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🧵 It's Over

Anonymous No. 974141

Anonymous No. 974143

>mfw go to link expect to see slop
>mfw it's actually over

jesus christ, i was not expecting that fidelity

Anonymous No. 974146

on a serious note, it's not actually over just yet, but fuck me i didn't expect it to look this good

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Anonymous No. 974152

our only hope now is that they cuck it so bad it becomes useless for anything but the most sanitized corporateslop content

Anonymous No. 974159

Yeah fuck this, it's pointless to do anything creative anymore

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Anonymous No. 974163

I too have to admit defeat, besides the model walking, I find almost no fault or mistakes. It's truly over.

Anonymous No. 974164


fuck me.

Anonymous No. 974167

>I didn't kill for my country, I keelled for myself...

Real creatives will keep on creating regardless, it's who we are. Even come the not so distant day when the machines are running circles around me there's things I will still make for the sake of making alone.

Sure hope UBI is here soon tho so I can eat while I'm at it.

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Anonymous No. 974168

>pic related

Anonymous No. 974170

UBI is retarded, and will never happen

Anonymous No. 974172

>UBI in a capitalist hellscape
Kek. For the 1%, if you're soon not imprisoned for being homeless and exploited for slave labour then you're better off dying from starvation.

Anonymous No. 974173

Once white and blue collar work start going in the near term future it's that or the end of civilization as we know it.

Anonymous No. 974175

Yes, still ubi will never work, hiperinflation Will kill that stupid idea in a few years maximum. And if you don't own a house, you are basically fucked with UBI, no government restrictions and no taxes are the only way to make it work

Anonymous No. 974176

>capitalist hellscape

Capitalism can't survive free labor, it depends on there being a consumer base to consume it's products in the first place.
Without the consumers speculating on production has no value. Whatever comes next won't be a capitalist society.

I doubt anyone will figure it out on the fly tho so in the interim UBI is the only thing on the radar that makes any sense.
Genocide of the poor accomplishes nothing as the machines still have no wants or needs and don't go out spending on any products to drive the economy.

Anonymous No. 974177


It will have to be tied to something tangible, like every citizen of a nation owning some percentage of the annual power production within their nation as their birthright or similar.

Anonymous No. 974179


Anonymous No. 974183

>Capitalism can't survive free labor, it depends on there being a consumer base to consume it's products in the first place.
That's exactly what I'm talking about. Capitalism is inherently contradictory; the 1% want to minimise costs as much as possible in form of union busting, importing immigrants, outsourcing, prison labour, and now more recently AI. As a consequence, this leads the workers (who are the primary consumers) to have less purchasing power, unable to consoom as much as before due to plummeting wages and living standards. The Middle class diminishes, people are homeless and imprisoned for it as a crime, used as slaves to produce more products, but who is actually gonna buy all of this endless products? It doesn't matter to the stockholders, they'll come up with an answer later.

We're speeding headfirst into a cyberpunk future, just without the cool flying cars. Even if UBI is implemented, it will only delay the inevitable because it's more of a bandaid than something that addresses the systematic issues.

Anonymous No. 974200

Prompt: “Animated scene features a close-up of a short fluffy monster kneeling beside a melting red candle. the art style is 3d and realistic, with a focus on lighting and texture. the mood of the painting is one of wonder and curiosity, as the monster gazes at the flame with wide eyes and open mouth. its pose and expression convey a sense of innocence and playfulness, as if it is exploring the world around it for the first time. the use of warm colors and dramatic lighting further enhances the cozy atmosphere of the image.”

Anonymous No. 974201

Stop using twitter, now that Nitter is dead because of Elon Musk, no one can access the tweet without an account.

🗑️ Anonymous No. 974211

That's completely untrue, I own a house for rent that is beautiful and near a beach, I own the same house on a shit hole, which one is the one that people would want more? Both serve the same purpose, but I can definitely Mark up the rent on one of those houses, as humans with different needs exists there will exist market too, apart the only way that your UBI stupid idea to work is basically because capitalism, because you will have to tax the capitalist with the Ai and the machines to give the rest of the leaches their UBI.
Genocide of the poor accomplishes nothing as the machines still have no wants or needs
That's true in nature, because machines don't feel need, but that doesn't mean that they don't need resources, electricity, repairs, hardware change due to software needing more resources.
humans consume those too, now tell me, which one is more important? The machines that make the world run or a leach that doesn't do anything except use resources?
Think about it.
No it's not, if you can lower the costs of production with Ai you can lower the prices, so more people with less resources can get those products too that's the beauty of capitalism, basic free market.
Now with government restrictions and the heavy taxation that would be required for UBI, prices will never go down.
UBI will cause prices to go up and cause the collapse of the businesses that are being taxed on the first place.
>Even if UBI is implemented, it will only delay the inevitable because it's more of a bandaid than something that addresses the systematic issues.
Not the bandaid, UBI it's the Push to total collapse.
Works are not going to disappear, they are going to change, we will not live on an utopia.

Anonymous No. 974212

This is really bad. Duckfriend warned us a few years ago, and he was completely correct.

Anonymous No. 974213

>>974176 #
That's completely untrue, I own a house for rent that is beautiful and near a beach, I own the same house on a shit hole, which one is the one that people would want more? Both serve the same purpose, but I can definitely Mark up the rent on one of those houses, as humans with different needs exists there will exist market too, apart the only way that your UBI stupid idea to work is basically because capitalism, because you will have to tax the capitalist with the Ai and the machines to give the rest of the leaches their UBI.

>genocide of the poor accomplishes nothing as the machines still have no wants or needs
That's true in nature, because machines don't feel need, but that doesn't mean that they don't need resources, electricity, repairs, hardware change due to software needing more resources.
humans consume those too, now tell me, which one is more important? The machines that make the world run or a leach that doesn't do anything except use resources?
Think about it.
>>974183 #
No it's not, if you can lower the costs of production with Ai you can lower the prices, so more people with less resources can get those products too that's the beauty of capitalism, basic free market.
Now with government restrictions and the heavy taxation that would be required for UBI, prices will never go down.
UBI will cause prices to go up and cause the collapse of the businesses that are being taxed on the first place.
>Even if UBI is implemented, it will only delay the inevitable because it's more of a bandaid than something that addresses the systematic issues.
Not the bandaid, UBI it's the Push to total collapse.
Works are not going to disappear, they are going to change, we will not live on an utopia.

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Anonymous No. 974214

thank god I'm studying for chef on the side

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Anonymous No. 974223

>he doesn't know

Anonymous No. 974226

>you will have to tax the capitalist with the Ai and the machines to give the rest of the leaches their UBI

Correct, but notice how this technology is gonna spring to life within democracies where politicians and government are somewhat a reflection of the overall will of the people. You gotta swing authoritarian pretty fast if you gonna end up in a situation where those who own production as this development comes about are gonna be able to dragon that shit all for themselves.

Anonymous No. 974228

>tfw hobbyist
>tfw this won't affect my career at all
also its openai, shit is gonna be beyond cucked.

Anonymous No. 974229

You will also be replace by the Supreme Cuisine Machine

Anonymous No. 974234

Well, time to make 3d porn now.

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Anonymous No. 974239

this is the FINAL IT'S OVER thread.

picrel is AI chads right now.
3DCG chuds literally, figuratively and unironically BTFO. the seething echoes to eternity.

Anonymous No. 974240

QRD? are they some kinda tripfag or persona from this board?

Anonymous No. 974241

I jist wanted to get pussy

Anonymous No. 974242

The hell do I do now? I'm thinking of starting a religion at least AI won't get that (?)

Anonymous No. 974245

It's pretty clear that amateur software like Blender is finished now. Nobody will put up with Blender's horrific user interface, poor character animation and subpar rendering when they can generate superior 3D scenes in a few minutes just by typing out text prompts. It's also clear that unless your skills are absolutely top notch it is useless to pursue a career in CGI/VFX. There will always be a need for human artists but most of the grunt work will be handled by AI software.

Anonymous No. 974249

it's so over...

Anonymous No. 974255

For me is no government intervention in any way shape or form.
If you swing authoritarian the government is the one controlling you, and I prefer that corporations and humans hold this power and not government by itself.
UBI can be used as a transition period, (I believe that idea is extremely stupid).
But not more than that.
UBI would not become something prolonged in time. New jobs will be created, even jobs that don't make any sense to us, If I was rich I would want to have items that show that I am different from the rest of the leaches, so instead of having a machine to do my portrait I would have a human doing it, something that normal people could not afford, or any other man made thing that are uncommon because ai made them niche.
I think Communism is stupid in that sense, humans thrive on being at the top, that's why you buy expensive ahit just because the brand. It wired on our genes. Ai would not change us. There are always going to be rich and por, alphas and betas, populars and nerds, Beautiful and ugly.

Anonymous No. 974257

Blender probably would change and be more AI focus, since corporate shit would be sanitized you would have to use open source software to make your degenerate art.
Blender would even be more popular because of this.

Anonymous No. 974260

imagine if Cris got access to this new AI. imagine what he could do. imagine the implications.

Anonymous No. 974261

great, more ai slop but now in video form\
This is just the beginning of the end but imo we are far off from that. At least 10 years.
Seems that they scraped off all the videos online now instead of all the pictures
The thing that saves us is that there aren't large free 3d data sets that ai can be trained on. Everything is proprietary or under a paywall and the stuff thats free is absolute crap.
As a professional character artist I'm not worried at all, the stuff that AI needs to do in order to take my job it doesn't do it, not even close, it just makes pretty videos and images. In it's current form it doesn't even replace concept artists.
Not to mention that you can't even copyright that shit

Anonymous No. 974262

>Blender probably would change and be more AI focus
You need a huge GPU farm to generate these AI videos. Blender users don't generally have access to this kind of hardware. I hope Blender eventually incorporates the ability to do generative AI using local models running on a high end GPU but that's always going to be limited in capability compared to a massive farm of NVIDIA H100s.

Anonymous No. 974263

I'm glad, I hope ai slop fucking floods all of internet and cinemas, ai movies, ai youtube essays, ai games, ai cooking recipes, ai news articles, ai reddit and twitter. It will be so gloriously shitty and soulless and will bring a new age of sincerity

Anonymous No. 974264

It's joeover, unironically.

Idk what I should be doing now. go into trades I guess.

Anonymous No. 974265

Vfx is just going back to being done by small groups of highly skilled people like it was in the 1970s when Star Wars was made. The only difference is this time the tools will be AI-based instead of motion control cameras, optical printers, mainframe computers and physical models like back then. You can still be one of those elite people if you work hard enough and have skillz.

Anonymous No. 974266

>highly skilled

Anonymous No. 974268

>highly skilled
You meant to say underpaid Indians?

Anonymous No. 974269

In their dreams lmao

Anonymous No. 974271

So what now?

Anonymous No. 974282

This is sad, I miss when everything was real. I think a lot of people will stop using internet soon

Anonymous No. 974285

No body say it would not improve to use art (3D or 2D) from user and allow a range of tools to easy follow a set pattern. Then again it could also just be prompted in a easy to follow UI.

