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๐Ÿงต Proxima64

Anonymous No. 978378

The only way to truly create retro CGI is by using period accurate hardware and software, anything else is forced soul from coping zoomers.

Anonymous No. 978384

Hi, Nicholas. Your work peaked with The Computer.

Anonymous No. 978431

Agree with the software, hardware I don't, since the amount of ram it's not going to make a phong shader more phong

Anonymous No. 978553

i've been looking for this guys videos forever but could not remember his surname. thank you so much!

Anonymous No. 978586

whats your favorite fedorovkino?

Anonymous No. 978688

YWNBAW, Nick..

Edit: just check his Twitter, and apparrently he fucking de-transitioned??? holy not even sure if thats based, or double cringe.

Anonymous No. 978710

Did Nick delete his original channel because he trooned out? I thought it was because of Chadtronic.

Anonymous No. 978743

He did a full 360 and claims to hate trannies now

Anonymous No. 979617

Dude did a stream where he passed out for 2 hours, he's clearly still fucked in the head.

Anonymous No. 979631

Nicholas can you reupload Tomokos Depression

Anonymous No. 979635

>he's clearly still fucked in the head.
That's pretty obvious from his art.

Anonymous No. 979637

>passed out for 2 hours,
just neet things

Anonymous No. 979638

What software did Japs use in the 90s to make textures on the PS1? They all look like photoshopped for color reduction or ms paint tier

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Anonymous No. 979639

I don't know how you do it in photoshop but you can easily achieve this effect in Gimp by going using the posterize filter to mimic the low bit color of PS1 textures and then add dithering to make it look more authentic.

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Anonymous No. 979645

probably Deluxe Paint on DOS or Alias on SGI/IRIX. i think Square (formerly known as Squaresoft) uses SGI machines

Anonymous No. 979665

God SGI is the most soul thing in existence

Anonymous No. 979727

you cant run from your sins forever, nicholas.

Anonymous No. 979753

QRD? What did this guy actually do?

Anonymous No. 979756

He voted for DRUMPF

Anonymous No. 979768


Anonymous No. 979780

the only way to stop shilling your shit on every fucking imageboard is to kys

Anonymous No. 979861

Don't listen to this man, he's my favorite pseudo Lolcow and makes based content. Plus his keyboard playing is impeccable

Anonymous No. 979862

Software yes. But hardware wise you can just limit your current hardware through underclocking the shit out of everything limiting use to 1 core at 100hz or whatever. Don't think you need to buy a pentium from 20 years ago. What kind of sw issues could arise?

Anonymous No. 979914


Anonymous No. 979948

Fill me in on this guy. I've seen this exact same thread like 2 years ago and the OP was sperging the whole time as well. This supposed to be the "same" guy?

Anonymous No. 979949

Yeah, his keyboard improvisation is actually much more impressive than his 3d work imo. He knows quite a lot about harmony.
I insta-followed him after listening to one of his improv sessions

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vicar in a tutu.jpg

Anonymous No. 979956

I don't know if the OP is him, wouldn't be surprised if it was
From what I remember he used to go by Nicholas Fedorov as an older teen, Found him on Encyclopedia Dramatica years ago when he dressed up as a suited 80s commercial guy with California hair holding his formerly favorite waifu superimposed in the image with some retro text, clearly an act for this guy to seek attention caused by likely inner loneliness. He also made a video called "The Computer" way later that got popular by Gen Alphas from some video analyst, but apparently he didn't like the non genuine attention.
He's on twitter under Proxima64 mainly expressing himself with old ass shit, live music, and his anime art.
True, but somehow most of his work contains soul. I'd like him to improve basic anatomy and maybe some perspective for his drawings though

Anonymous No. 979959

I wish I could make music like him, there's all these specific techniques and music theory stuff he seems to use and it seems so daunting.

Anonymous No. 980000

reject Proxima64 (forced soul)
embrace Cris (actual soul)

Anonymous No. 980003

Shut the FUCK up. Kill yourself.

Anonymous No. 980048

holy checked
its over. cris won. proxima64 eternally btfo

Anonymous No. 980258


Anonymous No. 980278


Anonymous No. 980730

it's over, Nick. digits dont lie. you have to re-transition now. almighty Kek demands it

Anonymous No. 981572

this really solidifies my suspicion that cris is really the board's mod and has been reserving gets for himself.

still based either way for btfoing a forced soul zoomer.

Anonymous No. 981929

>look into this guy
>find soap opera of trans discord pinkpilling and pedo allegations
why does this happen with everone i try to enjoy

Anonymous No. 981941

only souless, retarded, chronically online zoomers.

cris dont have this problem.

