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๐Ÿงต Impostor Syndrome and Advice

Anonymous No. 976003

I work at a well-known game company. I'm 20 years old. I can't post any works I've created due to NDAs. I don't create much outside of work. I've been with the company for about six months. Recently, I've been experiencing a dangerous amount of imposter syndrome. My models are pretty mid-level. Macro details exist, and they look great. But micro details and hard surface details are missing. Also, I'm terrible at game optimization. I feel like I have to learn as fast as possible, otherwise I'm just making the products I'm working on worse. Thankfully, none of my assets were rejected. I've noticed that a lot of other artists get high praise for the work they submit, and most of the time I get thank yous. I think I know why. It's not that I feel I'm entitled to praise. I wouldn't want to get it if my work wasn't as good as theirs. Does anyone have any advice or tips for me on how to improve my assets creation, macro / micro detail workflows, and optimization? Additionally, do any anons have any free therapy advice I could take advantage of to not feel so shitty about my work?

Anonymous No. 976004

you don't have impostor syndrome, you are an impostor

Anonymous No. 976005


Anonymous No. 976009

can i have your job no takebacks

Anonymous No. 976011

>free therapy advice
for real, keep a journal or notebook
write up everything you've done today, all your thoughts on the various events that have happened and then write what, if anything, you're going to do about it.
Just to that every day you can, it will help you structure your thoughts and give some continuity to your life. You should also invest in a printer, some photo paper and a glue stick and put renders of the things you've made in there.
Make peace with God. Through belief in our Lord Jesus Christ you will be given ever lasting life. If you truly believe this then you will sacrifice your ego for fun. Winners do not worry about what everyone thinks, they just do what they do. Everyone loves dogs, they just run around without caring what you think because they are stupid. Learn to be stupid - just do, don't think. That is charisma.

Anonymous No. 976013

>advice I could take advantage of to not feel so shitty about my work?
Improve your work nigga, also micro details is what separates a professional from an amateur

Anonymous No. 976015

I mainly work with weapons. I am very good with architecture as well. The company assigned me to work on had-surface recently because they liked a background gun model I made. I feel out of my depth so I'm working on learning the hard-surface workflow. I'm having a difficult time finding references or tutorials to improve my work.

Anonymous No. 976029

why not just ask your co-workers for some advice?

Anonymous No. 976216

you are 20, not some 50 year old japanese 3d artist with 50 years experience

Anonymous No. 976217

did 3d even exist for that long

Anonymous No. 976219

You're 20, it's natural Op. I thought I was hot shit at your age too before having reality start to sink in how inexperienced I where.
being 40+ now and looking back at my 20yo self I was an imposter, but you gotta be a wannabe before you can become someone.
'fake it til you make it' and being a bit too cocky is super healthy when you're young and eager. 'Aim for the stars and you'll hit the tree tops' and all that.

You're practicing every day and you will improve over time. Just keep pushing yourself to surpass the level you're currently at and you will progress.

Anonymous No. 976221

Late 70's is when the OG's started establishing this field in a real way. Many have already retired since they where already old and accomplished artisans when they first picked up these tools which spiritual successors we still wield today.

Anonymous No. 976252

>I don't create much outside of work
then that means you have >1 fucking model to post on 4chan to prove you can model at all. Why make up this story? Just to get 14 year olds to gawk at your pretend job?

Anonymous No. 976376

>20 year old

Children are not allowed here.

Anonymous No. 976381

Maybe for military use, for art it's closer to 30 years.

Anonymous No. 976420

>industry job at 20 years old
so this is the power of nepotism

Anonymous No. 976464

Study the other artists' work.