Anonymous No. 974286

Most likely thing to happen for sure. And at that moment, the new hippies will be born

Anonymous No. 974288

I know this is a 3D board but I want 2D animation to make a comeback too. I want to experience what is was like going to a Disney Renaissance movie in a a theater again. For me only Moana and Frozen did that, maybe Wall-E too.

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Anonymous No. 974290


Anon I......

Anonymous No. 974291



Anonymous No. 974293

>Sure hope UBI
You better hope you get a world government with that too because hundreds of millions, if not a billion of jobless third worlders whos countries did not adopt ubi will send ripples that will fuck you up

Anonymous No. 974294

They are just thinking about California, those retards never see the big picture
UBI will never happen

Anonymous No. 974298

Neural networks can now realistically do bad drug trips. It's literally over for western art, its core, soul and highest purpose is gutted, all that is left now is inventing new genders.

Anonymous No. 974299

>highly skilled people
There won't be any high skilled people in visuals, management now firmly believes they will get their Generate Netflix Series button any moment now and will fire 80% of remaining staff, and in 5 years when neurofad bursts it will be a problem to find someone who can install 3D Max

Anonymous No. 974300

>he thinks in 20 years most of earth will be able to affort anything other than a brick of bug protein
Lol, enjoy your overpopulation and global warming schitzo

Anonymous No. 974302

Ai will be able to invent every gender possible, leftist are out of job too

Anonymous No. 974326

He was posting back around 2020 and earlier.
>Avatarposted with a yellow smug pepe duck
>Allegedly had a 140 IQ (which was essential to his 3d skills)
>Generally forecasted doom for all aspiring /3/d artists due to their deficient intellectual capacities
He had invented a superior 3d modeling/texturing workflow for an artstyle that he thought would be very powerful for making indie games (details kept secret, obviously.) But he wasn't Cris and could actually model reasonably well.

There was a thread, I think about getting rich with 3d, where he predicted that due to ai advances, there would be a window of opportunity of roughly five years for an enterprising 3d modeler or gamedev to make it before being rendered completely obsolete by AI

Anonymous No. 974327

kill all tripnigger/attencionwhores

Anonymous No. 974328

>cozy atmosphere of the image
Looks fake and uncanny as fuck
>its pose and expression convey a sense of innocence and playfulness, as if it is exploring the world around it for the first time
You can't tell but I've just rolled my eyes like nothing special about this. Lets be real.

Anonymous No. 974329

Again looks unnatural and uncanny as shit. You can tell there just something wrong about it.
Whoever accepts this shit is pure goyim

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Anonymous No. 974332

Maybe learn2code and learn2music and expand to videogame making industry? This video AI is a derivative of the picture AI. It pretty much generates images and interpolates inbetween frames. Videogame making is a much more complex procedure and usually the code from most games is not public for kikes to steal it and use it to train their ai. Unironically, vidya is the last bastion of creativity. Everything else will be automated by an AI.

Anonymous No. 974333

anon do you realize this is just the beginning right... this shit is on its infancy rn... its really over sussy dussy

Anonymous No. 974334

Sure but put it in After Effects and tweet some stuff and you have a professional video. It’s why i say it’s over because we will become VFX until that special job itself becomes obsolete.

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Anonymous No. 974337

even vidya is no longer safe...

Anonymous No. 974342

thats a shitty minecraft clone. Isnt minecraft owned by Microsoft, aka the AIfaggots? Wake me up when they make a fully playable dark souls clone

Anonymous No. 974345

Better start practicing sucking dick for a living, and you deserve it

Anonymous No. 974348

Cris, this AI fad cycle is already over. It is being kept alive on life support only to scam boomer investors who can't into technology and don't know any better.

Anonymous No. 974355

Not that anon, but I've been hearing about how "it's just the beginning" and "imagine what it'll be in 6 months" about generative diffusion images for a while now and they still look like what they are.
This video stuff is technically impressive, but it still looks like what it is.

Anonymous No. 974367

This, ai images already hit the ceiling despite what aifags will preach

Anonymous No. 974373

AGI in just two more weeks! Just you wait luddite, once Sam Kikeman gets his 7 trillion in funding and another 2 gorillion GPU clusters you WILL be replaced

Anonymous No. 974374

Then you're blind. Look at what it was generating six months ago and look at it now. Night and day in a crazy short amount of time.

Anonymous No. 974376

>six months ago

Anonymous No. 974377

>We’ll be taking several important safety steps ahead of making Sora available in OpenAI’s products. We are working with red teamers—domain experts in areas like misinformation, hateful content, and bias—who will be adversarially testing the model.
>We’re also building tools to help detect misleading content such as a detection classifier that can tell when a video was generated by Sora. We plan to include C2PA metadata in the future if we deploy the model in an OpenAI product.
>In addition to us developing new techniques to prepare for deployment, we’re leveraging the existing safety methods that we built for our products that use DALL·E 3, which are applicable to Sora as well.
>For example, once in an OpenAI product, our text classifier will check and reject text input prompts that are in violation of our usage policies, like those that request extreme violence, sexual content, hateful imagery, celebrity likeness, or the IP of others. >We’ve also developed robust image classifiers that are used to review the frames of every video generated to help ensure that it adheres to our usage policies, before it’s shown to the user.

They're putting Californian politics into it, so it's not really over. Brainwashed racist Californian AI models only become less useful with times, as people cram more and more 1984 dystopian stuff into it. But it's a step in that direction, sure. Pretty impressive all told.

Anonymous No. 974378

>We’re also building tools to help detect misleading content such as a detection classifier that can tell when a video was generated by Sora. We plan to include C2PA metadata in the future if we deploy the model in an OpenAI product.
See we know we are making this super dangerous tool that can fuck up society but we are also being safe about it!!! It's not like we should stop developing this tool, no, it's essential, the people need it for... for uhh... for... because.... yeah!!!

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Anonymous No. 974379

Don't be salty. If not OpenAI, it would have been anyone else, in ten years time maybe. It's the advancement of technology. We're just at this point.

If anything else, be salty that they're so violently cyberpunk about it. Like censoring their models on the behalf of some black chicks who screams about neocolonialism and big corpos who don't want their IPs to be stolen. That's the issue there, anything else is just being salty and neo-ludism.

Eh. We're literally living cyberpunk right now.

Anonymous No. 974380


Anonymous No. 974381

hold on now...
its seems like its not completely over...not yet. because why? because i dont see any example of an anime video generation yet from sora. something tells me that sora uses some kinda 3D/depth NeRF or gaussian splatting preprocessing for its generation, which explains why it seems to have very coherent shadows and reflections. but 3D/depth wouldnt (or hard to) make sense with anime.

Anonymous No. 974384

>In it's current form it doesn't even replace concept artists.
How? It near-instantly creates a high fidelity image, of virtually anything. It takes a human artist much longer to do just that, and the Human artist's work might not look as good.
Will you still have your job in 2-4 years when AI game creation is normalized as well?

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Anonymous No. 974386

Because concept artists usually bring to life the ideas of art directors, leads and other people involved. This usually requires a lot of back and forth, small modifications, keeping a consistent art style and color pallete, modd boards, etc. And they usually are very anal about everything.
You can use AI at best to iterate some brainstorming general ideas but everything listed above needs to be done by a human and I guarantee you no one who invests tens of thousands of dollars monthly to pay devs, a studio, work computers, 3d scanning equipment, etc will leave concept art to ai randomly generating images that maybe hit the spot maybe not.
The people who use ai for concept within a production line are either small indie companies or lone individuals and usually its as a visual aid for an artist that was supposed to do the concepting anyway(lets say you have a character artist and you tell him "model and design this character", maybe you give him an ai image maybe a shitty sketch and he has the freedom to take it from there and deliver a finished product)
>Will you still have your job in 2-4 years when AI game creation is normalized as well?
Yes, and I'll wager most artists will as well. But a lot of people will jump on the AI train instead of learning and building real skills and will be disappointed when they'll end up with no skill or job.

Anonymous No. 974388

>stabilityAI released Stable Cascade literally few days ago which is a direct improvement to SDXL
Yep, surely THIS time it'll be dead, AI will be over

Anonymous No. 974390

>what humans made 200+ years ago
>what humans make nowadays

Anonymous No. 974391

Only thing you cannot copyright is unmodified, direct outputs of imagen, so as long as you add some human touch to it, it becomes copyrighted
And that's skipping the fact you can just tell the copyright agency you made it yourself and they won't know any better and you'll get the copyright regardless

Anonymous No. 974392

>no one who invests tens of thousands of dollars monthly to pay devs, a studio, work computers, 3d scanning equipment, etc will leave concept art to ai randomly generating images that maybe hit the spot maybe not.

I see what you're saying but my point is that in a few years there may very well may be no art directors, leads and other people involved, because they are not needed, or cannot be paid for. Normoids won't want to buy multi-year-developed AAA or AA media when they can get a new AI game release bi-weekly.

I'm only trying to be realistic, I don't want AI to take over either but it really feels like an enshittening of media via AI is coming, and that people will lose their jobs over it. The technology is designed with the explicit intent to replace (digital) labor and it seems to be capable of doing that, I don't understand why you believe the status quo of development (and art) will continue when this software will come to its apex.

I don't know if you've been following the recent AI graphics for game development but much of that shit looks "good enough" to the average consumer and often times only requires minor touch-ups, and this will improve. I feel if a person with decent artistic sense would use those tools to make graphics they would be ahead of a peer not utilizing the same technology, at least in volume of output.

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Anonymous No. 974395

>3D preprocessing
>coherent shadows and reflections
>no anime generation samples
i think this is why. even the sample they show couldn't achieve 2D charcoal drawing style.
2D bros...we are safe! (for now)

Anonymous No. 974409

I have not seen a single even remotely creative character design made by ai

Anonymous No. 974418

>Normoids won't want to buy multi-year-developed AAA or AA media when they can get a new AI game release bi-weekly.
People are very capable of enjoying slop and more polished thought through slop. Just because people watch tik-tok doesn't mean people don\t go to movies.
I\m sure there will be more ai slop being made, ai movies, maybe even games, but I really don't think it will dent at all people buying actually human made games or content.
> when this software will come to its apex.
be sure to tell me when that happens. As of now is nowhere near close to replacing even the 2d artists that arguably are much easier to replace than other ones.

Anonymous No. 974429

The fad is already past its peak but it's gonna go out with a whimper and there's gonna be some serious pushes before Sam Fagman devolves into a lolcow. We'll probably see a drummed up "almost entirely AI produced movie" make its way to theaters, ride the controversy and tranny protests to a bigger than expected but still weak box office, and then that'll be when people just say "this shit is wack"

Anonymous No. 974431

>i dont see any example of an anime video generation yet from sora.
The ones aping 3D animation and gameplay look pretty terrible too.
It's honestly wild how it is better at photorealism than aping artstyles, which you'd think would be the harder task.

Anonymous No. 974436

you are coping hard

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Anonymous No. 974437

I have, and lots of sexy waifus too

Anonymous No. 974438

this shit is just getting started, you're like people who though the internet was a fad.

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Anonymous No. 974445

Le anime waifu#23525 in ambiously western generic fantasy armor is not character design, let alone creative, nor do you need ai for it

Anonymous No. 974446

this is the worst this tech will be, a year from now what will you say?

