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Anonymous No. 974419

>tfw couldn't find a job in 3d due to high competition
>go into VFX
>tfw VFX is now done for

And I just got my job back too!

Anonymous No. 974424

at least you got your job back, the strikes fucking wrecked my shit. I got eight years of experience and I cant get anything.

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Anonymous No. 974428

>Tell Sora to add explosion to existing video of a car
>Prompt it to start at the engine
>The engine (which is a v6 in the first frame and then a top fuel dragster engine with a huge blower by the last) floats out of the hood and puts on a fireworks display

Anonymous No. 974430

This shit messed me up, I'm not even an artist but technology is evolving too quickly, it's making life boring, soulless.
Do you remember when only 5 years ago they said that blue collars would be replaced first by technology? And instead the exact opposite is happening.
That makes you realize how unpredictable, uncertain this shit is, I don't know what to think about the future anymore. What if I don't want to do minimum wage jobs like the burger flipper but start a real career, WHAT THE FUCK AM I SUPPOSED TO STUDY? without the risk of being replaced by some software trained without consent on real human data.

Anonymous No. 974432

Sorry bro we are gonna have to lift boxes until companies maybeeee decide that robots that lift boxes are finally cheaper and more efficient than humans and then we will just die, by that point any labor not involving physical work would have long been replaced by ai since it's practically cost free

Anonymous No. 974433

good now you faggets will understand that this is a hobby and not a career

Anonymous No. 974434

Based hobbyposter

Anonymous No. 974439

stop bitching, this is great, I can make my own movies and anime and porn and videogames and everything else, soon.

Anonymous No. 974441

I like to walk places even though driving is faster, sometimes it's more about the journey, you know? glad this isn't my job though kek.

Anonymous No. 974443

In history there have always been famines and history repeats itself, those who fail to adapt will starve to death, meanwhile society will find a new balance, this world has never been for everyone.

Also, the concept of passion combined with work is a utopia, already few people can afford to pursue their dreams and monetize them, in the future it will be worse.

Anonymous No. 974444

>erm the world is le bad therefore dont complain about le bad
Stfu nigger I'd jump on your head and piss on your corpse dumb fucking nigger I'd take a shit in your empty eyesocket after I skullfucked you and ship you to your mother

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Anonymous No. 974448

sorry friend, you should learn a trade

Anonymous No. 974449

Also quibi kek

Anonymous No. 974458

Can someone give the AI faggots a board already? Yea we are all doomed and out of job, we get it. But it doesn't have anything to do with 3d.

Anonymous No. 974465

>I can make my own movies and anime and porn and videogames and everything else, soon.
no, you wont because the safeguards on the generators (no local. online only) will never allow for violent or offensive content

Anonymous No. 974468

lmao, they say the earth only has like 30 years left as a being even habitable for humans

Anonymous No. 974486

What does this AI have to do with VFX?

Anonymous No. 974525

And you will get bored after a year. You will be like a kid who just started playing minecraft on creative but has no drive to create anything great. First year you will make all the 20 movies you always wanted, then the 5 games, and then you will feel hollow and quit watching movies and playing games, or you will “return to the classics” and just consume old pre-AI media.

Anonymous No. 974590

I just found out that Sam Altman is jewish lmao

Anonymous No. 974623

I call him Sam Altman-Fried. And they all are.

Anonymous No. 974638

Things are way worse than that and you have your head buried in the sand. But by all means pretend the Jews who hate you and want you dead will stop training ai to replace you because you made a law that says no ai please.

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Anonymous No. 974639

All of my content is not violent or offense it's basically super cute Anon. Please invest in me.

Anonymous No. 974651

butlerian yihad or death

Anonymous No. 974748

>trained without consent on real human data
It's actually even worse than that, AI can be trained on synthetic data (data other AIs or software generate)

Anonymous No. 974837

that causes "model collapse"

Anonymous No. 974840

Unfortunately for us it turns out it doesn't, Sora is trained with synthetic data.

Anonymous No. 974841

human scripted unreal engine animations aren't synthetic data, tim

Anonymous No. 974842

If you don't understand what the word synthetic constitute it's not my fault, billy-joe-cletus.

Anonymous No. 974843

they used hand scripted unreal engine animations. What the hell is wrong with you

Anonymous No. 975081

>Do you remember when only 5 years ago they said that blue collars would be replaced first by technology?
In the end its going to be happening so close together, history will look at it as happening at the same time.
Blue collar work is going to get hit like a fucking brick in 2-3 years.

Anonymous No. 975089

your post wont age well

Anonymous No. 975091


More than worrying about my own situation as an artist and how this affects me that is what I'm most concerned with.
If I'm out on my ass society can handle that and there are security nets and connections I can draw upon to rectify the situation.
But when this comes for that many of us that is a paradigm shift for society nobody outside intellectual circles are seriously talking about yet.

The threat is not in how this makes art, the threat is in the quality of it's understanding of the world that allow it to these sort of things.

You gotta understand what kind of plumbing pipes you are looking at with your optical sensors to be a plumberbot. It now has that sort of understanding.
imagine when Sora goes from text2video to video2text "I'm looking at plumbing pipe of type X, I need to manipulate pipe X by applying torque at pivot Y"

That's what's happening here, it's not the use case of this tool but what it represents.

Anonymous No. 975120

The robotics necessary to replace blue collar work are still too expensive and only getting moreso.
You need real deal technicians to calibrate maintain and repair those.
Machine learning can keep getting better because any retard can keep feeding more porn and github code into a datacenter and it's free.
We are probably gonna see a Mars mission before we see viable autonomous solutions to shit like welding.

Anonymous No. 975124

A.i is being met with a bunch of faggot leftist policies. i cant prompt a world war 2 plane, not even the allies.
Soon you wont be able to make a car because it promotes the use of gas.

we'll see how this garbage plays out since a.i is mostly being developed by faggots.

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Anonymous No. 975128


Anonymous No. 975131

At first I too where taken aback by how 'woke' the AI was and wished for something with a bit more bite, but then I came to realize how it pisses off all the right people. This made me all sanguine about it.

Anonymous No. 975137

Remember that those people want that technology to control your life at the end, if they make it that inaccurate, we are fucked, someday they will replace the dindus with robots, and give themselves rights, because robots sign the declaration of independence next to a Chinese dude named mark and a strong Muslim teenage girl.
Imagine becoming complacent of lies because it hurts people you don't like.
You are mentally ill.

Anonymous No. 975139

lmao, but srsly this is getting off topic, keep /pol/ in /pol/

Anonymous No. 975145

Honestly don't give a fuck about you fags. You laughed at people who drew because you wanted to have your souless anime coomies using stolen data taking it without consent. But now that you are getting fucked you are asking for compassion? eat a dick. I am doing this as a hobby and so should you.

