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Anonymous No. 979819

>Koreans start getting into mainstream media
>All their models look like high quality DAZ renders
Explain this, I can't be the only one who notices.

Anonymous No. 979829

It's a good looking man.

Anonymous No. 979864

Experience rolling over into other fields.
As far as i care. This looks damm good.

Anonymous No. 979884

This is so aesthetically pleasing.
The west can learn a thing or two about Korea

Anonymous No. 979919

Korean and Japanese developers celebrate beauty and the female form, westoids slap Debra Wilson's face on a generic body and call it a day.
Our culture is inferior, weebs were right after all

Anonymous No. 980073


Anonymous No. 980137

It's aesthetically well made but don't you think it's a bit too gay for the west? I mean all the dudes looks like they wish to dress like women and wear make-up and shit and all the girls looks like they wished they where dudes who wished they where girls, meanwhile less than 1% of people are truly trans.

Also consider how they are crazy with cosmetic surgery and shit over there, in a few years it'll be the product of a specific time
and looking back at the K-pop face it'll probably be viewed just as 'plastic-fantastic 'as those 1990's California hemisphere boobs does today.

I personally wouldn't be a grizzled neckbeard unless that was who I was both inside and outside.
Real is never fashionable, but real never really goes out of fashion either.

Anonymous No. 980138

Femshep? Lara? V? Ellie Williams?

When western developers are allowed to craft the kind of heroines they themselves wish to make they don't turn out like some 'mirror-mirror on the wall' ogres.

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Anonymous No. 980139

This. Before we got ourselves cucked by the Sarkessa of Flacidstan we where a lot hornier than any micro-dick eastern devs.
Some of you are to young to remember this but our videogames girls used to have like hips and boobs and clothes that shaped their body.
They didn't even look like minors but like actual babes and game magazines had adds that looked like pin-up's.

Kids grew up thirsting after actual adult women and they didn't even turn into furries or pedo-bears that often.

Anonymous No. 980141

That's exactly why the chinese government finances Diversity Equity and Inclusivity content. That's why they give money to teachers to present communism in a positive light to students and so on. It's a war out there my friend. It never ended.

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Anonymous No. 980143

>Kids grew up thirsting after actual adult women and they didn't even turn into furries or pedo-bears that often.

I miss the 90's early 00s before unattainable hour-glass bodies got blamed for the worlds ill's.
The masses must realize how imprinting sexually on cartoon animals isn't an ideal situation and part of what brought us in this mess.

No young dudes seeing women in games back then would get the idea they could ever become one, our body frame can't support such a graceful figure.
The cock is a compass which provide a man his bearing in life, our diamond dongs would've pointed us straight if only they'd let them lead us the way.

Maybe we shouldn't have made it borderline pornographic because that was what made them come after us so successful and sell us the idea we had done something wrong.
Like Icarus we just flew too close to the sun and they burned our wings.

Anonymous No. 980153

I agree that there was characters that reflected all those ideas, they call them bygone era designs.
The uglification of characters comes from culture itself, but a culture outside videogames. That's why we desire to Go back to that time, because that infiltrated culture it's not ours.

It's more than being horny, it's the idealistic representation of what a man sees as a powerful woman.
>They didn't even look like minors but like actual babes
Korean designs don't look like minors either, remember that Asians hold younger features than whites in general, so younger faces are common in adult women from that race.

>Kids grew up thirsting after actual adult women and they didn't even turn into furries or pedo-bears that often.
Mostly everyone is aware of this, except for some cultists of the extreme left.

Anonymous No. 980277

>Too gay for the west
Have you played the game the west does?
>Also consider how they are crazy with cosmetic surgery and shit over there
Early teens use lip filler in Europe.
cosmetic surgery it's a common thing in USA and Europe too. And big boobs are not a trend, we can discuss if there is a better way to enhance them now with fat injections...
>Real is never fashionable, but real never really goes out of fashion either.
Agree, but we are talking about beauty in videogames, if you look at actresses from the 40s., 60s. or 80s. They are still considered beautiful, even if your style is out of fashion.
Most humans like to look at beautiful people because they are rare, average it's just common.