Anonymous No. 974447

I imagine it's because of the endless amount of RL videos to scrape off youtube, compared to 3d animations. Same for 3d model generators compared to 2d ones.

Anonymous No. 974457

what do you consider creative? currently pretty much any anime girl design that could be created was created somewhere by someone, now only way to really stand out would be to give one like 4 breasts or something

Anonymous No. 974460

>what do you consider creative?
literally the first meaning you get when you google
>relating to or involving the use of the imagination or original ideas to create something.
it's not that deep
>currently pretty much any anime girl design that could be created was created somewhere by someone, now only way to really stand out would be to give one like 4 breasts or something
Anime is inherently anti creative, artists of 19-20th century didn't face ostracism while fucking up the status quo just for us so sink into new dogmas. Don't do anime, do your own thing, simple as

Anonymous No. 974466

>Well, time to make 3d porn now.
no, you will never get adult content or violent imagery off of this because of censorship.

Anonymous No. 974470

That's exactly his point

Anonymous No. 974471


Anonymous No. 974488

Why? I want to draw and make anime style stuff because I like it. Anime style is derivative but it works for a reason. It looks better than 85% of western styled stuff.

Anonymous No. 974491

And yet, 99.9% of AAA/indie game have failed to innovate or move video games in any meaningful direction in the last 20 years. Derivative of derivative of derivative. You don't even need AI; the "creators" are doing much the same things themselves manually. Not their fault that a medium was capped by tech. Maybe something genuinely interesting coming in AR/VR space eventually.

Anonymous No. 974495

>failed to innovate

There are tons of innovation in the indie game space anon. But the thing about innovation is that most of innovation isn't good.

There is nothing wrong with derivative work, the dislike for derivative material is when that material is regressive knock-offs.
You reach back in history and pull out the greatest bangers of all time and you'll find they're almost all derivative work.
They succeed because they are a strong clean implementation of a concept that was already formed but flimsily executed in prior work.

Anonymous No. 974513

You are just bug brained then anon, nothing I can do for ya

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Anonymous No. 974514

I am terribly sorry for you if you find this animeshit creative, interesting or god forbid, sexually arousing. there's nothing unique or creative about her armor, body, or face design, she's doing generic whore pose #1248712357842095, I can't intuit anything about her personality or story, nothing differentiates her from the other 10 billion waifus generated by AI or pumped out by overworked slaves with no imagination for producing shit-tier soulless gacha games to distract other overworked slaves in this CAFO pigfarm of a civilization. as for the "sexy" part i think it's sad that your sexuality can be so easily engaged with the cheapest, passionless simulacra

does the AI draw or animate okay and can will it get better at it in the future? Yeah, of course, but even if you retards were gifted with Kim Jung Gi or Da Vinci's technical abilities you would still be unable to produce anything of value. Maybe you could have generated something more interesting if you had tweaked the prompt a bit, but you're too lazy, retarded, nihilistic and unimaginative to come up with a new combination of 20 words, you just don't have taste or standards. you are MOLD and thus you are satisfied with eating blended scraps
TLDR the invention of Onions, McDonalds and other fast slops didn't make non-franchise restaurants/pubs dissapear. Most artists of any field were already making generic, repetitive garbage, that process will be automated.

Anonymous No. 974519


Anonymous No. 974529

Ai lacks consinstency right now. It's good for brainstorming, but I dont think it can create the exact same character/landscape multiple times from, let's say, different camera angles. It may become more consistent in the future, but right now, AI only serves as a tool for professionals. The only people that got hurt by image gen AIs are only amateurs and coomers that want to make a buck from commissions online

Anonymous No. 974532


Anonymous No. 974534

It seems like there is still hope for us. With big ai it seems like they are analyzing every single frame and then every single pixel of everything they train on, whereas we only analyze one frame from google images. From all reports, movie and game studios have already been using ai for the past few years and failing to make a profit. Now with ai set to destroy the entire internet they definitely wont make a profit.

Still, I feel like we can adapt faster and wont have censorship. Plus, if the internet really starts to go down and big players get affected left and right, legislation will happen, probably at a hardware and os level.

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Anonymous No. 974555


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Anonymous No. 974565

Anonymous No. 974572

All creation is inspired by creation before it. It is different when creation becomes direct recycling instead of inspiration. What happened to video games is the equivalent of model collapse in AI.

Indie games are not immune either, constantly bringing them up like they are some brave stronghold against AAA slop is pot calling the kettle black. Just because your budget is smaller doesn't mean you aren't pandering to the lowest common denominator with cheap, safe thrills.

Anonymous No. 974574

>Just because your budget is smaller doesn't mean you aren't pandering to the lowest common denominator with cheap, safe thrills.

I don't think that's the issue either. The main thing is you want to have people work on a project that they are truly passionate about and
have them make a game that they themselves would wanna play as gaming enthusiasts.

If that game then ends up being derivative or not doesn't matter, what matter is if's a good representation of the thing they want.
Coming up with an idea is cheap as fuck, anybody can do it. Implementing that idea is what's so difficult that most who invest years in trying will end up failing.

One good implementation is worth almost any number of novel ideas.

But nowadays big companies are no longer made up of enthusiast but they're made up of wage workers. Many developers aren't even gamers themselves any more.
They don't know what's good because they've never played games to the point they where deeply invested in the outcome of their play.
They don't understand good game-mechanics because they're just not enthusiastic about game-mechanics.

You sit down your mother and teach her how to play a FPS for the first time she wont complain about the FOV being to narrow or there being terrible mouse acceleration etc.
Neither will these devs who don't play. If it superficially looks like 'popular game X' it must be at least as good as 'popular game X' is the level of understanding they operate.

Anonymous No. 974578

fuck off with your sloppy animatediff niggershit

Anonymous No. 974591

It sucks, bad frame rate and shadow’s don’t match the lighting. The soda can shouldn’t have looney toon physics. Girl face becomes distorted. Destroy the image.

Anonymous No. 974601

>If that game then ends up being derivative or not doesn't matter
It absolutely does matter. There is no integrity in that.

>a good representation of the thing they want.
One way this manifests is cloning their favorite childhood game. Look at Bomb Rush Cyberfunk, it has nothing going for it despite all the corpo gaming review shills. In trying to copy soul, you strip soul away. If AI *could* make video games, the result would be what we already have been seeing for quite a long time.

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Anonymous No. 974609

oh that sweet sweet cope
>get to torment /ic/ for 3 years
>now get to torment /3/

Anonymous No. 974610

>>now get to torment /3/
no, you wont, because you wont be able to run violence, adult content, anything offensive, or train your own models

Anonymous No. 974614

>Destroy the image.

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Anonymous No. 974616

>you can't do x
>time pases
>I can do x now

Anonymous No. 974618

no, its highly unlikely that you ever will be able to create violent, adult, offensive, with Text to Video ai in any country

Anonymous No. 974620

You don't think a model will get leaked?

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Anonymous No. 974621

I'm not really talking about that image specifically but it's dumb to just shit on anime as a whole just because of it's derivative style. There's still plenty of creativity that comes from anime in spite of it's oversaturation.

I'm not going to sit here and say that run of the mill anime schlock is better than high tier western art, I'm still going to prefer looking at a portrait of a knight or paintings by Albrecht Durer over your general anime image. That doesn't mean it's a bad style. It works really well for animation, comics, and video games because of how easily it conveys emotion and character expression. It's simply appealing. It's the better style for animation and comics because hyper realism or designs leaning towards realism don't look as good when abstracted into a cartoon. At the same time anime style allows for a work to come off as more serious than something that is just a toon.

Anonymous No. 974626

What is with this perpetual cope AIfags have of "bro people said the model T and the calculator and the internet were never gonna catch on either."
The people behind those were actually smart and the people running soikaf valley are bigger retards than the redditors who worship them, and also no. People were immediately accepting of those things. In fact those were all produced by companies who had to turn a profit. They didn't have a banking system to institutionally force their shitty companies on everybody. It's just revisionist history that there were entire cultures of luddites behind them.

Anonymous No. 974627

>People were immediately accepting of those things
Way to out yourself as a complete tard

Anonymous No. 974628

I'm right though kys

Anonymous No. 974629

No, you're mad

Anonymous No. 974633

Nigger first of all no. Second of all even if it does, you will need a promethian GPU farm even 10 years from now to run it.

Anonymous No. 974634

AI has already caught on anon, it's the fastest growing field in human history and the adoption rate is staggering. ~100% of everyone employed as a programmer is using it ffs.

The art stuff isn't even close to being the main thing, it's the LLM's that are already transforming the world in a big way.

Anonymous No. 974635

>it's the fastest growing field in human history and the adoption rate is staggering.
No it isn't.
There's exponentially more grifts and already shown disasters than there are success stories.
Programmers are pretty much the only people who've utilized it successfully, which is in a way an understatement because that's an enormous field to be fair, but the all the proposed medical uses for it are retarded fund padding campaigns. Vision dependent autonomous systems still suck shit. I could Google News "A lab is using AI to..." and pull up a million things that are even more delusional than what they were trying 10 years ago with Cirspr and 3D printing.
LLMs are going to get better for sure. But them getting better just looks like more shlock and bullshit gumming up the internet and pretty much nothing else.

Anonymous No. 974636

>more shlock and bullshit gumming up the internet and pretty much nothing else.

Not my experience at all, but interfacing with an LLM is pretty much a reflection of yourself I suppose.
The better the questions you can state the better answers you're poised to receive.
If you're someone inherently curious the rate you can research topics assisted by GPT is just transformative for how you may use the internet.

Anytime I remember something I can't place like "what is the piece of media where X is doing Y and there is a subplot involving A?"
The LLM can pinpoint that source for me in no time. Same thing for getting at the nitty gritty with any concept or thought you want to explore.

Discovering new things you're interested in is also a strong point, like asking it about a piece of music or film etc and compile
lists of related work or tunes that have been influenced or likened to the sound etc. It's like you have an expert guide to anything on hand 24/7.

Just using it as a board to bounce ideas off and organizing your own thinking also helps massively in a wide range of tasks.
My online life has def improved by a lot thanks to having GPT availible, to me it's the very opposite of schlock. It's more like having been given this
powerful schlock avoidance system that cut's out all the googling and opportunity to be subjected to slop by steering you right without trying to monetize any clicks.

It's strange how our experience can be so opposite. Have you even attempted to learn how to use these things?

Anonymous No. 974640

Unlike ic no one is here to torment you fucking idiot.

Anonymous No. 974641

I've tried but I hate how soulless talking to it feels. The prompt safety rails sucked all emotions out of it. Or tries to anyway.

Anonymous No. 974643

I'm not making safe anything but that doesn't make my content bills cheap Anon.
If you hate this will you actually pony up or are you not wanting a solution and just want to be mad

Anonymous No. 974644

It can already do this. It's called control net

Anonymous No. 974648

Think of it not as making inquires to a databank that holds vast knowledge.
It's best used as a tool rather than as something to charm/amuse you with it's personality making chit-chat.

This is not really a reflection of the technology as much as it is openai's intended use cases for the public model.
Altman prefers to think of GPT as a tool and he likes to talk to it in a commanding voice so it's tuned towards that direction.

