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Anonymous No. 975167

3D inspo thread - what gets your poly goning?

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Anonymous No. 975168

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Anonymous No. 975169

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Anonymous No. 975170

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unnamed (1).jpg

Anonymous No. 975171

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Anonymous No. 975173

Everything Wolfenstein is coom tier

Anonymous No. 975175

What's a "3D inspo" supposed to be, Cris?

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Anonymous No. 975177


Anonymous No. 975182

That topology is total dogshit though

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Anonymous No. 975183


Anonymous No. 975219

it's fine

Anonymous No. 975269

Those are classics I remember having them on my inspiration folder more than 10 years ago
You are retarded, the topo it's perfect to get that poly model's firm without normal map or displacement

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Anonymous No. 975276

Too many useless tris, if he stuck to quads he woudn't have had that awful blocky scalp, lips and eyes are a total mess too, that person very clearly didn't know what he was doing and should've looked up examples of face topology beforehand, good head topo has been posted in this thread earlier

Anonymous No. 975277

Very amateurish all in all

Anonymous No. 975285

Considering the age of that image, it's not exactly fair to make a judgement like that about the topology. People back then didn't care quite so much about perfect topology, and you can tell this by looking at Pixar models from back in the day, and even though the internet had made leaps and bounds from what it was back in 2000, or even 1990, it still wasn't what it is today where you can google something and find the right answer for nealy everything. That guy was working with the information he had, within the standards the people back in the day had, and going and saying it's bad because of your topology autism even though it looks like a human head tells me you don't care about the actual artistic merits of 3dcg. That's a lot harder to get right than some stupid topology bullshit, especially on a part of the model that won't be deforming much.

Anonymous No. 975290

That's fair anon, I only saw the post about the image being old as fuck after I posted, accept my concession

Anonymous No. 975304

First tris are not a fucking demon that comes to kill your 3d model.
That mesh is completely ok and it was made to hold that shape without any displacement and normal mapping, we did it that way a long time ago, if you want to compare it to a mesh that is specifically dense with quad mesh and made for displacement yes, but that thing didn't work like that back then, that's poly modelled not a retopology of a sculpture with baked normals. You can clearly see that all those polygons are to shape the fat bone and muscles of the face.
I assure you that you couldn't do that face like he did even if your Life depended on it.
That image is that famous for a reason anon.

Anonymous No. 975305

Shit take, are you new? Did you listen to that stupid tris are bad take while you were making the Andrew Price doughnut?

Anonymous No. 975344

>the thing they got from my post is that le tris le bad
You are absolutely and utterly retarded, learn 3d and reading comprehension

Anonymous No. 975345

>I assure you that you couldn't do that face like he did even if your Life depended on it.
I literally do game ready faces for money every day nowadays anon btw

Anonymous No. 975352

No you just made a shit take, deal with it, not only you are stupid but also don't want to deal with the consequences of being stupid, if you don't know better shut up.

Anonymous No. 975353

Prove it, make a poly model face that holds that shape with only quads and subsurface.

Anonymous No. 975354

>Too many useless tris, if he stuck to quads he woudn't have had that awful blocky scalp
Are you retarded? Why are you showing the box and not the subsurface model?
Do you know how this works?

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Anonymous No. 975357

>griping about the topo of a subd model
This thread is for good vibes only

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Anonymous No. 975358

Just post whatever makes your soft body into a hard surface

Anonymous No. 975360

Those guys are pioneers on 3d teaching, imagine being a stupid kid telling the guys who teach us how topology worked 16 years ago that they should look tutorials how to make it.
Am I living in the most retarded of times?
What tutorials they should watch? They were the ones who teach a generation of 3d modellers.
You are just a stupid kid who thinks he knows more than he knows because he makes heads every day over the 2 months he started working with blender.

Anonymous No. 975361

They don't know what subd modelling is, you are just wasting your time.
This retard >>975276 is telling that GuerrillaCG should watch tutorials...
I think this board is just a waste of time

Anonymous No. 975365

>I literally do game ready faces for money every day nowadays anon btw
But you don't know how subdivision modelling works?

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curved polys.png

Anonymous No. 975385


Anonymous No. 975387

You can see the same in blender if you add a subsurf modifier, enable optimal display and crank up the iterations to 3 or 4

Anonymous No. 975394

That's because some people like the jannies are not straight and so their polygons come out all bendy and stuff.

Anonymous No. 975432

Do people here are oblivious to the concept of subd modelling?
Man wtf is going on with this board

Anonymous No. 975433

No, you are retarded, do you ever know what subd modelling is? It doesn't seem to

Anonymous No. 975447

"people" here don't know how to model anything past a cube on Blender

Anonymous No. 975459

>local man can't differentiate subsurf from subdiv
why are you even here?

Anonymous No. 975473

I think that's just a Blender thing. In Blender, the subdivision modifier is called the "Subdivision Surface" modifier and people like to abbreviate it as the "Subsurf" modifier, even though it's easy to confuse people into thinking that subsurface scattering is what's being referred to.

