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🧵 What's the fastest way to do penis bulges in 3D?

Anonymous No. 977774

I installed blender & daz. I want to make Bulges on character models.
>What I do is I just sculpt directly on the leg in the shape of a penis I use as reference. This takes me 10 hours
>Find out other people have a way to do this almost instantly.
>Been googling for 2 years and still haven't figured out a faster way.

Anonymous No. 977777


Anonymous No. 977781

acompañamiento psicologico

Anonymous No. 977794

Lightning, my queen.

Anonymous No. 977807

ask google

Anonymous No. 977810

typical blender user

Anonymous No. 977814

you guys have failed to answer questions for the past couple years now besides how to install blender, or linking an article. None of you know how to do 3D, so why are you on this board? You go into every thread to tell people to google or say you don't know something.

Anonymous No. 977816

So did you actually ask google or are you just looking for a fight?

Anonymous No. 977817

Shrink wrap around a penis mesh

Anonymous No. 977819

You didn't even read my OP you fucking moron. Kill yourself for replying to people without reading their posts.

Anonymous No. 977822

i know but i won't tell you. also why does your background look so weird
nice dubs, king

Anonymous No. 977824

It doesn't say anything important

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Anonymous No. 977830

Simplest rule is finding out what angle you want the bulge seen from, that dictates a lot of what you're gonna be doing in the long run so block out or sketch the shot you want.
For very simple/cartoony bulges just add the mass, inflate and smooth it out till you got a nice round shape, use grab or crease to push in the sides a little near the top if you wanna get the soft chub resting on big balls kinda look.
If you want that tightly wrapped boner inside pant leg look you can move a dick model (or anything phallic enough) near the inner thigh and use a shrink wrap modifier around the dick mesh, this works best with a seamless or solid color for the pants so it blends in easily, once you got the shrink wrap modifier properly bulge shaped, apply the modifier to the mesh and join the pants model with the bulge model. Then you remesh to bring them together and smooth out the bulge to your liking in sculpt mode, the more detailed gon want your bulge to look the harder will be.
If you wanna get your sculpting game better you should look into how to use masks while sculpting. If you think it's a topology problem then learn how to properly use proportional editing in edit mode before you do any sculpting to make the process easier on yourself.

Anonymous No. 977835

If you want something like picrel you need clothsim.
looks bad, fabric doesn't stretch by 1000% and be at 0% stretch right next to it.

Anonymous No. 977838

Get filtered :D

Anonymous No. 977845

I cannot fathom how anyone could take more than ten minutes to sculpt a bulge directly on the model if topology, rigging and animation aren't a concern, let alone ten hours.

Anonymous No. 977847

That stuff tends to happen when you have been googling for two years and still haven't found out about shrinkwrap. Learning disability?

Anonymous No. 977849

>looks bad, fabric doesn't stretch by 1000% and be at 0% stretch right next to it.
Can you really expect much from futards? They're closet fags.

Anonymous No. 977854

1) Use inpainting with stable diffusion paired with a bulge Lora


2) Create a 3D penis shape that is placed along the thighs. Create new pants in Marvelous Designer.

Anonymous No. 977860

Both are awful, get out.

Anonymous No. 977865

nigga we just love cocks not men.

Anonymous No. 977869

clothsim wouldn't work

Anonymous No. 977872

none of you do 3D. You don't know what you're talking about, and can't make a bulge like OP pic

Anonymous No. 977875

you're the only person in this thread who figured it out, the rest of people in this sub are just guessing which is why they can't explain it. even then you got dunning kruger trying to criticize like here >>977835 I bet he never even used clothsim

Anonymous No. 977879

I can thoughever, I can do much more, things your puny mind can't even imagine. God I'm fucking cool

Anonymous No. 977881

You're everything that's wrong with /3/. You just talk about how you can do things but you never show anything. Then when people actually come in, post their work and show tutorials, you and other people mock them. Now this board is full of people who don't 3D model.

Anonymous No. 977883

Try or reddit lil bro

Anonymous No. 977884

You aren't even as good as the reddit posters

Anonymous No. 977885

Why are you here then crybaby

Anonymous No. 977886

In daz the answer is D-Former

Anonymous No. 977921

What the tard said would be true if you used a clothsim though. It would lift up on the edges like a real cloth and it would look like a lump.
So like you have a nude model and you wanted to use a clothsim on it, how could you guarantee you'd get the "tucked in" look where there are creases around and also picking up detail? Maybe actually model the clothes that was from the beginning?

Anonymous No. 977944

Ok since I suggested to use clothsim I'll elaborate.
Best way would be if you use sewing your own clothes with unconnected edges in blender directly.
But that's not strictly necessary. Another way is to enlarge the clothes by displacing towards the vertex normals and the continuously shrinking the cloth as the simulation runs until the level of snugness is archived.
Yet another way is to animate the dick and let it grow into the clothes.

Anonymous No. 977975

Imagine being too dumb to figure this out on your own, but arrogant enough to dismiss any replies.

Anonymous No. 977990

Oh thats interesting. So let the sim run, then edit it, then run it, etc until it relaxes in the shape you want.
It also occurs ti me though that if the pants or w/e are so tight like in the op, you dint really need a cloth sim at all. Just model it how you want and rig it.
Use cases might be if the dick is moving around under the clothes, or for a scene where theyre coming off.