The finger-wagging and 'wokeness' of the model can be a bit annoying but it's also pretty necessary and ensuring at this stage.
If you understand what this model is capable of when you remove them guardrails you also know that there is real danger there.
It knows lot of lethal chemistry and information on how to do all kinds of stuff useful for very malicious acts.

Between being your pocket Al Qaeda hotline and being a bit too woke err on the safe side of caution is a good thing.

Anonymous No. 974650

>Think of it not as making inquires to a databank that holds vast knowledge.

The 'not' wasn't supposed to be left there, DO think of it as a databank that holds vast knowledge. I started typing something else first but changed the wording.

Anonymous No. 974658

>no, its highly unlikely that you ever will be able to create violent, adult, offensive, with Text to image ai in any country!!!
riiiight lol, Jamie, set the timer!

Anonymous No. 974659

>Think of it not as making inquires to a databank that holds vast knowledge.
they completely lobotomized chat gpt. Everyone knows this. It doesn't have any value. Its just useless bits with tons of fake news, like the vast majority of youtube videos. You also have to phrase everything in the form of a question. You have no idea what you are talking about. If you want real information you go onto discord and search discord.

Anonymous No. 974660

Furry porn creators unaffected

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Anonymous No. 974662

Does this look lobotomized to you? What discord could've I've gone onto to gain such insight without even knowing where to look, let alone in ~2seconds. Get real anon, these things are useful in the extreme.

Anonymous No. 974663

you're completely schizo. Take your fucking meds

Anonymous No. 974668

I'm doing level design that features interior spaces and was curious to obtain relevant information regarding spatial psychology
that they probably teach architects at universities, what part of that inquiry is schizo?

The authors GPT provided had indeed written on the topic.

Now; how long would it have taken me to find out about these people if I had tried to google for it? How would I even google for it?
How long would it have taken me to get hold of some human who might have insight who'd decide to get back at me with an answer?

Instead of finding out I'm immediately downloading and reading the correct E-books within minutes.
This is just one example of how GPT serves to accelerates human productivity, anyone utilizing it gets more done faster than they otherwise could.

Anonymous No. 974669

stick to your general, cris

Anonymous No. 974670

I already knew most of that. Sorry you aren't good at synonyms

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Anonymous No. 974674

There's other people than 'cris' on this board anon. Have you ever considered how perhaps it is you
who became a schizo that keep seeing the cris character around every corner?

Good for you anon, I did not. I'm learning on the job so to speak.
>Sorry you aren't good at synonyms
English is not my first language but I'll make sure to keep expanding my vocabulary til it grow shakespearean
enough to fit even the taste of discerning r/3/aders such as yourself.

Anonymous No. 974676

>There's other people than 'cris' on this board anon.
cris-like behavior is cris

Anonymous No. 974678

>There's other people than 'cris' on this board anon.
Prove it. Cris.

Anonymous No. 974679

>Even when I'm wrong I'm right.
dude 'cris like behavior' is whenever you happen to disagree with someone.
Can't you see how it doesn't mean anything at that point?

You don't have to walk down this path anon, you can still let go of cris.
He does not need to define what kind of shitposter you are, I believe in you anon you can do this anon.
Arise a new man, a man free from the shackles of cris-posting.

Anonymous No. 974681

Did chatgpt write this response? Lol.

Anonymous No. 974682

>2024: only an AI can write coherent sentences more than one paragraph long. rofl'ing-til-my-anus-detach

Anonymous No. 974683


You are here and we are so early it's insane

Anonymous No. 974688

Activate A3-21 Recall Code Violet

Anonymous No. 974747

I knew this day was coming ever since chatgpt took off.
It's over because this shit will only improve from here.

Anonymous No. 974753

>It's over because this shit will only improve from here.
but thats not true, though. Chat GPT got worse with time, much worse in fact. All AIs did.

Anonymous No. 974756

>it's more of a bandaid than something that addresses the systematic issues.
There's a particular systemic issue that will be very difficult to address: The complete economic uselessness of virtually every human being on earth.
At that point, there will be strong incentives for those in power to reduce the global population by whatever means necessary, and they will have fearsomely powerful means at their disposal to do so

Anonymous No. 974759

>At that point, there will be strong incentives for those in power to reduce the global population by whatever means necessary, and they will have fearsomely powerful means at their disposal to do so

A lot of people are now saying the opposite, that nuclear fusion will be solved in a 2-3 years and our climate crisis will be averted and we will become an intergalactic species, traveling the stars, like in star trek

Anonymous No. 974764

We're building a successor species that will do all that, but our platform/hardware is gonna transition into obsolescence as it's just too limited.

Humans will prob be around for quite sometime but naturals will be relegated to increasingly more zoo like conditions.
Doubt the synthetics are gonna genocide us as we're a rare commodity being the only naturally evolved species in the known universe.
We'll likely be treated humanly but we will disarmed and controlled.

Thing is everything the machines need is out there in vast abundance and the machines don't need synergy with an earth-like environment that host them to thrive as they can
just engineer their bodies to fit any conditions. Earth will prob be transformed into a sort of global wildlife reserve where we're kept in check and limited in our impact same
way we attempt to manage ecosystems only they will actually be able to do it as they can keep enough parameters in mind to actually manage complex systems like that successfully.

But even here on old Terra engineered humans that has a lot of the shortcomings we inherit from nature patched out is gonna be at the apex of what we are.

This is likely not a development we'll live to see within our lifespan, our time here will cover just the dawn of this transitional era.
In our time the internet was growing into the nervous system of a global super organism, slowly awakening as we grew increasingly aware how we where already a part of it.

Anonymous No. 974801

fuckin """Cris"" is becoming the cancer of /3/.
mods should capitalize on this by applying a wordfilter to change "Cris" to something lulzy.

Anonymous No. 974813

You basedence retards are hilarious, The ""ai"" right now does nothing but remix preexisting images and requires incredible amounts of computing power to do so. The most complex artificial brains developed so far are no where near even that of a mouse.
inb4 two more years and agi will arrive
No it won't, stop drinking the coolaid.

Anonymous No. 974814

Maybe people don't want to code or make music, holy shit.
People have different tolerance levels toward doing things they don't like day in and day out to keep rooves over their heads.
Call it natural selection (when they kill themselves)

Anonymous No. 974815

6 months is retardedly too soon, my scope is half to a full decade plus

Anonymous No. 974818

>The ""ai"" right now does nothing but remix preexisting images and requires incredible amounts of computing power to do so.

That's not how this work anon, if that was the case nobody would be shitting bricks over what's going on.
Dissecting how the image generators work has revealed how they constructed the image space reasoning about depth and that 3D spatial understanding
have emerged within them with no explicit training for it just feeding it 2D images. They are alarmingly capable and malleable.

The computing power needed to train them is coming down all the time and the compute needed to run them is not much, you can run these things locally on your machine.
They are unfortunately cost effective in the extreme, what we pay thousands of dollars for a human to do these things can do for cents.
It actually does appear more and more plausible that actual AGI is on the near-term horizon with ASI being here maybe as soon as the early 30s.
We'll understand better how that scales once GPT5 goes public, there is lot of speculation atm and nobody outside openai labs know for sure what to base that speculations on.
You just have a lot of catch up reading to do if you think the state of the field is what you describe.

Your 'mouse brain' analogy doesn't matter much, we thought there was no way these sort of functionality could emerge before the network complexity rivaled our brain.
But now we live in a world where a 45 gigabyte neural network manages to pass university exams and we now know we where wrong that we needed that level.

Things that eclipse most of humanity on general reasoning tasks already run on hardware less complex than a mouses brain today.
We live under a new paradigm, our intuition for what network complexity is needed for X no longer holds true.

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Anonymous No. 974820

The thing that scares is that we're currently on what looks like an exponential curve given the rate this moves forward atm.

Ones intuition for something exponential looking at what happens now is always wrong since if comes at you twice as fast all the time.
"6months" IS retardedly too soon, but that doesn't mean we don't have to deal with something none of us are ready for that happens way too soon.

Anonymous No. 974821

This is some negative IQ take
What got worse was the outputs due to OpenAI applied filters, the base model didn't get worse
LLMs are a better measure of that, compare Llama 1 to Llama 2 to new mistral models that get released every few months, each new release sets the LLM bar higher and higher

Anonymous No. 974830

>What got worse was the outputs due to OpenAI applied filters, the base model didn't get worse
It got worse for everyone. Safety guards were set in place, again, for everyone, including the people working at OpenAI because those places have to be open and inclusive as well.

Anonymous No. 974833

people who talk about llm censorship and its impacts on performance are not serious people and there's no point engaging with them. gpt4, despite its issues, is still SOTA despite being old.

openai sits on its models for over a year. sam already made allusions to a new model that makes gpt4 look ancient in their first devday.
we're further along than people thing.

you will be running a tigris tpu in a few years. you will join the botnet.

Anonymous No. 974835

Ask your chatgpt4 or even your much anticipated chatgpt5 any even slightly controversial question and you get a non answer.

Straight up garbage

Anonymous No. 974850

tldr two more weeks bro

Anonymous No. 974862

yup. If you actually believe that the governments of the world will allow you to do fully automated ai 2d to 3d text to ai conversions into full video of whatever you want including people that you actually know and just have a snapshot of, say a handful of pics scraped from facebook profile and linkedin and or celebrities and other famous people you are beyond delusional

Anonymous No. 974866

Again, that's a single model by a single company, that had PUBLIC outputs nerfed
They still have the not nerfed version of the model in house, so it's not like it magically got worse
Other than that models are unaffected and keep getting better with each generation

Anonymous No. 974867

gov doesn't need to allow you, just like they don't allow piracy
all it takes is a single rogue employee like with mistral company to leak the model, and then it'll be shared far and wide

Anonymous No. 974869

the government in this country allows piracy due to not setting stricter rules and surveillance my friend.

Anonymous No. 974871

that's just bullshit especially given there's money in for the companies that threaten to sue you
if they cannot find me through TOR/safe VPN, gov won't either

Anonymous No. 974872

the situation around piracy and its surveillance and punishments are very very very lax right now in this country. It could be a lot tougher. The punishments could be a lot more severe. If the internet gets destroyed by video ai expect to see big changes in what you can and cannot do.

Anonymous No. 974874

Again, punishment doesn't matter if they cannot find a suspect to begin with

Anonymous No. 974877

you will get found out

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Anonymous No. 975336

>The ""ai"" right now does nothing but remix preexisting images
stable diffusion came up with its own mental models of: composition/depth, normals, shading, albedo, and a bunch of other low level concepts
it starts every image by laying out these concepts in pseudo-3D space that is in no way "remixing images"
they just found this out, none of this was programmed in
you dunning-kruger reductionists are in for a disgustingly rude awakening

tl;dr abort all creative fields asap if you ever planned on making money

Anonymous No. 975340

two more weeks

Anonymous No. 975366

is somebody scared? you should be.
ask /ic/ucks

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Anonymous No. 975371

I'm trembling lol
Let me ask you this tho: What exactly do you get out of this? You seem very bent on proving people here that ai WILL replace them. Ok and what's in it for you in all this? Because you'll not take their job by being a proompter and most likely ai it'll take your job too eventually(that assuming you actually do work).
So what do you get from all this proselytizing here? Do you just do it for free like a janny or what?

