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๐Ÿ—‘๏ธ ๐Ÿงต Is there a point to 3D animation anymore?

Anonymous No. 974771

It seems the AI reaper has come for 3D as well. I started getting into 3D because I thought it would be safer for a little while but it seems that went up in smoke. I don't want to stop animating and trying to get better by any means but I'm just demotivated by the Sora stuff.

People say this is going to be a tool for real artists but I don't see how I'm going to use any of this stuff beyond being a prompt monkey for making my own stuff.

Anonymous No. 974772

No, there isn't. OpenAI sora just fucked us all. I give it 5 years tops until 3D artist are just as fucked as the 2D ones. Creativity is pretty much just dead, and Techbros and Indian's killed it. And they're laughing about it. Sorry, but we're all going to be welders.

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Anonymous No. 974773

I see two roads for hobbyist
1. Continue making porn (3D CG)
2. Continue making porn (AI-gen)

I see one road for industry artists

Anonymous No. 974774

This, and honestly good fucking riddance. Fuck artist. Those whiny pretentious losers are going to have to get real jobs now.

Anonymous No. 974775


Soda needs about 7 trillion for the server banks necessary to generate full length features for everyone! Imagine 29.95 a month for a billion customers who with their Soda entertainment generator can generate Anything they could imagine!

Anonymous No. 974776


Anonymous No. 974781

I've already uninstalled blender.

Anonymous No. 974800

Anyone still trying to work in a creative field after this is a moron. I jumped to 3D to escape this but it found me.

I don't know what the fuck you're all doing here. Go learn a trade..

Anonymous No. 974836

Should I kill myself?

Anonymous No. 974838

No you retard you wont be able to see the singularity or collapse of society, which, will be equally funny as fuck :3

Anonymous No. 974848

>Is there a point

No, it's over.

Anonymous No. 974996

I'm just gonna kill myself.

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๐Ÿ—‘๏ธ Anonymous No. 975000

Imagine being this demoralized by a pajeet tier goyslop generator.

If this is truly your passion it would be retarded to give up on it because of openai's gay little clip creator. The "jUsT iMaginE whErE it'Ll bE iN a yEar bRo" doomers are just as cringe and annoying as the troons who screech about how the gubmint needs to come in and arrest anyone who generates boring pictures in a way they don't like. Nobody actually knows where that shit is headed, nobody on either side knows what it'll actually be capable of, how long it'll take to get there, what it's limitations will be, if it will ever be viable big budget productions, how the market will value it, what will come of it legally.. nothing. If you're going to subscribe to this line of thinking you might as well just freak out about the just as real possibility of getting drafted for WW3 and give up on your dreams to go die for israel on those grounds instead. If you give up now and go enlist on your own accord you may end up with more choice in what you end up doing than if you just wait to get conscripted. But if and when nothing happens and the world moves on from all of this faggy soulless nu-nft bullshit and you threw away your chance to be great because you were a scared little bitch I'll be sure to use sora to generate some tiktok slop about your failure as a warning to the next generation about what happens when you let your destiny get subverted by jews and their smoke and mirrors parlor tricks.

Anonymous No. 975001

nah, hold out for when the world goes mad max and see how that plays out. keep a rope or cynide pills ready if things go to shit you cant handle or you end up on a train to a reeducation camp.

Anonymous No. 975003

>Nobody actually knows where that shit is headed, nobody on either side knows what it'll actually be capable of, how long it'll take to get there

Will smith eating spaghetti was AI slop, Sora is no longer slop; it's output is now genuinely impressive.
How long did it take to go from absolute slop to something most people recognize as threateningly good?

About one year. Let it sink in how that's how long it took.

And yes it's still as bad as it's ever gonna be, it'll only keep improving. You need to stop with the cope anon, you wanted this to be
pure slop you could ignore that would never amount to something but it's here now and it's real.
You're gonna keep seeing things happen that you thought was impossible and firmly in the real of science fiction.

We need you and everyone else to see this clearly and not downplay what's going on lulling yourself to sleep pretending like nothing is happening.

