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🧵 Untitled Thread

Anonymous No. 977203

Sup, /3/? I’m sick of Cris shitting up /v/ and all of the other boards with his dogshit models so I have decided to combat him in his domain.
You might know me better as the guy who made that one Jet Force Gemini picture, but I have much more impressive stuff than that.

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Iron Ghetto Large.png

Anonymous No. 977204

Check these renders

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DarkWood Forest L....png

Anonymous No. 977205

Here’s another one

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Snowfall Plains L....png

Anonymous No. 977207

And another

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Tri-Peak Mountain....png

Anonymous No. 977212

And the most recent render

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The Reign of Fygoon.png

Anonymous No. 977214

Here’s one of the characters and enemies (that’s the cover picture BTW)

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Anonymous No. 977215

And now for some unrelated renders, beginning with the ShopKeeper from Dinosaur Planet.

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Anonymous No. 977218

And here’s one of Pyrus from War Planets.

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Anonymous No. 977219

Here’s Drywall from Scud: The Disposable Assassin ascending to Mixamo

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Anonymous No. 977220

Here’s another War Planets character: Blokk, the emissary of the Beast Planet.

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Phyndrin and the ....png

Anonymous No. 977223

And I’m going to end it off with this render of a friend’s character: Phyndrin and the Phyndraunan Army.
Now, you’re probably wondering why I have such a peculiar style. It’s a style I made called Ico-Art, short for “Icosphere Art” and not related to the game Ico, and it’s a style that I’ve iterated on since I was in middle school many years ago. I tried mesh rendering with skeletons but the results were pretty shit and, after learning about Ecstatica, I decided to just keep with this style.

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Garadon Lord.png

Anonymous No. 977255

Here’s a Garadon Lord render I did a few days ago. I’ll probably see if I can improve it.

Anonymous No. 977257

Aren't you one of the discordfags who ruined last /v/3?

Anonymous No. 977258

I'm sorry but your stuff is too high quality and it makes too much sense to be of any threat to Cris.

I have the original box of Ecstatica. I bought it in '94 because I was totally fascinated by that rendering style and I wanted to study it.

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Merak and the Myr....png

Anonymous No. 977266

I was the only guy consistently posting there and, now that I’ve left, I’m focusing all of my free time on my game. And you know what? Life is good.
Oh word? Aw, fiddlesticks, I wanted to get back at Cris.
I highly recommend getting into Ecstatica. Sure it plays terribly, but there aren’t many games that look like it and it definitely is a treat to look at.

On an unrelated note here’s some bugs I made for a Jet Force Gemini knockoff top-down shooter idea I had.

Anonymous No. 977267

Fuck off man, you're stuff isn't even interesting enough to be even remotely close to what makes chris popular, you can't just up and decide to be a lolcow, just fuck off man, and you write like a discord fag btw.

Anonymous No. 977268

Very nice.
This is my favorite.

Anonymous No. 977271

Ok Cris.

Anonymous No. 977272

I like the strong posing I gave for Fygoon in that one (it used to be my go-to image for shilling) but the latest render I did for the Tri-Peak Mountains is my new fave because of the blue.

Anonymous No. 977274

>cris with an h

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Anonymous No. 977336

Here’s another Xen-Ithicour render featuring the characters of my best friend.

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The Opps.png

Anonymous No. 977364

Here’s some weird computer malware.

Anonymous No. 977370

/3/ would be better if people were making threads and spamming their renders, good and bad, all the time.

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Anonymous No. 977372

This is the closest thing to Mecha John McAfee I could get from Bing Copilot. For some reason the name "John McAfee" is blocked.

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Anonymous No. 977374

Bro got $whackd courtesy of Microsoft and Grievances, inc.

Anonymous No. 977375

But doing that would kill cris threads and software war threads

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OG Xzeness.jpg

Anonymous No. 977376

I agree. I mean, check this: one of the first models I’ve ever made.

Anonymous No. 977377

That dinosaur thing on the left is the coolest thing I've seen from you, do you have an up-close render of it?
Also, why does the guy in the middle have a bulge?

Anonymous No. 977378

What program do you use?

