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🧵 Untitled Thread

Anonymous No. 976561

so imagine that i got good at 3d modeling, how do i realistically make money? is porn the fastest and easy route? how do you build a fanbase or do you make videos for pornhub and cash on views?

i dont want to work in a studio or with other people, want to fly solo here

Anonymous No. 976562

Cris, the only reason you're interested in 3D is because that's the only way women will let you interact with them.

Anonymous No. 976565

>how do i realistically make money?
Figure it out retard

Anonymous No. 976567

>so imagine that I got good at 3d modelling
>is porn the fastest and easy route?
Porn makers don't make their models, that's why everything looks B tier or below

Anonymous No. 976612


If you do porn strictly for the money you will have a bad time. Covid already passed, most mediocre 3D porn artists grew from that and are now coasting.

Unless you make something unique, you will just be a drop in an over flooded pool.

Is it easy? You can make 5 bucks relatively quick with absolutely shit skills. But you wont make a liveable wage. Hell at most you can reach 100 a month with shit skills. Those with the biggest fanbases started early, and have raised the bar for quality for coomers.

Its like OF thots with amazing bodies charging $10. They completely shit on the fatties trying to charge similar or more. So the fatties gotta do special unique and niche like scat or piss.

Basically you will attract the dregs of coomers unless you pass a quality bar.

sage No. 976614

realistic sfw answer: be incredibly good at your craft and have a distinct style that appeals to lots of people. make money from patreon/youtube/etc posting tutorials or selling 3d print files or commissions or whatever. or get hired at a real job (lol). most of the more successful 3d artists I follow do fairly well on patreon/gumroad because they are able to create content that most people want access to (such as being able to download their .blend files). they built an audience on yt or twitter because they either have a unique appealing style or are extremely knowledgeable about their craft.

nsfw is a meme regardless of what the furry schizo will tell you about niches or whatever. it's too late and ai will replace it by the time you can git gud at it. besides that, it is statistically guaranteed that you will be distributing porn to children. either you can't handle that burden and avoid nsfw or only make it for yourself, or you can handle the burden and therefore should be culled from society. extremis malis extrema remedia and all that.

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Anonymous No. 976664

Did anyone ever sell any models on Thingy-verse or is that a meme? There are videos on TikTok with guys 3D-scanning objects IRL and selling 3D models of them on ThingyVerse.

Anonymous No. 976690

tehere is nothing more saturated and lame that making 3D porn in 2024. Wanna make money? Make creative and original content

Anonymous No. 976692

>tehere is nothing more saturated and lame that making 3D porn in 2024.
You are dead wrong

Anonymous No. 976701

If you're just imagining you have any experience, then buddy, go pick up a job at Tim Horton's.
This is not a dig at you, I'm telling you how it is. You want quick and easy money? In your position, you'd make more money more easily flipping burgers or making sandwiches than you'd ever make out of 3D.

Anonymous No. 976703

Yeah, I'm sure that has no legal repercussions whatsoever.

Anonymous No. 976731

porn can be creative and original too.
But youre somewhat right with the first statement.

Try it for a few months with 3d porn OP. If you end up liking it and the income you develop, cool you might have made it. If not, then you just learned a valuable lesson. Eitherway you are richer.

Anonymous No. 976732

what was the name of that website that had characters model intentioanlly model for porn?
i want to try to animate some stuff, mostly for fun, where can i get a decent model for free? no daz3d

Anonymous No. 976739

For blender use smutbase

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Anonymous No. 976755

Imagine the smell...

Anonymous No. 976801

twitter works as well

Anonymous No. 976823

Unironically even if its not your thing, go into some fetish shit like futanari and stuff. Its crazy what people pay for this shit

Anonymous No. 976824

Take action, post content consistently, viewership will grow over time. Yes there is money but you have to get yourself out there and be aware of user habits and new trends.
The more your library of work grows the more opportunity you will have to create loyal fans. Remember that porn is so influential it determins technological developement. Porn will never die.
All you need to be a success is to TAKE ACTION. Utilize your strengths. If there is one thing in part you are great at, do that thing. Be known as the guy that does that thing. Once you have enough followers you can start setting trends yourself.

