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🧵 Untitled Thread

Anonymous No. 977812

What is the 3D equivalent of Drawabox? If you don't know what Drawabox is, it's an art program that focuses on fundamental skills such as line control, perspective, form, and constructional drawing. The 250 box challenge in particular drills into you the mechanical skills and resilience needed to git gud.

Anonymous No. 977815

What makes stuff like this so useless is it just makes you better at procrastinating on actually doing the thing you wanted to do. If I 3D model a gun it makes me better at modeling guns. If I practice fundamentals, I still don't know how to make a fucking gun until I practice making guns. Studying fundamentals in isolation is a noob trap. You can learn fundamentals while you practice on an actual project. But drawabox morons don't realize that.

Anonymous No. 977818

Shift + A > Mesh > Cube

Anonymous No. 977820

listen to this wise man

Anonymous No. 977832

If you're trying to draw circles in perspective, that's not the correct way to do it.

Anonymous No. 977833


It's like thinking you'll be able to learn how to play basketball or something by just running suicides the whole time. Sure you'll build up some stamina and get really good at running back and forth, but you won't know shit about how to play basketball to actually use that stamina.

Anonymous No. 977839


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Screenshot from 2....png

Anonymous No. 977909

I'm new to 3D so I'm not a hater like everyone else. I don't think there is a direct equivalent to Drawbox, but I imagine learning common topology tricks like how to join different primitives would probably be the closest to fundamentals.

Anonymous No. 977925

The point where that becomes relevant, is at a point where you don't need to make a thread asking about fundamentals. Studying shit like that before you ever made anything in your life, is going to cause you to not even truly grasp topology. People who study topology before they even began modeling are stupid.

Anonymous No. 977926

The screenshot shows both completely wrong ways to create it. Don’t ever learn from amateur YouTube tutorials.

Anonymous No. 977927

If you want to learn to Draw or learn to do quality 3D you have to learn anatomy, simple as

Anonymous No. 977931

there's many mangaka who don't know anatomy and most of game industry has models from people who don't know anatomy. 4chan is a delusional board that thinks you need to be a guru to become an artist. When the internet is littered with people who don't know much fundamentals at all.

Anonymous No. 977982

and those people are fired now

Anonymous No. 977987

Fucking /ic/ schizos trying to do something new such as 3d. Strays away from the original intent inevitably stuck in a self-crabbing cycle resulting in years of lifespan wasted.

Anonymous No. 977991

Lol actually it's the AAA people who got fired, the people who knew anatomy. The low poly, indie-quality stuff is flourishing. It's the best artists who got laid off. Most jobs do not want high quality models, because that's too expensive and time consuming. They want rush jobs.

Anonymous No. 977995

noob here, can you explain what the right way is?

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Anonymous No. 978006

Like this

Anonymous No. 978008

This advice is useless because the guy isn't asking why that's supposed to be good topology. And he also didn't learn an effective way to create that. If he already knows how to make that just from an example, then he wouldn't be asking the question in the first place. Like you say that's better topology, but if you open up any game model, you will see people take shortcuts everywhere.

When you work a job, nobody wants to pay you double the hours because you want good topology.

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Anonymous No. 978015

I'd do it like pic related. You need the loop tools addon to make the hole into a circle. I guess the other way would be to use a boolean and to connect the ugly vertices one by one, but that'd take literally 20 times longer, as this method takes only a minute.

Anonymous No. 978028

OR use CAD software and save yourself 90% on time

Anonymous No. 978030

Not the fucking point.
You're the retard in the conversation where everyone is discussing their favorite kind of pasta, and you butt in talking about how ramen is better and how the Japanese are superior.

Anonymous No. 978053

You still cook the pasta the worst way possible. Uneven lines with errors in the holes are not going to give you any awards.

Anonymous No. 978086

the example pipes intersect with a significant offset. your pipes intersect in the middle and the bigger one doesn't maintain its cylindrical profile due to how badly it is connected to the smaller one.
same goes to you. at least your cylinders maintain their shapes, but you merged them basically the same way as the original image, minus some edge loops.

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Anonymous No. 978092

dont waste time use boolean and data transfer modifier

Anonymous No. 978104

My eyes.

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Anonymous No. 978109

Anonymous No. 978112

I fell for this trap for an entire one year. Grinded like mad. It helped me jackshit.
When I started to work on my projects, then, and only then, I evolved and the fundamentals made any difference.

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Anonymous No. 978120

Anonymous No. 978125

Completely based, grind fundies by making what you want to make and being ok with the product being flawed. The only time you should be grinding something in isolation is when you're trying to do a specific thing and you don't know how.

Anonymous No. 978327

in 3D it's like someone who studies materials. but have nothing in mind. they just read random stuff you can do with nodes. all of it is useless. However if let's say you wanted to make a table and it's glass at the top, and wood on the legs. You now have context and you can study how to make those materials. That will be more useful than just reading random junk with no situation to use it for.