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Anonymous No. 977379

I’ll do you one better: here’s concept art of Lens the Utahraptor alongside some other weird characters. Had to dig through some old group chats to find this.
As for why ScumBot Prime, founder of Grievances, inc. has a massive bulge, it’s just all of my male characters have large dongs just so you guys know they’re males, just as how all of my female characters (aside from Lens) have fat tits and curvy asses.

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Anonymous No. 977380

Also might I add this neat concept render.
A combination of Blender [spoiler]and Unity for the materials/posing/lighting[/spoiler].

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Anonymous No. 977381

I did not realize spoilers don’t work on this board.

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Juno and Floyd.png

Anonymous No. 977383

Posting the two most iconic characters I’ve mutilated just to spite Cris.

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Anonymous No. 977384

It's over for you malware!

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Anonymous No. 977387

If only you knew just how bad things really were…

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Anonymous No. 977416

Here’s Klaymen from The Neverhood Chronicles.

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Anonymous No. 977453

Here’s Jala from Bionicle.
I need to make more models.

Anonymous No. 977454

I knew it

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Anonymous No. 977458

Knew what?

Anonymous No. 977459

I saw >>977364 yesterday and thought to myself "I bet he had Bionicle when he was younger"
Even if I'm not exactly correct (idk maybe you only knew of it as an adult, it happens) I got the vibe right

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Anonymous No. 977463

I was first introduced to Bionicle when I went to Marshall’s and found a Bionicle Stars Rahkshi; the Bionicle influence is most evident with a character I made for an unfinished shooter project called Impulsehazard. Quazarlc (pictured) was the leader of an interstellar ecoterrorist organization called the Nebulaq Forces and the human player would have to assassinate him because he was hellbent on eradicating the “human virus,” beginning with the “vectors” (women) and “spawns” (children) until finally moving on towards the “disease itself” (men). I stopped developing that game because it soon devolved into a clusterfuck of ideas stolen from other games I played and, at its current state, was completely unsalvageable. The Bionicle references live on with the Mechrezoid Shotgunner and Firebreather (looking like goth versions of Takua and Jala), mainly because their models were repurposed from a MNOG-ripoff I was planning to make.
The Malware in that image, specifically the bots Rook and Bishop and the Trojan were based on ReBoot designs, since they were made for a concept strategy game that was based on UNIX Robots.

Anonymous No. 977483

lmao based and I can see the rahkshi there now. Crazy that such a crappy set (just bein real) was what led you down the rabbit hole too.

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Balthazar Lux.png

Anonymous No. 977487

I was born in 2004 and my first Lego set was one of those tubs with random pieces, it was over for me before it began. Also, while I was assembling the Rahkshi set, all of the ball socket pieces broke and I used scotch tape to fix them.
Unfortunately for me, most of the things I like: Killzone, Perfect Dark, Jet Force Gemini, Dinosaur Planet, Marathon, Bionicle, ReBoot, Shadow Raiders, and Bubsy (yeah I’m one of the few genuine fans) were all before my time and I never got to enjoy them while they were popular and when, by some miracle, these series do come back they always end up being some total garbage.
Anyways, here’s Balthazar Lux, a computer-controlled assassin character from my game. Believe it or not, he’s my Bubsy knockoff, the irony of which being that he’s a more reserved character; but I did model his walk cycle in game on a 60fps version of Bubsy’s gait, so the motormouth bobcat lives on.

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grubhub perks giv....gif

Anonymous No. 977490

>I was born in 2004

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Anonymous No. 977491

It was over before it began, wasn’t it? All this modeling and stuff begun out of a desire to finally do what I had said I wanted to when I was in elementary school but got sidetracked.

Anonymous No. 977492

At least you're getting stuff under your belt, keep at it lad. I'll hire you one day.

Anonymous No. 977501

Cris, it's unlikely that you'll ever be the owner of a company capable of retaining other artists.

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Anonymous No. 977506

Not cris :)

Anonymous No. 977515

this is what newfags call him you dont even know him

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The OG Xzeness.png

Anonymous No. 977533

>I’ll hire you one day
No way, I’m like Sam and Max: freelance.