Anonymous No. 976957

Surely this late in the game, if you're not already good enough and actively making porn then you're way too late.

Anonymous No. 976976

get off tiktok

Anonymous No. 976983



Anonymous No. 976985



Anonymous No. 976987

being just another porn artist isn't going to cut it, there have been hundreds of SFM/porn artists who started way back in the day when everyone was using source filmmaker and only made it to $1,000 per month
the average on patreon today is somewhere in the ballpark of $200-$500 after years of work
now add to this the fact that accessible generative AI is rapidly devaluing visual work across the board and you have a recipe for not making it
the effort per dollar in CG isn't there anymore even as a career, it never really was except for the top 0.1%

Anonymous No. 976988


Anonymous No. 976994

The big challenge for anyone starting now is the suppression in the algorithm for newer accounts. This is both on Twitter and Reddit. Newer accounts get shadowbanned until they reach a certain unknown threshold.

Anonymous No. 976995

The big challenge is to make something that a thousand people more talented than you haven't already done better than you ever could.
I wouldn't be surprised if the shadow banning happens automatically not even because of the porn content, but because whatever you produce is too similar (same model, same colors, same theme) to other tons of low quality content they already have and so it gets treated as spam. And they're right. It is spam.

Anonymous No. 976996

Can you please stop imagining things and trying to pass them as true? Not that people don't notice that you have no idea what you're talking about, but it's annoying anyway.

Anonymous No. 977010

if you want to grind in the blender sweatshop for $5 a day, don't let me stop you
if you're coping about the impacts of generative AI, nobody's imagining anything, it's already here
anyone can and millions are generating their own experiences right now with midjourney, stable diffusion, DALL-E, etc, cutting out the artist middleman
your art is losing value literally by the yearly quarter as the tech improves

Anonymous No. 977012

>if you're coping about the impacts of generative AI, nobody's imagining anything, it's already here
its not, though. Not for seamless video animated adult use, certainly.

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3d ai.png

Anonymous No. 977015

>type my exact fetish into sd
>suddenly all nsfw "artists" are obsolete
>can even copy their styles if I want
this is the issue with attempting to get into nsfw today. doesn't even matter if it's objectively shitty as an artwork. anyone with a half decent gpu has access to an infinite well of shit tailored specifically for them. even if they don't, most sites are flooded with ai shit now. if you're just starting, you're not just competing with the established players, you're competing with your own customer base. Hell, I've even been able to replicate the 3d look sometimes. ai hasn't 'democratized' art and frankly it never will, but it certainly has 'democratized' porn. you are genuinely delusional if you think you have any sort of future making 3d porn. get a time machine and rewind back a decade, that is my unironic advice.

Anonymous No. 977016

>>suddenly all nsfw "artists" are obsolete
mate, nsfw 3d artists that arent complete ass make animated work, not one shot still images

Are you ok?

Anonymous No. 977017

You are that desperate to doom huh.
Pornography does not guarantee success.
You need a kicker a niche to fill.
Also labour is good when love is put into it.

Anonymous No. 977018

have you been living under a rock? you are delusional if you think that is safe from text to vid.

Anonymous No. 977019

there are zero examples of adult text to vid ai as of right now.

Anonymous No. 977020

you're right, that means it will never ever be used for porn, ever. my bad anon, I take it all back.

Anonymous No. 977021


Anonymous No. 977025

This AI hype cycle is already over. Maybe you didn't get the memo.

There are. I've watched some videos even. Do you you remember AOC's deepfakes? That's what they look like but without AOC even. They're meaningless. That's the level of quality AI is able to provide.

Anonymous No. 977026

You need to leave.

Anonymous No. 977027

The problem with ais generated adult content is that its going to face the same problems as traditional porn as well as adult hosting and legislation including verification checks.

> Do you you remember AOC's deepfakes?
Every deepfake ive seen has been horrible. I watch 3d vr adult content

Anonymous No. 977044



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Anonymous No. 977045

I make money using SFM exclusively and I started making smut two years ago with no background in visual arts.

