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🧵 /3DSG/ 3dsMax General - Fuck the jannies edition

the chair nerd No. 976654

So I'm finally unbanned. /archviz/ was cool but was pruned in the ban I'm no longer in the mood for that.

So /3dsg/ anything 3ds max related. Tell me if you have any doubts using this god awful fucking piece shit of a software, wips, works etc etc.

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Scn 33.png

the chair nerd No. 976655

Currently making some mutli-res assets for an interactive tour.
95k polys vs 5k polys // 200mb textures vs 0.5mb textures

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the chair nerd No. 976657

I need the website to fit $ play in a mid tier cellphone like a samsung a5.

Anonymous No. 976659

Why I’m being filtered by 3ds Max?
I tried all of the major 3dcg softwares and had a liking for each of them for a particular thing. All but this one.
The operaion menu list was so retarded to me, I uninstalled it after a few hours. But it’s the only time I feel like I’m really missing something

Anonymous No. 976660

What did you get banned for? Being an insufferable twat like usual?

the chair nerd No. 976661

>I uninstalled it after a few hours
You didn't get filtered you filtered yourself. bUt yeah 3ds max is shit I aint gonna fight that.

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Anonymous No. 976729

how do I tighten the wicker weave around the wooden beams?
skinwrap solutions are a mess & I have to redo topology which I dont wanna go thru

Anonymous No. 976733

ffd box and set a higher number of points then adjust them to be closer to what you want to modife or soft selection

Anonymous No. 976734

neither of these will prevent clipping right?

Anonymous No. 976735

> you filtered yourself
True but it just seemed unecessarly complicated. I'm probably missing out but I don't know. What's preventing me from moving on is how everyone and their mothers who have at least the slightest experience in the field all agree on the superiority of 3DS Max when it comes to modeling.
I want to taste it as well. I might re-install.

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Weave Tension.webm

the chair nerd No. 976764

Sand nigger anon? How's the house?
>how do I tighten the wicker weave around the wooden beams?
You need to deal with deformation tension. There are many many methods to achieve this. You could wrap the weave geometry around a path spline and toy with the bezier weights of the spline. Or you could use a stacked combination of path deformation and ffd(box) modifier with tension just as >>976733 says.
>neither of these will prevent clipping right?
Without wrapping or skin simulation it's imposible to parametrize non clipping and even then the simulation would be too heavy to be usefull. Furniture modelling should always be a combination of parametrized methods and manual detailing, there is no silver bullet to correct modelling.
IMO if you are using these assets for exteriors modelling the weave is too much you could get away with a good texture with some normals and opacity. Picrel shows the ffd method.
If you are the sandnigger it seems you are quickly running out of memory because you want to take the hard path to viz, dont use displacement or geometry where you don't need it.
Install it and lets model something. What do you want to achieve? INB4. I'm not an autodesk shill its just a program I know my way around. Its a modelling powerhouse but blender is no joke.

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Anonymous No. 976813

>dont use displacement or geometry where you don't need it.
beats the whole point of using an accurate CPU renderer since its all about fidelity
I'd use arnold if it just didnt work for the simplest shit like displacement is all garbled, lighting hard to make real etc

Anonymous No. 976814


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the chair nerd No. 976827

>beats the whole point of using an accurate CPU renderer since its all about fidelity
Realism has nothing to do with having millions of polys or 'fidelity'. Realism deals in details and good image balance.
Why waste trillion polys on displacement when you don't even model the curb for your pathways?

Anonymous No. 976830

> sand nigger anon
You answered two of them in your post
> Install it and lets model something. What do you want to achieve?
Ok let's fucking go, I'm installing it right now. Will post again when it's done.
I'm mostly into 3D for gamedev so maybe some video games props (so no subd modeling or maybe for high poly) or environment stuff.

sage No. 976831

my presumption was CPUs have more accurate computations than GPUs due to higher floating point fields or whatever the fuck

does that kinda brick in that path require a cement curb?

the chair nerd No. 976832

Fuck yes lets go!

CPU renders can leverage more since you can easily virtualize memory but they are not necessarily more 'accurate' that comes to the bias and structure of the engine.

>does that kinda brick in that path require a cement curb?
Nope not necessarily what I mean by that is that you'll get far more better result adding some detailing than blindly trusting that displacement will give you a good result. A good pointer in all disciplines of cg is that you should economize on dealing with huge scenes before getting a good output. Your image should 'look good' without any displacement first and then you can add all that for a final version. You'll spend less time fighting the limitations of your computer and more time putting good work like adding details, varying textures, calibrating light and colors etc etc.

Anonymous No. 977410

arnold is so shit
cant get a non garbled normal map
& what in the shit is the difference between 2d & 3d bump & normal maps?

Anonymous No. 977414

>arnold is so shit
That is like saying that maths is shit. The fact that it's hard to master doesn't make it shit. I'll give you that for normal vanilla rendering yeah it's shit.
>cant get a non garbled normal map
Let us see. I bet you are not using the correct gamma.
>& what in the shit is the difference between 2d & 3d bump & normal maps?
The diference between 2d and 3d maps is that '3d maps' are not maps at all. They are either mesh based reconstructions of the surface and/ or parallax data structures that read the position of the camera and project geometry. You'll never se a 3d map using a bitmap file extension it has to use some sort of shading language like .vmt .osl .vex etc etc.

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Anonymous No. 977415


Anonymous No. 977418

This clearly show you don't have the faintest idea of what you are doing.
The bump2d node will convert all inputs into a 256 bit grayscale and invalidate the normal data. There is a normal slot in that node just because arnold is a swiss army knife that gives you total control but it doesn't mean it's the correct node. Use normal map node instead.
I strongly suggest you use something more streamlined like octane or corona. The curve is still too steep for you to make something useful out of Arnold.

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Anonymous No. 977420


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Anonymous No. 977421

thats as far as I got now, still looks weird segmented
color correct is an arnold map & it doesnt show right yet
& where am I supposed to use height maps? arnold phys material only has normal & tangent

Anonymous No. 977425

Heigh maps depending on their use go in the input slot. Tangent is for something else it's for a normal map with only lateral data.

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Anonymous No. 977426

I tried every permutation
pic is only an example

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Anonymous No. 977427


Anonymous No. 977448

Those stripes suggest that you are using an incorrect gamma on the normal map.
If you upload the maps I could try if theT are bad bitmaps ore something.
Also try the material in a real frame buffer on a flat surface. The sphere doesn't let you visualize the scale of the maps. It may be a scaling/ strenght problem.

Anonymous No. 977452

still no fucking idea whats with the gamma thing
I just sample a metal pic from google, processed it & used photoshop script to convert into normal map

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fucking imbecile.png

Anonymous No. 977460

Dude you are never going to get good results with those shit maps. I see your normal is an unsigned vanilla png for a normal map I suggest you use the 'Normal Bump"map. It will process the png as a normal map without having to input tangential and height info.