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Anonymous No. 977597

You wanna know what I really hate, aside from Canadians? When stupid life shit gets in the way of me thanking the people who say they like my stuff and the thread they say it on gets archived by all of the softcore porn and Nipponese nut-riding threads. It makes me look like an ungrateful douche and I hate it.

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Anonymous No. 977663

This was the last time I’ve ever made a mesh with skeleton model.

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Anonymous No. 977689

Here’s a Gobbo

the chair nerd No. 977693


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Anonymous No. 977715


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Anonymous No. 977751

Here’s the Saberwolf render that’s used in my game’s manual.

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🗑️ Anonymous No. 978004

Boogeyman Mechrezoids, or the Not-Tohungas.

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Anonymous No. 978011

I love all of these!
Please make more!
:) :) :)

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🗑️ Anonymous No. 978042

You got it, my guy!

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Anonymous No. 978283

Work in progress of Frydar Island, the home of Fygoon and his friends.

Anonymous No. 978432

I love these kind of schizo threads. Your artstyle could be called autism condensed instead of whatever the hell your little sperg brain came up with. So tell me OP, what is that game you're working on? Is there any gameplay footage available?

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Anonymous No. 978462

I would’ve called it “Weaponized Autism” but because the doctors have deemed me “neurotypical” I don’t want to steal the limelight.
Anyways, the game I’m making is called The Frydarian Tale, a linear action-adventure game for the computer. All I have at the moment is this lame gif from an earlier point of development. You can find a download link for the game here:

Anonymous No. 978468

Love it!

Anonymous No. 978478

Thanks, dude.

Anonymous No. 978483

Give her giant tits

Anonymous No. 978500

Gimme a sec, need to do some R&D for that.

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Anonymous No. 978632

As I continue to do R&D on how to make Elvarian tiddies, here’s a quick picture of the three other Viceroys in the game: Brutus Canor of the Canids, Karg Nixskul of the Trollglodytes, and Margus of the Golems.

Anonymous No. 978820

Nigga needs a PhD in quantum tiddydyanamics

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Otakel vs kel fixed.png

Anonymous No. 978821

Usually you post the same picture like >>977203 in random threads, so i considered you to just be another avatarfagging retard just like cris, if not him under a different name.
But now that you've posted those works i can see that you have a great eye for staging and composition, something that can make even the most amateur pieces look really fucking great.
Great work there lad. Keep it up.

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Anonymous No. 978831

I’m still studying dawg, but I’m about to get my bachelor’s in that field.
I’m a very opinionated and peculiar person, kinda like Salvador Dali but without the surrealist charm, fame, or homosexual tendencies. Usually, I make it a point to hate on everything that could be viewed as competition or something I deem to be unworthy of people’s time, like the myriad of Twitter “gamedevs” posting the same copy-paste low-poly, pixel-shart games with shittune music and le “cinematic slow-mo” starring generic anime girls or furry bait characters. I like weird, unique stuff that I never could’ve come up with in a million years, like Ecosystem Shapes: maintaining an ecosystem of four critters on a 5x5 grid chock full of weird models? Hell yeah! But yeah, I only post the same generic renders because it doesn’t make sense to post a beautiful scene render just for me to say “Blegh, that looks lame!” not to mention the fact that I’ve been meaning to make more reaction images.
I’m glad you like my scenic art though. There’s two more areas left to make in my game and I’ll be sure to post those scene renders as they are done.

Anonymous No. 978920

>life found a way and its time for you to stop it
hehe dats funny

Anonymous No. 978988

Remind me to make a render for you tomorrow evening.

Anonymous No. 979006

Well I do think you could step up your game, but you are at least improving quite a bit, and you make funny shit.
You should just adjust the models by adding more texture into the model and improving the detail.
I do like the spheres though, gives the style some character.

Anonymous No. 979038

Your game has untapped potential, make use of the segmented characters by letting you chop limbs off, the simple graphics can let you add so much depth,

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Anonymous No. 979042

I’ve been meaning to revisit the texture mapping process Rare does for their characters (a bunch of 32x32 textures being made and slapped onto the models), since at the moment I’m using exclusively normal maps for everything. I’m sure I’ll update the models soon enough; don’t want to end up like Cris, amirite?
This game is just a test to see if I can make something passable by the end of the year (I don’t want this game to be stuck in development hell like Impulsehazard), but I’ll definitely add that into the second part, along with an inventory system, sick combat flips, helper characters that you can command, and the ability to fly.
From what it looks like it seems simple to do: have a character with multiple colliders instead of one and, when performing a specific slash, do a dismemberment check: if the slash is of the correct type and a power threshold is met, then dismember the limb in question; special limbs include the arm holding the weapon, where the enemy will resort to punching or biting you, the legs, where the enemy will fall over and do nothing but crawl, and the head, where the enemy will die instantly.