Anonymous No. 981132

its called a realistic art style you retard. god forbid women have organs

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Anonymous No. 981134

> god forbid women have organs

Yeah contemporary women can't have slender waists because they need to haul around their ginormous kidneys in their midsection
which are so much bigger nowdays then they ever where in all of recorded history.

Like you know how your rib-cage and your pelvic crest both flare inward as if tho your waist section should naturally slender down?
That's a incorrect genetic mutation instilled by the patriarchy, they should ofc naturally flare outwards to make room for all of your numerous Hutt sized organs.

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Anonymous No. 981136

This is what the organ situation looks like in a obese woman vs a fit woman, I let you guess which of the two is biased towards longevity and performance.

Anonymous No. 981139

I don't think that fat can be considered an "organ".

Anonymous No. 981644

They are basically an asian aesthetic version of the usa at this point but with super creepy Japanese kinks invading all aspects of their lives

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Anonymous No. 982726

lily's side freckles

๐Ÿ—‘๏ธ Anonymous No. 982728

It's quite literally the opposite. It looks like the most generic shit imaginable. Just utterly fucking soulless, like some generic porn spat out by an AI.
Just because western pop culture is dead, doesn't mean Korean crap is a viable alternative, given how ridiculously soulless it is.

Anonymous No. 982804

Maybe is generic because most humans are attracted to this type of features, theres a reason why ai images look that way, because those are the features that most people find attractive. You can think that Korean art is soulless and your opinion is valid, but look how many people come to defend that game.
At some point the west needs to realise that games are a product, and most gamers want stellar blade and not forespoken.
And if you believe it's because of race like a lot of retards told me, I find Ella Balinska really attractive. Still the game is shit.

Anonymous No. 982809

>The chick from May Payne 2
You have no idea how many nuts I've burst to these 3. I still remember that the girl from Max Payne had the most spectacular ass I've had ever seen up until that point.

Anonymous No. 982810

You are crazy if you are implying Forespoken wasn't designed as a product first. It's literally nigger culture plus fromsoftware shit, it's as much of a goyslop as your korean coomer games. The reason it failed is because westerners aren't bug brained enough to get fed absolute soulless dogshit, not yet at least

Anonymous No. 982811

They are daz models. I remember going to some chink site where they show what to do to make them look like this. I have the fuckest idea what it was called, but the tuts were expensive as fuck

Anonymous No. 982817

It's very strange when an attractive female is presented and people go "meh". When in reality, the same dudes would be to nervous to look in their direction.
The keyboard does wonders to the human mind

Anonymous No. 982821

frame just the face of that character,looks sexually ambiguous to the point it could be a little boy.
And them eyes are so far apart it'd be edge-case medically retarded to science if a person was actually born that way.

Nose and lips looks like those of an infant ffs. Like wth are you on about?
Only way you can look at something like that and not tell how something seriously creepy going on is if you masturbated exclusively
to 2D for so long that you ended being a dimension short as a spatially crippled sexual deviant.

Anonymous No. 982825


Anonymous No. 982827

I think that you are a little stupid, a product needs to have someone buying it, Ideology is not the same thing, that's not even black culture, its leftist america ideology, you may want to mix them together but that doesn't work in reality. My Coomer chink game works for a reason we normal people call biology.
No brainwash it's going to change that. Beauty and sex sells and thats not going to change.

You are mentally ill if you think a man has that face. Probably the brainwash worked with you.
What you are referring to is called neotenic traits, and Asians hold a lot more of those traits than other races.
Ive worked in Korea and I've seen a lot of women with those features.
If you want man faces with tits there's a lot of American games out there.
I prefer women who born that way.

