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๐Ÿ—‘๏ธ ๐Ÿงต Untitled Thread

Anonymous No. 977429

What may have seemed like ramblings at the time were in fact bold truths about the future (now the present) of our industry. We were all fools for doubting him. The question is....what comes next for us?

Anonymous No. 977430

Cris, you're not in any industry.

Anonymous No. 977431

is everyone cris to you?

Anonymous No. 977432

Even if you're not Cris, you're functionally equivalent to Cris, which means you are Cris to me.

Anonymous No. 977433

you're exhibiting cris-like behavior yourself.

how? Every thread you dont want to engage in you just attempt to threadkill by bringing up cris.

Face facts, there were doubters to The Duck back then (you ?!) and now that you got exposed you'll do anything to bury threads bringing up that you proof that you were wrong about the ducks predictions.

Anonymous No. 977434

It's not a terrible concept for a thread, but you could at least do the legwork and post some screencaps of his anatid prognostications

Anonymous No. 977435

Stop flooding you retard, some day we will rangeban Colombia, Cris.

Anonymous No. 977436

>non sequitor

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Anonymous No. 977438

Anonymous No. 977439

cris posts nothing like op

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Anonymous No. 977440

I rest my case.

Anonymous No. 977442

Cris post, other than the shit he does, either frogs or cats imgs, the topics are videogame development, anime, low poly shit or AI, this thread was made by him.
>Verification not required.

Anonymous No. 977443

see >>977433

>you're exhibiting cris-like behavior yourself.
>how? Every thread you dont want to engage in you just attempt to threadkill by bringing up cris.

Anonymous No. 977445

You should be really retarded, we have more than 20 threads made by you, half of them about AI shit.

Anonymous No. 977447