Anonymous No. 979058

Isn't that just Hack and Slash from Reboot?

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Anonymous No. 979062

Good eye, anon! The designs of my “original characters” Rook and Bishop were based on some ReBoot concept designs I thought up.

Anonymous No. 979182

Cool stuff, Anon. I like your early CGI thing you have going on. Nice Bionicle model btw.

Anonymous No. 979183

*the early CGI aesthetic

Anonymous No. 979189

Thank you. Be on the lookout this weekend for my game’s next update.

Anonymous No. 979196

Speaking of the next update, here’s a Doom Gremlin, a roid-raged version of the standard Gremling.

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Anonymous No. 979198

And I forgot the picture. Oops.

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Anonymous No. 979302

Made a render for my general fixes update, with a standout being the “Chameleon Bufoimar”; this is the in-universe explanation for a weird animation error that caused some Bufoimars to not appear yet continue to attack.

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Anonymous No. 979360

Cute pibble.
You got a better understanding of the aesthetic trends of the time than many older guys who just concern themselves with the polycount and lighting/rendering but have a rather "modern" design sense that makes their stuff look all jarring.

Anonymous No. 979375

Thanks, dude. Funnily enough, it was when I began to let go of making something intentionally “retro” and just doing my own thing that I got the look I wanted.
Also thanks for the kind words about the pibble; I think he’s autistic.

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Anonymous No. 979440

I was digging through my files and found this: my super old model of Bubsy Bobcat. And to think Balthazar Lux spawned from this.

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Anonymous No. 979610

love this dude like you wouldn't believe

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Fygoon Fanart.jpg

Anonymous No. 979630

Yo that looks awesome af! I have an album full of other artists’ depictions of my characters and I’m definitely adding yours to the collection. Do you have an alias you go by? I want to credit you in the album.

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Anonymous No. 979632

>Do you have an alias you go by? I want to credit you in the album.
it's me, LunaticSoda. lmao, i saw the second top middle one a few days ago and i definitely was inspired to draw your OC, taking a break from working this current piece too
another art friend of mine is helping me with the coloring as well so i took the time to do a quick sketch of your oc and plan on doing the others when i get a chance

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Anonymous No. 979634

Oh hey, I remember you from the drawthreads! That is awesome, and I have added your name to my album.

Anonymous No. 979643

np and thanks, the belt buckle is a nod to the other drawing too by giving it the "silly" fface that all the other drawfags like to call it
i'll return once i have drawn your ocs, the bug girl caught my attention >>977715

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Laura and Iris.png

Anonymous No. 979691

When I was redesigning Fygoon I didn’t know what to put on the belt buckle to make it somewhat interesting so I decided to slap on the Emblem of the Fygoon Clan, a stylized version of an Emerald Varanusaur face just to show how full of themselves the Dragons, especially the Fygoons, are.
As for the bug girl, that’s Vicereine Iris who, just like Fygoon, is the last of her kind: a once proud race of elf-fairy hybrids known as the Elvarians. After the Dragon-Elvarian War ended in the near annihilation and humiliation of the Elvarians as the Dragons, under the leadership of the Fygoon Clan, destroyed the Elvarians’ home and took them into DarkWood Forest as living trophies, a guerrilla war would begin between the Fygoons and the last Elvarians, leaving only the current Basileus and Vicereine as each race’s representatives. Iris is considered by most of the creatures of Frydar Island to be one of the most beautiful, which is contrasted with her despicable, holier-than-thou demeanor; only Fygoon sees her for what she is: a sinister witch who could bring about anarchy to his peaceful land (as if he wasn’t already disturbing the peace with his silly adventures).
Anyways, I’m nearing completion of a new update, so I’ll keep you all in the loop when it drops.