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Anonymous No. 977465

it's meant to be baked into a 256x256 texture for a retro game engine so yeah
>I suggest you use the 'Normal Bump"map
the 3dsmax native node in picrel? these fuck with arnold usually. Even OSLs fuck with arnold in my little experience fiddling with this finnicky piece of shit

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Anonymous No. 977466

> these fuck with arnold usually
Yes they do but you'll never get good result using a native arnold shader that demands correcly signed maps.
You could trick the engine by puttiong the normal map in the input slot and then having a rgb read in the normal slot but that would make the engine behave that same way as with the normal bump map.Oh also make sure to subd the surfaces because arnold doesn't compute surface shading into normals just as other engines do.
Arnold is not for amateurs.

Anonymous No. 977471

>a rgb read in the normal slot
no idea where that option is or what type of map that is

>also make sure to subd the surfaces because arnold doesn't compute surface shading into normals just as other engines do.
I get similar results adding Arnold Properties modifier & enabling displacement from there
maybe more taxing but objects I render are isolated

Anonymous No. 977524

"[MAXtoA]: 1Bump:Bitmap : Bitmap has unsupported gamma value 3"

Anonymous No. 977526

>god awful fucking piece shit of a software
you know once you model in max there is no going back. every other software feels like shit to model in

Anonymous No. 977539

Ye. What keeps me hooked is the autojew professional environment i got myself into and the countless hours making custom script for my day to day.

Anonymous No. 977576

Is there a script or plugin that can help me with this problem?

Anonymous No. 977578

Don't convert to patch. Use the edit patch modifier.

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Anonymous No. 977579

The edit patch modifier will snapshot the mesh and will edit from there.

Anonymous No. 977580

Oh I see that you can't operate on a mesh level. hmm I'll look into it.

Anonymous No. 977581

Yeah that wont work because now you have many patches which i don't want (cant have)
and those patches brazier handles still arent contorting to the spline it was lofted along

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Anonymous No. 977583

On NURBS level it seems the loft object offsets the bezier weights depending on the distance from the profile origin.
This means that to 'correctly' sweep a profile on that level the plugin should mathematically scale the bezier tangents depending on the distance of the segment from the point of origin and even then it would only be an aproximation.

There has to be a better workaround like using two ofsetted splines creating two correctly lofted surfaces and then bridging all into a single nurbs.

Anonymous No. 977585

> even then it would only be an aproximation.
it doesnt have to be perfect
Is it possible to script?

I have spent an insane amount of time looking for a script/plugin to do this, and its wacky to me that after 2 decades there's no real "extrude along spline" tool for spline shapes

Anonymous No. 977588

Idk how I stumbled into this thread but I respect it. You anons seem pretty smart to a midwit like myself

Anonymous No. 977589

no they're all retards

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normalize shit.png

Anonymous No. 977592

>it doesnt have to be perfect
Why don't you normalize the spline? It may be expensive on the splinecage side but it will give you a good aproximation.
I'm taking a moment to see if there is a way to interpolate the bezier weights but seing the tracks on the videogame you would need a pretty versatile solution.

Anonymous No. 977593

Yes and yes.

Anonymous No. 977594

>Why don't you normalize the spline?
you mean just adding more knots?
Then you get to many patches, which i cant have because its for a ps2 game

Anonymous No. 977595

Yes its what I thought. Instead of coding a big complex loft plugin I'm looking into an easy way to grade the tangents on the patch. That would need the script to recognize the orientation of the curve in respect to those tangents and some good old trigonometry.

Anonymous No. 977596

I would appreciate that a lot
Would make making these levels a lot faster

Anonymous No. 977598

Heres my email if you come up with anything
[email protected]

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fukc this shit.png

Anonymous No. 977601

I've never worked with patches. I'm familiarizing with the scripted interface.
The "getEdgeVert1" access function seems to be broken it does not return vertex or vector integers that make sense.
Algorithmically I already know what could be done but I need the "getEdgeVert1" function to work properly or else I'll have to identify the vertex pairs by anther method.
The script should do:
1.Identify the vertices and vectors of a segment.
2.Calculate the tangents that comform the segment curve by substracting the pos3 values of the vertices end vectors.
3.Calculate the distance and/or angle of the two vertices and the angle their tangents form.
4.Add or substract a point3 value to the vectors depending on those values.
5.Loop this for each segment.

This should "normalize" the bezier weights along the whole patch imitanting what you are doing by hand and that is shortening the handles on the inner edge and lengthening the handles on the outer edge.

I can't promise anything cuz Im fucking busy but it seems like a lovely problem to solve.

Anonymous No. 977605

why don't u just use autodesk alias? it's literally designed for this specific task

Anonymous No. 977656

If the patch function isnt working would it be easier to make a script that extrudes a shape along a spline to create a spline cage
So then you only have to work with splines and not patches

lots of reasons
when you convert to nurbs in 3ds max it makes all the nurbs patches 4x4 cvs, which is what i need them to be to work in the game engine
alias doesn't do this, and i dont know if it has a way to rebuild and connect all patches easily
also i did try to learn it and it was just painful

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Anonymous No. 977659

You're probably using it wrong then. You can generate 4x4 patches and align them easily. Don't even need to rebuild most of the time anyway. Pic related is all 4x4 single span

Anonymous No. 977665

any corona 11>arnold scene converter for 3dsmax 2023?
found this but doesnt even convert corona maps or materials

Anonymous No. 978047

when can we expect max 2025 to be released?
shouldnt it be already out? arent new major versions released earlier in the year
is there a beta out?

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Anonymous No. 978085

I extruded a house plan imported from a dwg file & simplified some splines by welding points but some faces come up flipped after extrude mod is applied

edit normals hides all splines & gives some faces as if I applied a surface modifier

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Anonymous No. 978098

Nope sorry.
No fucking clue I'm still using 22. Stabiliy is king. I never change version until I hear from at least 3 updates/bux fixes.
Fixing splines is the bread and butter of archviz in max. I can't see shit from that screenshot If you post the dwg (or a t least a part I can make a quick video on how I'd do it). 1.Don't use the fix normals modifier, you have more control with the edit poly modifier. 2.Bad splines give bad geometry, never extrude until you have a 100% congruent spline.

Max has a lot of features nut seriously lacks in spline tools. I have some vanilla code for that purpose but It's not for beginners since there is no use for it if you don't know what needs to be done.

Anonymous No. 978100

Still have a lot in my lap this month but I haven't forgotten. An do its far easier to code a scipt that fixes geometry than one that creates patches.

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Anonymous No. 978103

I had to put editable spline over the base edit spline (after deleting all other modifiers) to recover its shape, doesn't anything otherwise, just gizmo

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Anonymous No. 978105

how it looks pre-edits

Anonymous No. 978149

>I haven't forgotten
great, dont forget my email
[email protected]

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Anonymous No. 978282

explain this shit

the chair nerd No. 978285

I think it has something to do with the Chaos licence but who am I to tell.