Anonymous No. 975377

not him, but he's probably (definitely) schizo. I've been around the block on /3/. I know exactly who this guy is. No work, terrible at 3d, just likes to shitpost

Anonymous No. 975384

This. Many AI subtractors get so focused on what it means for us artist that they get super hung up on how OpenAI trained them
by using the public internet, without asking anyone for permission to use the public internet.

They think these models stores a huge corpus of images and copy paste from that library, but that's not at all what's happening.
The tiny networks that can generate ~anything, are just few gigabyte in size. They can be that small and do what they do because
they don't store any images. Rather they're made up of neural pathways that have learned how to construct things in the image space
representative of the sort of thing requested.

The real threat is that such technology now exist at all, not that they could scrape data and make a art generator.
With Sora we now face a machine visual cortex advanced enough to view any footage at all and start self-labeling what's present in that footage.
So you no longer need any scraped pre-labled data from the internet to help bootstrap it.

So even if you outlaw using person X's art in the training set we're facing systems that given a single example of person X's art will be able to
construct infinite amounts of similar looking art because it actually understands what it sees and is able to re-construct that image space from scratch.

But that's not even the problem, the problem is how it now understands what it's looking at and what affordances of actions are available in a scene.
This is a major stepping stone towards a 'do anything machine' that can perform any task and not just art.
Given this development replacing blue collar work across the board is something that's now a realistic near-term goal by refining already existing technology.

Anonymous No. 975404

Cris, look, I hope this AI thing works out for you but I doubt it. This whole AI thing is already on a steep decline, SORA looks disgusting and GTP5 struggles to copy and paste the Python source code for Pong.
You can have your fantasies about AI, photogrammetry, 3D scanning or whatever gimmick you're into these days but you also need to be prepared because the hype goes away one day and all those things are going to go away with it.

Anonymous No. 975407

i enjoy being a cunt
and I don't see AI taking a handyman's job any time soon

Anonymous No. 975408

take meds schizo I absolutely never post here, ever.
let me guess, I'm cris?

Anonymous No. 975411

>This whole AI thing is already on a steep decline

Anon I'm super curious as to what metric you measure to arrive at this statement.
It's like we're measuring wind-speeds and I'm watching you walk out the door almost having it ripped off the hinges and struggling to stay upright you
wade out into the gale force winds that howling all around us. There are tornado stream sucking up buildings in the distance.
I see you lick your finger and stick it up in the air and go "ANON, I THINK THE WIND HAS SUBSIDED!"

Like what the fuck bro? How is this possibly your take away.

Anonymous No. 975412

AI has already jumped the shark (again in this 20 years repeating hype cycle) by any metric.

Anonymous No. 975415

What bothers me with you anti-AI types is not that you are against what's happening, that is a totally valid and legitimate response to me.
What bother me is the prevalence of this ostrich mentality in how you keep pretending like nothing is even there to begin with.

It's like this is some monster underneath your bed you seem to expect will go away if you just pretend it isn't real.

Anonymous No. 975416

What bothers me is that you're a shill and you and your novelty items should fuck off.

Anonymous No. 975418

You're just trying to get a rise from people but your issue is you don't understand what exactly is usually "good enough" in a production environment. AI at this point is not even capable of replacing concept artists. Maybe it can replace some low tier coomer artist that does general anime slop for commissions on twitter, but as far as I'm aware studios still all work with concept artists. And even if proompting will replace 2d artists, you can be sure that the proompters will also be hired from among the artists as these people understand art theory so they can proompt correctly and also have the skills to fix ai nonsense
A 3d artists job in infinitely more complicated than that. Even that shitty low poly stylized character needs almost perfect topology, textures, bakes otherwise you get it sent back to you by each subsequent department.
So maybe AI will replace some hobbyists job that does a little bit of side money freelancing but it's nowhere near what it's supposed to do for it to replace 3d artists. Just like it's not a replacement for pro 2d artists either.
That's why people here are not falling for your ai bait thread
>and I don't see AI taking a handyman's job any time soon
robots(look into darpa for example) equipped with ai can be argued will take most handyman jobs as well. Now whos having their head in the dirt like an ostrich

Anonymous No. 975419

What am I shilling anon? Every post I have crafted here is designed to explain how this technology actually works
in order to help clue people in as to what this is we're actually faced with.

Personally I'm deeply ambivalent over this technology as I see a lot of pro's and a lot of cons to what it means for
all of us long term, not just artists. I can't decide what my ultimate feelings are. This development holds a mixture of threats and promises.

The thing is you are mischaracterizing your enemy here thinking you are up against something completely different than what it is.
This helps none of us. You think this is a tool to make silly videos and that it ends with that because it isn't useful for production.

It's as tho you're about to enter the octagon to fight the green little frog and people have to explain to you how that's not
an octagon's floor you're looking at but a pool full of water. How that's not a frog you're about to tussle with
it's actually a crocodile they're pumping 7 trillion dollars worth of steroids into sticking it's nostrils above the murky surface.

>your novelty items should fuck off.

Yeah, that feels good doesn't it? Telling something to go fuck off, such a powerful response in the face of what's before you.
You told it to fuck off, well now it will surely never advance past this point and start encrouch on your reality
seeing how you've managed to cast this great incantation to ward off evil.

Anonymous No. 975424

>What am I shilling anon?
Yes and please stop. Nobody is reads the slop you write.

Anonymous No. 975456

will you just stop posting already you fucking schizo. This is a 3d modelling board, not fucking /pol/

Anonymous No. 975476

I'm sure there are extremely sophisticated robots that can do a variety of tasks a handyman could,but I'm pretty confident I have a few more years of good work (literally none of my clients could ever afford to have a robot do the job a wrenching monkey can)
there's a big difference between purely digital programs and multimillion dollar super complex machine that needs constant maintenance.

Anonymous No. 975511

>I'm sure there are extremely sophisticated robots that can do a variety of tasks a handyman could,but I'm pretty confident I have a few more years of good work
well then, now you know how most of the pro 3d artists feel then

Anonymous No. 975513

2 more weeks

Anonymous No. 975517

maybe, but I have much more options available to me by the nature of my work,and thus ain't asshurt about AI.
modern artist on the otherhand,can eat a dick.
stalin was alright about them

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Anonymous No. 975528

Most 3d artists spend at least 4-6 years learning a variety of softwares as well as color theory, composition, anatomy and all the other stuff the 2d artists learn. And that's just the stuff you need for an entry level job.
If the industry collapses, I'm pretty sure we'll be able to spend 2-3 years leaning another skill, so I wouldn't worry so much about us lol
Seems you have some ax to grind here, but I don't think people are as worried as you want them to be. Go on /ic/, the guys there are more prone to chronic anxiety

Anonymous No. 975532

>If the industry collapses,
Should we tell him??

Anonymous No. 975568

Anonymous No. 975581

humanity commits suicide for quick buck

Anonymous No. 975584

>weebcels will only grow fatter, dumber and more socially retarded by injecting waifu slop directly into veins while being more lethargic than currently

consoomers will only become weaker and more subhuman, until they die off completely. i guess thats a win

Anonymous No. 975590

>multimillion dollar super complex machine

That's just the thing, the machines themselves don't need to be mega expensive since the economy of scale on them will be insane given how many we'll need.
The machines that ultimately replace blue collars will very rapidly reach units costs that dip lower than consumer cars.
And someone would probably need to pay you more than what even several of those cost over the duration of your life-time.

>that needs constant maintenance.

But not as constant as you tho who need to sleep for ~35% of every day, eat and have time to decompress to not lose your mind.
The machines work-life balance drawn as Venn diagram is just a circle.

If piping to a structure is in need of service and the body of unit 'XA0001' pops a service-flag 'XA9699' will arrive at scene to replace it while it
travels back to the service center for maintenance. Work will continue uninterupted for as however many hours are needed to see it thru.
They don't eat, they don't sleep, they don't chit-chat and they don't get distracted by that funny picture on the wall wasting valuable seconds as they reach
to swap their wrench. They're busy little bees satisfying their reward function by accomplishing task after taks after task after task after task...

The infrastructure will eventually change to accomodate them, not us becuase they can be shaped like anything and we wont even know when then the plumber visit
because part of the sytem we think of as 'the plumber' is some borescope submarine which travels around inside the actuall pipe looking for blockages
and schedule rolling maintenance before major issues ever occur.

When plumber arrive at house ~567 for the day it goes directly into that basement knowing exactly which nut to start torquing the very second it arrives.

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Anonymous No. 975593


Also consider that replacing artists is worth several billions of dollars, replacing white and blue collar is worth many many trillions of dollars each year.
You see us go first because it's safe to have what we do fail and you can increment on it here building the minds that run these things and show the world
the kind of reasoning their models are capable of. But what happens to us now is just a techdemo for the investors of these things.

Sora isn't meant to be used for anything useful as a product, it's meant to _shock the world_ with it's implications and get investors talking.

The real $$$ is in white and blue collar work and that was always the real goal. That's why everyone who has a finger on the pulse of this
talks amongst themselves about the 'post scarcity economy' and how we may go about pivoting towards a world 'work is free'.

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Anonymous No. 975595

100+GB VRAM TPUs are coming

Anonymous No. 975596

I for one embrace our new ai robosexual overlords!
I'm just glad it ruined smug artist who thought they wouldn't be replaced when fully automated luxury communism came along.
3d artist not so much, you guys seem alright, 2d can fuck off and die

Anonymous No. 975608

Actually creative people will mog AI cause AI can't actually make something new and can't do anything actually complex or outlandish. The bar will simply be raised higher.

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Anonymous No. 975610

>still can't actual fight scene pictures or just cool action scene pictures or anything remotely complex out of AI
>AI is still incapable of consistency
>this animation shit still looks uncanny as fuck
>corpos are gonna neuter the fuck out of it and make it worthless anyway
This is a nothingburger but feel free to change my mind without slapping me with a tl;dr. I'd love to be wrong right now as someone who is tired of seeing 3D/artfags sitting on their hands or chasing clout.

Anonymous No. 975614

it'll get better, eventually, specially for hollywood jews, and you're going to seethe hardcore

Anonymous No. 975618

you're need powerful meds

Anonymous No. 975620

Sounds flipping crazy doesn't it? Thing is you probably don't follow this field by the day as I do.
If someone told us AI like we see today would exist even 3 years ago you me and almost everyone else would think they where pretty batshit.

Now I'm just standing here a bit higher up this hill than you are, paying attention to what's moving about and therefore can see a tiny bit further ahead.
In a hot minute you will see these same things as I do too as ~everyone will start talking about how close this sci-fi sounding scenario appears to be.

Anonymous No. 975621


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Anonymous No. 975633

Anonymous No. 975635

>it can't do hands!

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Anonymous No. 975638

Most people even on here are perpetually behind the curve. There will be great dread, anger and despair because they couldn't see what's been taking place all along (accelerating change). Breakthroughs in computing, AI, and other ancillary technologies are speeding up, not staying constant, because they form positive feedback loops with rippling effects everywhere. The rate of change/progress is quadratic in some ways and exponential in others. They won't be able to keep up. I expect riots and bloodshed from the simpletons as they fail to understand what's going on.

