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🧵 Where are the Maya3D tutorials?

Anonymous No. 979823

>Pirate Maya3D
>Search "How to do [ ] in Maya3D
>90% of tutorials are how to do it in Blender

WTF? I thought the shit posting on /3 was a joke. Blender has taken over.

Best I could find is Mike Hermes and Academic Phoenix Plus, but there are a load of special effects they don't cover.

Anonymous No. 979826

That's because proper software is expected to just work, Cris. You do work with it, you make money, you take care of your family. You don't have time to watch silly youtube videos.

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illusion ruined.jpg

Anonymous No. 979828

I made the background of that like 8 years ago (in Blender).
Blender is the low-hanging fruit for tutorials and shit. It's free, so the barrier to entry is very low. Which means there's a constant stream of people in the revolving door of picking it up and dropping it, which means that the level of tuts and stuff can be easy as shit because only a few people are gonna reach advanced level, which means tuts are simple to make, and the people making them don't have to improve themselves.
It's a cycle perpetuated by the Youtube algorithm.

If you want actual information about the other softwares, you're going to have to fork over money for a course or something, because the people making those think that because you're using paid software you have money to burn. Or just pirate a course.
That being said, if you have some knowledge of 3d, you should be able to transfer things over between softwares, it's just the actual process of what buttons to press that's different.

Anonymous No. 979831

Thats rad, anon.
I figured there some of the thing would transfer over to Maya from Blender, but as you said, finding the right buttons to push is bothering me. I spent a couple hours looking for a menu item but my version of Maya was different from the tuts on the subject. Still, there are a lot of things I haven't found that I would like to figure out in Maya. The people using Blender have plenty of tutorials making low poly ps1 models that I have barely been able to make, special effects, etc. Just got to find the right buttons.

Anonymous No. 979885

Special effects is cinema 4D and 3Dmax territory. Maya is animation and modeling.

Anonymous No. 979889

Blender is free, so yeah, more users=more resources

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Anonymous No. 979897

Damn it. Id like to keep my juggling between programs at a minimum.
Looks like im downloading Blender to get some effects I want, least till I figure out how to do it in Maya.

Anonymous No. 979903

You can do it in Maya or Blender but that doesn’t mean they were built for such. You’ll have easier time doing it on 4D and 3D max then the other two programs. Example: music bars is used in Maya but lacks critical features pass the limitations. Blender doesn’t offer music bars, you have to install plugin.

Maya offers seconds of timing but doesn’t go in the milliseconds or such. Blender doesn’t offer milliseconds at all.

Anonymous No. 979906

i would make maya tutorials but theres just no audience for it anymore to make it worthwhile. if you wanna be successful with tutorials you gotta teach blender. if you wanna learn maya enjoy having to go to school.

Anonymous No. 979909

>music bars is used in Maya
What are you talking about? I can't find what this is supposed to be.
You mean like audio tracks? Or do you mean controlling things with music?

Anonymous No. 979911

just use "how to * in maya, -blender " it removes anything that has blender in the title , blender cucks exploit youtube Search Engine Optimization for even get into other software searches

Anonymous No. 979912

It’s a very rare used tool for mash and doesn’t exactly have a name. Seeing the video will explain more.

Anonymous No. 979934

I don't exactly know what MASH is supposed to be (some auto generator for those pillars? "music bars"?), but you can definitely drive things with audio in Blender.
You simply bake the sound to an F-Curve. And use that to drive whatever you need. It won't automatically make a bunch of synced pillars, but there's ways you can do that that aren't very hard.
Speaking from personal experience, it's a bit shit to use a full song as the driver for animated elements in any software. Simply because you're using the entire thing and just amounts to visual noise. You don't really get any kind of separation between different instruments. It's much more interesting if you have individual tracks to drive things separately.
But at this point I think I'm going a bit off topic.

Anonymous No. 979939

i didnt read your guys' conversation but MASH is just one of the available built in add-ons that you can turn on in Maya with useful features for dynamics with better performance and instancing geometry in interesting ways that can stack like modifiers. its really easy to make the sort of junk that would be projected on a big screen while music is playing at a show or shit like that.

Anonymous No. 979988

Ah then yeah, I can't say other software has anything like that. At least as far as making something super fast that'd run at a show.
Geo Nodes maybe if you keep shit simple, or the extinct Blender Game Engine, but maybe I'm still kind of misinterpreting what it's for.
Still it sounds pretty neat.

Anonymous No. 981717

Strange how there are loads of tutorials spoon feeding Blender how tos but modlers are few and far between. On top pf that, the ones ypu find are either really good pro level or absolute beg tier. Theres little to no inbetween.

Anonymous No. 981722

There's nothing strange about that at all.
The middle ground is the area where you're kind of just expected to know what you're doing.
Beginner shit is for beginners, pro level shit is mostly theory and workflow shit to augment and enhance what you're already doing. The in-between is that "just right" section where you're not a beginner, and you know how to model well enough to get by without much help. In the case you do need help, it's usually enough to just check how other people have solved similar problems. Then you slowly just shift into that "pro level" theory territory where it's all about optimizing your workflow, or seeing new tricks to model things in a different way.

It's like riding a bike.
There's that wobbly stage where you're just starting out on 2 wheels and you're not all that skilled and can still fall over.
The middle point where you can clearly ride a bike, people expect you to know how to ride a bike, and you have confidence riding a bike.
Then that final stage where you achieve complete mastery over normal riding and you start doing BMX tricks and shit.

Anonymous No. 981744

Maya is for professionals only, you should already know what you're doing when using Maya.

Anonymous No. 981769

>you should already know how to use a program you never touched.
12yos should have 0 access to the internet.

Anonymous No. 981812

>12yos should have 0 access to the internet.
They really shouldn't though.

Anonymous No. 982006

this is exactly what happened to the internet circa 2007, when the retard masses got access to the internet