Anonymous No. 978288

its not like that
some buttons disappear when clicked then other buttons start getting replaced but license button when clicked

Anonymous No. 978293

nvm I cant even read

the chair nerd No. 978298


No surprise there. But from what I could understand there seems to be a loop in the rollout creation of the plugin. I could look up the code of the plugin it is normally stored in the %localhost% ENU folder. But what I really suspect is that there is some fancy ui fucking looping code for pirates. If that is not the case then you could reinstall or contact Chaos support. If you are a pirate then let me check the plugin code.

Anonymous No. 978304

I skipped installing corona from the legit website like the crack readme.txt said
will try reinstalling

Anonymous No. 978305

6gigs on 100kbps lol

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Anonymous No. 978354

dunno why the cracked version has full installation & still wanted me to install the legit version first but I did anyway & still requires license

Anonymous No. 978374

I am not the chair nerd and I am not telling you that you need to kill all the install files using revo uninstaller and clean up all the registry entries using the same software.

Anonymous No. 978377

was recommended Uninstalr but didnt solve it

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Anonymous No. 978380

>using post-kinetix versions of 3ds max

Anonymous No. 978402

You iditot he just told you that vanilla uninstall does not work unless you erase associated system files and entries.NGMI

Anonymous No. 978412

thoughts on this?

Anonymous No. 978418

Its nice. A basic language model implementation in 3ds max.

Anonymous No. 978446

Uninstalr is not win10's control panel>uninstaller

Anonymous No. 978600

how to download from autodesk?
they make you give them your phone number, fuck that shit!!

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Solo on the strea....jpg

Anonymous No. 978882

I wish there was a way to track the time you spend in max, maybe some external software or something similar

the chair nerd No. 978896

I can make a script for that.
Pot your mom's hotline number.

Anonymous No. 978928

>I can make a script for that.
sounds interesting, you should do it if you have the time
but hows it gonna work?
constantly running the bg and you run the script to opens a little window telling you the hours or you will have to manually run the scrip on each start up in order to start counting?
what about when you switch 3ds max versions?
dunno how it is if you're paying but with pirated versions is unintall old > install new, will that zero in everything?

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Anonymous No. 978955

what causes Corona SunLight to produce these bright spots?

the chair nerd No. 978968

Script in next post.....
>but hows it gonna work?
It's a startup script that you install in the C:\Program Files\Autodesk\3ds Max 202*\scripts\Startup folder
Just copy this text in to notepad and save it in that folder as <insertscriptname>.ms

Be advised it does not work with 2013 and previous max versions.
1. It will save a different .csv file in the maxScenes Folder of every 3ds max version (Usually found in C:\Users\<your user>\Documents\3ds Max 2022\scenes)
2.It tracks session lengths and triggers at close so it will not write onto the csv if the session crashes.
3.Does not manage different max files in the same session that would be a coool addon.
4.Does not handle #activerWindow time so if you keep a max window open it will count the time nonetheless. So yeah keeping time of that would also be cool.
5. Adding per project tracking, crash tracking, active window time tracking and other power user statistics could be cool. I'll keep it fr myself and further develop it.
It was a cool scripting exercise thanks anon.

As for the other anon waiting for the patch script I'm about to finish a project and I'll the dedicate some time to it. Again not experienced with patch scripting.

>what causes Corona SunLight to produce these bright spots?
In the words of some corona power user:
See this guide:
What you can try to overcome them, other than what is advised in that guide:
- Using less intensive and less sharp light source (e.g. overcast HDRI instead of Corona Sun)
- Lowering the overall reflection glossiness of the grass material (something as low as 0,3 - 0,4 should work)
- Using Corona Denoiser in "remove fireflies" mode
- Using Highlight Clamping in Render Setup > System (not Highlight Compression in the VFB) - but remember this will kill the high dynamic range in your image if you need to save in 32 bits
- Rendering in double resolution and then reducing

🗑️ the chair nerd No. 978969

persistent global sessionId = ((genClassID returnValue:true)[1] as string)
persistent global sessionStartStamp = localTime
persistent global sessionStartTime = timeGetTime()/1000

defDir = getDir #maxstart
if (doesFileExist (defDir + "\SceneTracker.csv")) == false then (
file = openfile (defDir + "\SceneTracker.csv") mode:"a+"
format "%,\n%,%,%,%,%" "Chair Nerd's Session Tracker" "Session Id:" "Filename:" "Open Time:" "Close Time:" "Session Length (hh:mm:ss):" to:file
close file
callbacks.addScript #preSystemShutdown "
defDir = getDir #maxstart
fn padSingleDigits num = (
if num < 10 then (return \"0\" + num as string) else (return num as string)

fn convertSecondsToTime seconds = (
hours = (seconds / 3600)
minutes = (( mod seconds 3600) / 60)
remainingSeconds = (mod ( mod seconds 3600) 60)

return (padSingleDigits hours + \":\" + padSingleDigits minutes + \":\" + padSingleDigits remainingSeconds)

elapsedTime = ((timeGetTime()/1000)) as integer - (sessionStartTime as integer)

elapsedTimeReadable = convertSecondsToTime elapsedTime

file = openfile (defDir + \"\\SceneTracker.csv\") mode:\"a+\"
format \"\\n%,%,%,%\" (\"Session id:\"+ sessionId) (maxFileName) (\"Opened at \" + sessionStartStamp) (\"Closed at \" + localTime) elapsedTimeReadable to:file
close file
" id:#sessionEnd

the chair nerd No. 978971

persistent global sessionId = ((genClassID returnValue:true)[1] as string)
persistent global sessionStartStamp = localTime
persistent global sessionStartTime = timeGetTime()/1000

defDir = getDir #maxstart
if (doesFileExist (defDir + "\SceneTracker.csv")) == false then (
file = openfile (defDir + "\SceneTracker.csv") mode:"a+"
format "%,\n%,%,%,%,%" "Chair Nerd's Session Tracker" "Session Id:" "Filename:" "Open Time:" "Close Time:" "Session Length (hh:mm:ss):" to:file
close file
callbacks.addScript #preSystemShutdown "
defDir = getDir #maxstart
fn padSingleDigits num = (
if num < 10 then (return \"0\" + num as string) else (return num as string)

fn convertSecondsToTime seconds = (
hours = (seconds / 3600)
minutes = (( mod seconds 3600) / 60)
remainingSeconds = (mod ( mod seconds 3600) 60)

return (padSingleDigits hours + \":\" + padSingleDigits minutes + \":\" + padSingleDigits remainingSeconds)

elapsedTime = ((timeGetTime()/1000)) as integer - (sessionStartTime as integer)

elapsedTimeReadable = convertSecondsToTime elapsedTime

file = openfile (defDir + \"\\SceneTracker.csv\") mode:\"a+\"
format \"\\n%,%,%,%,%\" (\"Session id:\"+ sessionId) (maxFileName) (\"Opened at \" + sessionStartStamp) (\"Closed at \" + localTime) elapsedTimeReadable to:file
close file
" id:#sessionEnd

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the chair nerd No. 978972

This is the type of file you can expect.