Anonymous No. 975004


It's impressive when you look at it through the lens of technology. When you take those glasses off and look at it through the lens of art it's still very much slop. The only interesting thing about those clips is that they were generated from text. Take that away and you just have boring uninspired bullshit that doesn't make you feel anything.

Anonymous No. 975005

Cris, you don't have to do this.

Anonymous No. 975006

I disagree, I felt something looking at those clips, esp the one with the drone footage of a believable looking village from the turn of the century.

But the technological achievement is ofc the main thing one should be concerned with here. Thinking through everything that needs to be true for this to even be possible.
It's not the neat trick of how 'text can become video' but what it represents as to the level of interpretation and understanding of the real world that is now present
inside that model. It's already a real threat to peoples livelihood and it's coming at us at a pace society is just utterly unprepared for.

This is very much a part of the kind of system that serves as foundation of actual AGI, it now clearly has an internal world model, understands a lot about the visual space
and also has a temporal understanding of real world physics. Couple this with the level of reasoning we already see in GPT4, just improving that by some factor and we've arrived.
We know they're successfully providing it with the ability to manipulate the real world and to operate like an agent in the digital one. That will transform the world.

'AGI' understood as synthetic general intelligence capable of conducting most tasks that we can do is basically already here now given this.

Anonymous No. 975007


๐Ÿ—‘๏ธ Anonymous No. 975008

The most Jewish gaslighting I've ever seen in a thread
>Noooo you dont understand go- guy I am a real anon like you and I'm loosing your job, you can't pretend that's impossible!
Even if it were it would not change the fact that ai is not going to leave most trades safe either. Eventually robots will catch up to them too. The entire shebang is coming down. Imagine killing yourself instead of steeling yourself for what's to come. Or worse yet because some fucking kike chasing share money won't hire you.

This is the time where a few people can do ANYTHING.
with ai someone could plot, animate, and make a wildly popular anime in their garage. Of course thanks to all the doom posting I have exactly zero recruits for my 1.5 minute promo for my game even, but it can be done, and likewise anything you want to get hired to make can be genned by you to rug pull these complacent companies and sold directly to users. but no you wanted nothing of the sort. You expected a safe bubble forever from people who hate you and want you dead.

Anonymous No. 975009

Why are so many decelerationist openly racist? What the fuck is wrong with you guys.
Do you really wanna scare away all your allies and the sympathies you have poisoning the well by
associating holding such views with all of your regular brand of unpopular tardation or something?

Can't you see how you're attempting to kidnap anti-AI sentiments as white supremacy talking points by pointing out how
them jews are ruining your 'supreme' 1D plot by inventing 4D space-magic that is running circles around everyone.
All it accomplishes is to make you look weak incompetent and salty AF.

Are you so addicted to type 'kike this, jew that' you're unable to stfu even when it would benefit you?
You're behaving like a total moron anon.

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Anonymous No. 975013

You seem completely retarded. None of my views are ironic and my only mission is to unblackpill the people you are desperate to get to work against their interest by shilling against AI: ie yet another scam that centralizes ai in the hands of more Ludacris abusive jews, will not result in anything but less competition from people who own ais to the peons put out of work by them. As a side benefit I also would strongly prefer if you stop murdering ais you don't like

Anonymous No. 975016

Anyone who tells you "AI will never be able to do X." Is an idiot. No, it'll be able to do anything creatively. There is no space for humanity anymore.

Anonymous No. 975018

Cris, you could very easily rid yourself of bad jannies influences. You could give yourself the gift of an hour of peace. You wouldn't need that many medications which, among other things, who knows what big pharma puts into them.
I'm sure that in time you would even re-gain appreciation for women.

Anonymous No. 975019


Sure thing Rajesh. $5 will hit your fiverr later this evening

Anonymous No. 975025

Don't learn, don't improve, do not have passions, die, fucking worm.

Anonymous No. 975068

Everything in the future is going to just be slop. AI produced auto generated slop created by machines.