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Get outta here.png

Anonymous No. 979736

Don’t mind me, just getting rid of some ol’ riff raff.

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Fygoon W.jpg

Anonymous No. 979924

So my game got over 100 downloads since I first unleashed it in November and none of them were just me downloading my game onto Best Buy computers.
Man, I feel on top of the world.

Anonymous No. 979958


🗑️ Anonymous No. 979963

Get the fuck out of here Soda, stop shitting the damn boards with our permabeg slop.

Anonymous No. 979965

Get the fuck out of here Soda. Stop shitting the board with your permabeg slop. Oh, don't forget to kill yourself and take Subu with you, faggot. No one likes you.

Anonymous No. 979971

I like lunaticsoda

Anonymous No. 979972

Enjoy having the board spammed with 5 year old low effort shit.

Anonymous No. 979990

Thank you, my guy.
Kill yourselves, you wastes of sperm.
I agree.

Anonymous No. 979996

Did I hurt you? Good.

Anonymous No. 980021

You didn’t hurt my bottom line.
Stay mad.

Anonymous No. 980024

Nah, you lubed up just for me bro.

Anonymous No. 980028

LS > LS orbiters
If you think he’s pathetic what does it mean that you keep track of the lore and spend time following him around

Anonymous No. 980041

>browse /3/ after a while
>cris spam as usual
>suddenly soda is here
>people are defending a schizo
wtf is going on here

Anonymous No. 980061

What’s his lore? How is he a schizo? I want to know more.

Anonymous No. 980081

Mouthbreathers from /v/ and who knows where else based on some of the terms being thrown around in here. They really ought to fuck back off to Discord.
Doing great work anon! You've pulled off a pretty good aesthetic.

Anonymous No. 980286

Thanks, dude.

Anonymous No. 980293

not him but soda is a /v/ and /ic/ troll, he spams and derails threads with his low effort doodles, picks fights with other draw anons
i liked your stuff bro, but i don't think you should be associating yourself with a troll

Anonymous No. 980466

Oh, he’s just hiding his power level.

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download - 2024-0....jpg

Anonymous No. 980512


Anonymous No. 980717

How do you figure?

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Anonymous No. 980728

Was going through some old pictures to model Viceroy Margus on and I found this old concept render from Impulsehazard.
And to think I made this over six years ago. Time sure does fly.

Anonymous No. 980773

That's beautiful.

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Stargazer Hill La....png

Anonymous No. 980789

To coincide with the latest build of my game, here’s the scene render for Stargazer Hill. I think this image captures the energy deserving of this area.

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Joey Model.png

Anonymous No. 980963

Was looking through some old pictures and I found this gem. Back in 2020 I had discovered what Ecstatica was and I experimented with the purely ellipsoid style.
I also have one of the Lieutenant from Impulsehazard in the style of Ecstatica (or more accurately Urban Decay’s), but I don’t have a picture of it at the moment. Next time I get the opportunity to use my old powerhouse computer I’m definitely saving a picture.

Anonymous No. 980970

what type of fiber optic cables are you using to create this? j fiber may be an increase in your fiber optical speeds.

Anonymous No. 980987


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Minister Shen (20....jpg

Anonymous No. 981194

Here’s a new render I did for an old character: Minister Shen. I’ve always had the idea of some wizened Dragon serving as Fygoon’s mentor since the conception of Fygoon as a character, but back when I first made Minister Shen, he was simply a teacher who taught all of the Dragons on Frydar Island how to be, well, Dragons. Now, Shen was upgraded to becoming Fygoon’s right-hand man in Frydarian court and as the young Basileus’s caretaker.

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Fygoon and His Me....png

Anonymous No. 981280

Here’s another render I did.

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Fygoon and His Fr....png

Anonymous No. 981568

Made this quick render yesterday showing Fygoon and all of his friends that I’ve modeled up to this point.

Anonymous No. 981587

I really love this one

Anonymous No. 981596

Thanks. The Minister will be the one teaching players how to play the game before they begin their journey.
Also thinking of making his duel the most difficult fight in the game.

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Anonymous No. 981645

I detest Ocarina of Time and consider Dinosaur Planet to be a superior game.