Anonymous No. 978995

>Using less intensive and less sharp light source (e.g. overcast HDRI instead of Corona Sun)
I was using coronaSky + coronaSun clamped to .2 intensity
if I use HDRI I still need to clamp hard on Sun

the chair nerd No. 979049

Was that a question? If so the way to clamp an hdri's sun is to parki it in a Corona color correct texmap and raise the gamma value ad compensate with the brightness. Lower gamma will give you a sharper sun.

Anonymous No. 979115

ye kinda a question cuz I dont know whats the proper way
here's what the best result I could get with CoronaColorCorrect but I get these lights within the shaded areas as if I'm using multiple light sources (only using Sun & HDRI outside)

Anonymous No. 979128

3ds max and maya should be merged into 1 program
change my mind

the chair nerd No. 979190

Dude wth is up with those exterior light fixtures those are obviously overblown and may be the cause of the fireflies.
yes. but autojew knows better.

Anonymous No. 979194

Argument against this is two-fold. First is all the institutional knowledge and periphery that exist for each of those suites.

Second is the underlying systems of each up to a point where written by software engineers of a tier they no longer employ.
Having the current dev teams make a new software to incorporate 'the best of both worlds' would likely end up in a ginormous crapfest where you'd end up with a broken product.

It's a similar problem to us building a nuclear reactor or run a space program today, we can no longer do either of those things as good as we could at the peak
because the people who originally did those things are long retired and we're left with people who'd be playing catch-up 'learning on the job'.

In spirit I agree with you but in practice I'm skeptical it'd be a good idea.

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Anonymous No. 979233

>Dude wth is up with those exterior light fixtures those are obviously overblown and may be the cause of the fireflies.

it was the caustics
how the fuck am I supposed to see light reflected off the pool now?

I did have light intensity blown to 5000/8000 but thats the only way they contribute shit

Anonymous No. 979239

>. First is all the institutional knowledge and periphery that exist for each of those suites
industry entrenchment and legacy systems is too often why we cannot have nice things for both autodesk and also the studios using these tools since they also likely have countless plugins and shit written in over the years that would be just as much of a time consuming and manually laborious headache to rewrite in their entirety just like max/maya

Anonymous No. 979279

then use the legacy software until someone rewrites the scripts to work in new version. on autojew's side it's pure laziness and greed. apple has no problem completely rewriting their OS as well as all non/pro-grade software every few years so the why can't adobe or autodesk do the same? the whole "lost knowledge" is a load of bullshit, the very same engineers who maintained the software for decades are still alive, Max or Maya aren't some ancient pieces of sacred software from the 60. that no one understands anymore

Anonymous No. 979281

'3D studio' was originally created 1988 by Gary Yost, then in his mid 30's. Today the dude is in his 70's.
The team who created the '3D studio MAX' version that '3dsmax' can trace it's linage too was around his age as well so they're past retirement age.

>Max or Maya aren't some ancient pieces of sacred software from the 60. that no one understands anymore

Didn't say that, I said the quality of minds that worked on these programs are not the same as at their inception.
When a person with multiple decades of experience expires there is a lot of undocumented knowledge that expire with them.

Do we have better designs for nuclear reactors today than we had in the 60's? Ofc we do.
Do we have all the supply lines and engineering knowledge in place to actually build one?
Apparently not since we keep failing at it.

Software engineers qualified to work on 'project X' doesn't emerge out of nowhere. We're talking about people who knew how to write assembly code inside out
since they had been doing shit like that for a decades prior to building these software's.

Today you wanna find someone that has spent any amount of time 'down on the metal' you have to look under a lot of rocks.
It's not as easy as just throwing a bag of money on the problem, you have to assemble a really ace team to pull it off.

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Fake Caustics.webm

the chair nerd No. 979298

You never cease to surprise me.
>how the fuck am I supposed to see light reflected off the pool now?
You don't. Dude I am honestly impressed with your capacity to complicate and fuck things up. First Arnold then this. You better star coming up with some cg trickery if you want archviz to be efficient and fun for you.
Noted. Now make something.

Anonymous No. 979303

whats the fucking point of ray tracing if I have to fake things

this caustics vid is just noise map mixed into each material's specular?

the chair nerd No. 979305

>whats the fucking point of ray tracing if I have to fake things
You know what? You are right please render caustics in all your scenes. Please do.
>this caustics vid is just noise map mixed into each material's specular?
What's the point in telling you. Raytracing solves it all right?

Anonymous No. 979318

>whats the fucking point of ray tracing if I have to fake things

This anon raises a semi-valid point. Does anyone know why all renderers out of the box comes with settings that are pure nonsense as defaults?
It's like learning to set the correct values for a scene of a given size is like a secret handshake.

Obv values have to be tweaked around for specifics but with the defaults being nowhere near useful is just like a 'fuck you' from the developers.
After all there is no particular reason they don't come with working settings out of the box so a rendering engine works closer to the way you naively imagine it would.

Anonymous No. 979593

anyway to fix 3dsmax symmetry modifier fucking with backface selection & generally too glitchy

Anonymous No. 979594

Verify that polygons are indeed backfacing on your object by right clicking it and selecting checking 'backface cull'.
sometimes confusing behavior can arise when your hull has become inverted.

Like you think you're trying to select facing polygons but you can't grab them because you are trying to click the backface.

That's the only confusion arising from symmetry/mirrored geometry that I can think of occurring with any frequency.
If that's not it I'd need a more detailed description of the issue and what 'too glitchy' means.

Anonymous No. 979596

its a fresh created box, faces are bright red so not inverted

Anonymous No. 979600

Perhaps you have put symmetry on a already symmetrical box and is trying to select the wrong side of your symmetry line.
Working with symmetry modifier only the part of the object on the side providing symmetry can be interacted with and edited and provide to the symmetry.
make sure that the vertices you are trying to manipulate sit on the correct side of where your symmetry is pointing.

However applying symmetry is something I personally only do to finalize a symmetric model for this reason.
I prefer to be oldschool and model using a mirrored instance of my object and place it to side as this allow me to select and manipulate either side of the model for edits.

You could try that method.

Anonymous No. 979653

what rendering engines/plugins/scripts for max do you guys use?
t. blendlet who never touched his copy of max, only c4d/maya

Anonymous No. 979735

applying civilView & selecting a proper unit conversion (picked meters since the scene is in meters) fucks with corona proxy objects scale
I kinda rescaled them approximately back by multiplying by 4000% but dunno if anyone knows the exact number

Anonymous No. 979737

When I was a newbie I messed around with plugins and scripts but since a decade ago or so I've just ran it pretty the way it comes.
I don't do rending tho since I work realtime stuff and all that happens engine side, if I did I'd be running some 3rd party one.
Last I did high end renderings natively in max was many many years ago and back then I ran V-ray, not up to date with what's even available anymore.

Nowdays I have some custom .fx shaders I wrote myself to preview materials that are somewhat analogous to what I run in my game engine in the viewport
and I occasionally use scripts like say 'normal-thief' which is essential to make realtime hair/foliage the way I do them but irrelevant otherwise.
I do keep all the 'BlurBeta' materials on hand tho, I've had those so long I kinda forgotten they're not an official part of max.