Anonymous No. 975159

tell that to people building the a.i, numbnuts.

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No White Families.jpg

Anonymous No. 975163

AI will erase whites, white labor, white history, white culture, whites are done. goodbye better luck next time

Anonymous No. 975238

We're not a sentimental generation anon. Like I'm a white guy, I'm admittedly more into white girls on average than I'm into girls of other races
but if I see a particularly tasty one that's off-color that's not something that comes up as an issue in my pursuit of this fine specimen.
Would I ever sit down and prompt an AI "bring me a white senpai!" like wtf bro, what's wrong with you?

They're obv just trolling racists with that stuff which is fucking funny because nobody else would sit there and prompt for "bring whites, moar whites I need whiiites".

Like the algorithm can smell the pointy hat and the bathrobe on your dumbass a mile away. I wholeheartedly approve of how it's designed to treat you.

You're trying to come here and be all alarmist like "your grand-grand-grand children will be slightly MOAR brown than you on average!"
Like you understand how everyone outside your bubble is just perfectly fine with that? Genetic mixing is just gonna serve to make us stronger.

Understand that to a normal person this is a lot like you kicking in the door all wide eyed and shouting "They're mixing healthy additives into the drinking water!!"

Anonymous No. 975243

>Want to prompt a grimm fair tale setting in a historically accurate british setting
youre a fucking moron and your complacency is poison.

Anonymous No. 975245

>Want to prompt a grimm fair tale setting in a historically accurate british setting

Yeah who the fuck does that? He's obviously a racist.


And you're obviously a racist too. AI two, racists zero.

Anonymous No. 975251

You're an idiot.

No, you could prompt for shit like roman emperors or vikings because they would edit literally all of the pictures to be diverse. It's not trolling racists, it's historical revisionism. People started asking these questions to see if it would even give you white people, and it doesn't. It makes vikings black, roman emperors and English kings as black without any mention of "white".

What you're asserting isn't what actually transpired with this.

>Genetic mixing is just gonna serve to make us stronger.
>Understand that to a normal person this is a lot like you kicking in the door all wide eyed and shouting "They're mixing healthy additives into the drinking water!!"

Holy shit you're so fucking out of it.

Anonymous No. 975252

Dude, the AI would make historical settings it historical figures black regardless of race was mentioned. It's literally trained to be anti-white you're just coping.

Anonymous No. 975256


Thing to understand is that we can have historically accurate vikings and Roman Emperors, but first we gotta get rid of all you guys who can't handle historical accuracy without turning racist.

If we survive the coming centuries we'll all be a golden tanned color and there be no more racism because we've become so diluted lack of diversity no longer exist
because diversity itself no longer doesn't exist. And people will be "yo teach Y there B A bunch of different shade peepz in deez texts yo" and teach will be all like
"long ago the great apes where fractured by geography into four great tribes; the the spicks the gooks the honkies and the negororoids"

Anonymous No. 975257

Yeah, I actually like Black and Japanese people, and I don't want utopian retards like you destroy all of the diversity of our world to own the chuds. I appreciate our differences and dont want us all to be a bunch of tanned mixed people with no identity.

Just because I hate anti-white shit doesn't mean I hate other groups of people. Vikings weren't black, end of discussion.

Anonymous No. 975259

>I don't want utopian retards like you destroy all of the diversity of our world to own the chuds.

Your conservatory racism is understandable and adorable but like cream in the coffee cup you can't hide.
With migration streams and a little stir of the D's in the V's your extended family will keep a stable diffusion going.
This is ensured to happen because it is the 'do nothing' outcome.

Wherever there be sexually compatible people living within dicks reach of one another love will find a way.
It's how there are no neanderthals anywhere to be seen but you still come across so many familiar faces.

Anonymous No. 975295

You're the racist. You actually want to revise history and are pro genocide.

Yes, breeding a people out of existence is genocide according to the UN. You actively want one group of people to disappear.

Anonymous No. 975296

>Thing to understand is that we can have historically accurate vikings and Roman Emperors, but first we gotta get rid of all you guys who can't handle historical accuracy without turning racist.

Actually go fuck yourself. You're insisting that we lie about history. You want to twist things and obfuscate them because of your dumb agenda. Truth doesn't matter to you.

Historical accuracy isn't racist, if you're saying that portraying vikings as white is making people racist you need to get your head checked. And based on your comments your definition of racism is broad and idiotic, like someone who likes other races is still a racist because he doesn't want everyone to racemix into oblivion.

No, historical accuracy trumps your goal of eliminating your broad idea of racism. You lying about history is evil and you're scum.

Anonymous No. 975303

Pfft, I don't wanna breed anyone 'out of' existence. I wish to stand by with my hands behind my back as they breed themselves _into_ existence.
I'm not an out-breeder if you will, I'm an in-breeder.

And no it's not an 'active' thing this is a completely passive past-time of mine. UN charters got nothing on me.

As for the 'historical revisionism' I would very much be against it but since I see who cry their eyes out over it every time there is an instance of it
I'm forced into a 'do nothing' type position. I'm not gonna strain my lungs voicing my opinions on the matter when doing so places me shoulder to shoulder with a lot of you guys.
As long as you guys are bawling your eyes out I will just sit there with my arms crossed shaking my head with a smirk on my face as far as that stuff goes.

>Truth doesn't matter to you.

It actually does, it matter massively to me. But there's a more important truth that you nazi types is a scourge on the earth
to which I lend zero support just over-rides the other truth in this case.
Like understand my position here. I very much dislike the other camp revising the history, but I deeply deplore you guys more than their ill-advised approach.
They're doing something profoundly stupid but they have the heart in the right place, you guys are just hateful scum with no redeeming qualities.

Anonymous No. 975308

oh sweet, another laugh at luddites thread

Anonymous No. 975312

youre getting worked up over nothing. the use case for this is basically cheap commercial b-roll and pitch meeting examples.

Anonymous No. 975315

you're being replaced in real time

Anonymous No. 975316


Anonymous No. 975318

new SD dropped, already better than anything that came before
you are delusional if you think a year from now open source ai video gens won't be everywhere (and they will only get better)
sorry anon should have picked a real job like a real man

Anonymous No. 975322

Only if you're retarded. You really thought that LLMs were going to replace welders and truck drivers?

Anonymous No. 975323

"They" have been saying that for the last century, and nothing has happened. Remember when Al Gore was kvetching? Nothing came of it.

Anonymous No. 975324

>AI deliver me an artistic depiction of King Alfred the Great.
>"erm.... racist much, chuddy? This is extremely problematic and grave danger to our society!"

Retard. Historical revisionism is actually le heckin wholesome 100 because brown people!!!!
"Genetic mixing makes us stronger."
Because nothing says "strong" like being a rootless cosmopolitan filling the void of historical identity with consumerism, while genetically not being able to receive bone marrow or organ transplants from either parent.

