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🧵 The best way to learn 3D is to have a mentor

Anonymous No. 978324

>Realize the stuff I been studying for 6 months, would've took me at most a week to learn if I had a mentor.
>Can't have a mentor in art community because people gatekeep their knowledge
>There's a lot of bad artists who try to give people advice, and if you are new, you don't know whether it's good or bad advice.

Anonymous No. 978329

True. But realize you are better than poised than ever to pick it up. I learnt this stuff in the late 90's talking to people on IRC channels who would both gatekeep and ridicule you for asking stupid questions.

When I was a 'journeyman' I taught a buddy who was interested what I knew and in a couple of months I brought him to a level that had taken me years to reach.

Anonymous No. 978333

A mentor is not going to matter. The only way you are going to improve is by learning anatomy I mean really really learning it. Otherwise you are just going to be making props at best.

Anonymous No. 978358

>Making prompts
You mean like 99% of the world because you still need a world for the characters. Gosh you sound stupid.

Anonymous No. 978361

Good morning!

Anonymous No. 978369

Learn how English words work faker:

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Anonymous No. 978382

>>Realize the stuff I been studying for 6 months, would've took me at most a week to learn if I had a mentor.
Or you could've just watched a youtube vid on the subject.

>There's a lot of bad artists who try to give people advice, and if you are new, you don't know whether it's good or bad advice.
Don't take bad advice then.

>Can't have a mentor in art community because people gatekeep their knowledge
Yeah, artfags like to gatekeep things don't they? Though to be honest artists have always been like this. Artists are like that little shit in school who refused to share their homework because "I put all this effort in yada yada yada". Old artfags will try to sabotage you at every single step, it's the nature of the game I suppose. You might take away commission money from them.

Find a porn artist and ask for advice.

Anonymous No. 978387

>Old artfags will try to sabotage you at every single step, it's the nature of the game I suppose

Some do be like that, but also realize why it is they end up that way.
You have put in all that hard work and now here comes some little shit who demand to copy your homework for free.

But you're an altruist so you take this little shit under your wing and teach it how to fly.
It flies off hardly with as much as a thank you and when you see it again it belittles and try to sabotage some other little shit who wants to learn from it.

Now here's ten more little shits who now say me-me-me teach 4 free!

Your altruism eventually runs dry and your once soft heart grows gnarled and hardened.

Anonymous No. 978390

>DoNT tAKe BaD AdViCe
You don’t even know if it’s bad advice or good. On gamedev YouTube channels, many fake gamedev just post copycat content from the internet. One time Game Maker's Toolkit got exposed and failed to produce a working game without Unity extensions helping it.

It’s like the equivalent of 3D art generator. Game Maker's Toolkit simply had no talent and used assets to create the reminding game.

That's why you shouldn’t use YouTube for advice or trust advice from random people.

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Anonymous No. 978392

>You have put in all that hard work and now here comes some little shit who demand to copy your homework for free.
People who covet and protect their own knowledge the single most pathetic kind of people in my eyes. Close second is the one who protect their authority at any and all cost. Sad people.

>But you're an altruist so you take this little shit under your wing and teach it how to fly.
And the little shit breaks the sound barrier while you're still struggling to pass mk1 in a fraction of the time. It is the way things should be done.

>It flies off hardly with as much as a thank you and when you see it again it belittles and try to sabotage some other little shit who wants to learn from it.
Sad, truly, truly sad. The only solution is to teach a new one. Such is the price and gamble of progress.

>Now here's ten more little shits who now say me-me-me teach 4 free!

>Your altruism eventually runs dry and your once soft heart grows gnarled and hardened.
Quite literally a skill issue.

>You don’t even know if it’s bad advice or good.
Sounds like a brain problem to me, Anon.

>On gamedev YouTube channels, many fake gamedev just post copycat content from the internet.
Find better content. Try it out, if it works, yay, if it doesn't, find another. Find a tutorial for what you want, do it, and move on.