Overall You really don't have to worry about hoarding plugins or things like that til you're very advanced and really need them.
most plugins will be super specific to some niche task that's irrelevant unless you need to do that one thing it was made for.

Heading to '' and sift thru what's up for grabs for anyone to use and see if anything sounds like something useful to you can be a good thing to do tho.
Your specific needs will likely look different to mine or anyone else's.

the chair nerd No. 979746

>but dunno if anyone knows the exact number

3048 %.

the chair nerd No. 979747

It comes from converting feet to cm.

Anonymous No. 979750

proxy objs imported now auto downsize by 3048%
units are set to meters as before civilView was used

Anonymous No. 979775

Thanks for the info anon, I'll check it out. Was mostly wondering about the plugin situation in Max/Maya since I got so used to hoarding plugins for Blender. Even though I still have to put stuff into the game engine I use, I still like to do renders akin to old FMV cutscenes with the same assets I export so if I don't have a rasterized renderer to work with I'll usually go with a more performant path/ray tracer. Back to old reliable V-Ray it is then I guess, really wish that one was still up to date for Blender too (and that there was a port of Corona too).

Anonymous No. 979776

Which version of FBX converter should I be using today? Is the 2013 version of the program still good?

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Anonymous No. 980045

ive been using this for the past week and it works pretty nicely although its a bit underwhealming that is tracking through excel file
>4.Does not handle #activerWindow time so if you keep a max window open it will count the time nonetheless. So yeah keeping time of that would also be cool.
pretty often i have 2 or more files open at the same time, so that could pose a problem in the long run and really mess up the total time
itd be nice if there was a graph with the total time tracked

the chair nerd No. 980050

>its a bit underwhealming that is tracking through excel file
Yep UI would be nice but right now I'm super busy. I'll keep it updated in this and future threads since I know people are using it.

>so that could pose a problem in the long run and really mess up the total time
itd be nice if there was a graph with the total time tracked

Pretty much every max user has 2 or more instances open at the same time so adding an active window callback is in the works but again don't have the time right now.

Important! I still have in he back of my mind the anon with the patch script problem. I have not forgotten you.


the chair nerd No. 980051

Oh and don't worry I've been using it since the day I wrote it so if I make some updates I'll make sure to make the original csv file readable.

And yeah obviously I'm planning to code in usage statistics.

the chair nerd No. 980052

If you have some project tacking ui inspo post here.

the chair nerd No. 980053

>underwhealming that is tracking through excel file
You'd be surprised how many 'systems' rely on plain text csv files.

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Anonymous No. 980123

trying to get a fluorescent strip light but the nook to the right doesnt get much light prolly also for being at right angle to the light
I DLed the IES from some TCP sight, without the IES the light is not well shaped
currently @1000 intensity & cant light the whole room

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Anonymous No. 980128

As far as UI goes I dont think it need to be something too spectacular or complex. Some little icon next to the clock that opens a simple windows is more than enough. As long as it display the total time and update whenever 3dsMax is closed, you don't need much else.
But I think it'd be nice if you can make it so that it continuously track time through different versions of max, since I'm not sure if copy pasting the excel file will add new etries or rewrite existing.
> adding an active window callback is in the works but again don't have the time right now.
do you need to bother with all that, tracking active windows and tracking the file names in the excel?
Wont it be easier to just track the time the program is opened, the .exe, regardless of how many instances or which one is currently active?
Its interesting to look back at different projects and how long you spend on each, but as time progress it can become clattered with informations for projects you barely remember.
So maybe adding an extra tab in the UI that has a list of the most recent projects could be a nice addition in the future.

I use Lightshot for capturing screenshots, since better options than default windows, and I think the type of UI/menus it has is more than enough for something like that.

Anonymous No. 980132

>since I'm not sure if copy pasting the excel file will add new etries or rewrite existing
ok i tested it and if you manually copy the excel file it adds another entry without deleting anything

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the chair nerd No. 980145

Posting picrel a recent project.
Post the ies profile I want to toroubleshoot it.It may be a bad ies profile.
Also, don't light an entire space with just one light dude wtf. Try and use a combination of natural and artificial lighting even at night.
>Wont it be easier to just track the time the program is opened, the .exe, regardless of how many instances or which one is currently active?
That is exactly what the active window call back does lol. It's just that I need to test it because in the maxscript refeence guide they tell its a cpu heavy method so I don't want to fuck up your or my 3ds max.
>I use Lightshot for capturing screenshots, since better options than default windows, and I think the type of UI/menus it has is more than enough for something like that.
Yes. I've found a bug yesterday, since the start time is a persistent global it tracks the original start date of the session so this is why you can get 24+ hour sessions.

Anonymous No. 980165

>Post the ies profile I want to toroubleshoot it
TCPGPS2UZDA835K under LED General Purpose Strips

>Also, don't light an entire space with just one light dude wtf. Try and use a combination of natural and artificial lighting even at night.

I have CoronaSun on for what it's worth
Do I have to setup fake lights like they do in movie sets?
Thought the lights having all these metrics meant to imitate IRL light for ease of setup

Anonymous No. 980166

is there a parametric way to do the fences in your picrel? or do you have to do it manually?

the chair nerd No. 980195

3ds max has all the tools to do it with modifiers.
Spline > Normalize > Explode > Spacing Tool > Referenced Path Deform etc etc. I automate that process with a simple cloning script.

Yes you can do it 'parametrically' with something like rail clone or max creation graph but 3ds max comes with all the modelling tools you need.

the chair nerd No. 980198

ies is alright
>I have CoronaSun on for what it's worth
Dude I;m speechless where the fuck is the natural light then? Your capacity for fucking things up and over complicating stuff never ceases to amaze me.
>Do I have to setup fake lights like they do in movie sets?
No no no,
>Thought the lights having all these metrics meant to imitate IRL light for ease of setup
Corona is so easy to use from the get goit is impossible to get these results without you meddling with settings.

the chair nerd No. 980199

I really need to see a copy of that scene it's impossible you are getting such results.

Anonymous No. 980213

some objects might be misplaced/mis-sized cuz initiating civilView alone fucked the scene up permanently

the chair nerd No. 980236

Request sent

Anonymous No. 980276

didnt know I need to grant access over a direct link
added you as an editor dunno if that'll do it

the chair nerd No. 980289

Thanks. Please save in max 2022 I don't update my max too often for stability's sake and because I have to pay a bunch of plugin renewals.

Anonymous No. 980291

i dont have the space for another

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the chair nerd No. 980296

Another max installation or max file in the drive? Dude just save the damn file in a lower version and replace the one you have in the drive and share.
wtf Do i have to explain it to you using playdoh?

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Anonymous No. 980299


the chair nerd No. 980300


Thx Ill check it tomorrow.

the chair nerd No. 980301

Couldn't resist... dude who the fuck told you to load and hdri using the osl hdr map wtf!??!!

Anonymous No. 980302

something on youtube
probably the dumb bitch from archviz artist
what are the correct ways to do it?

