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๐Ÿงต Untitled Thread

Anonymous No. 976206

I want to recreate this artstyle

Anonymous No. 976208


Anonymous No. 976211

How should I do that?

Anonymous No. 976213


Anonymous No. 976214

Commission someone to make it.

Anonymous No. 976215


Anonymous No. 976231

Doesn't look that hard.
Fairly basic modeling, simple toon shading with color ramp and inverted hull lineart.

Anonymous No. 976233

i'd start with getting a computer and installing 3d modeling software

Anonymous No. 976236

Then do it?
You have it literally right in front of you. Shouldn't be hard to recreate it if you know the basics.
If you don't know the basics, fuck off until you do.

Anonymous No. 976245

>Doesn't look that hard.
I can assure you that Op is hard right now

Anonymous No. 976250

just ripoff this character wholesale. Copy it 1-1. Take 0 artistic liberty. If you end product diverges from it in anyways, change it so it's a complete copy.
This will give you insight into the original artist's process. I am not trolling. Do this. Really do this.

Anonymous No. 976313

This, this is also how 2D artists best learn btw

Anonymous No. 976611

use blender, first you should do the blocking of the anatomy with primitive geometry and some subdivision surface modifyer, then retopology of the anatomy and ind this procesos you migth get the forms for the clouths and hair, rigging, the addon od wiggle bones migth work or you can try other methods, for color you can make some decent coloring with the node of the color ramp. sorry for the bad english.

Anonymous No. 976627

You are wasting your time. A nigger like op that can't be bothered to google will never be able to follow a tutorial

Anonymous No. 976629

Is it using two inverted hulls, one for the black and one for the white?
Seems like it should be possible to do something fancy with a shader, but it would need screenspace info which maybe blender doesn't offer

Anonymous No. 976650

update, found the guy who made this model, and he made this video about how he creates models.
He doesn't mention inverted hulls, just suggests using freestyle.

I think the way he did the OP pic might be with a white inverted hull and black freestyle lines

Anonymous No. 976820

gotcha, thanks anon

Anonymous No. 977036

kill yourself cris

Anonymous No. 978059

Underrated post