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๐Ÿ—‘๏ธ ๐Ÿงต 3d courses at university

Anonymous No. 973949

Any one able to give me a rundown on what they're like or what your experience was? what programs you used, general usefulness, what to expect, etc.

I'm an employee at the local uni and all classes are 100% free for me. Considering trying some 3d classes, especially for animation because it's easily my weakest point by far. if it's generally a waste of time though I'll just continue with the self taught route. on the other hand, if they aren't a waste I'll definitely consider making 3d my second degree.

Anonymous No. 973950

If they teach you about workflow, then yes. Workflow is very important.

Anonymous No. 973968

You should ask them for their workflow never enter without knowing what's their workflow

Anonymous No. 973969

workflow, duly noted. I booked a meeting with the department advisor for next week I'll be sure to bring that up

Anonymous No. 973971

and actually to add on to this what are some warning signs/ shit to look out for when I ask this

๐Ÿ—‘๏ธ the chair nerd No. 973978

Studied arch and law at uni. Took a 3ds max course for the lulz. By then I had over 10 years of experience in 3ds max since the days of discreet.
Professor was an idiot in 3ds max did'nt even know how to use the coordinate system correctly. Got angry told me to gtfo of his course and I could get an A+.

Anonymous No. 973981

Any job where you move imaginary pixels is low skilled labor than a janitor. Don't do it OP do it as a hobby instead.

Anonymous No. 973997

I guess architects are now considered to be a low skill job

Anonymous No. 974038

they're shit, the only way to makebotbworth it is that your uni has big names or peoplebthat actually wotkbonbthe industry, if yoi canmt milk connections then it's no use

Anonymous No. 974054

in what way is it a waste though? it will cost me nothing. unless it is an active detriment. is it?

Anonymous No. 974705

gonna bump this before the meeting, anything else I should ask about?

Anonymous No. 974708

Chris, you're unemployed like the rest of this board. Why makes you think it's a good idea to make these threads about employment? And how did your previous job offering at the TV station go?

Anonymous No. 974710

im not the fucking board lolcow and I'm already happily employed. all I want to know is if 3d classes are worth the time or if I should put that time toward a different subject.

Anonymous No. 974711

Then your answer is no and was already given to you.

Anonymous No. 974735

Cris lives rent free on your head
Cris detractor detected!

Anonymous No. 974739

Cris has a-logs now

Anonymous No. 974741

I've seen several posts lately calling obvious non-cris posts cris or "chris".

Anonymous No. 974742

We all have a little Cris in us.

Anonymous No. 974743

They are A-logging, every lolcow has a-loggers

Anonymous No. 975059

you get into a place where an old boomer had teached the same shit like 6 years in a row, with no labour experince outside the school, yoi are better learning that by yourself

Anonymous No. 975088

was the impression I got today honestly, all their staff are old as shit too. also they won't let me choose a course despite meeting prereqs, they lock you into a 4 year program with a very inflexible schedule if you want to take anything past introductory courses which is almost impossible if you're working full time already. idk if that's a common thing in this field but that's definitely not how my first degree worked, nor how my current department handles their courses. also they really try to force you into gaming for some reason.

like nigga I just want to get better at rigging and animation. gonna consider sitting in on their intro to animation to see if I can glean anything but yeah I'm just gonna continue down the self taught route I think and just buy a course online or continue subsisting off of youtube videos.

Anonymous No. 978694

>3d courses at university

Anonymous No. 978709

'Workflow' is a meme on this board btw

The Waste is your time

>I'm just gonna continue down the self taught route

Anonymous No. 978741

whatever you do don't restrict yourself to YT. use forums (not this one) and resort to books/courses when needed

Anonymous No. 978936

>use forums (not this one)
if you're referring to reddit, I'd rather take bad advice here than good advice there.