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🧵 Quicker way of rigging models

Anonymous No. 975968

>Set parent to armature deform
>Create vertex group in object
>Rename vertex group to name of bone
>Assign object to group

The model is low-poly so I don't need any weight-painting but there has to be a quicker method right?

Anonymous No. 975990

It’s called not using blender. What you describe is not normal in any software.

Anonymous No. 976026

Maya it's really good for rigging

Anonymous No. 976253

Is that really hoe you assign vertices to a joint in blender? I dont believe it. There MUST be a tool you're missing.
It is THE rigging software.

Anonymous No. 976279

Faster method:
In the armature's data panel, enable Show Names in the Viewport Display so that you can see the bone names.
Parent the object(s) to the armature with empty groups. This will automatically create vertex groups for the bones.
Then select each sub-object in your mesh (if they are separate objects you can quickly switch between them in edit mode with alt+q, then a to select all verts. If they are joined already, L will select the sub-objects), and in the vertex group panel, just click the name of the correct bone and assign.
Very quick and easy process with no typing or manual vertex group creation necessary.

Anonymous No. 976280

I'm confused. If you parent with automatic weights it does the vertex groups for you.
If you want to do weights manually run there just go in and zero out each weight and do it by painting or assigning weights directly to vertices.
Maybe I'm not understanding your issue though

Anonymous No. 976282

Yeah I didn't do empty groups initially cause I didnt like how cluttered it look when every object had every vertex group listed.

Didn't know about the alt-Q shortcut though thanks.