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๐Ÿ—‘๏ธ ๐Ÿงต Post a solid render you've made.

Anonymous No. 981044

You guys love to talk big shit like you're hot shit.
But can you walk the talk?
Big chungus.

Prove it, if you can, that you know your shit.
Post a solid render you have made so far.

Anonymous No. 981046

I'll make my render as soon as I can decide if Blender is better than Maya.

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Tri-Peak Mountain....png

Anonymous No. 981048


Anonymous No. 981052

Can you try to render that scene in some super modern renderer with global illumination, god's rays, path guiding, lens flares, Intel Open Image Denoiser, AI upscalind and then downscaling, PBR materials, SSAO? You know, every single buzzword. Depending which system/version of Blender you're using I may be able to suggest some. No Cycles please.

Anonymous No. 981056

Yeah cris let me just waste a few weeks making a cool render solely for your shitty thread that I will never be able to post anywhere else on the internet or my artstation or patreon because I don't want to be associated with this website

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Solid rock.jpg

Anonymous No. 981057

No need. A solid 10 minute render is better that anything Chris will ever make.

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Anonymous No. 981063

you can't even make cubes look good.


Anonymous No. 981065

Sovl, the perfect render
Souless, I pity your attempt at art
The worst thing so far, go back to square one

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Anonymous No. 981070

Anonymous No. 981109


souless. forced soul. cringe.

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demon render.png

Anonymous No. 981124

sup Cris