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๐Ÿงต Unreal Engine Fuckery

Anonymous No. 974072

What the fuck am I looking at.
>Looking to import materials from old UE3 game to Blender, export with Umodel.
>Find Decals.
>They have no Alpha or Tool Textures.
What the fuck?
>Open up the game's Map Editor (It's just a modded version of UE3).
>See this.

I have not a fucking clue what cursed magic they used to create this decal with only emission. Where the hell do I even start in trying to convert this?

I could create an alpha for it easily but I'd have to do that 60+ times because other materials use this same method.

I feel like someone is gonna say a combination of like 20 words and then I'll feel really stupid.

Anonymous No. 974080

use an add node to combine a transparent node with an emission node
use the decal as the emission's color

Anonymous No. 974090

You are looking at a cube