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🧵 I'm so fucking sick of all these archviz """gods""" doing nothing but this style of house

Anonymous No. 975331

This style is the biggest, laziest meme ever. It's even worse than McMansion. Everyone goes ooo and aaahh over a fucking boolean'd rectangular with glass inside.

Anonymous No. 975332

Rectangular box even!

Anonymous No. 975339

post your work
[spoiler](I'm kidding)[/spoiler]

Anonymous No. 975343

Be the change you want to see instead of complaining like the little bitch you're acting like.

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🗑️ the chair nerd No. 975348

>doing nothing but this style of house
I do whatever the client designs dude. If you want to blame someone is architects.
So as an architect. Yes you are right this kind of architecture is fucking awful. But it seems you don't have any objective criticism of this kind of architecture.I bet you also hate comic sans for no objective reason. It is obvious you are just a drone following the latest outrage from /pol/reddit/9gag with 'modern' architecture. Grow a brain anon, stop being a loudspeaker for other's grievances.

Anonymous No. 975350

The houses on top are very probably significantly older than 100 years.
Also what's awful is suburban living in general, not just it's architecture. Doing archviz for rich assholes who will probably die of thirst when the revolution cuts off the water supply to their gated community is something I'd never engage in. I'd rather NEET it out till then.

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🗑️ the chair nerd No. 975351

>Doing archviz for rich assholes who will probably die of thirst when the revolution cuts off the water supply to their gated community is something I'd never engage in.
Ok less competition.

Anonymous No. 975363

Wow, you've been modeling for a really long time, anon.

Anonymous No. 975364

I think houses from 2024 are really nice looking, if I wanted to live in sword art online i would choose the cottages

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Anonymous No. 975372

Obviously the problem is that architects also use CAD tools that are only good at making default cubes and such shit. Just look at how modernist this plane looks, by the way the simulation software used when designing it couldn't handle even one more tri. But it's definitely a stylistic design choice when it comes to those gay ass houses.

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Anonymous No. 975375

>Does not understand how CAD works
Ok blentet let’s see your CAD skills in Blender… OH WAIT IT CANT!

Anonymous No. 975376

Of course it can't you flaming faggot.

Anonymous No. 975380

Cris, as a general rule, you shouldn't reply to your own posts.

Anonymous No. 975452

Fuck you I'll do what I want

Anonymous No. 975455

>Fails to work as a CAD program, lots of missing features that freeCAD offers, inaccurate information, ETC.
Blender will never be CAD approved.

Anonymous No. 975462

it is long tail ad revenue bait. post it and next year it will have 150k views and you make 100dollars from it. a decent little side job.

🗑️ Anonymous No. 975466

>Blender will never be CAD approved.
Blender could integrate a cad mode, the problem is that the Blender Studio is not interested on cad, at best they could integrate signed distance fields.

Anonymous No. 975489

>Blender could integrate a cad mode
No. Blender lacks support for NURBS surfaces with holes. The whole modern CAD thing revolves around those primitives. Blender will never work as a CAD unless the internals get largely re-written. That's not going to happen.

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🗑️ Anonymous No. 975503

I think it supports holes ... yes they want to rewrite all that and to add the FreeCAD libraries, you can read it here, the main problem is that they don't need cad for the Blender studio.

Anonymous No. 975506

>Blender is all in one
>Dev “No, CAD for you”
There goes people’s claims of it being all in one and able to do anything. Big corp would totally switch to blender if CAD was on it.

Anonymous No. 975509

The specific primitive that you need need is a NURB but you also need to be able to add a number of 2D cutters to it which may overlap and span across several NURBS.

Those "2D cutters" are the "sketches" which are the actual CAD drawings. Those in turn need to support linear and angular constraints and so on.

Blender has maybe 5% of the functionality that you would need to make a CAD and that's too little to be extended of fixed via Python scripts.

Anonymous No. 975512

For reference:
Red the part that says: "gluBeginTrim/gluEndTrim pair, it is used to describe a trimming curve". That's the part that's missing in Blender and all the functions related to producing and editing those "trimming curves" of course.

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Anonymous No. 975534

Maybe it's been a while and I forgot, but I'm pretty sure that plane wasn't made using 3d design, but drafted by hand. The angles were definitely simulated for radar bounceback, but the shape was because they had to "make it by hand" and complex curves were either hard to simulate or make to the specifications.
Which is why the B2 has all kinds of really smooth curves.
Then again, I could be completely fucking wrong, and I'm mis-remembering things, or just made it up in my head. I swear I heard that shit on Modern Marvels 12+ years ago though.

In hindsight, I guess I kind of just repeated what you said, just in a different way.

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🗑️ the chair nerd No. 975585

small kek
You do you. I prefer vernacular architecture. I've modeled and designed houses of all tastes and styles and my honest professional opinion is that us architects are overvalued.
>Obviously the problem is that architects also use CAD tools that are only good at making default cubes and such shit
Do you know them all? Are you sure they all use CAD tools? Have you even opened an architecture journal?
> Just look at how modernist this plane looks
Modernist like the modernist movement from the 1920's? Modernist like the 3rd international? Modernist like the burtalists or the futurists? Do you even know waht modernist means? Do you even know what the flying fuck you are talking about?
>by the way the simulation software used when designing it couldn't handle even one more tri.
>But it's definitely a stylistic design choice when it comes to those gay ass houses.
Unfortunately anon. Even with your idiotic comment, your blatant ignorance You are absolutely right. It is a stylistic choice, not a good one, not a cogent one but a choice. Thank you for letting us know you think those houses look gay. Pretty insightful I must say.

Anonymous No. 975865

>Blender could integrate a cad mode
For true CAD Blender lacks the precision and its polygon engine is completely unfit for CAD in general.

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Screenshot from 2....png

Anonymous No. 975869

Why don't you try drawing this in your stupid fucking parametric engineering quality drafting software. The work looks like the tool and that's all I'm saying.

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🗑️ Anonymous No. 975870

>try drawing this in your stupid fucking parametric engineering quality drafting software
What a bunch of words cobbled up together.

Anonymous No. 975873

Man, all this talk about CAD, I just wanna be able to use NURBS to make cars and sweeping organic surface shit like Max. That shit looks so nice to use for that case. Not nice enough to completely swap over to Max, but enough to get a bit frustrated at the Blender devs for implmenting such an eighth-assed feature (because "half-assed" would be giving them too much credit). They got to the point where they could display NURBS surfaces, and just stopped there. "Yup, that's a wrap people".

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Tili234 No. 975897

A nice wabi-sabi dining room, right?

Anonymous No. 975936

Not even Chair anon, but I wouldn't sit in any of those. The chairs especially. Holy shit it's just asking for back pain.

the chair nerd No. 976785

Those are marble stools there are many providers of those. Dining seating are Suit Chairs made by Artifort and go for $1500 euro a pop. They are fucking disgusting but pretty confortable.

the chair nerd No. 976787

In my humble opinion.. yeah not worth it.

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Anonymous No. 978217

do all threads on /3/ have to devolve into blender-fags (aka blender-poors) coping & seething?

the chair nerd No. 978219

Unfortunately yes.

Anonymous No. 978284

I just want to slide my knob over that dome.