The more men who are deterred by a fear of AI and "You're NGMI" posts, the more fertile the soil in which you can plant your seed. The issue is that you plant in the wrong places.

OnlyFans finances reveal that the hoes make bank not on nudes (visuals) but on their fake connection with men. Men today are lonelier and more sexually unfulfilled than any other generation of males, meaning that they are starved for art that speaks to the kinks in their souls. While you spill blood fighting over drops in the visual market there is an untapped fountain in the field of meaningful faps.

The male brain is being ignored in favor of visual stimulation and the eyes are getting exhausted. Men built empires to have sex and secure access to pussy, yet you think men today won't pay an inflated dollar for the right 3D porn?

Keep bottling your potential and dissuading other people while I crank out coombux with subpar tools.

Anonymous No. 977294

nice speech
... but why SFM? dont you want to improve your art?

Anonymous No. 977308

What about interactive porn games where you control and make the characters

Anonymous No. 977311

now THATS where the big money is at.

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Anonymous No. 977329

Yes, I do. I stick to SFM because all my projects use SFM assets and I'm too lazy to transfer each one to Blender.

Transitioning doesn't matter anyway; the principles of art in one program are universal to all others. Posing, composition, lighting, contrast--an understanding of how to express your ideas through art transcends any specific tool.

This is the real money: Selling people a sexual experience.

People want something that they can sink their teeth into. This is the age of popcorn visuals that sate no appetite. Cook a steak with sides and people will pay to eat it.

It's the same principle with TV shows, video games, books, or any other fictional universe: Humans are wired to build things. People would traditionally expend this energy on their family and homes but society upended those dreams. Now that listless energy people invest into autistic shit like fandom wikis, fanfics, game lore, fanart, discussion forums, etc.

Give em something big to invest themselves into and you'll see real success.

Anonymous No. 977345

do people actually like this kind of 3d where the character is just blown out of proportion? Like what happened to tasteful realistic proportions? does every female character have to be fucking obese with nonsense proportions?

Anonymous No. 977356

Nothing wrong with being attracted to men anon, no one's gonna judge you for it

Anonymous No. 977358

It's a demographic and all of them are green so why do you not just hit all of them under different handles

Anonymous No. 977397

>every female
seems like thats all you are looking for anon.
I appreciate natural proportions and there is plenty of 2D and 3D content like that out there. I cant complain.

Anonymous No. 977400

No. Nobody does but some people do it out of frustration for being unable to become women themselves. So they mock what they can't become.

Anonymous No. 977401

Those people I was mentioning here >>977400 are also likely to apply for janitorial positions.

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Anonymous No. 977409

>does every female character have to be fucking obese with nonsense proportions?

Anonymous No. 977519

I started posting pornographic LoRAs to CivitAI. On first weeks I got so many fans/stalkers commenting every post and writing me personal messages...

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Anonymous No. 977857

>or is that a meme?
It is a meme.

Simply disable the texture and see what a ugly warped mess it really is. The textures it makes are literally the only thing faking this to be like the scanned model.

Anonymous No. 977907

id argue it makes a good base model for you to clean up if you are faster irl than digital, any texture that comes out of it could also be useful for creating the better one later on.

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Anonymous No. 977945

>id argue it makes a good base model
LOL it does not.

>are faster irl than digital,
LOL. There is no faster with photogrametry you need to walk slowly around the object or the camera gets confused and fucked up by fast motion.

>>are faster irl than digital,
Post the mesh you get and what phone and what software you used.

Because these blobs it generates are so trivial that everyone can fart them out in less then it takes for you to walk to the object with your phone.

I used photogrametry software before and here is the thing.

The only good thing about it is that it generates non-geometric blobs that it then wraps a texture around it to fake for the humans the illusion of detail. And in 2024 the uses for this are limited.

Like pic related.
Remember when games used to fake detail by clever use of textures in 1996 -1999 ? Yea there is its use.

So the use would be to make assets for these games or to use them as background parts of some strange low budget internet movie or show like it is 2009.