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the chair nerd No. 980303

Dude I'm speechless everything is wrong with this scene. I'm not wasting any time explaining it to you in text. I'll just go ahead and fix it and reupload it.

Just to summarize not only it is technically wrong but it's conceptually wrong. How do you expect to geta nice lighting using just one fucking florescent tube for a whole living room?

Turn off your pc, get out of your asian shitholwe and go to the nearest 4/5 star hotel and take some pictures. You definetly need to have better mental references than your dimly lit room.

Anonymous No. 980306

our kitchen is way bigger & can be lit with 1 of these strips
the only area that doesnt get light is the understairs
a hallway directly facing the light source like that should at least get some light

Anonymous No. 980307

& this is how it looks @4 lights x100 intensity
light cylinder is glaring while the emitted light is just shit
not even remotely realistic

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Anonymous No. 980308


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whydoido this to ....png

the chair nerd No. 980342

>our kitchen is way bigger & can be lit with 1 of these strips
>light cylinder is glaring while the emitted light is just shit
not even remotely realistic

Meanwhile the scene is lit with a light cylinder [that has an ies profile so it does not behave like a cylinder] the cylinder is hidden behind a poorly modelled acrylic object with badly set up absorption and refraction, the cylinder is 50% embedded in the wall.The light cylinder is scaled at 5000% so the values are not real. The whole house has incorrect normals, all windows panes have no volume and bad materials every object has 5+ edit poly modifiers for no reason, all shaders are shit, The whole file weights 114mb of wich 100mb are copied doorframes, a single fence door, a couple of tables.Everything is in a single layer and there is no order to the whole scene.
And he blames corona for being shit.
Just give up and change careers you seem to be an expert at making excuses, I recommend politician.
Fuck you and your house.

Anonymous No. 980345

I have a transgender friend, he yearns to become a waifu someday and wear scantily clad outfits but you dude are a billion times more of a faggot.

Anonymous No. 980360

>the scene is lit with a light cylinder [that has an ies profile so it does not behave like a cylinder]
it didnt make a difference when the light was rect & properly setup
>the cylinder is hidden behind a poorly modelled acrylic object with badly set up absorption and refraction
refraction/frensel only fractionally different to Clear Glass
>The light cylinder is scaled at 5000%
I advertently never touched scale cuz I know x-form turns to shitsoup in max for no reason, not my fault corona/max's units get permanently fucked just from initializing civilView
>every object has 5+ edit poly modifiers for no reason
non destructive workflow you might've heard of that faggot
>The whole file weights 114mb of wich 100mb are copied doorframes, a single fence door, a couple of tables.Everything is in a single layer and there is no order to the whole scene.
so what? its a practice scene to shoot the shit

why dont you model a dildo & hump it while your trans friend fucks your face faggot

the chair nerd No. 980361

>Excuses excuses excuses
Nice one anon.
>non destructive workflow you might've heard of that faggot
Try and move a single splice knot on you grass base spline and then tell me if you know the faintest shit about 'non destructive w&*(^low' you gigantic piece of human waste. I hope your kebab eating mother puts you back into your vagina and then aborts you the way she should've.

Anonymous No. 980681

How do I get my hands on 3DS Max while poor?

Anonymous No. 980682

You rent it from Thor.

Anonymous No. 980684


the chair nerd No. 980694

3ds max indie

It cost less than your vaping habit or taking the bus.

Anonymous No. 980701


the chair nerd No. 980702

If you can't afford the other (free) alternative you don't have the tinkering mindset for cg.

Fuck. These days people do come with their brains neutered.

Anonymous No. 980727

go suck off the australian donut maker to become yet another blendlet if you're this broke and dont have the mental capacity to torrent

Anonymous No. 980804

Do you know a reputable torrent

the chair nerd No. 980805

>Do you know a reputable torrent
Glow less anon.

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Anonymous No. 980859

i meant copying on another pc
>That is exactly what the active window call back does lol
yea, ik shit about codding, thought it refered to the window you're using atm
>this is why you can get 24+ hour sessions.
i got 24h sessions bcs i leave my shitty work pc to render over night so when you add the hours from the day it stacks up a lot
i left it last friday and by monday i got 60hours+

Anonymous No. 980860

anyone here got expirience with fstorm?
is it worth investing time in it over vray or corona?

Anonymous No. 980964


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Anonymous No. 981939

How would I go about modeling a twisted tape like this? I tried the twist modifier but it's not giving me the desired result

the chair nerd No. 981963

The path deform modifier has a driven rotation modifier that can control the twist using a curve.

But for that ribbon I'd model it manually or simulate it.

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the chair nerd No. 981964


Something like this. I'd still do it manually but that's me. It depends on the level of realism you need.

Anonymous No. 981986

brillant thanks

the chair nerd No. 981988

Np. Keep posting

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the chair nerd No. 982068

Trying this luma labs stuff for the first time. I've always had problems with kid assets in pools cuz there is not many but this stuff is powerful. The models are not super realistic but with some trickery they definitely work.

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Anonymous No. 982969

whats with corona scatter?

Anonymous No. 982970

If you're still here, how would you do it manually? edit. spline then edit. poly and rotate some parts? or is there a way to rotate spline points?

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Scn 14.jpg

the chair nerd No. 983000

What's up with it? If you are asking why those lineas appear it's because cscatter uses a poligonal solver and no a uv solver like forest. Try and add a quadify modifier to your soil object.

Literally like that.
> is there a way to rotate spline points?
No spine points do not have an orientation per se, that's what nurbs are for. You'll have to do that poligonally.

I've found that making it manually is a chore but makes the best results. Leverage your modifier stack, use the path technique and then editpoly.

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Anonymous No. 983389

when i have 1 bitmap texture pluged into a tile map, how can i make the texture rotate or randomize the tiling?
the material is applyed to a plane with 1 face, there any workout without having to use floor generator

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osl tiles.png

the chair nerd No. 983492

You could play around with osl maps. I personally use bercon map plugin with multitexture plugin.

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Anonymous No. 984100

We can't stop winning maxbros. LOL.

Anonymous No. 984973

post more nieeeeeeegggggggerssssss

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the chair nerd No. 985021

Ok, This is a game room I designed for a friend.

Anonymous No. 985054

Listen tripfag, it's nice and all, but can you put a donut on the middle?

the chair nerd No. 985055

Donuts are sis and homophobic.

Anonymous No. 985063

Post your LGBTQ+ donut tripfag

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depth map.jpg

Anonymous No. 985449

what are depth maps used for in vray? displacement map or as AO map in a composite note?

the chair nerd No. 985451

Both but the book says for displacement. AO is still considered an 'effect' map since AO technically does not exist in a realistic setting. Also getting AO from a height map is not that obvious because in some cases you might want to get the mid values to occlude 'corners' and the flat mid value surfaces would get in the way.

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Anonymous No. 985678

how do you get the corona cosmos assets to show after migrating them due to an OS format?
cracked 3dsmax 23 & cracked corona 11 scatter 4

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Anonymous No. 985833

trying to fake leaves shadows by using randomizedBitmap into CoronaPhysMtl opacity channel but the render Sun light doesn't account for that channel

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Anonymous No. 985834


Anonymous No. 985836

nvm it's the sun light size set to 9
it works on default value of 1

the chair nerd No. 985838

Still fucking with default values?

