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🧵 This is a 3D model

Anonymous No. 979929

God bless non-photorealistic rendering

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Anonymous No. 979930

Anonymous No. 979933

Now make it move. Then we'll see how well it holds up

Anonymous No. 979944

One of the best looking ones I've seen, reads like a cel from that angle.

What >>979933 says is fair tho. That is where 3D tend to fail to replicate the look, anime uses a lot of impossible geometry and it just doesn't look right if it's coherent euclidean geometry as the camera orbits a character.

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Anonymous No. 979954

has there been a good 3d anime since Houseki no Kuni? they really caught lightning in a bottle with that one, still blows my mind to this day and is part of the reason I got into 3d

Anonymous No. 979966

Pretty cool but i wish more people would use npr for non animu dogshit

Anonymous No. 980162

>Now make it move. Then we'll see how well it holds up

Honestly, that model looks too awesome at this point.

I'd rather create a limited animation with the model and adjust every single keyframe, before i fuck up the animation with uncanny interpolation.

Anonymous No. 980164

There’s a way in video editing where you make the characters stand still every second or more and put all of them together to not have blurry problems. The only con is the animator slowly moving each body like the real life version of frame by frame drawing.

Anonymous No. 980167

You'll like my show.

Anonymous No. 980170

You basically described the workflow of turning a cel-shaded 3D model into a proper 2D animation.

When a 3D model gets cel-shaded as clean as OPs model - it literally becomes a crime to create a full animation in 3D with fluent interpolation. That's nothing short of missed potential.

True, it's a labour of love to create a limited animation because each keyframe needs to be hand posed and individually adjusted (which is basically "stop motion").
However, the reduction of frames limit the animation movement and create an intentional discontinuity through the lack of interpolation between keyframes. Only that provides the necessary imperfection to turn the animation into 2D.

Anonymous No. 980207

>make it move
I wasn't saying make it move interpolated, I am saying frame by frame. If it holds up to that, we gucci. Problem is, 99% of models like this don't hold up to any kind of animation.
I guess if you do it frame by frame in the most tedious way possible, then I guess it'd probably hold up, since you're essentially just creating a sequence of "2d" frames. I just don't see anyone in their right mind doing something like that unless it's for large amounts of Twitter points or as part of a large production.

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Anonymous No. 980218

band girl cry looks promising

Anonymous No. 980244

>This is a 3D model
No, that is my wife

Anonymous No. 980536

I'm ngmi bros.

Anonymous No. 980590

I'm surprised they actually animated at a non-vomit inducing framerate instead of the 12fps other 3d "animes" do.

Anonymous No. 980603

Loses all of the appeal of the anime style IMO, the smooth obv 3D movement make it look like preem autist weeb shit, reminiscent of how RWBY moves.

Anonymous No. 980610

I may be retarded but why don't all animators just switch to using 3d model and hand post each frame similar to drawing normally? Animators already redraw each frame manually and re-posing a 3d rig wouldn't be any more difficult. Instead, it can be much easier now that you wouldn't need extra people to do clean line art and color each frame because the 3d model baked all that in already for you. Instead, you can have just one guy sketching the story board first with traditional animation like how it is already then have another guy pose the rig around so it matches the 2d skecth, then if you're not confident in your model quality have another guy fix any mistakes and make it more 2d. This would reduce workflow by a ton and to get that 2d look even more convincing, employ traditional animation tactics like just use less frames overall. Traditional animation is very tedious and long to make possible so animators cut corner in anyway possible, like panning over still shots and only animating parts nessecery like the mouth and eyes when characters are talking. Traditional animation also uses a lot of free hand expression with distorting the character like creating smear frame and exaggerated frame, not sticking to the base character 100% all the time. faux 2d can achieve this by distorting the model itself, making the anatomy bigger / smaller at different place so it matches where normal animation would distort. Either adding smears on post or find a way to make it automatically would allow the same freedom as 2d animation. All this combined would allow animators to animate more with less time while still pass off as 2d / or at the very least doesn't look bad for 3d. Animators then can have more personal time as work is done faster, or they're forced to pump out more 3d slop whichever the company decides.

