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๐Ÿงต Learning Hard Surface Modeling in Blender.

Anonymous No. 976621

So I am only a day old diving into Blender after 3 years of trying 3DS Max with no progress which is more of a skill issue on my end.

I am specifically wanting to model cars. I have something started but am not too happy with the outcome of the doors. I am starting with blueprints but still getting to grips with pretty much everything else.

What tips can you give an absolute noob when it comes to modelling?

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Anonymous No. 976622

Anonymous No. 976752

take an intro to 3d modeling class at a community college and have people you can ask questions to. you'll slingshot past all the beginner traps that you see people fall into and stay in. you could probably pick a car for your final. i remember in my intro to modeling class for maya we made a gun for mid term and a car for final. the car will have alot of mistakes as your first car but you will learn alot but best to have a professor you can bug with specific questions and fellow students and maybe lab time. and i said community college, very affordable to take a class.

Anonymous No. 976758

>What tips can you give an absolute noob when it comes to modelling?

...when you are a noob, grind tutorials, many tutorials, dont think to much about it while learning, just follow the content and listen to the comments of the educator - dont try to invent the wheel by yourself, learn the way others do things and extend this knowlege afterwards by doing it by yourself alone with the object of your choice!

Anonymous No. 976768

I'll have to find what kind of community colleges New Zealand has. Either I am not looking in the right place or the possibility of finding one here is incredibly rare.

the chair nerd No. 976770

Give me those blueprint and I'll tell you exactly how to make it in 3 hours.

the chair nerd No. 976772

>What tips can you give an absolute noob when it comes to modelling?

Treat polygons as scaffolding, not the model. Not kidding. Don't be afraid to add and remove polys as you go. Start with the big traits, the large edgeflows and sparingly subdivide your way to smaller details. Lever subdivision to your advantage.

the chair nerd No. 976775

That's a 2002 wrx right?

Anonymous No. 976798

Yeah. I love this version. Bug eye is underappreciated.

Anonymous No. 976802

Your first mistake was learning blender. Your second mistake is posting on the blender discord. Your thirdd mistake is following popular blender gods on youtube. Your final mistake was abandoning 3ds max.

Anonymous No. 976805

idk I've been trying to make shit in 3ds max for a while and could just not make any progress with it. Blender I just started crafting polygons straight away.

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Anonymous No. 976806

Try your luck.

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Anonymous No. 976807


the chair nerd No. 976828

Nice car indeed.
Thanks. It's been 10 years since I've modeled a car but I'll try my luck this weekend.

Anonymous No. 976868

>when you are a noob, grind tutorials, many tutorials, dont think to much about it while learning
Holy shit that's terrible advice.

Anonymous No. 976891

The thing to note about the first blueprint is that it is inverted. Subaru of this model has the exhaust on the left-hand side

Anonymous No. 976895


strange that there are two sites with the same blueprints but one is free.

Anonymous No. 976963

the Lamborghinis on the-blueprints all disappeared one day and i'd paid for 3 of them. sucks cause they were good blueprints.

Anonymous No. 976966

HardOps And Box cutter add-ons are fantastic for hard surfaces, if my pc was powered up I'd upload em for you if this thread survives untill daytime in my tz I'll upload the versions I have.

Anonymous No. 976977

That will be super based if you can.

Anonymous No. 976992

This thread won't be in any threat of being archived for months anon.
It'll be here for the better half of a year. Even if no one posts past this point.

Anonymous No. 977056

Please do

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Anonymous No. 977171


pixeldrain com/u/sX7XJvn6

There is multiple versions of each this is from a torrent pack of add-ons for blender from

To save you having to make an account here is the torrent.

Anonymous No. 977174

Image is of the whole torrent not what I've uploaded.

also sometimes you can find paid addons on

I'd 100% hit em with a virus scan but I've downloaded stuff from these sites.