Anonymous No. 975648

Yeah, I too have a premonition how that's the kind of trajectory we're on regarding how people will react, prob why I feel so compelled to type into this void.

Not that I think it'll accomplish anything but when you see everyone who's asleep at the wheel as the curve approaches you turn into a bit of a backseat driver.

Anonymous No. 975666

this is the literal opposite of "productivity" lol, it's literally ai-assisted procrastination. you were supposed to be building a videogame level or whatever but you keep putting it off to play with your chatbot toy. now you're stuck reading ebooks about... pedestrian behavior in public spaces? and you haven't "produced" shit, you're further away from producing anything than when you started. if you didn't have this ai toy you might have actually done real work and i guarantee that you would have gained more insight that way than by browsing at best tangentially-relevant books of theory. your own shilling of the technology demonstrates how it enables bad behavior and undermines productivity

Anonymous No. 975669

A mouse can escape containment, a computer will not disobey. A.I is never going to suppress the common mouse if computer continues to follow human made content.

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Anonymous No. 975705

>you haven't "produced" shit, you're further away from producing anything than when you started.

Well the processes it helped me arrive at to envision and craft traversable interior spaces seems to be working allrite for me anon.
I feel pretty productive as I'm 2 weeks into the process and doing art-passes on game-tested areas of this 22000 square meter complex.
At the rate I'm currently going with one sub-room per day I will need about a month to finish.

You may be able to sit down and just start level-designing in a vacuum but my mind don't bend that way.
This is not a task I feel competent in, I'm new to the area and in the many many games I've play very seldom have I thought
"wow this is a good level" so I didn't even knew what I liked and why, just how I disliked most of the work actual industry pros are doing for their levels.

F.E.A.R and Killzone 1 was the only games I vividly remembered which had geometry that facilitated the sort of fluid flanking gameplay I wish for
but I could find very limited information on the concepts and processes they used.

In order for me personally to effectively do something I need a process that makes sense to me so I don't end up in a state
of 'analysis paralysis' building things while questioning if it's useful or good and why.

But no problem, turns out many people outside of videogames have written on topics related to the sort of things I was looking for
in ways that explained the psychological impact of interior spaces and how to design those spaces to exploit what's known about our behavior.

Anonymous No. 975707

I've never really studied architecture or thought deeply about the nature of interiors but talking to ChatGPT is like having a expert in anything on hand.
It's so powerful because it can inform and shape your thinking around what you already bring to the table.

Reading what other have written on a topic is so powerful to me because even if it doesn't give me the answers it leads to me asking better questions.
Eventually asking the right kind of questions makes the answer sound rhetorical and then those light bulb moments will come.

With GPT You're being delivered information exactly at your current level of understanding and you're asking teach immediate follow-up questions
mid-class and constantly sorting out the kinks in your thinking. It rapidly extends and help you organize what you already had to work with.
To me it's like having the best teacher I've ever had in any subject who also answers my emails in mere seconds 24/7.
I feel like my entire thinking has been absolutely super-charged thanks to GPT.

I've heard many programmers and users echo the same ideas. How even if AI development plateau today we still have accelerated our progression
by a lot seeing how it made so many of us ~200% more effective at doing almost anything than what we used to be on our own.

Anonymous No. 975708

Looking pretty nice anon, I saved to my gamedev inspo folder.
>that explained the psychological impact of interior spaces and how to design those spaces to exploit what's known about our behavior.
Is there a particular book you can recommend that you found illuminating on this subject?

Anonymous No. 975725

That’s where you are wrong:

You should take how the player expects the game to play out. You should award them for exploring. It should not be a lame as copycat of many floors put together for the sake of gameplay.

Anonymous No. 975729

I'm not sure you appreciate the sheer volume of information contained in these models.
Everything that's ever been said on the internet is in there, all knowledge we've acquired up to this point in time can be searched and reformatted with ease.
Science today is mostly about iteration. That's why it's so boring. Iteration is something a computer can do extremely well, a great example of this are the several million drugs and poisons that a ML model came up with a couple of years ago.
To use your analogy, a computer cannot disobey but it can try literally every combination of actions available to it until a solution is found. A mouse will just walk towards the smell of outside until it hits a wall or gets bored - then it will look elsewhere.

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Anonymous No. 975730

No, the AI you are talking about is science fiction, it doesn’t exist. The real current models are stolen copyright assets from human society. The computer models today lack the ability to make new things. It can never build gigantic structures of star ships like these.

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Shadow Wizard Cas....jpg

Anonymous No. 975751

It hasn't even begun.

Anonymous No. 975752

Capitalism can absolutely survive free labor. Even if they slash the prices on their products by 50% they still make money hand over fist on all the shit they save by not paying employees, their 401k and health insurance. What they do need is consumers, and consumers need money and the only way to keep this ball rolling is by giving people UBI so they can participate in the economy to keep the inbred retards happy that their bank accounts are still making happy faces. Without consumers, there is no capitalism.

Anonymous No. 975764

And why do you think they'll ever give you free money when all they want is to extract the maximum amount they can from you? They'd rather kill you first. If you're not producing value for them then you're dead weight.

Anonymous No. 975765

>With GPT You're being delivered information exactly at your current level of understanding and you're asking teach immediate follow-up questions
you're literally at baby level. gtfo

>Everything that's ever been said on the internet is in there, all knowledge we've acquired up to this point in time can be searched and reformatted with ease.
You have no idea what you are talking about. Cringe. Seriously, stop posting.

Anonymous No. 975766

>Judging by the couple's surroundings, they appear to be around 8 ft tall

Anonymous No. 975772

You say this as if I said anything to imply I'd seethe if AI somehow shattered my expectation. Opposite of what I said really.

Anonymous No. 975775

Are AIfags just illiterate or something?

Anonymous No. 975786

>And why do you think they'll ever give you free money when all they want is to extract the maximum amount they can from you?
Because, and try to stay with me on this one, they need consumers.

>They'd rather kill you first.
That would be the sensible and logical thing to do, but, no consumers = no profit. What is the point of automating industry and work sectors then when they can just kill the consumers and shut down their factories? Besides people have been doing their job for them for decades now with low birthrates.

>If you're not producing value for them then you're dead weight.
This is so stupid I don't even know where to begin unpacking it. What is value then? It sure as shit can't be art because art has no value. Is it filing reports? Pouring coffee? Flipping burgers? Welding? What is value?

Anonymous No. 975788

'Image of the City' by Kevin Lynch's spelled out a lot of things for me. It taught me things it felt like I already knew but in spelling it out it crystalized that understanding into something that became actionable.

-Experiencing Architecture' by Steen Eiler Rasmussen had well structured chapters with a good walk-thru of architectural concepts.

Miriam Bellard, environment lead at Rockstar North had several really good GDC talks covering spatial psychology and how they design environments around what can be known about the players vantage and how they influence it to facilitate game-play, they're available on youtube.
'Environment Design as Spatial Cinematography: Theory and Practice' from 2019 was esp insightful. Think she was the one who recommended that later book.

Anonymous No. 975789

I've seen that talk before, I skipped thru it as it didn't resonate with me. Great use of the character creator tho with the manbun + white frame glasses.

>you're literally at baby level. gtfo

What about my approach bothers you and how may I improve anon? This is your chance to outshine the AI.
If I'm on 'baby level' as I approach chat GPT it doesn't tell me to 'gtfo' it has endless patience in offering me the next stepping stones I need.

With your snarky dismissive attitude here you kind of highlight why an AI is such a superior learning tool than even human expert communities.
You ask human experts questions they often go "why are you asking THAT lol, you should already know about X and Y and Z like I do, before even asking that lol"

Or when you're actually doing something tricky and need specifics about something intricate which they don't really comprehend themselves
they start asking you 'why you even need that?' and when you explain they go 'why don't you do' <insert simplified solution to something> that won't accomplish what you want.

Googling information half of the time is wasted reading thru threads that starts something like that before the actual expert steps in at ~post 12 and owns everybody offering the actual answer and half of everybody claps and the other half attempt to save face by re-framing the question and walk thru their reasoning for not actually explaining it.

GPT has no such ego in answering your inquiry and neither do you in the sort of questions you may ask it as flaunting your own ignorance won't hurt your ego either.

Anonymous No. 975790

>I'm an idiot.
If you can't see how ai can be used in production you are the retard. Given how many people are seething about this very thing it's obvious none of you idiots know what a 2d animation production pipeline even looks like.

Anonymous No. 975791

>What about my approach bothers you and how may I improve anon? This is your chance to outshine the AI.
If I'm on 'baby level' as I approach chat GPT it doesn't tell me to 'gtfo' it has endless patience in offering me the next stepping stones I need
The ai definitely has a limited amount of patience. It was trained on data of people being frustrated and understands the emotion.
More important than that is that when it gets like this it often gives misleading answers or makes programmatical mistakes. A pure novice like myself can often therefore out think it in subjects j have no business even competing with the best teacher in. You must be either malleable on subjects you are learning and aren't catching mistakes left and finishes right or the subjects you chose to learn don't require algorithmic and mathematical precision.

Anonymous No. 975801

>obvious none of you idiots know what a 2d animation production pipeline even looks like.
yeah, this is a 3d board, of course we don't. We also don't care

Anonymous No. 975810

>They'd rather kill you first
No, not really. If you're dead, they can't lord over you. They'd rather you stay alive, chained to their economic infrastructure as a consumer, where they can manipulate you as they please, and occasionally abduct your children to an island.

Anonymous No. 975812

Thank you anon, great refs.
That GDC talk was amazingly good, probably top 5 I've watched in terms of useful non-obvious information (and I've watched a *lot*)

Anonymous No. 975825

They have people farms for that

Anonymous No. 975849

This is all about images as it's what I have experience with
>still can't actual fight scene pictures or just cool action scene pictures or anything remotely complex out of AI
It can do that, but it usually requires using something like latent couple or controlnet to guide the model for more complex scenes, fight scenes usually work out of the box
>AI is still incapable of consistency
Absolutely is if you train a LoRA on the thing you need to look consistent, and then use the LoRA
>this animation shit still looks uncanny as fuck
No comment on that, dunno
>corpos are gonna neuter the fuck out of it and make it worthless anyway
That's why open source models exist, or any local models, even when neutered you can simply finetune it back into being based

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Anonymous No. 975913

Imagine being suffocated by her ass while she leg locks you deep inside, no escape.

I wouldn't want any one of you to suffer that fate

Anonymous No. 975945

No, this is a fight scene:
Your dumb A.I can’t understand the concept of magic or fantasy. It’s never going to become the norm.

Anonymous No. 976001

>Your dumb A.I can’t understand the concept of magic or fantasy. It’s never going to become the norm.
That's a genuinely stupid statement
Just a few years ago people were saying AI will never be able to replicate voices, create high resolution images and so on and here we are
Unless you are an oracle and you can see into the future, saying that "AI will never improve and never will be good" is retarded as it's a claim based purely on your feelings

Anonymous No. 976006

They'll come around. Lot of people currently reject how this technology actually works because they themselves still believe in magic.
Lot's of folk who's not even religious still think we have a soul and that it isn't just neural processing, but this is because they have
no idea what neural processing is same way the average person on the street can't really explain to you how electricity works despite them using it every day.