>One time Game Maker's Toolkit got exposed and failed to produce a working game without Unity extensions helping it.
Why is this relevant? Find better learning material.

>It’s like the equivalent of 3D art generator. Game Maker's Toolkit simply had no talent and used assets to create the reminding game.

>That's why you shouldn’t use YouTube for advice or trust advice from random people.
See, this is why you fail.
Here's a great sculpting tutorial that works for video game characters as well.

Anonymous No. 978400

>Realize the stuff I been studying for 6 months, would've took me at most a week to learn if I had a mentor.
Utterly ridiculous
>Can't have a mentor in art community because people gatekeep their knowledge
There are no mentors because there is no market for it. The mentors create courses and charge for them which is fine.
>There's a lot of bad artists who try to give people advice, and if you are new, you don't know whether it's good or bad advice.
100% True

Anonymous No. 978401

>Gives bad advice
You have zero knowledge in this field. The “can you draw me” thing isn’t a joke but real experience we artists face.

YouTube isn’t the place for learning anything. The fact that you think Game Maker's Toolkit did anything good is an insult to real programmers. He didn’t do anything gamedev related. He doesn’t understand gamedev, he didn’t follow his own advice he copied from. Game Maker's Toolkit is just a journalist who was fired from IGN and got rich on YouTube.

Also no one in sculpting does such nonsense on the YouTube link you give. If you can’t sculpt (the very thing you should be doing) then you should not sculpt.

Anonymous No. 978403

>If you can’t sculpt (the very thing you should be doing) then you should not sculpt.
You cant sculpt unless you know anatomy, like has been stated before itt

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Anonymous No. 978404

>You have zero knowledge in this field. The “can you draw me” thing isn’t a joke but real experience we artists face.
My advice to you then is to break the hands of kids who want to learn your skillset. You gotta protect your future prospects, man.

>YouTube isn’t the place for learning anything.
It is, your head is too far up your ass to realize this. Nearly all artists are like this. I'm sure the irony is lost on you.

>The fact that you think Game Maker's Toolkit did anything good is an insult to real programmers
I have no idea who he is or what he did. But it still doesn't change what I said before.

>He didn’t do anything gamedev related. He doesn’t understand gamedev, he didn’t follow his own advice he copied from. Game Maker's Toolkit is just a journalist who was fired from IGN and got rich on YouTube.
I still don't understand how this factors into anything. "This one scammer scammed me so there is no available material on yt because this one guy scammed me".

>If you can’t sculpt (the very thing you should be doing) then you should not sculpt.
Be fucked. Your skillset is neither complex nor difficult to learn.

Anonymous No. 978405

>You cant sculpt unless you know anatomy
wrong as well.

Anonymous No. 978408

Wtf are you talking about? I used parts of that tutorial to help me make my character model of my OC and she came out great.
And YT is the number one place for learning anything for free. Sometimes better than paid alternatives

Anonymous No. 978417

>real experience we artists face
Do not apply your intersectional bullshit to my passions. I have never been asked to do this and I refuse to join your coalition of imaginary oppression olympics.

Anonymous No. 978422

a good prop artist knows more about 3D than the average zbrush cowboy

Anonymous No. 978426

No artist are like that, you learn through experience and trying, not something a amateur with no scripting skills. 100000 years of human sculptures and current artist bearly understand such concepts.

It’s an insult to many who do it by ice, stone and clay. I see it as an insult because I know it’s never going to work for moments like action scenes, walking and just standing is enough to cause problems because i know such nonsense in 3D do not work.

More importantly, I know the UV won’t work with such nonsense. You honestly believed UV will not notice your mistakes and you assume everything will work? You still need to DRAW anon, DRAWING is a requirement after you finished the sculpture. Not even Adobe Substance is going to help you because clothing should be done as fashionable as possible but hey go ahead and make your awful decision and get hate comments on how bad you ate as an artist.

How about NFT, AI, generational programs, etc. Under the idea that YouTubers can fake it to make it. What you believe is proven to be flawed because you never can know if they are real artists or just someone with tools.