Yeah, you're a (((white))) guy alright.

Anonymous No. 975325

"Racism is when you prompt an AI to give you a depiction of a historical setting... but only if it includes evil Europeans."
I almost didn't respond, but I just wanted to point out the blatant hypocrisy and double standard being implied here. Not surprising for a self-hating American with no culture to speak off besides the mass media consumed throughout childhood.

Anonymous No. 975326

"Love" that's funny, I wonder if spiking sexual assault convictions throughout the Netherlands which curiously correspond with "migration" trends count as "love". Not surprising a third-worlder for whom marital rape is the norm would conflate the two.

Anonymous No. 975327

You pretend to be this enlightened sage, removed from the brawl. But remember that everyone else sticks to their own. Only you are stupid enough to isolate yourself. And to boot, you're just another white boy.
I hope you live long enough to experience what is coming for you. The other ethnicities of the world are proud of their history and culture, and are more than willing to fight for it. You are alone.

Anonymous No. 975328

Anything to own the evil Nazis is justified.

Funnily enough, Europeans and North Americans are actually the most tolerant people on the entire Earth, and there is no debate about this. His ignorance was exposed the second he implied that "bigotry" is somehow a unique characteristic, or even prevalent to a physically threatening extent throughout the "western world".

Just another comfortable first-worlder who has insulated "him"self from the realities of real sectarian hatred. He has never experienced "real" ethno-religious hatred. But that's okay, because in due time, he will be reminded of where his place is: under the boot of the an intolerant demographic collectivized around their culture and history.

Anonymous No. 975367

>And you're obviously a racist too
What is your definition of "racism"? What is your moral objection t9 this so called "racism" and what is the ontological basis of your moral system?
Or are you simply engaging in performative signaling of your conformity to the dominant ideology of global capital?

Anonymous No. 975368

>I'm a white guy
Sure you are but what is your actual ancestral ethnicity?

Anonymous No. 975369

>under the boot of the an intolerant demographic collectivized around their culture and history.
Or under the boot of those unimpressed with treason

Anonymous No. 975370

>Pfft, I don't wanna breed
On that, if nothing else, you will be extremely successful
>you nazi types is a scourge on the earth
Please use n-word in future. This type of hate speech is not acceptable.
>but they have the heart in the right place
How is a zenophilic fetish a virtue or a sign of a "good heart" exactly?
>you guys are just hateful scum with no redeeming qualities.
This is extremely bigoted anon. Stop being a bigot

Anonymous No. 975378

The fact that you're calling me of all people a Nazi shows that you're definition is fucking insane and broad like I said.

Your logic is also just completely braindead.

>I care about truth, but some truths are truer than others and the biggest truth is my opinion that you're a Nazi and Nazi's are evil, therefore lying about is justified because I have deemed it less important than my personal opinions.

I promise you that the only people I have hatred for are people like you, which has nothing to do with race. Ironically most black people I know are way more tolerable to be around and nice than ideological crazies like you. Something both you and /pol/ don't understand.

Anonymous No. 975381

Cris, nobody called you "a Nazi". Calm down.

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Anonymous No. 975421

>Genetic mixing is just gonna serve to make us stronger.
Lol, you people are delusional.

Anonymous No. 975422

>Now make one for penis size.

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Anonymous No. 975423

>we'll all live in a permanent 3rd world dystopian nightmare with people barely having sentience but at least our dicks will be bigger

Anonymous No. 975425

There are no serious studies that find significant cognitive differences between people of different ethnicity.
Just racists who present data that way exploiting how undeveloped nations are full of uneducated people *shocker*.

Meanwhile There are tons of reliable peen surveys that testify Africans are hung AF.
Their coconuts dangle proudly in the sun, not hiding from any freezing winter conditions of the Caucasus.

Checkmate racists.

Anonymous No. 975427

The results of social studies are pre-determined by the leading party at the time of the study. It's been like that since forever.

Anonymous No. 975434

>There are no serious studies
You can always find a way to discredit a study if you don't like the results, especially in social sciences and that's exactly what happened to all the studies out there.
But luckily there really is no need for studies, people have eyes to see.
Sub saharan Africans didn't even invent the wheel before the europeans showed up and are still to these day living in mudhuts. You really don't need any studies about their intelligence, you can just read their history and look at their behavior in the west

Anonymous No. 975436

No, there are cases where low iq was shown on different populations and was made by left leaning organizations. The consensus is 6 points mostly.

Anonymous No. 975440

The Faustian deal. centimeters of dick and IQ trades completely linearly in the character creator.
Your selected stats in either determine where you are more likely to spawn.

Anonymous No. 975446

damn that's sad..better find a better profession while the have the chance,the technology is still in it's early years,in just the next 4-5 years it will develop and establish even more

Anonymous No. 975449

So evolutionary adaptions stop at the neck?
Low IQ
>Africans are hung AF.
>Checkmate racists.
So not only are you asserting biological/genetic racial differences which makes you a racist by your own definition, but you are also using the most crass racial stereotypes to somehow own the "racists"?
You're a real genius anon. Your astounding intellect is simply wasted here.

Anonymous No. 975450

>exploiting how undeveloped nations are full of uneducated people *shocker*.
Imagine conflating IQ and education

Anonymous No. 975451

>you are also using the most crass racial stereotypes to somehow own the "racists"?

Yes. Deep down the racist know cognitive abilities are on par, but they can't deny how BBC is real. Pointing this out to them annoy them to no end.

Anonymous No. 975453

>the racist know cognitive abilities are on par
But this is simply not the case
In the case of American blacks who are on average 20% European admixture, there remains a stubborn 15 point average IQ difference despite decades of attempted amelioration by numerous methods.
For anyone who accepts darwinian evolution, none of this is surprising. But libshits and leftoids are religiously devoted to their doctrine of universal egalitarianism which supersedes basic adherence to scientific fact.
It amazes me how anyone can assert evolution while also assuming it somehow only affects the body and not the brain. Utter nonsense.
> Pointing this out to them annoy them to no end.
Only in your mind anon. Bantus have more fast twitch muscle fibers and muscle mass thanks to evolutionary pressures. This makes them athletically superior on average to all other races. No other races engage in hysterical victim complex breakdowns over this simple fact of life.

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Anonymous No. 975454

Deal with it cuck, AI is here to stay and automate everything. First it's the creatives, then it's the white collars and finally it will be the blue collars.

Anonymous No. 975457

>No other races engage in hysterical victim complex breakdowns over this simple fact of life.

Yes, only members of the white race goes on /pol/ or stormfront to cry about how Stacy get moist for Tyrone but not for them.