However like others pointed out there can be legal issues with using things you scan this way.

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Anonymous No. 978132

People do make money by doing this, but with much higher end scanners scanning stuff like old out of print miniatures

I would assume it's also pretty much completely illegal under copyright law

Anonymous No. 979670

If you want to do NSFW things is it worth trying for an "art style"? I can name a few that have a pretty consistent look since they make their own models, but most people just rip other people's models and work out just fine so maybe I'm just autistic. Do people even want animations that don't look like exactly like the source material?

Anonymous No. 979950

Not him but you're fucking retarded. Movies have been using photogrammetry for over 30 years. Video games for over 10. Even the fucking IKEA-catalogue is photogrammetry CGI and nobody noticed, pretty much all of the best looking games released today have scanned assets.

Anonymous No. 979997

If I want to make short porn videos, do I need to learn how to sculpt and animate everything from scratch, or will something like Daz3D be a good shortcut for creating characters?

Anonymous No. 980011

99.99% of all 3d porn you've seen is a headhacked daz model, often animated by someone who doesn't know dick about animation. get your male and female models of choice from smutbase, make an in key and an out key, loop it, and congrats you now have top quality 3d porn

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Anonymous No. 980193

Wont matter since all the places where you can sell your coom doesn't allow it anymore. Patreon, Gumroad, etc, all banned porn because credit card companies like payapal don't want to sell porn. Best you can do now is sell erotica.

Anonymous No. 980212

Lads i started making animations for fun for myself about a year ago, but recently I decided to post a random anim on Twitter and it blew up. Got retweeted by some big names to the point I had to turn off notifications. Although I did animate it all myself, it came out way better than I expected and now I have a few thousand followers who probably expect that same quality. idk I feel like an imposter.

Anonymous No. 980214

If you had fun creating that Animation then keep going and try not to think too hard about Peoples supposed expectations, you will just set yourself up for eternal disappointment.

I felt the same way after my first ever post which blew up. All kinds people were complimenting it and asking for me to do more. I felt good at first but I quickly fell into despair as I thought I could never reach the same quality again or even surpass it and in turn disappoint all those nice people.

Anon, you must never loose that feeling of Fun when making your Animations or else you will end up like me and never post a thing for the next 6-months or stop entirely because you will always have thoughts of doubt whenever you are working on something that should be fun to you.

I think what we are both experiencing is called: Imposter Syndrome so it might be best to read up on that, maybe that helps.

Anonymous No. 980220

What's the legal side of things when making 3d porn or NSFW images when using models that are based off of vidya characters / characters from movies? Is it allowed or will you get int trouble?

Anonymous No. 980226

technically you're violating copyright, but the rights holders have, so far, turned a blind eye to it.
worst case scenario for most people making money from it would be a cease and desist email, which is a nothingburger.

obvs a little bit different if you live in iran or if you decide to make /3cp/ but as long as you're not that type of degenerate there's no real issues.

Anonymous No. 980227

People in the industry are giggling and considering a feather in the hat to have the most amount of NSFW content out there for their original characters.
Anyone ask you'll just pretend like you don't know it exist because obv you are not some perv who would know a lot about such things.

Where it get a bit weird is franchises like 'Last of Us' who have people rip characters that are minors and generate explicit imagery.
Those guys must be one wrong person getting wind of what's going on before some content creators start raising a fuss and putting a spot-light on it.

Also things like Cyberpunk 2077 and games that uses the likeness of real high profile actors in their games.
Or lesser known actors, like how the girl who gave her likeness to 'Quiet' in MGS5, she prob didn't understand how she signed up to become a digital pornstar.

It'll prob remain in the shadow of deep-fakes and things like that tho and therefore fly under the radar.

Anonymous No. 980228

fair points. i could see jap corpos like the big N or capcom losing their minds eventually and getting puritanical about their OC chars. i'm guessing most of the suits that could make that happen genuinely aren't aware of this stuff - only takes one of those assholes to get the lawyers to start sending letters.

