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🗑️ 🧵 blender animation

Anonymous No. 977692

what do you guys think of my animation, there will be more scenes following.
its been fun working on this so far

Anonymous No. 977700

Is she actually constrained to his hands, or did you just move his hand IK and her root joint together. She's kind of sliding around. You could make a new transform node, and parent constrain the hand IK controller and her root joint to it.
My other nit pick is her shoulders dont drop when her arms do. always move shoulders for every new arm pose.

Anonymous No. 977702

It's a bit stiff and lacking physically based movements especially on her being handled like that but still better than a ton of the average SFM shit you see around

>its been fun working on this so far
And it's been fun knowing you since this is pony content on a non-pony board

Anonymous No. 977705

yes I did move hands and root IK. Thanks for reminding me of constraints, I have to look them up again.

Anonymous No. 977707

well, its 3d and anthro so why not on this board.
/mlp/ seems to be only for 4 legs

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Anonymous No. 977708

Oh and I would think that two maws frenching would have more envelopment.

Anonymous No. 977709

Yeah good. You're going to make a rig for every character individually, but you should treat every new scene like a new model with it's own rig. Most of the work will be making a rig to make animating w/e as easy as possible.
If you want to get hyper autistic it's standard practice in industry to have a new rig for every movement. It's also standard in industry to employ hundreds of people for every sequence. So do what makes sense.

Anonymous No. 977712

Actually, that's not bad at all dude. I'm not into furry stuff but I'm also not going to give you shit for that either...I just thought that it looked good as far as animation goes.

How long did that take you to render? How long did it take you to animate?

What's your computer specs?

Anonymous No. 977714

thank you for your comment, I appreciate that very much.
its eevee in viewport render animation, took maybe a few minutes because it is alos half the intended resolution. i did it that way because normal playback was 5 fps, you know the drill.
I was very inspired and animated in longchunks, so maybe 12 hours total.
I have midrange AMD hardware and 32 gb RAM. but you can do the same things on yours I am sure!

Anonymous No. 977722

You know, you’re not limited to such renders in blender. Evee is not very good or useful. Look into other options and match the version in your head, not stick to the limitation Blender makes you want.

Anonymous No. 977808

Does he fuck her with his giant fat dick and stretch her pussy?

Anonymous No. 977811

typical blender user ...

Anonymous No. 977836

kill it with fire

Anonymous No. 977837

Track the arcs on his wrists they're too straight. I'd break up the action of him leaning backwards and pushing her back out. It's too uniform, probably the biggest thing making the physicality look less natural than it could be. The other is that you're not moving either of their clavicles. When she's looking away her upper torso should rotate a bit towards screen right not just her head. I'd break up her looking away and raising her arm too. Think about it from an acting standpoint. She wouldn't try to push him away and also look away at the exact same time, looking away would make it harder to push him away. She'd start pushing his face away first, and then start turning her head away when she realizes she isn't strong enough to move him. It doesn't make sense to me that her pupils change size so drastically, especially when there's no change in the lighting. Her eyes are generally too frantic and sort of feel like they're being moved randomly just to keep them alive. But the eyes should reflect what she's thinking. Assessing this threat in front of her, and then looking away to dissociate from it when she realizes escape is futile. All you need to keep them alive are blinks and very small siccadic movements which would help show her fear. The first place most people will look is her eyes which makes it a big problem that her pupils aren't visible for almost the first 2 seconds. You can always cheat it to camera if you have to, it doesn't actually matter if she isn't really looking at him as long as it appears that way from your shot camera. There's also a ton of unnecessary negative space on both sides of them, which means you can play with your cameras location and focal length to get closer to them which will also help the audience connect.

Anonymous No. 978087


Anonymous No. 978088

Where you gonna post it friendo? You got twitter or anything?

Anonymous No. 978090

Hello! Thank you for the interest. I have one, but its kinda dead, I will post on some boorus probably,
but I keep the thread marked til I am done and will post the Links here

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Anonymous No. 978097

It's good but if I had to give you one advice, it would be this, your animations are a bit stiff. If you can fix the stiffness a bit, it can really be great.

Maybe the lick pushes her cheeks up a bit and there is a slight pause when he tries to lick it up. Maybe her head is pushed back a bit too and pupils dilate with a shocked expression?

I think looking at 2d animation or exaggerated animation like Cloudly with a Chance of Meatballs might help you to get less stiff on these kinds of things. It's always better to make it a bit more exaggerated than bit more stiff because how it looks in motion it'll seem alright.

Nothing more of a boner killer than stiff models. If you look at a lot of the good porn artist like Redmoa, Nyl, Diives, Amazonium, Hooves-Art all of them have some level of motion whenever something is being done. It doesn't give the lifeless doll type of animation. Sorry if the critic is harsh just giving my thoughts.

Anonymous No. 978296

Good concise advice i learned was
>everything moves

Anonymous No. 978371

I like it.