Anonymous No. 975458

>no serious studies
Because discussion of racial IQ differences have been made taboo by the liberal establishment.. Any academic asserting them can kiss their job and academic career goodbye. But privately most geneticists accept ethnic/racial cognitive differences as simply defacto reality
What an utterly puerile response to my post.
Clearly your primary concern is the subjective emotional responses of lower class rural Whites and your apparent sadistic glee at their discomfort or insecurities in life.

Anonymous No. 975460

>sadistic glee at their discomfort or insecurities in life.

Yes. But only because had they dealt with said insecurities in a reasonable way they wouldn't be in this mess.
They made the bed they're in when they opted for hate.

Since they wish to expel other humans from humanity they've expelled themselves from humanity as far as I'm concerned.

Anonymous No. 975461

You're clearly not a serious person. You enjoy mocking the less fortunate ie disadvantaged rural poor Whites/hicks etc who are the only acceptable targets of derision in our current politically correct culture.
Your mockery is motivated by bestial, atavistic impulses for dominance and aggression as well as transparent egotistic attempts at making yourself feel superior to others.
There is no genuine morality here whatsoever and had you been alive 100 years ago you would have gladly engaged in similar mockery towards the acceptable targets of the day at that time ie Blacks
You are a complete hypocrite
>they've expelled themselves from humanity as far as I'm concerned.
Your performative moral indignation is as false and shallow as your low IQ "arguments" ITT
I'd wager that you also enjoy encouraging genital mutilation and gender dysphoria among preteens to "own the bigots"
Utterly pathetic.

Anonymous No. 975463

>Your mockery is motivated by bestial, atavistic impulses for dominance and aggression as well as transparent egotistic attempts at making yourself feel superior to others.

Human psychology is riddled with such impulses. I believe a good man should know his own darkness well and see to wield is responsibly.
I take my animalistic impulses for hatred and make sure to direct them exclusively onto those who gone out of their way to adopt positions of malice.

If I'm wired to feel glee while inflicting misfortune upon an enemy such is what I am, no hypocrisy in that anon.

>You're clearly not a serious person.
Correct I'm not a very serious person at all, I take very few things in this life very seriously. This is one of them tho.

Anonymous No. 975465

>I take my animalistic impulses for hatred and make sure to direct them exclusively onto those who gone out of their way to adopt positions of malice.
You take your animalistic impulses for hatred and make sure to direct them exclusively onto those who the oligarchs deem acceptable targets. As stated, a century ago it would've been Blacks. A few centuries earlier, witches and heretics.
And your sort would be there cheering on the burnings and feeling morally superior and ever so righteous about it just as you are now.
But deep down you know what you are anon. A worthless drone abiding by the commands of your overlords.

Anonymous No. 975468

Anon, you're not some 'witch' accused for something you never did. You yourself are typing a bunch of racist stuff there with your own little appendages on the keyboard.
You see that's you doing it, nothing some inquisitor and secret witnesses are claiming that you do. You're personally responsible for this conduct.

Also you may reign in that persecution complex just a wee bit there bud. Notice how You are not being tied to any stake here and dowsed with gasoline.
You are being mocked with written words. Between the two there is a qualitative difference you little rascal.

>But deep down you know what you are anon. A worthless drone abiding by the commands of your overlords.

With this Are you attempting to sell me on the idea I wake sweaty at night realizing how my penis is a radio-transmitter
thru which I'm being radio-controlled by the globohomo elite-reptile mob?

If so it's not really working. What you try to describe there I've never really experienced, but hey maybe they're just that covert huh.

Anonymous No. 975469

>you're not some 'witch' accused for something you never did
I never implied such was the case. I assert that poor lower class Whites are the current "witches" de rigueur
>You yourself are typing a bunch of racist stuff
I'm doing no such thing. I'm merely asserting a coherent, rational and scientifically accurate position ie that biological/genetic differences exist between different ethnic and "racial" groups and that such differences extend to average cognitive abilities. If you think that's racist then reality itself is "racist".
Ironically the only person engaged in self admitted racial and class animus ITT is yourself.
>You are being mocked with written words.
I'm not being mocked ITT at all anon. Your posts are puerile and low IQ.
>thru which I'm being radio-controlled
Strange how you now dismiss the concept of nurture, socialisation etc when that is simultaneously your sole explanation for stubborn racial/ethnic IQ differences
Low IQ and incoherent
I'd skip the attempts at ridicule anon. You're simply not qualified and woefully out of your depth here. Your "no u" ripostes are risible at best.

Anonymous No. 975472

>I'd skip the attempts at ridicule anon
Proceeds to ridicule...

>You're simply not qualified and woefully out of your depth here.
Yeah I'm drowning standing here on this floor moist from your tears trying to sell me on the idea you're some intellectual far above this discourse.

Anonymous No. 975474

>Proceeds to ridicule
Yes. I'm both qualified and competent in this area. You are not. Your contradictory, self refuting, incoherent and low IQ posts deserve ridicule and the effort required to do so is minimal. Unfortunately for you, the inverse is not the case. Thus attempts on your part appear ham fisted, desperate and very silly.
> moist from your tears
Case in point. Puerile magatard tier cringe.

Anonymous No. 975481

>Yes. I'm both qualified and competent in this area.

At being a racist asshat? Can you prove it some more please, so far you seem pretty entry-level and not at all that well versed in the craft.

Anonymous No. 975482

careful anon, that dude's a white-belt.

Anonymous No. 975483

Qualified in the area of genetics but also in the area of ridiculing sanctimonious half wit "leftist" drones such as yourself.
>you seem pretty entry-level and not at all that well versed in the craft.
The misconceptions of half wits carry little authority anon.

Anonymous No. 975485

>Qualified in the area of genetics and forging sentences that sound as tho they where crafted by a comic-book villain.

Forgive me I did not understand I was in the presence of somebody who could actually read wikipedia articles.
Tell me, what can I possibly do to get back in your good grace?

Anonymous No. 975487

>forging sentences that sound as tho they where crafted by a comic-book villain.
Evidently good grammar and eloquence denote grave moral evil in our enlightened egalitarian society anon.
>Tell me, what can I possibly do to get back in your good grace?
Absolutely nothing anon.

Anonymous No. 975491

hello, cris

Anonymous No. 975492

>Evidently good grammar and eloquence denote grave moral evil in our enlightened egalitarian society anon.

I was thinking more of the 'Victorian Vampire Jordan Peterson' terminology compounded with your hobby-tier eugenics bullshit, but hey.

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Anonymous No. 975493

>Pretty sure 'halfwit' is one word eloquence-anon

Anonymous No. 975494

>Jordan Peterson
Now that I do find highly offensive. Jordan Peniswash is a filthy liberal midwit and his painful bastardisation of the King's English and repeated tortuous word salads are an affront to good diction and taste.

