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🧵 Untitled Thread

Anonymous No. 976137

Just found out this 3d artist I've been following for years and buying thousands of dollars worth of assets from has wildly incorrect anatomy after studying anatomy myself. I can't believe I didn't study anatomy sooner.

Anonymous No. 976143

good for (You)

Anonymous No. 976207

Photographs are king

Anonymous No. 976737

I’m a novice myself but it feels great when you watch a tutorial by someone you admire and find yourself thinking, I’ve made better ears than that or I’ve sculpted a prettier face than that.
To be fair I’m sure doing these things on camera makes it more difficult.

Anonymous No. 976743


Congrats, you’ve hit the dreaded plateau. It will take 10x harder to break the barrier and you won’t find any other artists of a higher level than what you see on social media because all the real pros are too busy slaving away at game studios. Fuck, they probably aren’t that good than what you see in artstation, they are just good at making their employer money. That’s it.

Anonymous No. 976744

>you’ve hit the dreaded plateau
>I’m a novice myself

Anonymous No. 977008

congratulations, BLENDER has rotted your brain.
cope & seethe!

Anonymous No. 977035

uh ok weirdo