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๐Ÿงต game

Anonymous No. 974881

Hello, ive been working on game on my free time doing models, animations and levels, problem is im not able to find a programmer for this to work with revenue share. Yes i know its hard to find people to spend time in an unpaid project and yes i know my models aren't AAA but in my opinion they look decent.
I have been looking for programmers on reddit and most of the time the just end up quitting after a while
Basic game loop is similar to Deep rock galactic and Lethal company, pretty easy to work with them and popular Hiring one is impossible for me now.
Should i keep working on it and then try to find someone? is it even worth working on it ??

Some images:

sorry for bad English
thanks in advance

Anonymous No. 974883

I'll do it but I'll take a 90:10 split in my favour. I think that accurately represents the workload.

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Anonymous No. 974884


Anonymous No. 974885

Honestly, you need to pay people money for their time. Rent/bills/life costs money.

Just because you can live without those things, doesn't mean others can.

Anonymous No. 974886

thanks, i never had thought about that

Anonymous No. 974888

Sometimes, you have to roll up your sleeves and do all the work yourself. Sometimes, it's super fucking hard and borderline discouraging but you need to wear multiple hats to get your vision done.

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Anonymous No. 974890

Hey OP. I'm real.
I've been working on my own games for a couple of years. Doing EVERYTHING by myself. Models, animations, textures, and programming. If you want help or to collaborate I'm interested.
I might have already coded solutions to problems you have and I am not so tight lipped I won't share.

Anonymous No. 974997

Might just be worth buckling down and doing it yourself. The beginning parts at least.
I think programmers are much more willing to commit to a project when there's at least some semblance of a vertical slice they can sink their teeth into, and get them interested in seeing it through.
Doesn't have to be super polished or competent programming, just like an artist can look at a sketch and envision the final product, I'm sure a programmer worth their salt can get the main idea of a crappy vertical slice and envision how the game should ultimately play and be coded.

Money obviously doesn't hurt either. If you can somehow get someone on board for the interim without pay for a month or two, and try to drum up interest to part schmucks from their money on Patreon, that might be a way to keep money rolling in to pay for production. If that's not an option, you're just gonna have to pay out of pocket.

If you do end up going the vertical slice route, you might just find that you've learned enough to just keep going yourself. Maybe even hybridize the ideas, make a Patreon, or put it in early access and then bring on another programmer with the money and shift back over to 3d or continue programming.

Anonymous No. 975030

just have an autistic high-school friend, bro!

Anonymous No. 975263

would you be able to do things like inventory systems, weapon switching, shooting, button presses etc.....
or maybe can show some of your work
if yes then we can chat on discord

Anonymous No. 975264

yeah but its gonna take so long to learn programming
might get lucky with the patreon way doe

Anonymous No. 975282

Yeah my game has all of that. Swapping skinned meshes for different clothing and armor, different weapon types with different animations. There are also buttons.

Anonymous No. 975634

Got discord?

Anonymous No. 975664

Before we move in together we can talk here.
What are your specific problems? And also what platform are you working on and what programming language do you work in?

Anonymous No. 975687

I want to play your game Anon

Anonymous No. 975710

Besides some simple code there is nothing done at all on the programming side
Using unity and c# for pc

Anonymous No. 975720

That's helpful. I am also working in unity and using c#.
What kind of items do you need to track in your inventory? Not like "what is the item" but i have 2 kinds of items in mine. Generic and unique. Every health potion is the same. In my system all i need to keep track of is which item type iy is and how many the player possesses. The unique items all have to be tracked individually. The player might have 3 "iron sword" but each has different upgrades on it so they need different representation in the data.

Anonymous No. 975739

if you are capable with that art then you are capable of learning programming too. Just do it. Make simple games with one system. Then make a game combining those systems.

Anonymous No. 975744

Cris does that all the time.

Anonymous No. 975745

eyo sorry for he late replies
there are propably somewhere to 12 unique ones and the rest of the itemes are resources, craftable etc.. these are a bunch 20+ maybe

Thanks but that would be impossible for the limited time i get

Anonymous No. 975750

So what i did was creat an "Item" class that held all the data every item would have. For me that was a name, value, weight, and an icon. Then particular items like crafting materials, clothing, consumables, etc had their own classes descended from the item class. All of the items were held in arrays held in a globally accessible object.
The actual player inventory is arrays of a class that just holds 2 integers. One int is the index for the item and the other was the quantity of that item the player posessed.

Anonymous No. 975838

incase you're super duper newb.

You know how when you make variables in unity they pop up in the inspector?
like yout type:
>public int money = 0;
and in the inspector on that component now there's a little number box called "Money". You can make your own thingies to put in that list. They're called "Classes"
So if you make a new c# script in unity it automatically types a bunch of shit. Up near the top there's like
>public class MyScriptName : MonoBehavior {
the "MonoBehavior" is another class which your script is <inheriting> from. So your new class has all the special properties of a monobehavior automatically. And if anyone needs to talk to a monobehavior they know how to talk to your new script.
What you can do is replace "monobehavior" with "System.Object"
"System" is a box of special objects that belong to the operating system. The unsexiest most generic things. The "Object" class is the most generic type there is. So when your class inherits from the object class you're making a brand new thing defined by you.
One extra thing is to add a little market that let's unity know this is the kind of thing we want to show up in the inspector, right before the class definition.
So try this out (remember to delete the update and start functions)
>[System.Serializable] //this lets unity know to print it out in the inspector
>public class Item : System.Object {
> public string name = '';
> public int price = 0;
> public float weight = 0f;
Save that as it's own file called "Item.cs"
In another script, call it "Inventor.cs" just below the line
>public class Item : monobehavior
> public Item[] inventory;
save it, let it compile, and in the inspector on the object you added it to will be a drop down and a box asking how many "elements" there are. Just type any number and you'll get a list of Item drop downs that have within them out name/price/weight variables.

Anonymous No. 979980

this eclipse bussin fr fr