386

Ive been waiting for people to make games like this for a decade now, still pretty much nothing outside of Froggun and Psuedoregalia

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Tumblr Msog0nfebv....webm

Anonymous No. 980390

I've seen a couple of this guys works on his tumblr before it disappeared. He usually sculpted the models first in Zbrush before making low poly versions of them.

Anonymous No. 980405

>That hand

Look at real low poly from videogames, simple as

Anonymous No. 981137

Now THIS, how do I make models like this? This is way better than OP's image. MML art style is SOUL

Anonymous No. 981182

Here's your learning material, now get to work.

Anonymous No. 981183

not that anon, but just looking at the models only goes so far. a lot of these old school models make heavy use of triangles over quads, and it's hard to wrap my brain around em compared to quads

hair is definitely being done differently in that gif compared to the MML models too, since vast majority of MML models build the hair off the head

Anonymous No. 981187

I'm sure whatever software you use has a feature to turn pairs of triangles back into quads without ruining the models, or you could do it by hand. I don't think the artist who made that GIF ever released his models or posted wireframes IIRC, sorry.

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Anonymous No. 981239

>model the rest of the fucking owl

Anonymous No. 981310

just learn 256 poly modelling, it's really no different from OP's example. the only thing that makes it distinct is the use of pixel art for the texturing.

Anonymous No. 981383

>No Yuna or naked Sera models
Goddamnit it's been over two decades why haven't all the models from these games been ripped yet?

Anonymous No. 981393

The games make heavy use of overlay binaries, and not only slap code into overlay files, but data too, including raw model formats that use raw pointers, iirc.
Source: I tried decompiling MML1 once.

Anonymous No. 983257

First attempt at modeling, really not into it..

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Screenshot 2024-0....png

Anonymous No. 983258


Anonymous No. 983298

I dont get how you can think this much about low poly models.
its literally the easiest style of models to make.
you can spend time worrying about the exact placement of each polygon.
how could you possibly mess this up?

Anonymous No. 983299

Because it's not as easy as you think, when you have less polygons, your shape abstraction and style matters more, and most 3d modelers suck at that.
That's why low poly modelling is never good as it used to be.

Anonymous No. 983323

nice job on the legs, try to add more definition to the torso

Anonymous No. 983339

I dont get how you can think this much about paintings.
its literally the easiest style of art to make.
you can spend time worrying about the exact placement of each brushstroke.
how could you possibly mess this up?

Anonymous No. 983341

you are clueless

Anonymous No. 983343

I think I can model just fine, but the hardest part is texturing. A lot of them are hand-drawn and I'm not as good at drawing.

Anonymous No. 983372

its pretty funny to see how mad people get over a few polygons.
im not saying its easy, but it is significantly easier than doing a detailed sculpt with the whole retopo and baking process.

at any stage in the process you can tweak your shape without having to worry about it, its just very forgiving

Anonymous No. 983410

shit take

Anonymous No. 983431

prove me wrong,

Anonymous No. 983436

Show me 10 different artists that make good low poly right now, not baked textures from high poly.
I can show you 10 good 3d sculptors without a problem.
I make both things, you have probably seen a film with one of my sculptures.
But when I worked on a game company making a mobile game we had to go to Asia for good low poly modelers because of the shit artists produced here.
Hand painted low poly takes shit ton of time to make, and a lot less people can do a good job.

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Anonymous No. 983497

>Hand painted low poly takes shit ton of time to make, and a lot less people can do a good job.

Anonymous No. 983870

If you're talking about the man who made those models, he's currently posting on tumblr.

Anonymous No. 984051

What were the problems that western modelers had with making low poly?

Anonymous No. 984055

Sincerely they looked like crap, we gave them concept art and they produced a how to draw manga levels of textures and toned down body proportions. Wasn't even funny how bad it was. The Korean modellers made a perfect job. I know that it was only a bad experience with a western company but still a waste of time and money.
Not everyone can do low poly right and mid poly wasn't an option at that time.

Anonymous No. 984056

Ah interesting, thanks. I wonder if thats due to modelers who went to 3d art schools and only learned how to make assets for AAA slop and never took the time to develop their own skill in other stuff that actually interested them.

Anonymous No. 984061

That company made good high poly game ready assets and characters in a realistic style for that time.
So we went for them because they told us that they made mobile too.
Yes, it was because of the style too, but they never could get the shape right with the low poly density that we needed.
Koreans nailed it at the first time with only a few corrections for the male characters.
Anons are full of bulshit here, both high and low poly need skills and a lot of them overlap, but not all of them.

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Anonymous No. 984865


I have no 3D experience at all and picked up Blender to make low poly models. I have no direction. Any leads of what I should watch?

Anonymous No. 984866


Anonymous No. 984877

I also found this guy's youtube. I am going to watch the playlist you sent me first and then check his stuff out.

Many blessings.

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Anonymous No. 984881

never fucking linked it..

Anonymous No. 984905


does this apply to psp era games too?

