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Anonymous No. 981051

Plasticity surprisely hasn't been cracked neither has Fusion 360, Says alot about their product.

Anonymous No. 981053

I'm not surprisely.

Anonymous No. 981064

Yes, it says that nobody cares

Anonymous No. 981071

i bought a license, but in the end, i never use it

Anonymous No. 981086

It is cracked tho

Anonymous No. 981088

>Look at me I'm a millionaire!

Anonymous No. 981090

one day of work at any minimum wage job would let you afford the program but ultimately its just not that good

Anonymous No. 981112


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Anonymous No. 981113


Anonymous No. 981123

It's not.

Anonymous No. 981125

it is

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Anonymous No. 981126

Is your source your gut feeling? seriously that doesn't count.

Anonymous No. 981127

Its on cgpeers dumbass

Anonymous No. 981128

Laughable since we would've seen it elsewhere. Your not trying to get people to download virus's?

Anonymous No. 981131


Anonymous No. 981140

1.4.13 on cgpeers is fine and it's not even from cgpeers or persia forums

Anonymous No. 981141

It's a virus.

Anonymous No. 981144

nah. but you do you.

Anonymous No. 981180

It most definitely has a crack, but why would you?

It's only $150 for a perpetual license with 12 months of updates, an absolute steal for such great software that doesnt nickel and dime you with subscription bullshit.

Anonymous No. 984385

that almost looks like a donut in that op

Anonymous No. 985792

not if said wagie lives on their own lol

Anonymous No. 987084

>>perpetual license but no updates after 12 months

that's a subscription service you doofus

Anonymous No. 987085

It isn't though, little zoomie.
Believe it or not but you absolutely CAN use software without updating it every day.

Anonymous No. 987128

but blender exists and it's free. almost any addon worth while in blender can be gotten for free too. i only use one anyway so...

Anonymous No. 989881
