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๐Ÿงต Why are VFX Artists so obsessed with Credits?

Anonymous No. 976309

They are maximally exploited but they pisseth and shitteth themselves to see their names in the CREDITS.
Then they wonder why they get no respect.

Anonymous No. 976310

schizo thread!

Anonymous No. 976315

Credits means more better job opportunities retardo

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Anonymous No. 976342

>>more better
you mean you're tagging yourself as an exploited bastard by your own volition?

Anonymous No. 976346

Are you a commie?

Anonymous No. 976412

An artist signs their name on their artwork
Everyone that was involved with a film puts their name in the credits.
It's the same concept.
"I made this" for artists.
"I helped make this" for film staff.
Whether or not they're "exploited" is up for them to decide. You can always opt-out to having your name in the credits.

Anonymous No. 976432

fucking retard cowards. NOT REAL ARTISTS. suck my cock bryan bigler. no one will ever KNOW you for environmental rock #44020

Anonymous No. 976439

>no one will ever KNOW you for environmental rock #44020
no one will ever know you period

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Anonymous No. 976445

you obtuse cunt, VFX artists are massively exploited but they brag on twitter that they got credited.
read op again you low iq bastard

Anonymous No. 976446

>Hey I will give you money if you do this for me
>Sounds like it'd be worth my time, sure
meanwhile autistic obese neet commie on 4chan

Anonymous No. 976454

there are assholes in the credits who just move boxes of supplies and never walk on set. The caterers are in the credits. We're at a point where 99% of the pixels in "live action" movies are cartoons. But only the famous actors who did 9 weeks of filming in front of green screens deserve recognition. ok.

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Anonymous No. 976463

What the fuck.

Anonymous No. 977609

VFX Artist here, Ive done 12 movies. I've been credited in 2. Fuck Sony.

Anonymous No. 977616

were you exploited?
are you currently unemployed?