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๐Ÿงต Untitled Thread

Anonymous No. 974763

My projects have become so complicated that I'm starting to get anxiety, fr. I come home from work and I can barely make any progress because its just so complicated. Once I started scripting houdini really hard and reading real pro tips on discord my artistic eye just sort of skyrocketed. Now there is no going back. What do I do now?

Anonymous No. 974765

In order to not lose focus and scope of what needs to happen to keep progressing you now need to divide your task down into manageable sub-goals.
These sub-goals should be planned and constructed such that you can chip away at them one at the time doing meaningful progress within any allocated time spent on the task.

When the grind gets deep you need finer teeth on the gear in your transmission to keep climbing that hill with the limited power you have available within you.

Anonymous No. 974825

write vex to solve the following problem:

input 0 = 1 point
input 1 = 16 points

make lines from the point on input 0 to all the points on input 1.

if you can't answer this question, no one should bother replying to this thread with help because op is a liar.

Anonymous No. 974827

I exclusively use the python API. Fuck off

Anonymous No. 974828


Anonymous No. 974829

The python API is the only way to do what I want to do you troll plus I can use a pyside 2 gui

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Anonymous No. 975627

I can't believe you filtered OP with THIS. I come to this board once in a blue moon to see if anything changed, and everyone is still as retarded as ever

Anonymous No. 975731

cris has been making houdini troll threads lately.
the typical houdini user is usually incredibly keen on helping other people by displaying their skill, so if you don't nip threads like this in the bud they have the potential of wasting a lot of time.
thankfully a simple test like this is enough to filter trolls.

Anonymous No. 975828

what part of
1) I am not cris
2) I only use the py API which is recommended officially. See

>For new scripts, we recommend you use the _scripting API_ instead.
>redirects to Python scripting
>allows you to control houdini with [italics]python[/italics]

wowzers, you guys getting destroyed over this concept.

Anonymous No. 975829

We obv have at least one mentally ill poster that have grown a obsession with this 'cris' individual.
Our dude is stuck playing a game of 'Where's Waldo?' where the goal is attempting to identify all posts crafted by 'cris'.

To what end he attempt this activity is unknown. Presumably he thinks we all silently sit here and clap or hands whenever he types that someone is cris.
It seems it feels so good for him to call out a 'cris post' that he's become so absolutely hair-trigger sensitive that he now yield ~90% false positives.

The poster he identify as 'chris' and himself has been around for several years at this point but he seems to be deteriorating fast as of recent.

Anonymous No. 975831

go to bed, cris

Anonymous No. 975834

do you have any point to make or are you just flapping your gums? You got btfo by official documentation >>975828.

VEX is not even recommended. Fucking get over yourself

Anonymous No. 975852

I'll add 'cris' to my wordfilter as well.

Anonymous No. 975854

it wont work

Anonymous No. 975855

i'm glad i've made you this mad cristos
i hope ive ruined your month

Anonymous No. 975856

I'm not him, just an admirer. Accept it, or dont, idgaf

Anonymous No. 975868

What you are describing is like the number 1 problem in all of software development.
The goal of coding can not jus bet to solve a problem, but to also do it in a simple and easily understood way.
If you can not describe the algorithms you use or make in simple terms step by step then you probably haven't simplified enough. Every large problem has to be deconstructed into small and easy problems. It's the only way average intelligence people can achieve complexity.