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🧵 Untitled Thread

Anonymous No. 979496

Why does his VFX feel so cheap, lads?

Anonymous No. 979497

Looks normal

Anonymous No. 979498


Anonymous No. 979500


Anonymous No. 979505

pretty good job for a hobbyist generalist
god I kind of want to go back to comping with nuke, loved the node based workflow

Anonymous No. 979508

the whole room needs to be cyberpunkish including lighting

Anonymous No. 979510

Not really, he cheaps out on lightning, neckskin is unnecessary and blur the back of his head. Which is just a 10 seconds clip. This guy has no clue what he’s doing, i can make a longer video with action scenes for the actors and fans to see the whole gadget (I don’t know what that thing should be).

Anonymous No. 979523

>pretty good job for a hobbyist generalist
he's not a hobbyist, nor a generalist

Anonymous No. 979532

This is fine.
There's things you could do to bring it up, better lighting, some makeup/prosthetics to ease the transition between the real and CG elements.
Probably what he should have done at least is draw a line on his neck so he had a good reference point for the roto, because that looks a bit off to me.
But overall this is good imo. I've seen far worse in marvel movies.

Anonymous No. 979539

I don't understand. Who will watch this knowing that AI will make this without effort soon enough?

Anonymous No. 979542

I don't understand. Who will post/read this knowing that AI will post/read this without effort soon enough?

Anonymous No. 979816

>using blender

Anonymous No. 979833

>Two more weeks bro!

Anonymous No. 979867

>dude couldn't even be assed to take his fucking glasses off so they're just clipping underneath his "cybernetics"
Fuckin lazy.

Anonymous No. 981375

bottom of the beard is just photoshop clip tooled out. At the chin area you can see he tried to keep some of the feathering in the beard but the left side is just completely smooth lol looks like a bad edit that's why.

Anonymous No. 981889

Because this is rushed and done poorly by a gay Yootoober CG grifter/imposter/indiefag and not a genuine industry graphics team.

Shocking, I know.