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๐Ÿงต Untitled Thread

Anonymous No. 977063

Hopes for Maya 2025? It should be dropping in a matter of weeks.

Anonymous No. 977090

Lol you're upgrading? I was lissed when i had to move from 2016 to 2018. This time i burned the iso onto a dvd so ill never lose it again.

Anonymous No. 977092

>Lol you're upgrading?
yeah, the retopo in 2024 is unbelievable

Anonymous No. 977521

>changes in the timeline
>Faster precomputing
>1 new tool
calling it now.

Anonymous No. 977564

it's dead, just move on to Blender already, like all of us did

Anonymous No. 977641

unless its better optimized that my potato can run it im not pirating it.

Anonymous No. 977644

Im still on 2019, none of the new features really aided in improving my pipeline anyway.

Anonymous No. 977670

>like all of us did
You mean Like all of us hobbyists did

Anonymous No. 977672

The only reason you would move to blender is if you wanted to model static objects and even then you couldn't even work with live component symmetry

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Anonymous No. 978892

Its out, lads.

Anonymous No. 978943

can't download demos anymore without signing up with a fucking phone number, the fuck?

Anonymous No. 978950

if you are on this board you are a hobbyist. There are no professionals here.

Anonymous No. 978964


Anonymous No. 979014

as a professional I come here to laugh at delusional blendlets and their abominations

Anonymous No. 979024

redpill me on maya performance versus blender
havent used maya since 2018, c4d since 2017
should I go back

Anonymous No. 979028

post your work first

Anonymous No. 979125

no professionals browses this shithole website
there's nothing here anyone can learn from

Anonymous No. 979146

Dd they fix the accursed crashing issues and instability from 2023 and 2024 yet?

Anonymous No. 979154

it only crashes if Your system is unstable. If you dont upgrade your motherboard BIOS and your RAM timings are unsupported you will crash maya. If Your system is stable, it wont or will very very rarely crash.

Anonymous No. 979803

I feel like even though Maya receives next to zero publicity or tutorials these days on YouTube that doesn't necessarily mean the software is dead

Anonymous No. 983710

>all of us
>retarded zoomers who use whatever youtubers shill

ill use both