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Anonymous No. 975901

is there any ACTUALLY Physically-based renderer that can simulate the wave-particle duality properties of light to recreate the double slut experiment?

Anonymous No. 976288

No, all lights in the real world and simulation follow the instructions given by their creator. The theory isn’t real, it can never be real.

Anonymous No. 976323

>attempting to simulate God's divine mysteries
you will NEVER make it. NEVER. the human mind cannot comprehend the nature of His light, let alone a machine.

Anonymous No. 977566

the method used to observe photons is destructive, hence why they change pattern when "observed"
so yes, it can be simulated

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Anonymous No. 977983

you want a double slit or quantum eraser double slit?

Anonymous No. 977984

To recreate the double slut experiment just render your lady like normally and then cross your eyes slightly

Anonymous No. 978129

double slit isnt about light, its about particles launched one at a time

Anonymous No. 978131

Isn't the double slit experiment a demonstration of how light diffracts near edges of objects? Like you see a 'diffraction pattern' traditionally mistaken for a 'interference pattern' even with single photons because even individual photons will diffract along the edges of either slit.

Anonymous No. 978134

Refreshed my memory, diffraction is part of it but not the entire story, it's basically a demonstration that any interaction with whatever a photon is will alter it's state and have it assume a new state from the point of interaction.

It's cryptically refereed to as 'waveparticle duality' which in my view is a unfortunately mystic sounding way to say that what a photon ultimately actually is will be something that is neither a wave nor a particle but will reveal itself to us in either of those ways depending on how we interact with it.

It's true nature is something from the quantum realm that doesn't really map cleanly onto any concept we experience on our scale.
Kinda like how you can get a vastly different view of what a elephant is depending on what part you touch.

There are diffraction effect renderers but what happens in the double slit experiment is much to low level for how anything models photons in raytracers.
It's ultimately unknown to modern physics since we don't have a complete understanding of how reality operates on that level, any attempt to model it will unravel into theoretical physics.

Anonymous No. 978148

well, yeah. kiddo. your mum alone is double slut enough for me. heh

Anonymous No. 978208

>Physically-based renderer
Mainstream render use geometry theory of light
Some papers talking about mechanical wave proprieties some shaders paper include ideas from Electrodynamics.
Quantum Electro Dynamics is unthinking for Computer Graphics.
Computer Graphics is about fake fancy graphics.