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๐Ÿงต scripting thread

Anonymous No. 973924

I'd welcome the help of anyone that wants to help me with my white whale blender algorithm, but also just talk about scripting for /3/ related reasons in general I guess. working for 3 days straight just so I dont have to work for 3000 never feels like a win while you're still walled while doing it thats for sure. I'm pretty sure the AI is angry at me by now.

Anonymous No. 973926

I'm interested in blender scripting, so what is your 'white whale' algorithm anyway?

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Anonymous No. 973934

this bullshit. I think I may have figured out some kind of solution through AI help but it's not gaurenteed yet because I still have no idea what to do to incorporate it and I'm pretty sure It's mad at me for making it go the 20 hours I've been awake troubleshooting this.

I have the other matrixes entered but I dont know what to do to call the function correctly or make sure that I'm correctly using facegroups with the keylambda. the whole point of going through all this trouble is to keep the tiler script from trying to snake around the middle of the cube which you can see in the post

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Anonymous No. 973944

I'm not sure I understand a single word you've typed but if it's something related to how texture mapping is done in Quake, the same algorithm is in Blender.

To do it in code, you examine every face, look at the normal vector, pick the component with the largest absolute value and exclude it. The remaining two components are your U and V.

Hope any of this helps.

Anonymous No. 973970


How can I make a waifu generator? You seem to know a lot about programming
I want to make a big bazonga mommy
western style waifu generator for my mmorpg with a little bit of dungeon crawler and platform castlevania like. I installed blender today and I am really advanced, but how can I make it?
I have tried on blenderartist but they never gave me a straight answer, it's because the chest slider?
It's difficult to make a chest slider?
I want the character to have bouncy physics if you know what I mean, and it needs to be western because anime is for weebs, and I am not one, I also want to have a tummy slider to make them like real women if you catch me.
Are tummy sliders easier than breast ones?

Anonymous No. 973973

Look around for tutorials on how to use the Cloth Simulator. That's pretty much all you can have for free. Otherwise, Houdini as associated tutorials.

Some people will try to get you into a thing called "Geometry Codes" or something I'm not sure. That's a completely useless tech demo which was introduced in Blender in support of the Ton's Bear Simulator feature. That's not what you want because it's geared towards a very specific fetish, that is, digitally stroking Ton's beard which maybe only 20 people in the world are into, so just avoid that.

Anonymous No. 973982

yeah okay its pretty obvious what I'm talking about but I already know that. the problem is I'm not good at code so I don't know how to as easily implement it. dunno if you even bothered to look at my hastebin but that's exactly what it does.

Anonymous No. 973985

Oh so clothes physics? What about real women physic really jiggling ones, the ones that bbw would have?
I don't want to have beards on my waifu simulator so no geometry Coding. On blenderartist they were talking about it but never gave me a concrete answer.
Can I do chunky girls with geometric codes? Or just skinny Minnie Eugenia Cooney weeb thrash?, are sliders of fat and inflation done with those nodes or they are used only as beard simulations,

I also want to have armpit hair generation on my waifu generator, can this be done with Tony's beard? I mean like transplanting beard hairs onto the armpits of bbw. It's the beard anime style?, Ton sounds like an anime enjoyer and I don't like anime because it's chauvinistic.
Another question about scripture coding, do I have to use some specific language? Can I use RPG maker language to make the western waifu generator?
Because I have been using RPG maker for 10 days and I am really good at it, almost professional.

You should explain yourself better, so we can help you, for example there's no nesecity to insult the guy telling him to look at your hastebin, I know that is a code for male dangly bits.
He is trying to help us, we are all here trying our best to learn how to do what we need. In your case, do you want to create a snake inside of a cube with Ai?
I just want to make big and beautiful waifu generator that is not anime

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Anonymous No. 973988

>You should explain yourself better, so we can help you,
i explained myself adequately.
the fact that you think otherwise is borderline an insult in itself when you say things like this
>do you want to create a snake inside of a cube with Ai?
after presumably drunkenly stumbling your way through this sentence
>keep the tiler script from trying to snake around the middle of the cube which you can see in the post.
can you see where the difference lay? Im honestly tired of people treating me like I'm insane for wanting a script that does this. like the idea of a tilemap or that it's tiling wrong when you can clearly see that in the images I presented is somehow an alien foreign concept. Even this guy is pretending to be holier than thou, and yet he understands at least that I want a way for textures to wrap around objects in a certain way and not that I'm trying to make a snake out of a cube.>>973944

Anonymous No. 973990

It's called Cloth Simulator but it's for big titties. It's just that they couldn't call it "big titties simulator". Also you have to look for "balloons" tutorials, right? You need to be a little bit smart.

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Anonymous No. 973992

Does it only need to work on cubes?
Try this maybe. Pic related.

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faces and general....png

Anonymous No. 973999

you seem to have the heart in the right place but its not as simple as 1 face one tile.

Anonymous No. 974000

this is what I'm working with right now. you can get the same effect with a 3x3 subdivided cube and a 48x48 texture with numbers 1-9
If all sides are orientated
1 2 3
4 5 6
7 8 9
AND none of the ones on the sides are upside down, sideways, or backwards, you win.