Anonymous No. 975495

It appears that even I am not beyond error on occasion. However halfwit can also be expressed as follows - half-wit

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Anonymous No. 975498

Corridor Crew has been awfully quiet since Sora dropped

Anonymous No. 975508

It's worse than anyone can possible imagine right now. You are seeing generative AI in the embryonic stage, where (You) still have some kind of input in the process.
Soon in these gens there will be an integrated AI module that writes and edits all the prompts, another one that does inpaint/precise editing of pixel data, another one that checks for consistency, etc. and all the art director/cinematographer will have to do is provide a set of reference images or videos and a script and allow the model to iterate and correct itself for things like consistent styles, exactitude, and subtlety like a real artist would integrate into their work.
AI is already a better ML reward engineer than humans, AI itself will be pushing generative AI to higher and higher limits.

It's absolutely fucking over.

Anonymous No. 975520

Not one consumer facing AI product is good.
Youtube is flooded with AI voice over videos, some are so good you cannot tell if it's a human or computer but ALL of them are shit to listen to. Their tone is slightly off and while the voice recording itself sound professional and high end the voice 'actor' sounds sterile and boring.
AI images made with stable diffusion and other models all look bad. The composition of the image is poor and the entire image just looks boring.
Chat GPT is worthless for 99% of tasks. Github copilot is similarly worthless.
The reason for this is the poor communication between the artist and the ai. There is no technology to improve this on the horizon apart from neura link which killed the last 14 pigs they tried to test on so based on Elons track record of bs products is probably also bs.
AI will be the new 'stock image' library - used only by corporate drones as filler images. If your job is to make filler images for corporations then you're screwed. If your job is to make art, you'll be fine.

Anonymous No. 975521

>There is no technology to improve this on the horizon apart from neura link which killed the last 14 pigs they tried to test on

Anonymous No. 975523

Who's calling? What do you want?

Anonymous No. 975524

I agree that most consumer facing AI products are premature novelty nonsense, but chat GPT is the odd one out that one has enhanced my ability to do real work by a lot.
There are coding tasks that I have solved in minutes instead of hours and entire new things I've been able to grapple with and make progress on due to assistance
with understanding the maths and the algorithms that underpin it.

If chat GPT doesn't make you better at what you do your conversations with it looks nothing like the ones I've been having.
I almost never even google anything any more, I just ask GPT, it's baffling to see someone deny something that has just
transformed the way I interact with the computer in my day to day in such a major way.

I wonder what causes such a schism in experience.

Anonymous No. 975527

>AI images made with stable diffusion and other models all look bad. The composition of the image is poor and the entire image just looks boring.
Clearly users of Twitter and pixiv disagree judging by amount of likes AI stuff gets

Anonymous No. 975533

>real work by a lot.
>There are coding tasks that I have solved in minutes instead of hours and entire new things I've been able to grapple with and make progress on due to assistance
>with understanding the maths and the algorithms that underpin it.
name 5 or stfu

Anonymous No. 975535

true, I'm really curious to see their reaction

Anonymous No. 975541

bunch of literal whos.

Anonymous No. 975547

Extreme copium. 3D and art studios are already downsizing, an $800m studio project was cancelled, and that's just from Sora, which the big players in these studios know about and are getting access to first. Sora can generate videos from the still images that will be created using next gen image generators with a 99% accurate physics simulation.

GPT4 was trained in 2022. 2 years ago. Gemini Pro already has superior coding and multimodal capabilities, that's this month, upgraded from Bard that came into existence LAST YEAR. Let that sink in. TRILLIONS of dollars are pouring in for new chips to scale AI compute.

This curve is exponential and you have no fucking clue what's already here nor what's coming.

Anonymous No. 975549

>>This curve is exponential and you have no fucking clue what's already here nor what's coming.
tell me then, senpai. Will they take my pencils and paper? Are they safe?

Anonymous No. 975570

>art studios are already downsizing
Yes, but not because of AI. They're going bankrupt because of the diversity hires they did in the past.

Anonymous No. 975594

>name 5 or stfu

-Solved aiming on a ballistics based projectile systems so enemy-AI fires at player using correct hold-overs and lead depending on distance and velocity
of their target in a computationally inexpensive manner.

-Implemented a 'vector flow field' pathfinding algorithm in Unity to control a large crowd chasing the player thru a building without getting stuck
or costing much compute solving their paths.

-Worked out the orbital mechanics of the sun and moon disc across the sky in a procedurally generated sky-shader which draws in these objects
in their correct position based on time of year, time of day, longitude/lattidue.

- created a 'flattened sky dome' using a set of unconventional polar coordinates. Basically it render this atmosphere with cloud cover from your locations
so you are looking at a very flat domed piece of geometry much like the sky visible from your real world geo location, not just a hemisphere.

- Got a lot of good information of how to correctly think about Rayleigh scattering and ray-marching for the look of my atmosphere for this same sky-system.

-Had to do a tricky operation that benefited from me being able to access and set components of quaternion rotations individually.
This required me to finally get a grasp of how the internals of the quaternion rotation worked. Something I've failed at understanding in the past.
GPT got me sorted out over the course of a ~45 minute discussion of the subject.

-Filled in several blanks regarding shader related stuff when I was implementing a custom PBR shader based on a extended variant
of the classic 'Physically Based Shading At Disney' paper, but targeted for replacing Unitys notoriously black-box deferred pipeline.

Anonymous No. 975601

I think it has finally sunk in that their entire youtube empire is about come crumbling down. Who will give a shit about some youtubers making "X video game, but IRL" when AI can easily do it.

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Anonymous No. 975611

More like "your only chance is to start at the bottom again and try to be one of the founders from the ground-up, working on something for free on your own 9 to 5 wage until you can finally release something with a small team and hopefully make a big splash like the olden days". You have to start from the bottom for free like all the oldfags did until they released something that got them somewhere. It has to all be rebuilt from the ground up.

Anonymous No. 975613

>no, you wont because the safeguards on the generators
So worthless then cause people love action movies (has violence in the form of fight and shooting scenes) and people love stuff like fighting games, shooting games and action-combat/hack and slash games.

Anonymous No. 975616

you learned baby level unity shit scraped from github and stack overflow and stripped of license. Have some shame!! You're using google 1.001!

Anonymous No. 975617

you know what else people love? Deepfakes (illegal). Voice deepfakes to really get you in trouble (also illegal)

Piss off

Anonymous No. 975631

Rewriting a deffered shader is baby level shit? Do you understand what that actually entails anon? Untangling the undocumented spaghetti code of .cginc files was ~2 months of hard work.

You're insulting and you're moving the goalposts. Realize that just because you can't see value in something
doesn't mean it isn't transformative for what other people can get out of it.

> You're using google 1.001!

For me It's more like the jump going form a Nokia to a smartphone than just some incremental upgrade to search.

Anonymous No. 975774

This is quite possibly the most retarded analogy I have read in a while.