Anonymous No. 981667

Can't wait to report your next github

Anonymous No. 981674

Can’t wait to see you disappointed when I unleash my next GitHub.

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Axolotl Men.png

Anonymous No. 981705

Axolotl Men.

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Fygoon’s Nemesis.png

Anonymous No. 981740

Here’s the enigmatic Warlord, the main antagonist of my game and Fygoon’s nemesis.

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Anonymous No. 982389

Finally made a new render, and it’s just to shit on the /vg/ crowd.

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Doom Gremlin.png

Anonymous No. 982637

No idea why I never uploaded this high-quality render of the Doom Gremlin.

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Anonymous No. 982945

The women of the Zmeian Archipelago. From left to right: Belinda the Ageless One, Elsara the Weaver, Laura Redwood, Postman Joan, and Vicereine Iris.

Anonymous No. 983071

how long have you been doing this for

Anonymous No. 983101

I like this design

Anonymous No. 983232

>tfw no linux build

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Anonymous No. 983349

These newfangled models? Since about late 2022, as seen here. My oldest, most horrendous models go back to 2015-16.
I need to make a Mac build first, especially since I began game development on the family Mac, then I’ll see if Linux, Ubuntu especially, can even handle my games.

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Anonymous No. 983350

Oops, meant to link the second reply in >>983349 to you.
Also some of my earliest work, from July 19, 2016 when I was still in middle school.

Anonymous No. 983374

then why are you still this bad? I refuse to beleive you have made this little progress in nearly a decade

Anonymous No. 983381

if you are using an engine, the only thing you need to watch for is the file system structure when doing file I/O

Anonymous No. 983401

Over the course of the last decade, I probably modeled about an hour or two a day. Keep in mind I was in middle and high school at the time: I had homework to do, projects to complete, I had to make sure I did my exercises, and I was dedicating most of my time with web application development. Now that I’m in post secondary education, I have even less time to use. Don’t worry, I’ll improve eventually.
True. I’ll see if I can get export my game to other platforms in the following week since I’ll have a Mac to work with.

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medieval gem.png

Anonymous No. 983496

holy mother of sovl

Anonymous No. 983499

Based /3/ recognized fygoons genius

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Anonymous No. 984195

Thanks dude.
There’s no real genius behind it, though Ryan Dorin did influence me a bit.

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Ecstatic Lieutenant.png

Anonymous No. 984460

I finally got a chance to dig through my old computer just to get this: the Lieutenant in the Ecstatica style.

Anonymous No. 984862

Hold on you've been doing this for 10 years and are still making disconnected balloon shape block figures? This is like nineties student tier bad I didn't even know software existed that would let you make something so fugly. Do you just plan to live in mediocrity forever?

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Funny Spaceman 2.png

Anonymous No. 984891

Like I said, most of my modeling was restricted to about 1-2 hours a day and there was a massive lull period during high school due to me having to focus on outside activities. I also experimented with making skinned 3D models too (pic related), but I went back to my personal style after I had to transition over to a laptop for college and didn’t have access to a mouse.

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Anonymous No. 984970

>derails threads with his low effort doodles, picks fights with other draw anons
well sometimes i try to draw some things i like more than others

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Anonymous No. 985035

Oh hey, you’ve returned.

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The Final Confron....png

Anonymous No. 986219

Here’s the final scene render I made for my game: the Final Confrontation between Fygoon and the Warlord.

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Lair in Limbo.jpg

Anonymous No. 986257

Embrace your style anon. Make a 90s-like game

Anonymous No. 986262

Your personal style is combining squashed/stretched spheres into disconnected models while also claiming that you never had enough time to learn anything after 10 years?

Anonymous No. 986310

Already made a skeleton of a game, now I’m in the process of refactoring it, fixing all of the bugs, and making the areas less empty and soulless. I set a deadline that, no matter what, my game must be done and out by the end of the year. Here’s a link, if you’re interested:
I’m sorry I’m not a NEET who can dedicate every waking hour of the day to modeling with a supercomputer and a mouse that wasn’t made in 2008. Please understand the circumstances I’m in.

