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🧵 What's your excuse for not doing it in blender?

Anonymous No. 977498
What's your excuse for not doing it in blender? You gonna call his work shit, too?

Anonymous No. 977499

It looks like chinese government funded demoralization for western societies to me. It's meaningless and useless, just like you Cris.

Anonymous No. 977508

Look mom I can kitbash.

Anonymous No. 977520

I know blender. Im just a houdini chad.

Anonymous No. 977527

I dont care about architectural renders

Anonymous No. 977535

Honestly looks too busy. Needs less clutter.

Houdini is totally different, no?

Anonymous No. 977543

Houdini is way harder than Maya and Blender. The terminology that Maya and Blender use, do not apply to Houdini. The Ui is a mess considering Blender is considered bad but Houdini at least lets you have a better experience and you’ll just muscle memory the different parts. SFX is the best, no software beats it. People lie to employers to get jobs for Houdini because they want people with Houdini experience.

Anonymous No. 977546

if you wanna learn from him (full course) :

Anonymous No. 977559

because maya is better

Anonymous No. 977562

>can't even display weighted normals properly

Anonymous No. 977567

>Blender can’t do symmetrical actions
STFU and accept your opinion as trash

Anonymous No. 977575

It can

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Anonymous No. 977587


Anonymous No. 977600

>Houdini is way harder than Maya and Blender.
Its not. Blender gives you the full source code of the program. You're supposed to modify the source at high level.

Anonymous No. 977618

>dumb anime gif
>replies in the linked post give the answer
The OP in that post was complaining about how Blender's mirror tool operates across the object's origin point, rather than the origin point of the entire scene, which is a stupid thing to complain about because why would you not want the mirroring to be local to the model? Even if you wanted to do that, you could temporarily change the object's origin point to be at the origin of the scene and it would work exactly like the OP wanted it to.

Anonymous No. 977634

because I don't have access to his tutorial
poast it please

Anonymous No. 977649

That’s not normal anon, no 3D software does such things. It’s always the model. Doing what you did makes working harder on you.

Anonymous No. 977662

>What's your excuse for not doing it in blender?
>You gonna call his work shit, too?
Yes. He did not utilise any advantages of 3d medium. Le static render that doesn't tell me anything. How quaint. The dirty gray palette meme is so 2010 btw

Anonymous No. 977668

Because I work on the industry, so I have to use Maya

Anonymous No. 977682

>on the industry
Good morning sir!

Anonymous No. 977718

thanks mate

Anonymous No. 978700

sweet many thanks anon!

Anonymous No. 978721

>chinese government funds demoralization of western societies
nice try glowie but we all know who your real masters are

Anonymous No. 978844

this is not up to industry standards. you can tell from the pixels.

Anonymous No. 978888

I don't care about 3D , most of the money I make is translations and coding old shit that no one bothers to solve or maintain, 3D is like 5% of my revenue

Anonymous No. 979150

blender is the new sfm
these renders are the new sfm kitbash posters

Anonymous No. 979153

and that's a good thing

Anonymous No. 979181

I am, but i'm struggling just to make a doughnut

Anonymous No. 982004

I'm not patient with my renders