Anonymous No. 975778

Reminder that AI only threatens laborers. It doesn't threaten the visionaries, i.e. the directors, who are the real artists.

Anonymous No. 975780

>deepfakes are illegal
bullshit, they're perfectly legal if you're not using them to do something that's already against the law.
You can use them for parody, post processing in film, etc...

>AI only threatens laborers
And what do you think will happen if those decide they don't give a shit about any so called vision?

Anonymous No. 975782

>if those decide they don't give a shit about any so called vision
Who is "those"?

Anonymous No. 975785

(You) would call them normies, schizo.
Doesn't fit your world view I know.

Anonymous No. 975792

> lack of diversity no longer exist
But diversity is our strength thoughbeit

Anonymous No. 975808

I wouldn't call them anything, because I don't believe there's any group capable of enforcing such a thing.

Anonymous No. 975823

>You can use them for parody, post processing in film, etc...
only if you sign a waiver

Anonymous No. 975837

What makes you think that? First off parody has special freedom of speech protection that overrides copyright provisions.
And for internal use there's no restriction.
Ofc if you decide to train a model on some random celebrity and use that to replace voice acting without getting permission you'll be asking for trouble.
That has nothing to do with the technology used though. You'd have the same problem if you splice together something in audacity or something.

Anonymous No. 975843

hush now

Anonymous No. 975844

Like I mentioned above:
>they're perfectly legal if you're not using them to do something that's already against the law.

Anonymous No. 975847

>didnt watch a 30 second video

let me spoon-feed you

>false light
>misappropriation of likeness

all felonies

Anonymous No. 975860

That was exactly my point retard. All things that are against the law independently of if deepfake is used or not.

🗑️ Anonymous No. 975876

All your kikery was a pain to read, you're so retarded it hurts.
>They're obv just trolling racists with that stuff
>which is fucking funny because nobody else would sit there and prompt for "bring whites, moar whites I need whiiites".
Whites literally invented everything that make your world confortable today. Electronics, internet, computers, engines, printing etc.
Also people have the right to represent white people, even if that doesn't please you, mental kike.
If they can represent niggers, who invented nothing but turd houses, why wouldn't they represent the superior civilization which invented every modern inventions?
>Like the algorithm can smell the pointy hat and the bathrobe on your dumbass a mile away.
We can feel your hate of us. Be careful. We can't be triggered if we notice how of a frustrated nigger you are.
> I wholeheartedly approve of how it's designed to treat you.
Yeah, you're a stupid nigger. So what?
>You're trying to come here and be all alarmist like "your grand-grand-grand children will be slightly MOAR brown than you on average!"
>Like you understand how everyone outside your bubble is just perfectly fine with that?
You're ok with white genocide, the race that invented everything. Would you be ok with genocide or niggers who invented nothing?
>Genetic mixing is just gonna serve to make us stronger.
>Understand that to a normal person this is a lot like you kicking in the door all wide eyed and shouting "They're mixing healthy additives into the drinking water!!"
Prove adding adn coming from the poorest, most violent and lowest IQ on the planet will help those who invented computers, internet, biology and IQ?
You're a fuckin' retard, kys. Any of your edgy retarded take is destroyed in 3sec by a rational 12yo boy.

Anonymous No. 975877

Amazing digits

I hope by that you mean you’re ready to go work manual labor until you’re ready for MAID. Because being a proompter isn’t adapting and they will be thrown out with the rest of the useless eaters.

Anonymous No. 975878

Lmao so true, a lot of 3d fags thought they were gonna keep their jobs and also get to be the “concept artists” on top of it by running img2img on their renders. Not so fast….

Anonymous No. 975879

Yes this guy is probably a fuckin' schizo whose place is in an asylum. Probably a sociopath with the most contrarian edgy takes. How ironic how he argues about normies being right while he's probably a fuckin' weirdo everybody avoids IRL because of how annoying, edgy, upsetting and irrational he is.
And he thinks he's the smart innovative guy. Hilarious.
Literally "lololol this is wrong but it owns the cons lolilol". This guy will never accomplish anything with such a twisted logic. His life must be a disaster.
/pol/ is the most frequented board of the whole site (with /b/) and also the most famous. Only retards didn't understand 4chan = /pol/. People know 4chan as "the nazis" outside. It's not a minority on 4chan. It's the majority and only the minority who doesn't have /pol/ views think it's a minority. You get called nigger or jew on any board today. No need to be on /pol/ or anything.
Yeah, GPT4, the first-ranking AI which recently got outplayed by its direct concurrents? Gemini the retarded shit everybody makes fun of on every social media right now because it creates black vikings, english and french kings? Kys corposucker. You're the one coping.

Anonymous No. 975880

>Reminder that AI only threatens laborers. It doesn't threaten the visionaries, i.e. the directors, who are the real artists.
Aka the CEO who will sit in his office speaking prompts into the computer to direct the movie himself

Anonymous No. 975885

No, the marketing department will be entering in all the prompts. The CEO will just sit back and collect the check from whatever they prompt.

Anonymous No. 975889

For a heartbeat, the time we go AGI the human expert assisted AGI's will arrive at ASI in notime.
Machines are already demo'ing how they can be 'prompting themselves' much better than we can.
One often cited example is that robotic hand they trained to spin the pencil.

Humans couldn't write the reward function to achieve that level of dexterity despite us being able to conduct the task ourselves.
We trained an AI that wrote the reward function to allow us to get there.

Currently existing technology is already 'super intelligent' compared to us humans in such limited aspects.
The circle of tasks it outperform us in will keep growing until it includes prompt engineering.
The time we're gonna be needed in the loop will be this tiny keyhole moment in history.

Anonymous No. 975892

Nobody is ever going to read the bricks of text that you produce.

Anonymous No. 975893

Some people have the ability to read entire books you know, those that do can read paragraphs like that in mere seconds anon.

That post whether you agree with it or not has informative value contributing to the conversation, your line has none.

Anonymous No. 975902

there is no such thing as ASI. Stop playing Deus Ex, idiot. Its not 2000 anymore

Anonymous No. 975957

>Machines are already demo'ing how they can be 'prompting themselves' much better than we can.
But towards what end? That's the problem. The day that new desires organically arise in an AI is the day that the "A" in AI is dropped, for all intents and purposes.

Anonymous No. 975995

>But towards what end? That's the problem.
Time travel, friendo.

Anonymous No. 976000

That term doesn't come from a videogame silly anon, it's the other way around.
The creators of 'Deus Ex' had the pulse on a lot of fields related to the material they where making and adopted a
vocabulary of terms within their fictional universe that comes from real world academic work or the historical record.

Even the conspiracy stuff is in reference to 'real-world' conspiracy theories and leaks, IE 'Majestic 12' of UFO conspiracy fame.