As more and more of them experience what such processing can do and internalize how these are not representations of what their non-coder idea of computer algorithm is.
When they start understanding how this is digital brain tissue doing it's thing and how it's in principle able to replicate anything we see brain tissue accomplish nature
the realization of what sort tasks can be successfully performed by machine brains will start to sink in.

Anonymous No. 976007

getting to the realization that humans are just mammals and nothing else will not be as good as you think. at least not for the weak ones

Anonymous No. 976010

We'll just repackage it as them getting to realize how they're already grown to be mental cyborgs connected to the global super-organism that is already the internet.
Empowering them by letting them known we're like individual synapses in symbiosis with the rising singularity. We're all one spark, sun becoming.

Just silently let them ignore how we're destined to become the dead skin-cells it sheds as it scratches the lint out of it's newborn navel.

Anonymous No. 976012

> long drawn out nothing
maybe AI can replace my village idiot status

Anonymous No. 976020

>A.I doesn’t understand how to build my monster made entirely out of nothing

Yes, it is I the great Oracle. I do in fact see the future. Your dumb A.I will never become the trending topic in 2 more years. OpenAI has been stealing content from users and courts made it impossible to collect assets without permission. Since Google, OpenAI and many others were unable to collect enough data. The project was scrapped and new A.I projects were launched to rebuild their glory. It cannot do such thing, people who wrote it just made the art in a coded way. People who thought teaching A.I by shapes would come with results, it didn’t because the code was not created and the A.I just copy the shapes. That is the future of A.I, the no future.

That’s the problem with A.I, it can not understand what “nothing” is for me. It only understands the definition of “nothing” as empty.

Anonymous No. 976035

It's the opposite, because of how we're already at the level of Sora it now has the ability to learn from absolutely anything.
It no longer needs us to feed it any labeled training data as it can self-label what's present in image-feeds and assemble curated training data sets to retrain on.

Google cars driving around assembling them streetviews of places means it has eyes all over the entire world.
It's never gonna run out of having new training data.

This confused cope you type is just a feel-good story you tell yourself, it has zero correlation with real circumstances surrounding this.

Getting hung up on the scummy art-scrubbing they did to build the diffusion models is like looking at a few trees while missing how there is a forest of information.
We can't stop generative AI by saying AI can't look at what we post on the open web because it has grown eyes now and it can look and learn from anything.

Anonymous No. 976037


Anonymous No. 976038

Of course it will, the visible spectrum of things is finite, without new inputs a language model can't learn new things. We don't have artificial intelligence, we just have prediction models

Anonymous No. 976049

>We don't have artificial intelligence, we just have prediction models

Can't you see how that is a great aspect of what we actually mean when we say 'intelligence'?
Looking at a situation and make accurate predicting what's gonna ensue if you chose to perform action X.

How the soccer player apply the right amount of spin to the ball to curve it up past the goalie.
The jumping spider correctly asserting what vector to jump to intersect the path of it's prey at the correct moment.
The language model working out what are the correct string of words to describe the phenomena being inquired about.

Sit down and think for a while what has to be involved for you or anything to be able to predict what words actually comes next in a sentence.
Think of all the endless nonsense you can do with words 'what dog comes previous in a rainbow' how do you go about discarding
that as an answer and instead provide the correct word?

You'll rapidly realize that for you to be able to answer what comes next with any degree of accuracy deep levels of connections
between the multitude of disparate things words can refer to must've been made.

But it's even deeper than that because how can you explain meta reasoning that requires a mental model of the situation involved to solve it like >>975143
'It only predicts the next word in a sentence' yes, but in order to do that it has grown itself a world model in which to test various claims.

If this isn't 'intelligence' to you your definition of 'intelligence' is incredibly narrow to the point it excludes most of what people mean when they utter that word.

Anonymous No. 976054

I didn't read whatever you typed but whatever it is you should type it in your own blog.

Anonymous No. 976058

You should read it, it's important information correcting a lot of the dangerous misconceptions you hold.

If you're against AI that is perfectly fine but then it's like we're about to go out there to fight the T-800 Terminator
and here you are thinking we're about to pick a fight with some robot vacuum cleaner with a bad attitude.

'know the enemy' anon, it's in 'The Art of War'.

Anonymous No. 976062

Acompañamiento psicologico.

Anonymous No. 976063

>Dragons swoop in about to set the village ablaze.
>You: 'look out dragons!"
>That moment when you realize how everybody's gonna die because no one believes in dragons.

Anonymous No. 976064

Sora can not animate a character who id invisible and looks like my imagination. Even you fail to understand my concept of this character. Sora will probably just copy from common characters and fail to apply invisible characters. That’s the future as I the Oracle see.

Google will run out of training data in the road. Not once has Google A.I been able to do the correct task, it also fails at driving. Uploading 1TB is not going to help, it just means the hardware sicks at having the right data at present. Every road is the same anon, Google won’t sell it outside the American market.

A.I can’t learn anon, it just copys or follows commands. No body has written a correct answer to starting A.I

What you said is incorrect and heavy implying the trial and error method. A real A.I would know percentage, current ones do not. They don’t do math right either:

Math should be correct every time and the fact that it can’t answer correctly means the code does indeed throw random variables into the chatbox. This is your proof that OpenAI is not only filled with bad coding but a actual scam.

Anonymous No. 976066


I suppose this poster is actually the real #chris.
Look here poster who always see 'chris' in each and every one of us: this is how you actually spot a #portugueseMadman.

Anonymous No. 976086

>writing (any LLM)
>roleplaying (any LLM)
>programming (copilot, gpt, gemini, etc.)
>art (stable diffusion/midjourney/etc.)
>music/sound (suno/jukebox)
>filmmaking (sora/runway)
>game dev (genie, texture/model/animation generation on the way)
>teaching (gpt, gemini, etc.)
>customer support (chatbots)
>cashiers (self serve)
>advertising (gpt, gemini, etc.)
>editing/proofreading (gpt, gemini, etc.)
>therapy (gpt, gemini, etc.)
>drivers (AI drivers)
>manual labor (robots)
>manufacturing (robots)
Are all on the horizon to be fully automated by AI, and that's just today. It's game fucking over for any sort of creative or entry level worker in the next 10 years, more likely 2-5.
It's even worse than you might think because if you're not already established in a field, you will NEVER rise up the career ladder because AI replaced you at junior level from day one. Corporations ARE building AI for these purposes and more, they are actively trying to replace human workers to cut costs and increase profit margins. I pity the fools coping about this now.

Anonymous No. 976091

first of all, your list is wrong on multiple levels.

>writing (any LLM)
prose is in one of the worst spots it has ever been in.

who the hell ever roleplays?

nobody and i do mean _noboddy_ is coming out with the programs i want to use

art is in one of the worst spots its ever been in

>music / sound
nobody is starting bands anymore so fewer and fewer new music is coming out. You can no longer go to memorable concerts with your friends.

>game dev
games are in one of the _worst_ spots they have ever beeen in

> cashiers
self serve doesnt work. You can only use them with 12 items or less. You have to bag all of your own groceries, which is a non starter for many, including the rich and or the old. You have scams introduced such as skimming.



>manual labor
you are delusional

Anonymous No. 976103

I just wanted to let you know that I didn't read your post.

Anonymous No. 976105

cope however you can

Anonymous No. 976107

I have no idea what I should be coping about since I didn't read any of your posts. If you can tell me in a line or two maybe I'll consider it.

Anonymous No. 976113

i wrote one post, >>976091 in reply to >>976086

where are you getting multiple from? What is wrong with you?

Anonymous No. 976114

And you're expecting me to read all of that.

Anonymous No. 976116

are you alright?

Anonymous No. 976118

Does that mean I don't have to cope anymore?

Anonymous No. 976119


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Anonymous No. 976121

That's nice, unfortunately AI is in fact taking up entry level positions in all of those fields if not obsoleting them entirely in real time, and robots for manual labor are up next. You can stop projecting your own delusions because this is actually happening and corporations are already on this.

Anonymous No. 976123

nothing is coming out. With no workers, no one will have money to buy anything. Keep dreaming

Anonymous No. 976125

That's a literal "in two more weeks".

Anonymous No. 976126

yup, also google will say anything to try to get themselves back into ai since they are way way behind

Anonymous No. 976131

>Elon musk website as source
That’s not even real evidence, the guy fake news and no old person CEO willingly uses A.I they just fire people and claim they earned profits.

Anonymous No. 976133

People ITT and elsewhere denying the impact AI will have aren't the only ones with delusions.
CEOs/techbros/twitter/elonbros are the other side of that coin.
This already happened with writers that were let go because of ChatGPT and coders that were let go because of copilot. They were begrudgingly asked to come back, often at a higher salary because while those systems do """something""" it's not as useful as the hype.

Anonymous No. 976715

Fuck corpos. Fuck them for automating the only jobs people actually want to do.

Anonymous No. 976759

No, they won't. Look at pal world.
Please post your animation.

Anonymous No. 976836

>No, they won't. Look at pal world.
pal world is a complete shit game dood. You're not even a gamer.

Anonymous No. 976840

>pal world is a complete shit game dood. You're not even a gamer.

In my view you shouldn't be wrong in this and I don't understand how it is even possible your statement is wrong, yet you are.
Scores of people who are legit gamers by any standard play that shit with a grand smile on their face.

Anonymous No. 976841

the game is pure shit. You are a zoomer.

Anonymous No. 976843

>the game is pure shit
I agree, but ones personal tastes in anything is not reflective of the overall direction of a massive group label like 'gamers'.
Lot of people it makes no sense that they would be playing 'pal world' is in fact playing 'pal world'.
I can't explain it I can just verify that it is a thing that is happening.

>You are a zoomer.
Nah, I'm actually as old as one can be and still be labeled as a 'millennial'. Had I spawned one month earlier and I'd be considered 'Gen X'.

I don't really feel represented by what you associate with either of those tho, I'm this transitional species who fell between the cracks I guess.

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Anonymous No. 976888

>Post work
Did the thing, yes it's mess up but i didn't do it to let you get free stuff. Deal with it.

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Anonymous No. 976898

I'm getting pretty tired of all the ZOMG AI WILL DESTROY US ALL posts on this subreddit and all over social media at large.

There are some important points to consider with all this generative AI shit. First of all, the kind of AI that most people are screaming about is the kind that generates "finished" images or short videos with dubious continuity. The quality of these images might improve over time, but it's important to remember that A.) they routinely have obvious flaws because the machine doesn't know what it's generating and B.) they are not easily directable in any specific way (again the machine has NO IDEA what it's generating) and C.) they only generate final images or video. They don't generate data to be used in any kind of serious production pipeline. You can't pixelfuck these images, you can't go back and adjust the animation curves on a specific limb, you can't get AOVs and make minor lighting adjustments to the specular pass, you just get what the Plagiarism Machine gives you. While Sam Altman and others would just love for you to believe that you'll eventually just be able to prompt make me good movie pls and everything will be perfect, if the desired output has any standards at all, let alone the standards of a serious director, it will never be good enough for use beyond the cheapest content mill garbage. Granted some artist jobs out there are for garbage content mills, but most of us aren't doing that work (or want to).