Anonymous No. 980611

NPR shaders are volatile as fuck. It's easy to make a shader that looks 2d for a certain pose or lighting, but change either of those and the same shader will usually make things look awful. The one advantage of rendering in 2d is that it's easy to be appealing.

Anonymous No. 980652

Not really, with clever face editing you could get some pretty clean shadows without obvious artifact

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DF3 1.webm

Anonymous No. 980662

Girls und Panzer technically counts since it's still going, they use UE4 and mix 2D with 3D (sometimes character models are 3D as well)

Anonymous No. 980695

One time I walked out into the living room and saw my dad watching this. He's not even remotely into anime or anime girls.
It was weird.

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Anonymous No. 980698

Kinda based ngl

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Anonymous No. 983278

the japs have improved a lot in 3d anime. the best ones as basically indistinguishable to most.
recently finished "Frieren: Beyond Journey's End" (an anime not a game) had some stellar 3D. i don't have a video unfortunately but if you've watched it maybe you didn't even realize it had a bunch of 3D.

Anonymous No. 983303

Anime Girls and Armoured Vehicles
If you are not into those things you are not a man or you need to check your testosterone levels.
Be glad your Dad is doing well.

Anonymous No. 983310

Based dad

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Anonymous No. 983311

he's just hiding his power level

Anonymous No. 983312

>oldfag meme
I died inside a lil bit

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Anonymous No. 983315


Anonymous No. 983325

>tfw I don't have the I'm proud meme either
>reminiscing about dead memes

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Anonymous No. 983329

Well that’s it for me

Anonymous No. 983337

I just remembered my CSI days, here it is, for you and me

Anonymous No. 983344

Hey now, I didn't say I wasn't. It was just funny seeing him watching anime in general. Usually he's watching Phineas and Pherb or something.
My mom used to unironically watch Bleach too, on her own back, when that was on Adult Swim in like 2009 or 2010, and she said she hated cartoons. She made it all the way to the end of the SS Arc. I miss her.
My grandma LOVES Transformers and I have to take her to every movie.
People have some weird tastes sometimes. Not weird, but just things you wouldn't expect.

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Anonymous No. 983348

very cool, thank you!

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ninja kamui.gif

Anonymous No. 983434

And on the other spectrum

Anonymous No. 983933

Anyone got a tutorial for this?

Anonymous No. 983951

Do you think everyone just makes a model and also posts a tutorial on how to make that exact model?

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Anonymous No. 984914

Shinigami Bocchan to Kuro Maid

Anonymous No. 985696

All I want to know is how they do the outlines

Anonymous No. 985701

It’s way too long to explain even in video games like genshin impact, the game engine would have to be altered to work. Here is a video explaining it:

Anonymous No. 985742

Thanks, I'm gonna check these out. One thing I'm still curious about is if anyone can tell which specific method the artist used in OP's image?

Anonymous No. 985768

Comparing this, which while not perfect, is actually decently animated, especially by asian animation standards, while also looking visually appealing, to RWBY which is probably not only one of the worst animated shows out there but also worst looking overall, is just being deliberately dishonest, or you're literally blind, or have 0 understanding of what constitutes good animation. Just because something has interpolation in it, doesn't automatically make it bad or comparable to the worst 3D shit out there.

Anonymous No. 985804

>you didn't even realize it had a bunch of 3D.
I just finished watching it, and honestly I had no idea, just though that maybe some backgrounds were 3D, but that's it. If you find any video showing it could you please share? I'm super curious.

Anonymous No. 985951

Is there any vid of this model in motion? It looks great

Anonymous No. 986350

why mild strabismus is so hot?

Anonymous No. 986374

Anon, she has her head slightly turned away from the camera while looking at it with her eyes.