🗑️ Anonymous No. 976059

You think you can censor me, jannitranny?
Big new : you can't.
All your kikery was a pain to read, you're so retarded it hurts.
>They're obv just trolling racists with that stuff
>which is fucking funny because nobody else would sit there and prompt for "bring whites, moar whites I need whiiites".
Whites literally invented everything that make your world confortable today. Electronics, internet, computers, engines, printing etc.
Also people have the right to represent white people, even if that doesn't please you, mental kike.
If they can represent niggers, who invented nothing but turd houses, why wouldn't they represent the superior civilization which invented every modern inventions?
>Like the algorithm can smell the pointy hat and the bathrobe on your dumbass a mile away.
We can feel your hate of us. Be careful. We can't be triggered if we notice how of a frustrated nigger you are.
> I wholeheartedly approve of how it's designed to treat you.
Yeah, you're a stupid nigger. So what?
>You're trying to come here and be all alarmist like "your grand-grand-grand children will be slightly MOAR brown than you on average!"
>Like you understand how everyone outside your bubble is just perfectly fine with that?
You're ok with white genocide, the race that invented everything. Would you be ok with genocide or niggers who invented nothing?
>Genetic mixing is just gonna serve to make us stronger.
>Understand that to a normal person this is a lot like you kicking in the door all wide eyed and shouting "They're mixing healthy additives into the drinking water!!"
Prove adding adn coming from the poorest, most violent and lowest IQ on the planet will help those who invented computers, internet, biology and IQ?
You're a fuckin' retard, kys. Any of your edgy retarded take is destroyed in 3sec by a rational 12yo boy.

Anonymous No. 976069

I'm very pleased with the amount of buttons I've managed to push in you anon, I like pushing buttons when it comes to people like you.

🗑️ Anonymous No. 976070

>mods are gay
is a meme because of mods like you
4chan isn't your safespace. Go be a mod on r/4chan obese piece of shit. It's not our fault you got raised by an alcoholic crackwhore.

Anonymous No. 976072

I'm not a mod, I'm the anon who wrote that post you're foaming at the mouth over.

It's funny how you start arguing how some race is 'the most violent low IQ on the planet' yet don't even have the 2 synapses firing in yourself
to spot how absolutely 'violent and low IQ' it looks to ask people to both commit suicide and calling THEM edgy in the very same sentence.

You're just clowning on yourself harder than anyone ever could bro, you're a parody of yourself.

Anonymous No. 976162

You're just a contrarian piece of shit, nobody likes you IRL.
Also calling a piece of shit like piece of shit is not being violent, it's just being lucid. I never commited what 13% of the US population commit.
Also, how weird you didn't answer to any of my arguments. I'm so surprised!
>you're triggered, fascists lolilol
>you're so much more violent that drug dealers and murderers and rapists because you insulted me on 4chan lol
>you're so triggered xD
Yeah I'm so mad right now, can't you see the vein on my forehead ready to burst? Oh gosh I can't handle a 30IQ edgelord troll on 4chan explaining to me that niggerization is beneficial to the white race ! You know. Those people building shit houses and sacrificing cats in shitholes.

Anonymous No. 976163

Also you can't censor me, scumbag.
Ahem :

All your kikery was a pain to read, you're so retarded it hurts.
>They're obv just trolling racists with that stuff
>which is fucking funny because nobody else would sit there and prompt for "bring whites, moar whites I need whiiites".
Whites literally invented everything that make your world confortable today. Electronics, internet, computers, engines, printing etc.
Also people have the right to represent white people, even if that doesn't please you, mental kike.
If they can represent niggers, who invented nothing but turd houses, why wouldn't they represent the superior civilization which invented every modern inventions?
>Like the algorithm can smell the pointy hat and the bathrobe on your dumbass a mile away.
We can feel your hate of us. Be careful. We can't be triggered if we notice how of a frustrated nigger you are.
> I wholeheartedly approve of how it's designed to treat you.
Yeah, you're a stupid nigger. So what?
>You're trying to come here and be all alarmist like "your grand-grand-grand children will be slightly MOAR brown than you on average!"
>Like you understand how everyone outside your bubble is just perfectly fine with that?
You're ok with white genocide, the race that invented everything. Would you be ok with genocide or niggers who invented nothing?
>Genetic mixing is just gonna serve to make us stronger.
>Understand that to a normal person this is a lot like you kicking in the door all wide eyed and shouting "They're mixing healthy additives into the drinking water!!"
Prove adding adn coming from the poorest, most violent and lowest IQ on the planet will help those who invented computers, internet, biology and IQ?
You're a fuckin' retard, kys. Any of your edgy retarded take is destroyed in 3sec by a rational 12yo boy.

Anonymous No. 976164

If I had read your post I would agree or disagree with you, but I haven't read your post.

Anonymous No. 976177

Here you are circumventing bans to keep spewing blind hatred desperate to let me know how mad you're not.

>how weird you didn't answer to any of my arguments

There where arguments in there? Where? I honestly didn't see any but if you want people to take time to argue back and forth with
you might wanna tone down the hatred from where you're at to like ~Emperor Palpatine levels.

Here's a protip: Go stand infront of a mirror anon so you only see one of your eyes to the side.
Now lock eyecontact with yourself and whisper this incantation 88 times: "I'm the edgelord!"
Then end with "but I don't have to be...". Any day you can chose to walk away from being such a hateful sack of shit; food for thought.

Anonymous No. 976296

good luck with that when machine makes man redundant and the elite view you and everyone else as vermin and decide to release covid 2.0 to wipe us out for good while THEY enjoy the technology you stupid fuck

Anonymous No. 976327

>you're hateful and it's mean
Ok soĂżboy.
Why do you come on 4chan actually?

Anonymous No. 976352

During certain deep-dive tasks that require me to work pretty much 16h a day I start to miss having people around. Coming here reminds me how horrible people are and this helps warding of feelings of isolation and instead provide me with a cozy, comfy blissful state of mind.

Also I'm not basedboy; I benchpress 1.5x my bodyweight. Dead animals and whey protein flow thru the veins of this keyboard warrior.

Anonymous No. 976357

Kek you got him good

Anonymous No. 976400

There's mountains of cope against exponential AI growth, but people are still missing the bigger issue here. Whenever you try to show off your work now, people will think it's just AI. You will spend hundreds of hours to craft your model or animation and everyone's first reaction will be, "cool, what prompts did you use?". I don't want to say it's over for creatives, but it's over.

Anonymous No. 976407

>exponential AI growth
In which parallel universe is that happening?

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Anonymous No. 976411

This one

Anonymous No. 976413

Is that all? I can do better in photoshop in an afternoon and I can count fingers.

Anonymous No. 976415

Can you? Post your work.

Anonymous No. 976416

>Can you?
>Post your work.