Anonymous No. 980240

What i am wondering so far, after a few days into Blender:
>Ok i make a model, how the fuck do i color it like OPs or add textures to it ? do i have to make the textures?
>if i make animation (once i learn how kek), how will i render them ? Rendering my first complete donuts set took like 2 minutes with my 4070TI, so an animation would take....days ? that also makes my PC basically useless during that time.
idk bros i am scared but i want to believe i can make it

Anonymous No. 980241

With Blender you're going to make it into a flop house with other "likeminded individuals". And even that it's unlikely.

Anonymous No. 980246

>Rendering my first complete donuts set took like 2 minutes with my 4070TI,
doing it all wrong

Anonymous No. 980247

CD Project will take down mods where you can fuck Keanu

Anonymous No. 980249

why would you make a mod like that?

Anonymous No. 980250

i don't understand

Anonymous No. 980251

I'm no artist so I will give you advice as a client,and what I want to see more of 3d modeling artists.
Sell your skill to game indie developers.
Making a 3d character good looking is so hard.
Ask who want to make a porn game, dating games or any games that have emphasis in the character model.
It doesn't need to be a big game,it can have like 3 girls in it.
People are way more willing to buy a game than a animation or image.
Good luck OP

Anonymous No. 980252

it takes me less than a couple of seconds to render a donut on much worse hardware. You are doing it all wrong

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Anonymous No. 980253

are you rendering with eevee ? because then yeah, this took me 1 second

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Anonymous No. 980254

however, same shot rendered with Cycles

Anonymous No. 980260

>it's 2024 and people still consider eevee viable
at least move onto eevee next, it looks a little less trash

Anonymous No. 980261

thats a real time render in unreal engine

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Anonymous No. 980265

this is blender though, wdym ?

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Anonymous No. 980320

People who use mods like that are prob either straight girls.
Or they are gay dudes who wish to fuck Keanu for the same reason we may wish to fuck Judy even tho she's lesbian.
Or perhaps they're just this very serious roleplayer who's character is like the cyborg booty warrior who don't really care
if someone like Johnny is straight or not and they can do it the easy way or the haaard way.

Anonymous No. 980327

that model is repulsive

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Anonymous No. 980351

For the most part, the big companies want to pretend it doesn't exist, because if they take action, and the artist fights back, it may gain mainstream traction, and then normie redditor bloggers like mr. beast (or whatever normies watch these days) find out tracer & widowmaker have giant penises.
Followed by normie moms & news vultures finding it out and then it's a whole PR nightmare.
>worst case scenario for most people making money from it would be a cease and desist email, which is a nothingburger.
There was a situation where one porn maker for warcraft got approached IRL by blizzard's lawyer and handed the letter in person. It can be pretty spooky, but yeah. You basically move on to other IP / original characters and nothing really happens other than that you may need to change up your rigs & characters, some even just straight up added weird curly horns to their WoW OCs, changed their skintone, and bam, no longer a copyright violation if you call it 'Crock' instead of 'Orc'.
Also only really a problem if you're in the US. People in the EU and especially eastern europe / asia shit on your copyrights.

Anonymous No. 980375

>this took me 1 second
looks like something rendered in 1 second in the early 90s,
and why do blender losers keep spamming the entire board with their hideous doughnuts?

Anonymous No. 980377

How about this chocolate doughnut

Anonymous No. 980729

>>976732 if you're an mikumikudancefag

Anonymous No. 981305

>millions are generating their own experiences right now with midjourney, stable diffusion, DALL-E, etc,
Absofuckinglutely not you dumbass doomer. AI will never give you the level of customization Blender can give you and will always give the most generic shit ever. You just tried out your luck with maybe making 10 or 20 images, saw nobody was liking your shit and went on youtube and saw some tranny faggot saying AI will take 3D jobs and used that as an excuse for your fuckup and decided to quit because some say that you are a tranny faggot yourself with 0 drive. Nyl is making 30k a month on patreon, Rigid3D almost 10k, Nagoo 30k, if AI is so good right now why don't all their supporters just go and make their own shit with it? Because:
-A: People are lazy and would rather pay you to do something rather than doing it themselves
-B: AI can't even figure out how to generate a proper hand
-C: AI cannot generate a seamless perfect porn animation like those guys
You and other doomers are simply faggots of unfathomable proportions. Keep spreading this fearporn though. It will instill doubt in the pajeets who absolutely destroyed web development from shitting up this niche as well and making it oversaturated with shit.