Anonymous No. 981943

>>cris dont have this problem.
>game dev
>extreme autism
>litany of other mental issues
honestly it's only a matter of time, he has all the perfect factors.

Anonymous No. 981951

Why does it matter if you use authentic tools when you make ahistorical 2020s tranimecore slop that doesn't remotely match the era stylistically?

Anonymous No. 981991

This, it doesn't matter what software or hardware you're using if all you do is render le epic twitter zoomer anime girls and some primitives

Anonymous No. 982016

Cris is in another level, don't mix this woman wannabe with the one and only Cris.

Anonymous No. 982070

thats all been DEBOOOONKED years ago

Anonymous No. 982091

Maybe you enjoy watching Lolcows without noticing it?

Anonymous No. 982093

That's not true he sor

Anonymous No. 982332

i'll just leave this here:

trigger warning: unironic faggotry

Anonymous No. 982354


excuse me? but WHAT THE FUCK? am i looking at?

you know, this does really makes me respect and appreciate Cris even more. yes he's also a degenerate autist but at least he's benign and doesnt harm others.

so if im looking at this PinkPill saga faggotry right, it seems to me that this Proxima girl and her gang are responsible for bullying and suicide of a dude, just because the dude is brown and doesnt fit in with the rest of the cumskin femboys? holy shit thats honestly fuckedup even for 4chan standards. im actually glad this crazy bitch got exposed by kiwifarms.

Anonymous No. 982486


Anonymous No. 983253

new 'prox

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Anonymous No. 983340

you know, prox might be using period accurate hardware and software, but...there is just something uncanny about his "style" or "aesthetic" that makes his shit looks rather unauthentic (or, dare i say it: forced soul).

i really can't put my finger to pinpoint whats making it uncanny though...maybe its the wrong shading/lighthing method? (actual old cg artists used alot of clever tricks to get good looking images, which prox seemingly failed to emulate). or perhaps its simply the subject matter (creepy pasta children mascot shit and animu moe moe shit, but in 80's cg style lmao).

anyways. fuck of nick. stop shitting up boards with your shilling.

Anonymous No. 983441

>creepy pasta children mascot shit and animu moe moe shit, but in 80's cg style lmao
This, it's so fucking out of place

Anonymous No. 983463

That kind of low detail "anime" is completely at odds with any actual Japanese CGI of that period (which i guess is the 90s since CGI would be rare in the 80s even in the west, that weird Golgo 13 sequence excluded) 3D animations of that period would look like Poppy the Performer or Gregory Horror Show, stylized but not really trying to emulate 2d anime, video game pre-renders in comparison would try to mix anime with some more realistic designs like pic.
I still don't know what he's trying to recreate here, the low amount of details says that he wants to do some psx real time model thing like those FFVII lego minifig people on the overworld, but for some reason he decides that the models need separate fingers for the hands but even less details for the face, also instead of texture work he uses all sorts of material settings that are too intensive for that sort of thing with all those reflections.
Nigga should just make his mind on what degree of stylization he wants, also whether he's a woman, a chud, both, or neither.

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Anonymous No. 983464

Ah Kurwa, forgot pic.

Anonymous No. 983473

>material settings that are too intensive for that sort of thing with all those reflections

or perhaps, he might be using some dying crt displays with fucked colors and overcompensating for the lack of contrast/color accuracy.

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Anonymous No. 983475

Sorry i meant too hardware intensive (I was not sure to say if it was CPU intensive since 90s render farm 'puters usually had some hardware to assist in this kind of shit and i think some later SGI ones already had GPUs) the reflection on the desk and all the alpha see through stuff looks weird with the rather simple geometry, Compare it with this Babylon 5 screenshot for ants.

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Anonymous No. 983476

And this.

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Anonymous No. 983838

Can this guy just pick an ideology and stick with it already? He goes from full on 1488 hating jews and trannies to "democratic socialist" every few months or so

Anonymous No. 983841

This isn't Kiwi Farms. Let's talk about his 3D work.

Anonymous No. 983852

stop bumping your own thread, nick.

Anonymous No. 983856

His art is shit, there's not much to talk about

Anonymous No. 985094


Anonymous No. 987890

So. True.

Anonymous No. 989326

he's cute either way

Anonymous No. 989341

He's looking for a boyfriend (or girlfriend) if you're interested.

Anonymous No. 989836

nahh man...fuck this troon.
this is a Cris board.