Anonymous No. 984909

Sure, why not? As long as it's a console where low-poly art is used as a necessity rather than a stylistic choice then you'll have lots to learn from it.

Anonymous No. 984940

I'm on the fence about these ps1 vtubers, some of their stuff can be interesting but I don't know how much you'd really learn if you don't even know how to use blender yet.

Anonymous No. 984947

nearly every single person on twitter who makes "low poly" girls has been drawing for 10 years and just traces over their concept art. absolutely none of them poly model or sculpt

Anonymous No. 985142

I feel like there should be a second sentence in this post explaining why anyone should care or even acknowledge this useless info.

Anonymous No. 985230


For anyone looking for a vid to learn from. Some small clip. Its says 6 hours but 4 of those are just a fucking "we'll be right back" screen

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Anonymous No. 986882

Anonymous No. 986947

found this fag recently, he makes some cute stuff and gives bases for free, mostly because he just traced the disgaea assets from models resource lmao

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Anonymous No. 987262

Any low poly anons help me out here? I'm struggling to make a modern helmet like pic rel, how would you handle topology for something round with such a shape?
The night vision goggles I have found a nice PS2 model from MGS2 to reference where they use a texture for the bit that connects to the helmet and a cube between two simple cylinders.

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Anonymous No. 987265

Take your reference into blender and try modelling over it. With low poly stuff the textures are what really sell your model. Keep stuff big and readable at a distance, smooth over or simplify the smaller details. Just keep practicing and you will get it

Anonymous No. 987311

Based, thanks anon. I've only done a few characters and objects so far but it's good fun. This object I think has too much shit going on that I was putting way too much geometry and getting weird shading.
For the front facing view, would you divide it to come to a point as well? (Four faces across)?
I found a nice trick on YouTube where smaller, complex details like a triggerguard and trigger of a gun can just be a plane and it's all texture from there, so I think i will try that for the microphone

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Anonymous No. 987595

Good low poly is all about the texture

Anonymous No. 987609

that's pretty cool. better than yandere sim

Anonymous No. 987623

I've been an artfag for a long while but i really dont get how people are able to pay UVs in 2d programs. Like, I know how to paint, but i cant imagine painting a stretched box and somehow understanding how it will look on the model without seeing model at the same time. Painting onto the model makes perfect sense on the other hand.

Anonymous No. 987628

have you watched any tutorials?

Anonymous No. 987629

Blender works fine for a quick sketch to get a sense of space on the UV for photoshop or whatever, or you could use several 3D texture programs.

Anonymous No. 987632

I have but I guess painting hair in a 2d space and then warping it around in UV just seems so backwards to me, when im used to painting onto a sketch of defined volume/shape and taking light and bounce into account from it.
Right now im looking into substance painter/3dcoat and yeah painting on 3d seems like the way to go.

Anonymous No. 987634

I've been using ai to do low poly concepts, and its honestly way better than I ever thought possible after some work with comfyui nodes. Like legit some of these I could use/edit to be straight up UVs.

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Anonymous No. 987635

>Like legit some of these I could use/edit to be straight up UVs.

Anonymous No. 987637

I guess I mean in terms of taking the colors/designs and redrawing them. But placement of shadow and whatnot is already there.

Anonymous No. 987641


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Anonymous No. 987642

For example here are some I generated. Transferring these to a low poly model based on this isn't extremely hard.

Anonymous No. 987649

Hmmmmmmmm, hmmmmmmm?

Anonymous No. 987650

Yes, but it's not fun

Anonymous No. 987651

Yea? These are very usable.
For designing more characters/background npcs/etc, and concepting in scenes its really more than enough and speeds up development. I use my own sketches as based for shapes, and this lets you see a 3d version of a sketch without needing to model out/texture the whole body/head for the same result. It's ai as a tool, not replacement.

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Anonymous No. 987659

Here is my first character I made recently, don't have alot of time to work on it. Anyone know how to properly rig something like the gas mask tube?

Anonymous No. 988044

It really depends on what you need to do with it, what have you tried?

Anonymous No. 988302


Low poly with hand painted textures is easier only in terms of how much knowledge of the software you need.

Artistically it's just as difficult to get a low poly, hand painted model to look good as it is to get high poly retopo'd PBR textured model to look good.

The reason

As >>983436 said, you don't see many artists still doing low poly hand painted because it's not easy, and it takes along time.

Anonymous No. 988308


Anonymous No. 988337

Kinda a necro post but im curious, what were the costs like were low poly models? Like to get one made/textured?

Anonymous No. 988478

Yeah sure, I believe 30 dollars an hour, but I am unsure of how much was at the end because it's not part of my job, but it was around 2 months of work for the playable characters and humanoid monsters, the rest of the models were made in house.

Anonymous No. 988490

this applies to anything in art you ever wanna learn hun

Anonymous No. 988511

Thanks that helps a lot! I want to make a small scope game and pondering whether it would be better to have some models just done by someone else instead of spending 4-6 months doing it myself.

Anonymous No. 988549

If the models are not based on an specific design I recommend buying assets and modified them, it's more cheap that way.
We didn't had that option at the time.