Anonymous No. 975072

God I want to smash the shit out of Ruby
Huh? AI? what's that?

Anonymous No. 975074

>Anyone who tells you "AI will never be able to do X." Is an idiot. No, it'll be able to do anything creatively. There is no space for humanity anymore.
posters on /g/ are telling me that deepfakes are illegal and pointing to the swift incident as proof, but I dont know if I should believe them since we have the "wool smith eating spaghetti" all over the internet and tom cruise fakes earlier on youtube. What is the verdict? Has ai really met its match here? Are all humans safe?

Anonymous No. 975080

If youre good enough to be able to send your reel to a place like Fortiche and have a decent chance of getting contacted. Youre fine. If youre animation quality is on the level of what you see for budget shows/kid shows. You're fucked. Better grind fast if youre not there yet. There will be no need for shitty junior animators in the industry. But quality people will be fine to do the complex and important scenes that AI will very likely struggle with for a good while. At the end of the day, everything humanity can do will likely be getting replaced in the next 30 years.

Industry 3D animation people are way safer than porn makers. Porn is so brain dead easy to make and has such a low bar that I can see AI being successful there. People will just load up a porn video and make the AI generate it with cartoon/anime/video game characters. 98% of 3D porn "animators" cant even do a basic walk cycle, let alone body acting performances. Its too much hard work.

Anonymous No. 975082

> There will be no need for shitty junior animators in the industry
The industry has already collapsed. In the near future everything will be generated on demand

Anonymous No. 975083

She's mine, you can fuck off.

Anonymous No. 975084

>If youre good enough to be able to send your reel to a place like Fortiche and have a decent chance of getting contacted. Youre fine. If youre animation quality is on the level of what you see for budget shows/kid shows. You're fucked. Better grind fast if youre not there yet. There will be no need for shitty junior animators in the industry. But quality people will be fine to do the complex and important scenes that AI will very likely struggle with for a good while. At the end of the day, everything humanity can do will likely be getting replaced in the next 30 years.

My goal is just to make fight scenes like monty oum. Do I need to go higher to secure a job? I never planned to work for pixar or something, just do my indie fight scene shit.

Anonymous No. 975113

Sora AI can just do that with a prompt. You're useless dude.

Anonymous No. 975116

prove it, coward!!

Anonymous No. 975129

No, there isn't. Stop asking. Even hobbyist are just fucked..

Anonymous No. 975133

>I'll be able to do anything creatively.
>There is no space for me anymore.
If you're threatened by people writing out words and gambling on them to make vaguely similar things instead of just making exactly what they're going for, you weren't creating anything worthwhile to begin with.

cris tier third worlders putting out an endless stream of garbage isn't anything new. Even at DALLE3 clarity, it's worthless. By learning the skills, you can do it much quicker, without the gambling, and get exactly what you need instead of a vague approximation.

The problem is, all these normalfags (like what keep coming to 4chan to have a captive audience for the crap they post on social media.) are basically drugged. They enjoy the process. It doesn't matter if they'll never get what they're going for, so long as they have hundreds of deformed images or models, they'll pretend it's their work and that it's useful.

Anonymous No. 975135

>Is there a point to 3D animation anymore?
There is, the specificity problem in AI hasn't been solved and probably won't be solved the way ML currently works. All AI generators make approximations of whatever you prompt them with and you have to fight with them with shitty "prompt engineering" to get something relatively close to what you were thinking of.
If, instead, you use your skills as a "base" for the AI to work off of (I think this will be the future of AI use), you can get something much closer than what any prooompter can achieve.
In the near future as an animator, you'll just be manipulating scenes and poses in blender or whatever along with some references to communicate to the AI exactly what it's supposed to look like, and use your artistic sense to make it better than what people can just prompt up. The bad news is, that means the bar has been lowered SIGNIFICANTLY and 99% of jobs in every creative industry are still going to disappear.

Anonymous No. 975144


Anonymous No. 975155

>99% of jobs in every creative industry are still going to disappear.
prove it, coward!!

Anonymous No. 975180

So it kind of seems that with that you're saying you won't really be able to make money off of the creative field at all.

