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๐Ÿงต Are normies retarded enough to buy vroid model slop with minor adjustments

Anonymous No. 976716

like is this a potential market, or am I some fossil that's been trapped under a rock

Anonymous No. 976722

"Normies" know absolutely fuck all about 3d modelling. To them, we light up candles, draw a pentagram on the computer and perform some arcane ritual to magic the 3d model into being.
So yeah, the odds of being able to grift normies by selling them something they can easily access for free is pretty fucking high. Bonus points if you adjust the topo a bit to throw off the normies that are a bit smarter than your average bear. You could probably just say it's your "custom base model" that you use and it'd throw them off the scent.
Just don't fly too close to the sun and you'll be fine.

Anonymous No. 976723

Yeah, I was thinking of going for an approach like that, I already have adequate experience with 3D modeling in general and being autistic over mesh topology, but I am lazy and want money fast right now. Making models from scratch up to scale for a normie audience from my desperate position as of right now, even if I were to hypothetically just create a couple of base meshes to refine and incorporate into an automated process, would take too long compared to pressing some buttons in Vroid, altering UV maps, and then fucking around with the mesh topology.

Anonymous No. 976724

You're such a special individual.

Anonymous No. 976728

Hey now, people have done much, much worse.
If the client is happy with the end result, what's it matter to them how quick and easy you made it? What they don't know won't hurt em. If they don't feel like it was worth it, they could just not pay.
I'm not saying that I do this, OP just asked how easy it would be to scam people with 3d models. Which is pretty fuckin easy, assuming you have a market. Finding that market is the more involved part. If I've seen anything from Patreon, retards are super fucking willing to part with their money for the shittiest of "products".

Anonymous No. 976870

"normies" do not buy 3d models though

Anonymous No. 976892

I think he's talking less "normie" like regular people, but moreso internet "normies" that are terminally online and take shit like VR Chat, Twitter, and Discord seriously. Those people absolutely buy 3d models, and they're absolutely retarded when it comes to all things computers.

Anonymous No. 976900

OP here, and yeah that's basically the market I'm aiming for. I'm not sure if it's as retarded as it was last I checked years ago and if I've been living under a rock with their advancement, but I specifically remember running across some VRChat people bragging about their models having high poly counts and I suspect they have not progressed much beyond that level of thought. It seems like the amount of animations for VRChat player models has a greater preference than I anticipated these days, but eh- not too concerned about that part desu, rushing out the actual mesh bases to slightly modify is what would really constitute the grift part of this and I can basically do anything else manually with probably some ease (which isn't much beyond probably relearning how to not break things in Unity upon importing or whatever).

Anonymous No. 978301

If you had done this during the height of COVID and the virtual Youtuber boom, you could have gotten away with it. You're four years too late now.

Anonymous No. 978355

I think the business models sticks and nobody cares because all anime characters look the same anyway. It's an easy solution for accessibility in place of building talent if you don't want to start getting into 3d modelling.