Anonymous No. 981312

Dude that's Chun-li. The only reason why people love her and simp over her is because of her thighs. The artist gave her ass in this pic too though. In street fighter she has massive legs but her booty is on the smaller size.

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Anonymous No. 981376

How do you avoid getting a new account banned?

Anonymous No. 981377

banned where?

Anonymous No. 981378


Anonymous No. 981379

What about VR POV porn?

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Anonymous No. 981390

>Not him but you're fucking retarded. Movies have been using photogrammetry for over 30 years
> IKEA-catalogue is

I think you are confusing 3D scanning and photogrametry.

Photogrametry is the google cardboard technology while 3D scanning is the real thing.
Still it takes a long time to scan.

Anonymous No. 981419

that's what i've been saying man. This shit is just a hyper fetish, these fucking freaks. they'll call you gay if you call their fetish shit like it is

Anonymous No. 981420

I agree with you anon, the op looks like a flab monster. Zero appeal

Anonymous No. 981671

Can someone give me a quick rundown on Pixiv? I have never used it before but I want to expand my reach. It's mainly used by japanese people?

Anonymous No. 981750

don't bother they're systematically eliminating nsfw from the platform

Anonymous No. 981751

were you trying to recreate those jewish goblinas from that weg everyone posts?
and any new account on twitter gets instantly auto banned in order to force you to put in a phone number. other than that flag your shit as nsfw or the algorithm will crush you when it detects you're posting nsfw

Anonymous No. 981754

What about fetish but clothed art?

Anonymous No. 982794

What's the best platform to sell your art on?

Anonymous No. 983023

original characters or famous characters?

Anonymous No. 983050


Anonymous No. 984035

I think Ai will eventually reach that point too; it is inevitable. Those artists are established, but by the time it actually comes around? They wont be safe in stability from this hobby anymore lmao
It's def not over and the hype dying down isn't that true yet. Ppl always predicting when bubbles are gonna pop are always so narcissistic n self defeated delusional fucks lol

Anonymous No. 984498

I will conceed when AI can make me porno vods. I can't beat my meat to still images. I need Widowmake absolutely full blasted by a piston at 60mph at the gym while screaming like shes dying.

Anonymous No. 984980

As a client and appreciator of people like Nagoo, Hydra, etc, I do agree there still seems to be a niche for high quality stuff. The problem as someone who also considered trying to break into the field (because I love smut and the idea of making it) is that you kind of have to live in a very low cost of living country for the whole enterprise to be remotely worth it. Those numbers you mention, that's the cream of the crop animators who built their followings over many years and the numbers are still pretty low when you factor in overhead (unless you do literally everything yourself including marketing/socials, which means absolutely busting your ass), taxes and Patreon cut.
Also since pretty much the only way to monetize your content is to build a loyal following who give you money out of the kindness of their hearts, its going to take a long time to build that following.
While generative AI can't whip up a complex and long scene that also looks good right now, and might not for many years, when your enterprise is going to take many years to develop you have to be aware of the effect tech like that could have in 5-10 years. I could see it being good enough at that point to run every animator out of business.

Anonymous No. 984985

>I could see it being good enough at that point to run every animator out of business

mate, animators are out of business already. Look at hollywood. Its in absolute shambles. Execs calling the shots and saying what can be made and marketed have no idea what they are doing

You don't get in this for the money and you definitely don't get in this to have an ai generate content for you. 3d cg animation is like playing a (e)sport versus having an ai generate something for you which is the equivalent to watching a (e)sport.

Anonymous No. 984992

It's not possible to do anything anymore. Every market is saturated by experts who provide their services for peanuts. It's a race to the bottom. The only thing left is to lie down and rot.

Anonymous No. 985005

Disagree. Generic sex loops are no longer viable. However, niche kinks is viable since there's less competition.