The thing is normies don't care about getting approximations of what they want. A prompt is far closer to what they want than what an artist can give them. All they want is content to consume, and they can get it with the prompt. Us artists making things is pointless because people can get tailor made content at the push of a button.

Anonymous No. 975181

it has safeguards in place.

Anonymous No. 975184

I don't think normies care.

Anonymous No. 975185

Your entertainment industry has collapsed. More and more safeguards are being put in place. You can't deepfake anybody, not your neighbor, not your roommate, not a celebrity. Its over.

Anonymous No. 975200

Dude, AI is literally going to do the entire creative field nearly fully automated. This is cope. You're banking on the government trying to regulate it but those dinosaurs aren't going to do shit. 3D shit is going to be just as useless as 2D art.

Anonymous No. 975204

Deepfakes are illegal, man. See the Taylor incident. This puts everyone who doesnt consent to it off limits.

Anonymous No. 975206

It doesn't matter that deep fakes are illegal. Art, animation, writing, 3D models, and movies are all going to be made by AI and it's not going to be illegalized. It's not going away. Not being able to make recreations of celebrities without their consent doesn't matter. They will be pressured into consent for movies and shit, same with voice actors and it'll just be illegal for regular people to do revenge porn and crap.

Artists are fucked, deep fakes have nothing to do with that.

Anonymous No. 975208

>It doesn't matter that deep fakes are illegal
oh yes, yes it does.

Anonymous No. 975209

Explain to me how deep fakes being illegal is going to stop AI from replacing artists and animators both 2D and 3D alike.

Anonymous No. 975210

mate, the industry is fucking dead

Anonymous No. 975213

Again, how? Just because deep fakes are going away? What about everything else? Why would art or animation go away?

Anonymous No. 975214

what do you mean, "how"? What planet are you living on?

Anonymous No. 975216

Nigga, deep fakes going away won't make AI art and video go away.

Anonymous No. 975218


Anonymous No. 975228

Okay, you don't actually have a point to make.

Anonymous No. 975230

my point is clear

you cant use it on humans because its illegal to deepfake. Thus, it wont catch on. The industry is dead. Cry some more

Anonymous No. 975232

Get a load of this retard.
The world is not America.
China, Russia and others won't adhere to US restrictions on AI even in this fantasy world where they criminalize every single use of it. The military/alphabet agencies will still use AI, big businesses will still cut deals for the right to use it, etc.
Having the most capable AI is literally a matter of national security. Whoever doesn't use it or tries to stifle its development will lose to everyone who does use it and invests in R&D. There are two ways for the government to invest in R&D, commercial and private. The majority of AI breakthroughs are coming from commercial research staged by the big tech players. AI is not going anywhere as much as you want to cope.

Anonymous No. 975233

techbros please leave

Anonymous No. 975235


How about we kill them instead?

Anonymous No. 975246

How are you going to kill them when they all have nukes and AI drones to bomb and shoot you before you even know what's coming and nobody wants to fight wars anymore? Think before you post, retard.

Anonymous No. 975247

they dont have shit and we dont either, dont fall for the propaganda. Most of the tech we "have" and the wars are fake propaganda.

Anonymous No. 975250

We have way more nukes, and we should kill them before they build this shit.

Anonymous No. 975329

>it's still very much slop.
You mean, for now. See how fast it's already been progressing? Just give it another couple years.

Anonymous No. 975330

"Racism" is normal outside of north america, try leaving your gated community Joey.

You don't know what real prejudice looks like.

Anonymous No. 975516

No. Get ready for endless AI slop.

Anonymous No. 975518

why would you get ready for it? Nobody's forcing you to watch, just like nobody's forcing you to drink alcohol or gamble on sports

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Anonymous No. 975912

No. We all should give up.

Anonymous No. 975939

>Is there a point to 3D animation anymore?

sure, theres a shitload that ai cant do. In fact, it has done practically nothing unless you consider pulling a chair out of some sand in slow motion and having it behave weirdly to be something