Anonymous No. 985864

defaults dont suit anything slightly bespoken

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Anonymous No. 986065

Computer had no internet so excuse my photo on screen.
Why is the render so different from what I made? How do I change it to be exactly like the house I'm making?
Also my lights aren't working, everything goes black whenever I try to add a light. Is there an easy fix for that?

Anonymous No. 986066

Piracy? :3
Uhhh... Hello?

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OIP (43).jpg

Anonymous No. 986067

Is it possible to make this out of an 1*1*1 box without converting it to a polygon?

Anonymous No. 986068

Also no boolean either. I did it that way and the program shat the bed when I started cloning.
There's an option to use a cylinder to apply these maps, but all the textures I find online of this cube seem to be incomplete to use that correctly.

the chair nerd No. 986098

4chan is for adults kid.

>Computer had no internet so excuse my photo on screen.
>Why is the render so different from what I made? How do I change it to be exactly like the house I'm making?
Welcome to the world of cg. I see you are new. Basic explanation is that you are rendering your model probably with arnold, art or another 3ds max renderer that uses a white balancing filter.
If you want to render to look 'plain' you should use the scanline renderer and make sure no shading effects or envirnoment effects are applied. If you still want to use an advanced renderer you should make your environment a white color so the scene environment doesn't affect the overall ambient light of your scene. If you still want to use a bluer environment but need the brick to look more neutral the adjust your white balance to compensate for it.

>Is it posible to drawa box without converting it into a line?

Just because you are obviously a kid I'll try to interpret what you meant: Is it possible to texture this box without converting it to an editable poly and stack some selection and mapping modifiers. In short: no. But you can apply those and then collapse your box again to a mesh.

>Also no boolean either. I did it that way and the program shat the bed when I started cloning.
What are you trying to do?
>There's an option to use a cylinder to apply these maps
That is not how those maps are applied.
> all the textures I find online of this cube seem to be incomplete to use that correctly.
It took me literally 0.5 seconds to find the atlas of all minecraft textures and again ... That is not how those maps are applied.

the chair nerd No. 986101

>Look mom I can move sliders. I'm an artist.

Anonymous No. 986103

>Also my lights aren't working, everything goes black whenever I try to add a light. Is there an easy fix for that?

Many render engines have an ambient mode where they render the scenes with an ambient light akin the the 3ds max viewport's ambient color when they don't find a native light source.

When you are adding a light of course the scen goes black because the render engine reads that there is a light source and disables the default ambient light.

I strongly suggest that if you are this new to rendering don't assume that something is not working, always assume that you are not understanding something.

Anonymous No. 986114

post your donut, I know you want to

the chair nerd No. 986130

If you knew my old render thread I posted a year ago you would know that I've already posted donuts on /3/.

Anonymous No. 986154

I'm not a kid. Just learning step by step from the beginning and I decided to use Minecraft a reference because it seems to be easy to start. All my blocks are 1m with a 0,01 distance between them.

Alright so collapsing to a mesh makes it return to a basic box? And I'll have no troubles then cloning it without overloading the program?

Also I did mess a bit with uvw unwrapping. But I didn't know it was this important. I'm watching a tutorial on it now.
>What are you trying to do?
The grass top on my cube. I did the top then used boolean to add operands to get that grass top on top of the dirt block. But I can tell if I clone 100+ of those blocks it's going to be heavy on the program.

>That is not how those maps are applied.
I mean the cylinder in the uvw mapping options. You can force the green top to be on top of the cube but it's going to look ugly and deformed.

>It took me literally 0.5 seconds to find the atlas of all minecraft textures and again ... That is not how those maps are applied
Is that so? Is there any other way to apply these maps in this program?

Can you show me an example made by you?

Anonymous No. 986156

He's angry because he can't 3d model a donut. It's just using his frustration to vent
Post the donut

Anonymous No. 986157

I can't make a donut either. I tried to make a dragon and it looked horrible. lol
I have internet now, let me show you my shitty work.

Anonymous No. 986160

If you post a donut you are better than chair nerd

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how to (no) make ....jpg

Anonymous No. 986164

I don't have a donut . But I tried to make a house and even got a few free objects from a site. I hate using other people's stuff so I stopped doing that.

Anonymous No. 986166

IS there a way to reduce poly count on this program?

Anonymous No. 986186

It's a start, what you are doing it's more Similar to blocking a dinosaur shape.
I recommend you to start with something easier.
But keep going anon!

Anonymous No. 986189

Yeah, I'm going back to my Mineycrafta. I need to learn how to animate and the less polygons the better.

Anonymous No. 986200

I think you should start with some simpler tutorials on Maya
In a few months you'll have all the basics
If you want to make Minecraft shit I recommend blockbench, the software makes good uvs already

the chair nerd No. 986211

>Alright so collapsing to a mesh makes it return to a basic box? And I'll have no troubles then cloning it without overloading the program?

It will all depend on your graphic settings but 3ds max is not designed to handle well too many objects in the viewport. It can handle much better a 20 million polygon single object than 1 million boxes and that is because of the DepthBuffer.
What i suggest if you arep lanning on making minecraft woirld in 3ds max is to look up some proxy solution or a voxel style solution.

Now as for memory managment if you instance the box instead of copying it it will only store one box in the memory and the positions of the rest.

>The grass top on my cube. I did the top then used boolean to add operands to get that grass top on top of the dirt block. But I can tell if I clone 100+ of those blocks it's going to be heavy on the program.
Scattering is the solution or you could use 3ds max's hair and fur modifier.

>I mean the cylinder in the uvw mapping options. You can force the green top to be on top of the cube but it's going to look ugly and deformed.
I know waht you meant and that's why i reccomend using uvw unwrap.

>Is that so? Is there any other way to apply these maps in this program?
>Can you show me an example made by you?
Yes.Next post.

Yes. Use the pro optimizer modifier wich has a mesh treshing algorithm.

I could model a simple ragon for ya. Inever model living stuff and it'd be cool as a 30 minut exercise.

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the chair nerd No. 986214

>Is that so? Is there any other way to apply these maps in this program?
>Can you show me an example made by you?

I reccomend you try the cooler method.

the chair nerd No. 986242

So I tried to model a dragon on a remote desktop without references and then my remote desktop connection crashed.

I hope this video helps you with something. It was fun...being physically in my office and with some cool blueprints I think I could make something decent in half a day..

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Anonymous No. 986327

left pic is pattern obj
mid pic is render
right pic is CoronaPatternMod settings

used to work properly till I added backplate & some detail to the pattern obj

both spread & spread on objs use world map, Box UVW

the chair nerd No. 986337

I dunno lol figure it out.

Anonymous No. 987161

recommend some useful plugins

Anonymous No. 987201

For what.

Anonymous No. 987235

anyone knows why substance 2 arnold comes white unless rendered on CPU?