Anonymous No. 985379

ZXC started posting 2.5 yrs ago, all he posts are stills and it only took him about 10 months to get popular enough & now look at him, lol.
Dude just took the time to learn how to tweak models, and lights better than your average mouth breather. That and Overwatch characters is all it takes. Just do that if you're in it for money.

Anonymous No. 985380


Anonymous No. 985383


Anonymous No. 985386

I sent you the answer in a dream, now you can lock this thread.

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cucky bois gamma ....png

Anonymous No. 985411

yes, Porn is a cuck training simulator but its much worse.
The women are all trafficked, not just physically but spiritually. You literally let demons in when you jerk off to human suffering disguised as pleasure.

Devil is a cunning beast.

Anonymous No. 985444

That's just grotesque, and I'm saying this as an assman

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Anonymous No. 985532


Anonymous No. 985538

how do i avoid getting banned on twitter as a 3d nsfw content creator? i just got randomly banned, no real reason given

Anonymous No. 985557

Suspended or actually 'banned' suspended? We need more information to know what's up. Auto-filter's probably sensitive to new accounts.

Make sure you check the 'my posts are sensitive' or whatever box somewhere in your account settings

Anonymous No. 985579

Elon hasn't figured out how to deal with OF spam. So he's just punishing everyone. Basically, you have to be careful with using hashtags, having urls anywhere in your posts and you shouldn't mention external sites, like Patreon.

Anonymous No. 985679

Should I really invest time into the twitter game? Why not just focus on actual porn platforms?

Anonymous No. 985707

are you spamming hashtags or links

Anonymous No. 985719

I couldn't agree more with >>977015 I actually started making 3d porn ten years ago and the market is absolutely saturated today compared to what it was back then. If you want to make "I quit my dayjob" money from 3d porn today you are doing one of the following:
>making the absolute best, state of the art porn (softbody physics, fluid sims, as close to photorealism as possible)
>filling an obscure/risqué fetish that has a small but dedicated and high paying fanbase
Being a general smut peddler won't cut it these days. Not trying to discourage you but go in with your eyes open.

Anonymous No. 985721

Can you give me a sample of your 10 years long career in 3D porn?

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Anonymous No. 985757

Why? Is this a "I don't like the product you make therefore your experience and assessment of the market is wrong" situation? Tell me what you know of zBrush and RealFlow. Besides, I never said I had a "career" in 3d porn. I said I started making 3d porn ten years ago. I was interested in it as far back as 2005 (anyone remember Mistworld by Svarog?). I worked for one of the bigger sites in 3d porn for years and watched the scene grow from very primitive and humble beginnings. I've watched consumer demand and the expected product quality grow and change in those years. For example back in 2014 you could make good money making image sets, try that in 2024 unless you're one of the names who was popular back then. I've watched crude sfm porn transition to blender porn. Personally? Even back then I couldn't be bothered monetizing as now you're making what the market wants to see. I just make things for myself to jerk off over. Porn for me, by me. That's the whole reason I got interested in the first place.

Anonymous No. 985787

>For example back in 2014 you could make good money making image sets, try that in 2024 unless you're one of the names who was popular back then.


Anonymous No. 986269

Yeah we can tell busld

Anonymous No. 986291

I don't get how you're supposed to start fresh on X/twitter
People literally can't see you

Gif Author No. 986376

Are you me?

Anonymous No. 986496

you need to post on other sites too and link your xitter there
like r34 or pixiv
and if you're using other people's models you could try @'ing them so they can retweet your stuff, but dont spam them

Anonymous No. 986525

>you need to post on other sites too and link your xitter there
Yeah i was thinking about going this way
I see all the big artists on twitter barely doing anything but I guess they got their followers from other platforms

Anonymous No. 986791


Anonymous No. 986837

That's what I did. It took some time to grow. Doesn't happen over night unless you're lucky. But at the beginning, I was posting on hentai forums and hentai gallery sites. I don't know if forums are still relevant. But the point of those sites, is that when you initially post, your material is for just a brief periods of time, featured on the front page, or the newest posts. So people looking for new material are going to see you at the top of the pile. That is, until new uploads come in and push you down.