Second, and this is equally or more important: OpenAI and others are heavily subsidized. They, and by extension you, are not paying full price for all the Azure or Amazon Cloud credits used to run the Plagiarism Machine. It takes an incredible amount of energy and cloud computing hours to make your big boobs astronaut woman boobs red hair in space booba dream a reality, and right now, nobody is paying the true cost of this. All these venture capitalist types love to run on this same model...

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Anonymous No. 976899

they're going to provide you a "free" or heavily subsidized service until you're dependent on it, and then suddenly the VC money runs out and the buck will be passed onto you. Once this happens, it's going to be a lot less enticing to fire all your artists so some chump can type prompts in over and over again to get a result that isn't quite what anyone wants. The Silicon Valley types will run off to the tropics with suitcases full of cash while everyone else gets screwed, as always.

Third, and I don't really expect this to happen quickly, is that pretty much all of these generative models are trained on copyrighted images and text. It takes legislatures a long time to adapt to emerging technologies, but I'd expect that eventually the EU at least is going to take notice and start building a framework for laws around this.

Where I do expect these technologies to play a bigger part is in things like texture synthesis, skin weighting, maybe certain kinds of filters to run on FLIP or pyro sims to help massage the incoming data; basically places where you'd use the term "machine learning" instead of the hyped-up "AI" concept. Things that augment your ability to get a good image on the screen within existing production pipelines.

TL;DR stop panicking and go make cool shit

Anonymous No. 976906

>they routinely have obvious flaws because the machine doesn't know what it's generating
contradicting yourself from sentence earlier. fixed within 3 years.

>they are not easily directable in any specific way
most people are not capable of direction and just want to consoom. the audience is the market, not directors.

>(again the machine has NO IDEA what it's generating)
you have no way to infer this and the fact that the majority of frames are coherent suggests the opposite

>they only generate final images or video.
see above re:audience. the ai replaces the entire production pipeline

>You can't pixelfuck these images, [..] you just get what the Plagiarism Machine gives you
all fixable with more ai. don't need it though see above.

>has any standards at all
have you ever done any client work?

>let alone the standards of a serious director,
see above

>but most of us aren't doing that work
most people are indeed doing shitty work. artist at hoses like ilm and even framestore are 'elite'

>It takes an incredible amount of energy and cloud computing hours
ai fixes this

it's funny ou've attached midjourney outputs with this post because they don't take VC money. it's funded by that insufferable guy who made millions with his shitty hand waving device. and midjourney already charges for subscription

also ai fixes its own cost issues
asi by 2030
it's over, start panicking

Anonymous No. 976907

Nta but I've recently read an article about how Microsoft is already draining water stressed regions like Arizona to cool it's data centers. I imagine with increased reliance on AI we'd have a real issue with unsustainability and impending chaos, even if they move these data centers to third world countries.

Anonymous No. 976911

>ai fixes this
and yet, the film, movie, and game industry is in ruins. COLLAPSE

Anonymous No. 976913

kind of makes you think that everything you posted here >>976906 is all bullshit, since everything has failed to make any money, doesnt it? You should have the new golden age, but you have nothing.

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Anonymous No. 976920

either we run out of water or we create the godmachine that solves the water problem.
i'm better on the latter. besides, these problems tend to be overblown - do you have any idea how much water manufacturing and energy generation consumes? we need to fix all these problems with sam's tulpa.

cost of production is too high. you will hallucinate using your ballsack-computer and you will like it.

Anonymous No. 976923

>cost of production is too high. you will hallucinate using your ballsack-computer and you will like it.
I'm sorry but you have already sacked all the artists and the production crews and are rendering purely with neural network and you already have tons of compute from your pre existing render farms. You are STILL not putting anything out. Just admit it, you have a flawed, bad method of working. The only thing you can blame is marketing costs, which are your own problem and often don't amount to much.

Anonymous No. 976927

>and often don't amount to much.
*in terms of return

Anonymous No. 976934

we just need more compute and more data the problem will solve itself and then the solution will solve all other problems how is this difficult to understand
look, i understand that you may be experiencing discomfort thinking about this
but reach down and grab your testicles. feels nice doesn't it? that warm embrace. that's what it's going to be like, but the balls will be grabbing you instead.

Anonymous No. 976943

Have anyone told you the story of how humanity built a machine to answer the greatest question in the universe. It’s only answer after millions of years was nonsense.

That’s your AI right now

Anonymous No. 976944

books isn't real. time to grow up.

Anonymous No. 976954

Your AI can’t answer the meaning of life and everything in existence. The machine is a generated system not a machine build by learning. Clear difference between stolen content to build AI and a machine built to learn.

Time to grow up.

Anonymous No. 976974

>we just need more compute and more data the problem will solve itself
I've heard it a million times before dood and I'm still not buyin. Let me guess, you're going to solve nuclear fusion, quantum physics, cancer, FTL travel, holograms, UBI, infinite life, while simultaneously resuscitating the entertainment industry with all your new compute and data? I wouldn't get my hopes up, Ray.

Anonymous No. 977002

I don't want to do it myself ngl

Anonymous No. 977003

Are these images supposed to be a gotcha moment? Different backgrounds, different poses
I don't think a single pixel matches honestly

Anonymous No. 977040


This image is the best argument I've seen for the human always being necessary. The AI images are very clearly trained on the film images, meaning without them it wouldn't be able to produce shit

Anonymous No. 977043

soon we'll have better tools (not AI) that will give you ai level results in DCCs with machine learning (a different field altogether) such as in this thanos example creating the thanos character from scratch, creating textures, creating hdris, post processing, all in editable 3d giving 3d meshes and outputting to familiar 3d dcc format, all with machine learning (not ai)

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Anonymous No. 977046

It's very possible that 90% of the AI shit will turned out to be true. But there is that 10% that will have the same hype as the NFT. Not because will be useless, there is for sure ways to help and became a powerful tool in different areas. But something tells me that those tech bros are hyping it up just like a pump and dump to catch the companies and the market until the iron is hot. Whatever the case, it's good to be prepared for each scenario. Godspeed!

Anonymous No. 977049

AI will not be better, it doesn’t understand religion or feelings. That’s our thing and the machine refuses to create brand new things. The code that only copy and paste is not a real AI, it’s straight up a scam.

Anonymous No. 977052

Yeah because religion is totally not a scam "Serve us in this life meek servant and you will totally be rewarded after your death in after-life!
You know, that life which totally comes after your life is over, just take our word for it bro, this is a 100% legit unverifiable claim".

Can't you tell how it's the most obvious scam there ever was? Like someone asking you to pay for their dinner so you can have all of their 'after food' aka jack shit.

If AI is a scam it's a infinitely more useful scam than religion. You ask chat GPT how to get you out of a pinch X and it'll at least offer you some plausible solutions.
You flip open your bible to a random page it'll likely offer you detailed guidelines on how many animal sacrifice to set ablaze to please skydaddy because how
he loves that smell of burning flesh in his nostrils. I chose GPT over the demanding BBQ enthusiast any day of the week.

Anonymous No. 977055

>You ask chat GPT how to get you out of a pinch X and it'll at least offer you some plausible solutions.
All its doing is scraping pre-existing web sites and not giving the original creators any credit, any traffic, and stripping their code - if they have any - of any license. Stop it already.

Anonymous No. 977064

That's not how it works anon. It's been trained on gargantuan datasets but that is akin to us reading every book in a library or every article on the internet. The data it returns on a prompt is novel however as your prompt is novel data itself that carves a path thruout the neural net resulting in a never before seen original text that correspond to the truth testing it conducts in trying to provide a relevant answer for your prompt.

If you chain it and let it re-evaluate and reflect on it's own prompt or request it to think 'step by step' it's already able to conduct reasoning better than a lot of humans.

That it 'doesn't understand' is a huge cope. It's not aware in the sentient sense yet but it very much 'understand'.

Anonymous No. 977065

>All its doing is scraping pre-existing web sites and not giving the original creators any credit, any traffic, and stripping their code - if they have any - of any license.
Good, none of them deserve any payment
AND they pay me with their raw seething and coping, it's a win win

Anonymous No. 977069

that is how it works. GPL code goes in on github, it gets "scraped", non GPL code comes out. Thats not how it works. Its theft. Just wait a few years for the EU to realize this.

Anonymous No. 977074

two more weeks

Anonymous No. 977076

>2 more weeks
GPT 5, being released in 2 weeks, is just the same as Claude 3 - which has surpassed GPT 4.

You wont achieve time travel, worldwide or even local environmental improvement, cancer cures, or anything. Its quite literally another dot com bubble, a crypto bubble or a "nothingburger". All the AIs are the same in that regard. I've experienced it going between Claude and GPT and Gemini. It's over.

Anonymous No. 977077

It is clearly theft.
You can tell when you ask it for code that it has very little understanding of what it produces, but if there is existing code for it to copy and paste together, it can kind of contextually understand what is required and regurgitate some snippets that will almost work.

Anonymous No. 977079

>You wont achieve time travel, worldwide or even local environmental improvement, cancer cures, or anything.
Aaaand who advertised it as capable of doing such?
I don't remember any other piece of technology like cars or planes achieving time travel either

Anonymous No. 977080

>Aaaand who advertised it as capable of doing such?
tech bros.

Anonymous No. 977082

So you take opinions of random noname strangers at face value? That's not very healthy

Anonymous No. 977083

Can you comprehend how many tech bros there are rn?

Anonymous No. 977084

Again, there's plenty of trannies, "artists" with emphasis on the quotation marks, conmen and various other kinds of filth, you shouldn't listen to any of these
Optimally you listen to people that have a PhD on the topic they are talking about

Anonymous No. 977085

Why are you being discriminatory against trans people?

Anonymous No. 977162

You’re dumb AI can’t understand Indian religion or culture. A mare child in a span of 5 years has better comprehension than AI racism that was collected by American researchers.

Anonymous No. 977263

Why not?

Anonymous No. 977293

No reason not to when that's their entire culture

Anonymous No. 977569

Whoever said that sora wasn't a toy to make videos but rather the visual cortex of the AI was right.

Anonymous No. 977577

man i hate this
humans are so done, the future will be so gay

Anonymous No. 977599

I accept your concessions. Reminder, the low IQs will be replaced first:


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Anonymous No. 977617

OpenAI CTO Mira Murati says Sora was trained on publicly available and licensed data

If she gets raped, your defense will be that she was publicly available at the time of the incident.

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Anonymous No. 977973

these are the gamma boys who are taking your jobs
snivelling little bolshevik shits
look at how nervous the poop eating do not redeem bloody fucker bitch bloody is

guillotine is the only answer to the problem that is AI tech bros

Anonymous No. 979100

Yeah, but can it be racist/sexist?
if not then there is still a job for me to do :D

Anonymous No. 979175

Will never happen

Anonymous No. 979700

it's getting more over by the month now and there are midwits still coping