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Anonymous No. 974001


Is me.
Ok sorry, I'm a 'tard and did it without actually thinking. I just skipped over the component part making them zero each time and just set the uv coords manually from there. Haha.
Now I see an issue (the issue you're having?) where uvs get cut off because they're getting model space vertex coordinates, which can cut uvs off mid "tile" unless they're placed discretely at 1 unit away from each other. But what you want is the resulting uv island to be scaled to the specified tile? That requires more awareness than just the normal orientation and the vertex coordinates, you'd to know about the other faces that make up the uv island and fit the entire thing into the tile dimensions from there. Now this only still works for cubes because I'm not checking for actual uv island adjacency here. But here's something that sort of works now I think, the input texture is the same as before as in pic:

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every side is lik....png

Anonymous No. 974002

Youre still kind of off the mark but closer now. the truth is I dont need to worry about uv island overlapping. UV islands will be a clusterfuck. This whole scripts purpose is to handle them from tilesheets so I can work within Tiled's environment for assigning. I actually JUST got this half assed working, not in the way I really want.

I COULD technically use this. I'd just have to take detailed notes about what side is where, and rotate the entire map before hand in tiled before exporting the matrices. I'd much rather have a more working method though. for that I will have to find a way to rotate the wrong orientations

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Anonymous No. 974005

Sorry, I'm lost. Am I overthinking this and you don't actually need to assign tile types on each face? I assumed you were assigning specific tile types to faces. You're not? Do you just want this, each cube's side stretched to fit the tilesheet (they're all oriented correctly)?
Or you ARE assigning different tile types to faces? How are you delimiting them? One tile per face? But you said it's not that way? Or is there a group of faces assigned to a specific type? In which case, how are you handling adjacent tiles of the same type? Treat them as one? Or check for actual adjacency on the mesh and treat the separate ones as separate? In this case, sorry, you're not providing enough information. Also I need to do stuff, so I won't reply for a little while.

Anonymous No. 974006

One time equals one subdivision. The dimensions of any particular 6 sided shape with right angles on all corners is arbitrary. A tile sheet effect cuts every subdivions uv into the size of a tile. The json from tiled maps it. The different faces can and should be using different textures but since I'm trouble shooting I'm using a test object that will make sure every side of the cube starts top left and finishes bottom right. Once that's ironed out I needed to find a way to reflect all of the tiles that aren't displaying correctly. I'm in the middle of that step. However once I'm done with that I'll need to stress test the code by importing larger maps, making sure sides can have different tile IDs instead of mirroring the first sides and making sure nothing breaks if I import a huge rectanguloid. Currently I am away from desk though. I can't provide a full update till I get a minute to set up my virtual desk

Anonymous No. 974007

Tile rather.

Anonymous No. 974046

Don't take things so seriously, you are just trying to make a snake that is inside of a cube, there are not many uses for that, I would recommend to make a rigged model of the snake and pose it inside of the cube, it shouldn't be a problem even to someone like you.
Also it's good to explain yourself better, if not people don't understand you and can't help you

>Im honestly tired of people treating me like I'm insane for wanting a script that does this
Well it's a snake on a cube, if it was something else I would agree with you, but what you are asking is really strange.

So you are saying that I need to think outside of the box?

Anonymous No. 974053

So do you want to make a snake?
Something like the game snake but inside a cube?

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Anonymous No. 974077


Anonymous No. 974085

Troll? I am answering Anons question
He wanted to make a snake wrapped inside of a cube I told him that it's better modelling it than using python.
What about that is being a troll?
Grow up!

Anonymous No. 974092

Balloon tutorials? That sounds interesting, I would have a look

Anonymous No. 974093

He can use geo nodes for the snake, I made something similar but around a tree branch and geo nodes is the way to go >>973988
Modelling a snake has its advantages, if you want to rig it for example, making a python script for that can be a fun challenge but useless I think.
If you ask me I would go for geometry nodes to make it easier to surround the cube, I can't see myself posing a snake on a cube.

Tldr use geo nodes for the snake

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done cubes.png

Anonymous No. 974105

see >>974077
anyway I'm all done, the script can make any cube now. I'm working on a new one that will make the cubes all have a consistent scale
it may not look like much anymore but all of these UVs where layed over the tiles logically and they can be in any order including duplication. Once I get the scaling working I'll move on to creating maps in tiled for the sides.

Anonymous No. 974110

So you did the snake too? Or just the cubes?
I am trying to get the snake surrounding the cubes but it's more complicated than it looks

Anonymous No. 974113

This doesn't look right to me, what about the snake? I don't like the texture of the cubes, but if you leave them untextured and put more detail on the snake it will look good.

Anonymous No. 974115

This >>974113
Try to take the textures because they don't look right, I can upload a snake 3d model if you are not able to do it by yourself

Anonymous No. 974116


Anonymous No. 974117

Sorry, but I don't like your texture, it looks bad, disagreeing with you doesn't make me a troll. I think that would look better without it, I was even giving you a free snake model, but forget it.

Anonymous No. 974119

see >>974077

Anonymous No. 974121


Anonymous No. 974123

Just leave it be, he is angry because his texture looks like shit.
Good luck with your snake script if you didn't want to get help why post?

Anonymous No. 974124

see >>974077

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๐Ÿ—‘๏ธ the chair nerd No. 974598

Uuu nice a scripting thread. I sometimes make my own tools in 3ds max.