Anonymous No. 977449

Chad. Thanks

Anonymous No. 981456


Anonymous No. 981457

Don't jump directly into the high poly/subsurface model. Do your low/medium poly that has EVERY detail you want in the final product, with decently clean topology. Only when you're COMPLETELY done that, duplicate all the parts and start working on your high poly (should be pretty quick since you've already planned out all the geometry) with any necessary supporting geometry and edge loops.

Lots of people jump right into trying to make things with subsurf from the get go and work themselves into a corner.
There are a handful of common 'problem' shapes that you should probably learn, things like circular holes in curved surfaces. They're not so bad once you've practiced them a little but if you don't know them you'll end up using way more geometry than is needed and your mesh will become difficult to work with.

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Anonymous No. 981472

Line work is the base of any car model.
Start with line work. Lay down lines and curves in 3D space according to your blueprints. Start with lines that are present in a lot of views, these have the greatest "confidence" and they'll help you lay out other lines.
Be aware that most blueprints aren't 100% accurate, so one point might be off in one of the views.

I have placed colored spots in pic related, these lines (and all of the wheel well edges) are the ones I would start with.
Keep in mind that lines which aren't connected to other lines could be "reflection lines" - these are unimportant and should not be modeled, at least not right away.

After you're confident with all your lines start connecting them with faces and work out the surfaces. In this stage blueprints won't help you as much, go online and start looking for photos, full body and close up, where the paint shows the surface curvature.

Don't do panel work (cutting out doors, roof, fenders etc) until you are 100% satisfied with the proportions and topology of your mesh. Cutting out panels is the last step.

Anonymous No. 982346

That's useful knowledge. Anything else I should know? I want to learn low/medium poly modelling because from what I have seen, you can at least add a modifier to your mesh if you want to have high poly. One of my mates does low poly SubD modelling and they say you can edit it any time you wish to remove all the modifiers and turn it into something else

Anonymous No. 982398

>you can at least add a modifier to your mesh if you want to have high poly
that's correct, but then you're in topology territory and you'll have to pay extra attention to how your edge loops flow in order for the subdivision algorithm to give you a nice looking mesh. Cars are among the hardest subdivision models to get right, if you're starting out I'd stay away from that for now and focus on getting a nice low or mid poly shape out first.

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Anonymous No. 983074

it's over

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Anonymous No. 983188

subsurf is difficult because the necessary loops in some parts of the model will break/tighten the geometry elsewhere in the model

Anonymous No. 983189

You isolate curvature by having supporting loops that stabilize what's on one side of them, the bended interpolation as you curve sub-d surfaces only happens one section beyond what you're manipulating, think of it that way.

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Anonymous No. 983190

idk what you mean. here the necessary loops to make the hood(white) will cause a crease (black) in the sides. this is only one example, but there are many more situations where this type of additional geometry starts to produce creases/tightening somewhere else...

Anonymous No. 983191

make a simple object and model some curvature in there, move the verts around and try to crease and relax one corner and observe what topology moves and what doesn't. Sub-D isn't difficult to understand once it clicks in your head how the interpolation work/behave.

Anonymous No. 984976

Okay, I can try that. Immediately the thing that comes to mind for simplicity's sake while still within the realm of automobiles, I'll try a car tyre and wheel.

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Anonymous No. 985169

Something like this (not mine)

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not ai this is real.png

Anonymous No. 985208

One piece of advice off the top of my head? Don't use Subsurface Modifier. It just turns your models into blobby pieces of shit, I never understood the general praise for it, there are some situations when it's quite useful but I see many people utilizing it as a be-all-end-all and I just diagree with them entirely, the use cases I found for it weren't that many

If this is your work I don't think it's a good technique the one you're using, what I would do instead is model the whole chassis from the get-go rather than each individual piece one by one, and THEN separate individual pieces where needed. The Inset Faces function is also quite handy, for instance to model the glass parts

Anonymous No. 985214

Learn topology and edge crease, subdiv is perfect for hard surface.

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Anonymous No. 985801

(temporarily moved back to 3ds max)

Anonymous No. 988964


Anonymous No. 988968

Welcome home