Anonymous No. 982830

You are a soulless chink bug, that's about it

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Anonymous No. 982831

>Ive worked in Korea and I've seen a lot of women with those features.
>Asians hold a lot more of those traits than other races.
Does he know?

Anonymous No. 982834

>You are mentally ill if you think a man has that face

It's curious how I write 'little boy' yet you read that as 'man'. Guess this is your brain on 'neoteny'.
Always found that term very suss, it's accurate in a sense but it's always seems to come out as this euphemism
for bestowing adults with suspiciously juvenile features under the guise of artistic license and dressing it up in pretty language.

Pointing out how something is an utterance of neoteny is not some working incantation against being recognized as P-bear.

Anonymous No. 982844

That's especifically why I wrote neoteny. Saying that a boy has those features is not because of sex and still retain young features.
And what is suspicious about retaining neotenic features in adult women? It may be because you are threatened by attractive women because you will never be able to become one?
That's not going to happen, making characters ugly is not going to make you look more feminine.
Yes, pretty much
I know about that anon, can you show me the mastectomies in your country?

Anonymous No. 982846

this guy breathes through his mouth

Anonymous No. 982847

This guy takes hormone pills like they were Candy

Anonymous No. 982856


Anonymous No. 982858

So many words to say you only masturbate to man.

Anonymous No. 982859

She's my waifu

Anonymous No. 982863

You are the guy who wanted to fuck his mom?
Dude, go to a psychiatrist.

Hes not an mtf, he has an edipo complex, it's the same guy talking about mom son incest in another thread.

Anonymous No. 982873

No idea what you are on about. How do you go from me pointing out how the character in Op's image looks like a slightly retarded boy with an adult body to me having something as rare as Oedipus complex?

Is that the natural progression in your mind? 'Oh you don't have THIS deviance?? Then you must've have THAT deviance!!'
Can't you see how damaged that line of thinking is?

You're on a anonymous board where scores of people post and here you are drawing random circles around people who says something you dislike pretending they're one.

Anonymous No. 982880

Shit you are that guy, you are the mum lover Chris chan wannabe that was posting about porn sites having a lot of those videos and trying to normalize it.
Sorry freak, wanting to fuck your mum is weird as fuck.
I hope you get some help.

Anonymous No. 982883

>Shit you are Osama Bin Laden reincarnated! you are the planer of 9/11 who was posting 'death 2 america' memes on /T/
>having a lot of beheading videos and attempting to normalize it.
>Sorry terrorist, wanting to end all of the western world is weird AF.
>I hope the SEAL-team gets u, again.

Is that how this works? Me typing it just makes it so right?

Anonymous No. 982885

Get some help. Are you going to show me the porn hub chart again?
Stop the mum shit. Degenerate

Anonymous No. 982888

Knew a guy who acted just like you making up his own head canon and arguing against weird positions other didn't even hold.
He got that way after suffering head trauma getting hit by a stray baseball bat that slipped out the grip of a kid who swung while wearing knitted gloves (true story).

Dude became a lonely alcoholic later in life because few could stand him for any duration.

Anonymous No. 982889

I knew a guy like you too, he used to make this weird comic with his Oc called Sonichu, he ended up just like you (also a true story)

Anonymous No. 982897

>Calls anons pedobears for liking adult asian women.
>Gets called a literal mother fucker
>Can't you see how damaged that line of thinking is?
Lol, go fuck yourself, or your mum.

Anonymous No. 982909

Many Koreans use presets models and just fix them up.

Anonymous No. 983082

A lot of people do that, mostly in porn.
I've got a lot of commissions for heads of characters, and then I see them attached to daz bodies. I have never seen a Korean game company using any daz model. Maybe a solo developer?

Anonymous No. 986441

>generic, soulless, generic, soulless, literally
I think we're due some new buzzwords

Anonymous No. 986444

Can anyone explain what this stands for? (please)

Anonymous No. 986458

it originally stood for Digital Art Zone but it doesn't mean anything now..

Anonymous No. 989861

hey oh