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Anonymous No. 978804

ugh, should I also learn sculpture?
more advices like this, please

Anonymous No. 978807

Thats shit advice in that pic related.

Anonymous No. 978841


Anonymous No. 978865

I learned to sculpt clay and 3d model in an actual art school. I was never good at sculpting in 3d though. I always treated zbrush like a sterile modelling program and got very silly results. When I did finally begin to treat sculpting in zbrush like sculpting in real life my results got better.
Even with dynamesh the 3d sculpting does not act like clay. In clay you're constantly adding mass and subtracting it. You build up an area and then carve into it before shaping it. in zbrush I am still very much away I'm pushing verts along their normal axis, other 3d sculpting is way more egregious.
The main technique I think made my 3 sculpting better was something I was told to stop doing by my sculpting teachers. Which is adding detail and constantly smoothing it away, just to add it again and smooth it again.
A master sculptor handed zbrush, and even given an extensive tutorial on what every tool does, will not automatically be able to make amazing models, but he'll probably be better than a beginner.

Anonymous No. 978868

3DCG is closer to photography than to drawing. You are not building from matter but capturing the energy of a moment, like music.

This is ignoring 3D sculpting. 3D sculpting is very much like drawing as it is the direct manipulation of matter to form a figure (like with paints or chalk).

So what are the fundamentals to photography? Lighting, composition, human body language, color. The same elements that you assemble in 3D environments.

So study human form, study camera techniques, study the power of lighting, study color theory.

3DCG is a multi-disciplinary art that few people care to understand. If you learn the fundamentals your work will be head and shoulders above those who throw their ideas into a Blender and share the first render that comes out.

Anonymous No. 978889

the good question is , why you want to learn those things in first place?

Anonymous No. 978890

because it is fun?

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Anonymous No. 978894

well if you want to have fun, learn the fundamentals and make stuff and research things that you like, everything related, avoid youtube gurus, those fuckers aren't helpful at all, the books are the best resource or actual paid tutorials (cgpeers coff coff) made by people that have actually worked for companies in the last 5 years

also go for simple goals
>I want to build a whole city
get fucked that will take months without the basic knowledge
>I want to build a simple building
doable and something that you can get without too much resources

just make sure that everything you learn is true and is not filled with buzzwords and motivational advice, internet and IRL education related to art is full of grifters

Anonymous No. 978903

rule number 1: if someone tells you to pirate (steal) and not use free resources, ignore them.

Anonymous No. 978930

What's the basis for this rule?

Are the paid resources not going to have at least a little more effort put into them?

Anonymous No. 978934

the youtube video creators are getting paid as well, by Google directly

Anonymous No. 978954

Honestly, there isn’t much of a need to pay for information on how to do this stuff since there’s so much information out there for free. Enough drawing, art, anatomy, etc. books have been published over the last century to the point where they’ve been pirated enough to practically be public domain, and it also helps that many of these books were written during a time where people actually knew what they were doing and weren’t just trying to grift or scam people. You can also learn how to use your program of choice by reading its official documentation, which is guaranteed to be free, since the developers actually want people to use the program, and it also has the benefit of not containing bad information.

Step-by-step tutorials are fine for beginners or on occasion because they condense a lot of information at a point where you still have everything in the world to learn, but you most certainly don’t need to pay a few hundred dollars for someone to tell you to push a bunch of buttons in a certain order.

To me, the difference between the two is like the difference between the guy who does “game design” and the guy who does programming, art, writing, and sound design, then puts them all together. They are essentially the same thing, but the latter has actually programmed outside of a game engine and actually understands how to work with data, which enables him make games with complex and nuanced mechanics. The first guy releases another platformer about depression every few months.

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Anonymous No. 978959

also never learn from blender tutorial, watch a tutorial dedocated to a real software, then apply that in blender