Anonymous No. 988561

not OP but how do you rig a model (in blender)? Like designate which parts move and how? Any good videos/tutorials?

Making the model seems straightforward enough but I don’t want to spend 12 hours making a model only to learn that I fucked up and have to restart it because I was using the wrong settings or something

Anonymous No. 988568

Don't worry, not only will no one accuse you of being OP, but you also don't have to think too hard about the model itself. The major problem areas will be the bending points, but if you're going low-poly then the arm clipping into itself is not that big a deal. Here's a tutorial series about using rigify in various ways, but doing it manually doesn't take very long and might be a nice exercise, and don't forget that you can always reload a save and try again if there is a major problem in your model

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Anonymous No. 988570

Some programs let you paint directly onto models which in turn paints onto the UVs.

Anonymous No. 988574

Holy crap is her face literally two planes worth of polys?

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Anonymous No. 988599

tried making a model following the MML3 method, i guess it does help making the head have a more anime silhouette and gives okayish shadows if you´re gonna use lighting. didn´t like my initial attempt at texturing, might repost if i try again with better unwrapping and something higher than 256x256

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Anonymous No. 988618


Anonymous No. 988620

What's the lore on the white body paint and symbol

Anonymous No. 988622

if you´re gonna have both shader lighting and painted shadows at least bother to have the same color

Anonymous No. 988627

love it,
but plz fix the skin color
+ probs remove casted shadows on self, if your gonna draw shading in

Anonymous No. 988635

The design of the t-shirt is a bit distracting and the make up on the face makes her look clownish

Anonymous No. 989036

its creeping me out but not sure why

Anonymous No. 989219

just like a real autistic gf

Anonymous No. 989267

>better than yandere sim
I mean... that is a pretty fucking low bar.

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best friends.png

Anonymous No. 990652

I feel like i'm just better at making male characters, i hope it doesn't mean i'm gay or something

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Anonymous No. 990656

why is it impossible to open this nerd's deleted tumblr via waybackmachine

Anonymous No. 990832

Any simple/free programs out there aside from Blender that have that feature?

Anonymous No. 990988

Yes, low poly and good art skills are like peanutbutter and jelly, unfortunately most people are peanutbutter and sand

the chair nerd No. 990991


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Anonymous No. 991004

I've made it so far. Do I have to do texture paint or can I slap a shader on it?

Anonymous No. 991541

basic prompt for something like this?

Anonymous No. 991557

If the model is only meant to be displayed as unlit you can pretty much paint it like a 2d artist, the end result is mostly the same save for a bit of skewing. I agree it's cool though, kinda wish it had been done more historically instead of insisting on lighting models that had nowhere near the geometry for it with shaders unable to achieve an aesthetic result.

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Anonymous No. 991794

I'm trying to make a low poly astronaut similar to picrel, how would anons handle:
>The separation of helmet to visor. Should it be done using geometry or in texturing?
>The backpack meeting the shoulders this geometry I can't get right

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Anonymous No. 991799

is psp era considered low poly?
got, I wish someone extracted the models from monster hunter, especially the armors... probably the best example of relatively low poly "medieval" fantasy armor we have.

Anonymous No. 992161

Translucent textures were so common on sony consoles, and I really don't know what you mean by the backpack, the straps are textures on the man and then you have a backpack.

Anonymous No. 992200

Pro Palestine friends

Anonymous No. 992232

It's the MML lora and pony diffusion XL model using comfyUI:

Anonymous No. 992272

Texture paint usually looks much better on low poly

Anonymous No. 992273


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Anonymous No. 992277

Yea definitely add textures.

Anonymous No. 992308

Did you make that rig yourself and how long did it take? I always take forever and usually give up

Anonymous No. 992313

how do I learn this power?
t. blender noob

Anonymous No. 992320

Looks like an auto rig pro, was free a bit ago for someone's birthday.

Anonymous No. 992642

I recommend taking your favorite character/your OC and attempting the 256 challenge. It might take weeks to figure out, but you will learn a lot about optimization and cutting corners without sacrificing detail. As a noob and as a personal project, you don't need to meet the requirements, but you should be googling every single problem you run into to see if/how others solved it.

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Anonymous No. 992645

I've been going mental thinking about how I can cut in better topology to round it out here and there. It's a Kemono Friends Shoebill, so those extra bits are very important. Hopefully someone either sees something I don't, or I'm chasing ghosts.

Anonymous No. 992661

What do you mean? What are you trying to round? What will the textures be like?

Anonymous No. 992683

What am I looking at?

Anonymous No. 992684

PPSSPP + Ninja Ripper. Good luck.

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Anonymous No. 992704

That's my bad, shouldn't have typed that up so fast.
I figured out how to round off the legs and arms well enough, but because I plan on using this for animation and tracking, I want those joints and separate hands, which is costing me a handful of tris. My issue right now is the torso area, I'm worried it looks too blocky compared to everything around it, but I also don't have any room left to add detail.
The texture is a simple suit and tie.