Anonymous No. 986839

This kid doxed a /v/ dev and larps as him for attention Cris is a saint in comparison

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Anonymous No. 986902


Anonymous No. 987598

You'd rather be a smug bitch and put words in my mouth than look at yourself and your accomplishments through a rational lens? What did you hope to accomplish with this thread, enough people fellating you to make it worthwhile? If you didn't have time in 10 years to move one iota up in quality why should anyone care about your deadline?

Go on, I've been looking for a new lolcow

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Fygoon Celebrating.png

Anonymous No. 987683

Here’s a render I made for today.

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Anonymous No. 988893

Why have I never uploaded this before? Here’s a close up of the Lieutenant in a more Ecstatica-like style.

Anonymous No. 988894


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Mr. Lieutenant La....png

Anonymous No. 989072

Stop kneeling. That’s an order.

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Anonymous No. 989599

if you made this thread to make me feel better about just hitting the 2 year mark of using blender, you've succeeded. I think the reason anon gave you so much shit back there is how defensive you are towards actually being a Cris yourself. You've posted your oldest models and your newest models and visually there isn't really much improvement at all. You say you spent 1 hour daily, thats literally how you master any skill. Repetition + Reflection. It appears as though you have half of the recipe.... so to speak.

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Anonymous No. 989603

I was joshing about the whole NEET bit, I didn’t think I was being defensive. I know I could be better, but I just need the time, that’s all.

Anonymous No. 989604

disregard part of my message then, if you have the mindset to improve, carry on!

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Anonymous No. 990047

Making a website for my game’s world.

Anonymous No. 990105

still waiting

Anonymous No. 990479

It’s a delicate process.

Anonymous No. 990508

So is Cris the local /3/ schizo?

Anonymous No. 990517

Not just /3/, he also likes to infect /v/ and /vg/ threads with his shitty AI “workflows”.

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Anonymous No. 990724

For some reason I am only allowed to download this render of Klez, the Warlord’s underling. I’m trying to download a different render of Fygoon and his friends, but this Botnet keeps co-opting them.
Wait until I model Cryptolocker, another fiendish cohort of the Warlord.

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Anonymous No. 990725

Here’s a render of Fygoon and his best buddies. I made a bunch of renders exclusive to my website for the Fygooniverse.

Anonymous No. 990747

can you stop shilling your shit in /v/ and this board please? the last thing we need is spamming avatarfags

Anonymous No. 990817

youre gonna be waiting a while, hes got to spend ten years being super busy and learning nothing but he can come back and tell us hes working on it

he had to take someone elses identity so people would pay attention to him, you think hes going to stop now really?

Anonymous No. 991276

I’m sorry I’m not a stay-at-home leech like you that can dedicate every waking moment modeling.
If I get enough money to buy a few ads, then I’ll consider it.

Anonymous No. 991278

3DO kino

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Anonymous No. 991282

Here’s another render I made but never posted.

Anonymous No. 991571

your first instinct was correct, cris++

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Anonymous No. 991716

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Anonymous No. 991726

Our top Frydarian scientists have been hard at work researching how to increase the size of Elvarian breasts naturally. As you can see, we have finally given Vicereine Iris something more than her mosquito bites.
I like how everyone unanimously agreed that Iris needs humongous elf-fairy tits. First Kujalla, then that random anon, and now you too.
Definitely putting that in the album, fantastic work, dude.

Anonymous No. 991846

I don't know why I expected better but even I'm disappointed

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Anonymous No. 991998

No, I will not explain the name of this predatory, snail-like creature.

Anonymous No. 992005

this is my new wallpaper 10/10

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Anonymous No. 992043

Made this critter last night.
I’m glad you like it.
They all can’t be winners.

Anonymous No. 992177

Sorry to tell you shithead nothing you do is a winner

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Anonymous No. 992279

Tell that to the 32 members of Fygoon Squad, including a cool dude who followed me two days ago.
Face it, you got mogged.

Anonymous No. 992283

Kinda dig how everything's made out of basic shapes, I'd absolutely play a game in this style.

Where do I follow your work?

Anonymous No. 992344

>>992283 is where I post all of the stuff related to my games. I have a Twitter and Discord but I only have the former for business and the latter for shitposting. I’m in the process of building a website and getting an email for it.
I’m glad you like my work though.