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🧵 Untitled Thread

Anonymous No. 974684

The iconic bishoujo figure render, with the pearly background. How do you do it, exactly? It's a scene in blender, right? I saw some korean? streamer using it once but I forgot his name.

Anonymous No. 974692

his name is Cris of Jamundi.
actually, he is quite active in this board.
in fact, he might even post in your thread if you're lucky.

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Anonymous No. 974697

>bishoujo figure

You mean these? It's from Pablo Dobarro a.k.a Dark Cris.
I can't think of any other "iconic" Blender bishoujo figure render btw so it might be another artist though.

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Anonymous No. 974699

Sorry, I should've specified, AmiAmi regularly has these.
Here's where I remember seeing it - on this CKB guy's stream that was posted in one of the old Lesly threads. You can clearly see blender and some kind of node setup.

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Anonymous No. 974700


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Anonymous No. 974701

He can obviously manipulate the camera and even in this sort of preview the materials look very much like the nice plastic or resin printed figures usually have.
This is why I'm asking. Has he set this scene up himself or is this something you can pluck from somewhere like zBro's brushes?

Anonymous No. 974702

Wtf ??

I thought it was just a picture

Anonymous No. 974934

the plasticcy material isnt the magic. Normal materials with flat colors and specularity look like plastic. It's the depth of field and environmental lighting that makes it look like a photograph of plastic rather than an n64 promotional render.

That big curved plane as the background is another good trick, but you can see it for yourself.
Those nodes are probably just to make that generic marble countertop texture. You could download one or just vomit nodes onto a graph till it looks cool like he did.
My instincts say to afford this guy no special consideration. There's probably a "macro lens" preset for the camera, and he just turned all of his render settings to max.

Anonymous No. 975108

>Dark Cris
It’s just Cris who thinks he is Jesucristo forsaken by Ton and co.

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Screenshot 2024-0....png

Anonymous No. 975121

>Pablo Dobarro is Dark Cris
WTF???? g..guys.. i think this is not a meme. what if Cris and Pablo is actually the same person but ""Cris" is actually Pablo just acting retarded?

Anonymous No. 975122

it's the other way a round. Cris is Dark Pablo.
Dark * usually implies someone who has achieved greater forbidden power (e.g: Dark Ryu). in this case, its greater power of autism.

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Textures Com Marb....png

Anonymous No. 975123

it's just a marble texture. here, i give you one, now you can do it too.

Anonymous No. 975156

Anon, I think it's a little bit more involved than just curved plane with marble texture...

Anonymous No. 975225

Yeah you activate the depth of field presets and global illumination too.

Anonymous No. 975260

just download empirically measured materials library from materialx or vmaterial/MDL and use SSS.

they're mostly measured using reflectometers so it is as realistic as it gets. you will never get better results by just manually tuning your own materials.

Anonymous No. 975334

>it's depth of field and GI!
>actually, it's empirically measured materials!
Which one of you is telling the truth?

Anonymous No. 975564

I am dof/gi guy.
I am looking into this blown up jpeg trying to catch a glimpse of SSS in the plastic. which real plastic would have. However all I'm seeing is the painted texture of dark warm spots in the anatomically logical recesses of the figure.
If there's SSS it's very subtle(it should be) and completely lost in this low quality image.
That being said, this looks like a low quality photograph. Not a low quality 3d render.
DOF and GI are definitely on. It would take a side by side of the same scene rendered with and without SSS to convince me it's visible in the OP image.

Anonymous No. 975639

anon this is chinese

Anonymous No. 975663

you can tell cuz the have a lot of little circles

Anonymous No. 975846

anon if that's chinese I'm a bona-fide vietcong...