Anonymous No. 976417

And BTW shouldn't you be working on an even less successful sequel to your creepy cars movie instead of talking to yourself pretending to be some kind of a troll?

Anonymous No. 976422

Yeah me too I have a 14ft cock, lift thrice my weight, am 8" tall, fuck Megan Fox and win 2M/year
>16h/day of 3d modeling
>huge Chad camping the gym
There are only 24h in a journey, liaranon.
>you're a horrible person who makes me lonely and depressive
Goddam this board is soft.
Go the fuck back to R*ddit ffs.

Anonymous No. 976425

>>huge Chad camping the gym
You don't have to 'camp in the gym' to press 1.5x your body weight anon, it's an ok lift but nothing eye-popping.
If you're 70kg that's just 105kg you're 80kg that's 120kg.

Train semi casual for 2-3 years and that is within striking range. Kinda outed yourself as a 'basedler' since you thought that was a 'huge chad'.

Nothing wrong with that but shouldn't throw stones in glasshouses and all that.

Anonymous No. 976427

>super angry
>super racist
>uses 'chad' as a term
>unfamiliar with reasonable lifting gains.
>indicate a wish for being hung, tall and rich, suggesting harboring insecurities in each of these areas.
>Presents sexual relationship with Megan Fox as having a particularly based bed partner.
>Automatically cucked by 'bukkake jewlery + red suit' weirdo MGK.

I'm drawing a Venn diagram and looking at where these circles intersect, anon are you someone who self-identifies as being an incel?

Anonymous No. 976433

I could duplicate this scene in Blender starting from the cube in about six months. How long did it take the AI to create this video?

Anonymous No. 976456

Lying about your art skills on the internet is pretty lame, anon. By the way I am not the person you think I am, it seems you are overconfident in your deductive abilities as well.

Anonymous No. 976457

>starting from the cube
What kind of false dichotomy is this? The prompts for generation don't contain any minute detail so making this as an asset flip would be fair game.
Regarding your question SD takes a few seconds per image and Sora will be in the same pallpark per frame.
So that's faster than you can render it with a path tracer.
The actual time comes in when you have to cherry pick something doesn't suck out of a few thousand images, generate variations on the seed and refine it further until you have something presentable.
The actual time is probably several hours.

Anonymous No. 976458

So I got you. Too bad nobody cares either way.
I'm sure your post was interesting but I didn't read it.

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Anonymous No. 976460

>Yeah bro I can totally make this in an afternoon, just trust me. P-p-proof? No... I'll pass...

Anonymous No. 976466

You're dumb.

Anonymous No. 976470

Says the guy that lies about his art skills on an anonymous image board.

Anonymous No. 976472

What's the name of this board?

Anonymous No. 976474

/3/ - 3DCG

Anonymous No. 976478

So you're dumb.

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wagie are you ok?.png

Anonymous No. 976490

A Studio has already tried to underbid salaries by $25,000 because of SORA AI.

Anonymous No. 976499

>I can do better in photoshop in an afternoon
>>Can you?
>Wh-wh-why are you bringing up 2d art on /3/? It's not like I was larping as a talented artist or anything! Look, just drop it, okay!?

Anonymous No. 976501

Those grifters aren't studios but idea guys who latch onto the """current thing""", find out what they want to do won't work and then try to find people who will rescue them.
Avoid at all costs.

🗑️ Anonymous No. 976604

>there is no proof of IQ difference between racial groups!
>:lends all the crime and IQ statistics:
>That's being a racist asshat!
Too easy.
They first claim there are no proofs and then dismiss them for having racist conclusions aka virtue signaling/appeal to morality.
>You can't prove niggers are stupid because it would be racist and Twitter told me it's bad.
Leftards can't debate.
Anybody looking into the biases and fallacies once can blow up any zogbot argument. Double standard is their favorite one. Literally based their ideology on it.
>you claim to be tolerant yet hate wytpipo
>yes, because they're evil
6yo logic.
>system floods society with retarded violent monkeys
>you notice the monkeys are retarded and violent
>you hate the retarded violent monkeys for ruining everybody's life
>"sorry hillbilly, you made your bed by hating the retarded violent monkeys. You shall now die in the name of peace and tolerance. They're not retarded nor violent bĹĄw"
That's fucking great.

Anonymous No. 976617

Remember, you can't censor me.

>there is no proof of IQ difference between racial groups!
>:lends all the crime and IQ statistics:
>That's being a racist asshat!
Too easy.
They first claim there are no proofs and then dismiss them for having racist conclusions aka virtue signaling/appeal to morality.
>You can't prove niggers are stupid because it would be racist and Twitter told me it's bad.
Leftards can't debate.
Anybody looking into the biases and fallacies once can blow up any zogbot argument. Double standard is their favorite one. Literally based their ideology on it.
>you claim to be tolerant yet hate wytpipo
>yes, because they're evil
6yo logic.
>system floods society with retarded violent monkeys
>you notice the monkeys are retarded and violent
>you hate the retarded violent monkeys for ruining everybody's life
>"sorry hillbilly, you made your bed by hating the retarded violent monkeys. You shall now die in the name of peace and tolerance. They're not retarded nor violent bĹĄw"
That's fucking great.

Anonymous No. 976620

This is a dumb take that deliberately ignores the way that genAI is being marketed and sold. These programs are being sold as wholesale replacements for artists/directors/musicians, not as tools to streamline their production process. The end goal is that the network will do all of the visionary work for you so that all you have to do is type in a prompt like "Mario Meets Batman: The Movie, 4k, cinematic, HDR" and open wide to accept 131 minutes of slop. Features that would give you more directorial control are neither desirable for this use case nor are they being worked on.

Anonymous No. 976648

the thing is, if sora trajectory is true and people are generating their own stuff there will be no need for the studio as the individual will just completely generate their own experience.

Anonymous No. 976656

but these kind of movies were already slop to begin with

Anonymous No. 976673

NTA. Absolutely. Cinema is shit for decades now, Star Wars, Transformers, Fast & Furious, Guardians of the galaxy, MCU, DC, Avengers etc, every comics, all that is huge crap turd goyslop for decades already. Even the Mario movie was shit.

Anonymous No. 976682

>Cinema is shit for decades now,
Not true at all, you just have shit taste. Dune Part 2 was a masterpiece

Anonymous No. 976826

this shit. they were soi'ing so hard at the idea that they could be one of the first to make cool shit with the tech and wow the globe. but now, not a drop of real effort and technical skill is even required to generate straight up videos. they like anyone in the arts and entertainment sector are realising their skills are being rendered redundant

Anonymous No. 976834

Visually it was another gray dogshit slop, dune is one of the most colorful settings, should've just stole giraud concept art

Anonymous No. 976835

Also does it even count as recent when it's an adaptation of a book that came out last century

Anonymous No. 976838

are you OK?

Anonymous No. 976839

Im great