Anonymous No. 975475

Exactly it's a blender thing subsurf is blender's subdiv
Subsurface scattering is SSS

Anonymous No. 975545

Yeah it's blender terminology. That abbreviation is even used in the code
Even if it wasn't, obviously no one could confuse those two completely unrelated things.
Sorry I didn't pay $1,875 for a year of Maya access

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Anonymous No. 975733

I've been rendering out some Doom 3 textures for study reference

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Anonymous No. 975734

mmmm chunky normals

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Anonymous No. 975747

Anonymous No. 975748

Kings Field 4.

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Anonymous No. 975749

pic btw.

Btw, looking for female 3D artist to be my gf and work on this sort of game with me. I'm a programmer.

reply to me if you are into it.

๐Ÿ—‘๏ธ the chair nerd No. 975754

no pic btw.

I'm a married man but I can be your girlfriend just let me be in the same room with you and we'll see.

I'm an architect.

reply to me if you are into me.

Anonymous No. 975874


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Anonymous No. 975882

I'm still such a newb when it comes to planning out a large environment

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Anonymous No. 975883

I made this

Anonymous No. 975891

It doesn't matter if it looks flawless. You'll never be able to satisfy the topology experts on this board.

Anonymous No. 975894

After the first pass of subdivision it's all quads, so even the apparent 'ngons' one might perceive at the edge of the face don't break any topology laws

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Anonymous No. 975898

Anonymous No. 975905

>24 polygons.
>atleast 1k textures with normal maps.
this is pointless

Anonymous No. 975906

Everything is pointless, life doesn't make sense, why do anything?

Anonymous No. 975937

Words of truth, kind stranger. Wubba lubba dub dub!

Anonymous No. 975938

Explain further

Anonymous No. 975941

Nta but polycount hasn't been a performance bottleneck for quite some time now and I'm not even talking about nanite

Anonymous No. 975942

I don't think that skull is ~90 tris because he wanted to make sure performance was good, it was clearly a challenge to do as much as possible with as little as possible.

Anonymous No. 975947

I'm what people call a modern philosophy genius my friend.
Yes, I saw that in the low-poly thread in polycount a few years back, the idea was remake that prop with better textures and normal map if i remember correctly

Anonymous No. 976031

Have you ever heard the term making it because you want a challenge?
It's not that hard to understand anon

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Anonymous No. 976181

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Anonymous No. 976514


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Anonymous No. 976515

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Anonymous No. 976516

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Anonymous No. 976522

Anonymous No. 976526

>>976514 >>976515 >>976516 >>976522
That garbage looks cluttered and diseased.

Anonymous No. 976529

It's called greeble I'm not sure why anon finds it inspiring though

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Anonymous No. 976544

agreed, UT3 looks pig ugly but the technical skill is kind of impressive

Anonymous No. 976553

That art-style came and went real fast, I think it was the fact it became technically possible to have high frequency detail
everywhere due to normal maps so artists just started bukkake'ing details across all surfaces to add value to their creations.

At some point someone realized how we've been able to make unlimited detail for a long time in the real world
yet nobody this side of India ever goes for that aesthetic as it looks super gaudy to be that ornamental.

To western audiences good design will be deliberate design, not one that looks filled in with unnecessary detail for the sake of being filled in with detail.

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Anonymous No. 976639

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Anonymous No. 978199

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Anonymous No. 978205


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Anonymous No. 978206


Anonymous No. 978291

Anonymous No. 978502

>kino robot art style
>rich after decades of grinding
I have nothing but admiration for Cawthon

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Anonymous No. 979186

I really like the PS1/PS2 aesthetic. Another inspiration is the Mask of Light movie. Though, I doubt I'll ever be able to make something like this.

Anonymous No. 979808

I wish there were more modern tutorials on how to subd like this. I feel like a lot of people jump straight to sculpting and retopo for things that absolutely don't need it just because wrinkles are involved and most of what you find online now says wrinkles = sculpt.

๐Ÿ—‘๏ธ Anonymous No. 983161
this shit make me learn 3D modeling, except i make cute anime girl instead of cool mecha

Anonymous No. 983209

I follow a few artists on Instagram that do this type of poly modelling.
No tutorials sadly

Anonymous No. 983211

Learn povray

Anonymous No. 983213

Aphantasia autists that loved dragging vertices around got phased out by actual talanted artists that can just sculpt whatever they have in their head, that's why there are no more tutorials for this, and there shouldn't be.

Anonymous No. 983225

>models all this anatomyslop
>forgets the head

Anonymous No. 983228

In all of my pursuits, 3D modeling, 2D drawing, writing, I'm more inspired by seeing people worse than me than people better than me. Because I may never reach the latter person's skill level, but if the former can find success then I know I could too.

Anonymous No. 983235

you do realize it hasn't been a bottleneck because people are still optimizing their models to reduce polycount.
if everyone said fuck it and go high poly it would absolutely be a problem