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Anonymous No. 977292


Considering throwing one of these into a shitbox and seeing how well it does for a low profile cleanup station

Anonymous No. 977296

No option for me personally since I still need Cuda support for a couple things and they also still need to iron out bugs but it's a good thing to have more choices especially for poorfags

Anonymous No. 977297

I personally still use cuda but I agree, this is very welcome and seems to work on every card from what I read on the page.

Anonymous No. 977302

That was an amazing video. If I understand correctly you look at a little number and you notice that it's going up slowly and you're sad but then you enable the GPU or something and that little number goes up slightly faster and you're happy.

Anonymous No. 977303

You ok?

Anonymous No. 977304

Yes. What am I doing wrong?

Anonymous No. 977305

Currently? Existing

Anonymous No. 977306

Whether I exist or not, GPUs are still garbage which was designed to mine bitcoins, not to do graphics or anything useful.

Anonymous No. 977307

ok gramps