If you never experienced such events then why should we believe you. Never been to school? Never doodle for fun? Never give up something for your project? How do you even explain yourself when someone ask why you pick this profession? I’m a real artist and you’re the faker in these boards. Nonsense like “gatekeep” or “protect” are normie terms to keep people like you from crying about feeling awful. Your awful life is not ours, it’s a you problem.

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Anonymous No. 978428

>More importantly, I know the UV won’t work with such nonsense. You honestly believed UV will not notice your mistakes and you assume everything will work? You still need to DRAW anon, DRAWING is a requirement after you finished the sculpture. Not even Adobe Substance is going to help you because clothing should be done as fashionable as possible but hey go ahead and make your awful decision and get hate comments on how bad you ate as an artist.
What are you even on about? Are you trying to tell me digital sculptors aren't sculptors because they don't do it in meat space? Or are you on some "poors should stick to pouring my coffee while I, the Artiste, pontificate on how enlightened I am" grade copium?

Anonymous No. 978429

>How about NFT, AI, generational programs, etc. Under the idea that YouTubers can fake it to make it. What you believe is proven to be flawed because you never can know if they are real artists or just someone with tools.
Can someone translate this, I think I had a stroke.

Anonymous No. 978433

The YouTuber doesn’t know sculpting and you think a random anon know better? You don’t even own a chisel much less anything related remotely to 3D sculpting. You only own and believe Blender’s awful idea of sculpting tools. While i have actual tools to make 3D sculpture without blender. You can’t do anything in blender, your false claims of it doing everything is just false information. That same YouTuber can’t even UV draw and did surface painting, couldn’t do anything with Zelda high detailed textures.

You have nothing to defend against, learn some real art from real artists.

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Anonymous No. 978435

>You have nothing to defend against, learn some real art from real artists.
pffff blender goes brrrr

Anonymous No. 978437


Anonymous No. 978441

>Completely different YouTuber with different methods
>Still incorrectly sculpting because Blender cant Blend
Can Blender blend models? No. Get rekt loser.

P.S, no Merging or whatever doesn’t count either.

Anonymous No. 978443

>Can Blender blend models?
it's remesh.

Anonymous No. 978451

The two people giving you shit will always be left behind and shit at what they do. You're absolutely right though

🗑️ Anonymous No. 978456

good posts

bad posts

baffling posts

Anonymous No. 978469

Remash isn’t blending, also from directly from Blender Doc clearly says not to use such methods for it can result in messy results. Just as i told you. It’s bad enough when you’re bad at modeling, it’s another when you don’t bother to read basic stuff directly from Blender.

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Anonymous No. 978470

I'll never get tired of artschool plebs seething at blender for being free.

Anonymous No. 978507

This isn’t about school or software. Blender clearly states you shouldn’t do the nonsense because it’s not optimal. This is a you problem now.

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Anonymous No. 978510

>Blender clearly states you shouldn’t do the nonsense
>imagine listening to others with fear and trepidation like this
Truly pathetic. No other sector or industry would put up with a person such as you.

Anonymous No. 978527

>Sounds like a brain problem to me, Anon.
not him but you sound retarded

Anonymous No. 978532

Maya Documents also follow the same principles on what you should not do with certain tools. Yes, you can make 0.01cm two sided texture blocks but it doesn’t mean it’s going to be ok.

What you’re saying is something like “it’s ok if art has a knife in my painting because it’s art”. No anon it’s not art, it’s just odd.

Anonymous No. 978580

you're retarded.

Anonymous No. 978726

How do I find a mentor? I dont want to copy your homework. I just want somebody to tell me what im fucking up and how I can be better. Prefer to develop my own style than be some copy cat.

Anonymous No. 978739

You can hire people online

alternatively, you can get groomed on discord and vampirize an older cg artist for free

Anonymous No. 978742

You can just go to college and actually learn from a professional who helped created many successful characters in our time. My teacher was from Disney who helped animate the characters both in 2D and 3D art. He knows how animation works which is what I learned. There should be someone who knows something you’re doing.