Anonymous No. 987280

generally for max, over all better productivity, ease of use. something popular that you always install

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Anonymous No. 987284

Any feedback on my exterior archviz rendering please ? My full lighting feels wrong (textures are WIP)
I'm more of a indoor guy and can't manage to get what's wrong about it

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the chair nerd No. 987328

Project manager then, its shit. I've made my own alternative but is the best for productivity.

>My full lighting feels wrong (textures are WIP)
Nothing wrong with lighting. Its the textures and filters that need work. Its a nice render.
1.Precast concrete is usually vertical since it connects with vertical groves. The holes must be round and the seams must be visible.

2.Grass is too dry to have whose pink flowers, use white ones.

4.Stairs don't have occlusion/ contrast from the background

>I'm more of a indoor guy and can't manage to get what's wrong about it
Every thing is wrong if you have an orange BMW. It gives douchebag vibes.

4.Use a classier car I reccomend a jaguar E-type.

5.Harmonize pallete, if you want a dry atmosphere make it dry.

Anonymous No. 987486

Thanks for the detailed comment and the reference picture !
Grass with white flowers really give the dry effect I really wanted

>Every thing is wrong if you have an orange BMW. It gives douchebag vibes.
I took the first model I had from archmodels and never saw how bad it was lmao, the Jaguar fit way better in. Thanks a lot for this great feedback !

Anonymous No. 987503

is it normal for cracked 3dsmax's download manager to actually use bandwidth?

Anonymous No. 987505

now I remember I only noticed its usage in task manager after I force closed its process

the chair nerd No. 987555

Cheers post more.
Don't do crack without protection kids. Remember the glass pipe must have a good firewall and selective startup tasks.

Anonymous No. 987556

>Project manager then, its shit. I've made my own alternative but is the best for productivity.

I use connecter from is the kstudio version any better? do you use it for something else beside drag and dropping models into max?

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the chair nerd No. 987559

Oh don't get me wrong I don use that plugin. I use my own project manager. But when I used kstudio's it was better yes.Buggy as fuck but better.

> do you use it for something else beside drag and dropping models into max?
My own plugin is just a bunch of sripts glued together that let me model, manage, batch render, time track, optimize, process, co edit and populate my projects. It would be futile to share it because a big part of the code is taylor made to my folder system.
When I come up with a new feature I just add it to my code and don't have to blame but myself if it doesn't work.

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Anonymous No. 987718

Tried to use your feedback on my other render I started a few nights ago.
Wanted to create a more atmospheric and whitish render. Kinda happy but I struggled to add dirt/stains effects and the ground still feels too clean.

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Anonymous No. 987903

Is anyone here who knows or is more experienced in rigging characters in max than me, a beginner? I really need some guidance and potentially questions answered after spending half a day figuring things out

Anonymous No. 988663

bump that
im also interested

Anonymous No. 988668

3ds max learning channel "rigging a character" playlist will get you from 0 to a working character with controls.
if u want to use a custom spline ik for the spine + head, paul neale has a great explainer on yt. Both the learning channel and neale explain how to mirror skin weights on asymmetrical meshes.
i can also show u how to set up non-spherical eye controllers (eg: anime eyes), and using proxy meshes for partial clothsim on skinned clothes/hair with max's built-in cloth solver (eg: clothsim the shirt tails or a ponytail+bangs only, and not the whole thing)

Anonymous No. 988816

> [Embed]
>11 years ago
isnt this dated af, there no newer/faster/easier methods to do stuff?

Anonymous No. 988832

>need some guidance
>linked to god tier resource with based narrator
>doesn't watch because its "old"
>asks for easy shortcuts
Did you want to actually learn how to rig in Max, or just churn out shitty controls you don't even understand?
They even go out of their way to explain why primary bone rotation axis should be Z.
>newer/faster/easier methods
For what exactly? Skeleton setup? Weighting? Attribute setting? Reaction linking? Slide joint helpers?
I'd only ignore the maxscript tutorial for weightpainting since there are better ones out there. Everything else is completely relevant to understanding the basics.
paul neale has a 3hr lecture explaining the very basics of using maxscript to automate a lot of building blocks, but its unnecessary for a hobbyist and impossible to follow without understanding how to do everything manually first. Hes also shit at explaining programming concepts since hes a technical artist.
Max is actually rather bad for rigging, if you want something easier go pick up Maya.

Anonymous No. 988833

I'am not him. I added the video to my playlist already and will watch it.

Anonymous No. 988834

im retarded mb, i barely use 4chan

Anonymous No. 988951

I'm using the old Max 8 to do one character rig and porting a skeleton to my model, all for an old game as a mod. There might be some things I encounter looking at developer's rigs I would like to learn more about. No issues if I drop in questions here and there from time to time? I think they're fairly very similar to modern structures, just more simpler since the bone density isn't high.

Anonymous No. 989020

I'm using an IK solver for the which I connected from my characters thigh down to the foot nub. It works smoothly and I can animate it, but it does not play the animation inside the game. Do IK solvers not record animations for games?

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Anonymous No. 989168

just finished this model, now starting the textures
how is my unwrap looking so far?

the chair nerd No. 989194

Very realistic. Almost looks like a dude with an idiotic tattoo on his face.

Anonymous No. 989244

>Very realistic.
its that 3ds max/vray realism
i always strive for perfection

the chair nerd No. 989502

What the fuck happened to >>989409!!?!
Its nice. Technically it works there aren oerros maybe a little bit overblown but otherwize cool.
The real problem is that I've seen that exact same render 1200 times.

Anonymous No. 989506

Chud around and pay the toll. The chud in that post found out :)

the chair nerd No. 989507

I love you Cris.

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Anonymous No. 989519

I'm too busy hunting sweaty chuds in here to love back.

the chair nerd No. 989542

I hope FARC takes Jamundí and rapes everyone including your dog then.

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Anonymous No. 989567

>I hope FARC takes Jamundí and rapes everyone including your dog then.

the chair nerd No. 989602

Loose the glasses and add 200 pounds.

Anonymous No. 989619

Why is max considered the best for 3D modelling, can't Maya do 90% of what Max does?

the chair nerd No. 989626

Because of the 10%.

Anonymous No. 989832
do you use LUTs?
Whats the point of using one and setting your render to look like someone elses work?
whenever ive tried putting a lut on top of a render , the results always look bad

the chair nerd No. 991390

>do you use LUTs?
Custom made LUTS as a post process on images. It's a cheap way to further consistency in an image pack. Also some clients wnat a copy a look they see on pibnterest and luts are a cheap way to get there

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Anonymous No. 991398

how do you fit this for texture baking exactly?

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Anonymous No. 991399

duplicated pic by mistake

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Anonymous No. 991400

this is how it is if I move it abit

Anonymous No. 991584

aM I HAVING A STROKE ? What the fuck is your question exactly?

Anonymous No. 991614

red obj is going to be a higher poly version of blue but it cant cover the lowpoly properly for texture baking
i mean extremly low poly, like 44 faces on 256x256 texture

Anonymous No. 992561
