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๐Ÿงต Untitled Thread

Anonymous No. 976502

how can i recreate 90s style 3d renders in modern blender? i know i could just learn bryce3d but i don't want to. ive heard eevee has phong shading but i can't find it.

Anonymous No. 976506

I was a sperm not giving a fuck about existence before I barreled into the egg like a fucking asshole and have suffered ever since

Anonymous No. 976512

>what is 3dmax scanline render?

Anonymous No. 976537

>i know i could just learn bryce3d
I'm sorry for the meme answer but unironically just learn bryce3d, it's the easiest software I've ever learned and it was made for literal children to fuck around in, you should be able to start creating shit you want in one evening

Anonymous No. 976540

Blender and bryce3d wonโ€™t ever get the results you wanted. Both software lack the rendering capabilities necessary to produce the bad rendering results.

Anonymous No. 976579

>rendering capabilities necessary
>to produce the bad rendering results

Anonymous No. 976600

bryce3d is unironically deep as fuck. you got filtered

๐Ÿ—‘๏ธ Anonymous No. 976618

Since their rendering engine has hardly changed since the 90s just use basically any version of 3DS MAX, preferably an older one. It's basically SOVL right out of the box.

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Anonymous No. 976619

Since their rendering engine has hardly changed since the 90s just use basically any version of 3DS MAX, preferably an older one. It's basically SOVL right out of the box.

Anonymous No. 976875

>this fucking thread again
Why don't we get the "software purist" in here while we're at it?

Anonymous No. 976876

Code up your own engine in OpenGL at this point. There's tutorials online

Anonymous No. 976889

This was the second one I ever used, after Sculpt Animate on Amiga.

Anonymous No. 977861

Lmao can't belive this software (Seamless 3D) still being updated noawadays. You should check it.

Anonymous No. 977905

Realtime OpenGL graphics won't give you that 90s prerendered look.

Anonymous No. 977908

Quick googling says the image has been created with povray.
Just use that, it still works on modern computers.
You can also use it to render scenes you've made in blender.

That will give you exactly the same look (given you learn to use povray)

Anonymous No. 977978

the autist is still on it for almost 2 decades now. he's like cris but actually based AND have a working product that he could be proud of.

Anonymous No. 978684

Not OP but povray is my next focus. Got filtered by the blender add on version so just going to try it stand alone for now.

Anonymous No. 978840

A lot of that classic 90's style is the lack of modern tone mapping. Modern Blender uses some kind of filmic tonemapper (filmic blender, ApX, ACES all do this) which desaturates highlights. Classic graphics don't do this which leads to that unique "fake" look.
You should be able to achieve this look pretty much entirely in the Compositor, using "convert color space" nodes.

Anonymous No. 978843

old cg doesnt gives a fuck about correct gamma calculation. also its the reason why constant ambient light is needed to "correct" the midtones.

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Anonymous No. 978851

It's even easier than messing around in Compositor. Literally just setting the View Transform in the Color Management to "Raw" will do it. You don't even need to re-render, either, since tonemappers themselves use Raw data when they adjust colors.
It really is amazing how effective tonemapping is at selling compelling lighting. I've only been dabbling in 3D for the past week or so but I've been doing color-managed digital art for a while, now, and it's just as effective there as it is here, while allowing for comparatively simple Multiplicative shading setups, now unlike that of a deferred lighting engine.

Anonymous No. 980297


Anonymous No. 981283

You will not get good results using this

Anonymous No. 981292


Anonymous No. 984538

I admire the dedication. This is the type of autism that is needed