That's how you get eyes on you. Twitter is good when you already have people willing to retweet your work. It will propagate to more eyes. But you need the first batch of eyes from gallery sites in order to get the retweets.

Anonymous No. 987740

he also cheats by using ai to paint over his renders

Anonymous No. 989505

How did you start building a following? I'm guessing you didn't start the whole patreon and discord thing from the beginning, so where did you upload to start with?

Anonymous No. 989509

Make the point even clearer

Anonymous No. 989510


Anonymous No. 989518

unironically never heard of them

Anonymous No. 989553

he makes massive futa cocks he AIs over to add detail

Anonymous No. 989586

>if you're using other people's models you could try @'ing them so they can retweet your stuff, but dont spam them
this is a smart one, twitter is more about attention hacking than just simply posting every day, like look at what the OF hoes are doing

Anonymous No. 989775

there's always a market for porn there's nothing to be afraid of
even if the internet became 80% ai generated porn its not like people aren't going to want whatever you're offering too if its good

Anonymous No. 989782

>he makes massive futa cocks
Don't they all

Anonymous No. 989929

I'd say to be self-determined, and solve each problem as it comes. For a start, please, the world have enough disgusting fat pigs for me to have more on the art I consume. Start by pursuing some svelte standard of beauty instead of this yo momma so fat insert.

Good luck either way. Come back in the future and tell us what you achieved.

Anonymous No. 990154

you would probably have to release a ton of free stuff in order to build a name for yourself then go on to create a patreon where you would get even fewer paying people because why when you're already free?

Anonymous No. 990351

Does anyone know what happened to rule34video dot com? It's been down for a week now

Anonymous No. 991162

How good do I have to get to land an entry level corporate job?
I'm not asking to be a big dick twitter tycoon or a pixar guy, but rather be saved from minimum wage manual labor and move up to desk jockey that possibly works from home.
Is the donut and the cottage enough?

Anonymous No. 991237

You need to be that guy on twitter who does it for free until one of your posts blows up and the right person comes along and likes your portfolio and decides to hire you. A barrier to entry you will not surpass unless you are passionate.

Anonymous No. 991239

>You need to be that guy on twitter who does it for free
Don't actually do this, trust me.

Anonymous No. 991240

That's the only way I WANT to interact with them. Have you talked to a real one lately?

Anonymous No. 991241

>How good do I have to get to land an entry level corporate job?
are you a woman?
are you black?
are you trans?

Anonymous No. 991255

this but unironically
i have inside experience with this hr bullshit, many employers won't even look at your resume unless you check some boxes. big tech is a fucking joke and you're better off remaining independent. if you're that determined to go there, you need to troon out.

Anonymous No. 991268

There are too many vanillafags and close to zero good 3d artists in 90% of fetishes.
If you make anything but regular normie porn, you can make it.

Anonymous No. 991358

Me with an omorashi kink >:3

Anonymous No. 991527

Just getting sick of seeing generic sex loops with Overwatch characters on my timeline.

Anonymous No. 992214

What kind of pron do you think would be most profitable?

🗑️ Anonymous No. 992215

I don't wanna name any names but there's one fag who makes the most atrocious looking fetish porn and he makes like 5-8k a month on patreon. mind boggling

Anonymous No. 992233

imagine the smell...

Anonymous No. 992241

Make what makes you cum. If other men can jerk off to it, they'll pay you to make more.

In spite of the porn made and shared daily on the internet, very little of it is fappable. Make fappable porn and the money will flow to you.

Anonymous No. 992246

People have gotten tired of basic sex loops being spammed on twitter. They want 3D porn with narrative, like Nyl and Jackerman. Also, taboo subjects like NTR and incest.

Anonymous No. 992621


Seems the real business opportunity here is to make a platform that allows payments for porn is everyone has banned it on all Patreon type websites.

Anonymous No. 992629

>make a platform that allows payments for porn is everyone has banned it on all Patreon type websites.
So subscribestar?