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🧵 Lies about 3D gamedev

Anonymous No. 981323

Missing features and lacks artistic improvement to match with Unreal and Unity
All marketing PR talk, no real experience in using Blender. Knows nothing about the real reason.
>Open source
Open source projects doing dumb things like glTF animation implementation, dead software, not documenting important stuff, heavy relaying on Blender instead of other 3D software
>Unity and Unreal
They have a monopoly in 3D games, not a single open source can export to console. Open source projects limits artists like you and me with dumb ideas like TIFF format. Heavy restrictions to Windows only. Dumb downloads for developers like Microsoft Visual Studio. None of that matters with Unity or Unreal.

Never trust YouTubers

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Anonymous No. 981325

>Schizophrenia is one hell of a drug

Anonymous No. 981334


Anonymous No. 981352

I have no desire to make a game, why did you make this dumb thread? go away

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Anonymous No. 981386

>Never trust YouTubers
The most important lesson.
All of them are fucken Liars.
Fun fact YT is literally a toddler exploitation platform, these peopel are making funny faces to the camera so the literally toddlers whose parents give them YT to watch are entertained.

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Anonymous No. 981388

>Heavy restrictions
No restrictions.
> open source can export to console
This is a good thing.

Literally dead platforms no one writers for consoles, consoles have no games.

Literally irrelevant since you need to flip over backwards to even publish anything on this restrictive trash.

Since the steam deck exists consoles are irrelevant.

Say hello to PC exclusives you console pleb.

Anonymous No. 981391

>Doesnt know jack shit
Open Source Software has some of the dumbest things implemented even if you’re a blenet, the requirement to do the most basic things like uploading will take an entire hour. Godot can’t do animations without glTF and to export it from blender also requires to hand code it otherwise you face unpleasant consequences of solo mode which doesn’t interact with other models.

All that just to upload something while Unity and UE can handle a single file upload.

Anonymous No. 981400

>>AI will not replace gamedevs
ha ha

Anonymous No. 981417

Every single one of your complaints could be fixed if you weren't such a corposhill faglod and picked up C++ For Dummies

Anonymous No. 981425

C++ is exclusively to Microsoft Visual Studio. It’s the reason why you have to download the software.

Anonymous No. 981432

and not a single mention of AI, fuck harry potter

Anonymous No. 981463

>lacks artistic improvement

>Open source projects limits artists like you and me
you are not an artist

Anonymous No. 981465

Are you trolling or are you legitimately fucking retarded?

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Anonymous No. 981480

>Godot is good for 3-ACK

Anonymous No. 981489

No really, you legitimately can’t use C++ without Microsoft Visual Studio:

Anonymous No. 981491

Reddit said so >>981489 Stop questioning and get into the balls pit.

Anonymous No. 981553

I was doing just fine when I was learning with Code::Blocks.

Anonymous No. 981580

you probably seethe at this video because you could not learn gdscript. keep crying pleb let others learn some shit

Anonymous No. 981585

I've watched the documentary on that channel about Godot being a cult modeled after the Blender Foundation and I completely agree.

Anonymous No. 981586

But we already knew you aren't able to form your own opinion

Anonymous No. 981589

GDevelp can’t upload 3D idiot.

Anonymous No. 981590

I knew the Blender Foundation had become a cult for a long time. I didn't know that the Godot people were copying their model.

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really cat.png

Anonymous No. 981743

Never really liked Brackey's tutorials.
>he never goes over the basics while pedaling to people who understand nothing about coding.

like, to understand Brackey's tutorials you must already have the coding knowledge to understand the tutorial and therefore you could just do it yourself without the tutorial.

I fell into the trap of watching all his videos and just mindlessly copy and pasting them while learning nothing, I only came to understand wtf I was actually doing when I learned C# monoscript in uni years later

Anonymous No. 981788


Anonymous No. 981791

>MaKe tHe CamRa thE PlAyeR
Do you know how stupid that sounds to everyone.

Anonymous No. 981793

That's how it works.

Anonymous No. 981794

No, the camera is not the player, the camera is the camera. It’s like saying you’re an alien in a alien spaceship filled with aliens. No, you are still a dumb human without alien special powers.

Anonymous No. 981980

Brackeys in parricular will fuck you up in the long term if you follow his tutorials. He is designed to gatekeep indiedev by culling newcomers

Anonymous No. 982294

i swear anyone who unironically advocates for godot is a retard
the main purpose of a game engine is to provide a render engine, physics, audio systems and being able to easily port to different systems
godot is like retarded in all of that so all you really get is a shitty editor and at this point you might just grab an off the shelf render engine and start from the ground up

Anonymous No. 982479

You're kind of a fucking idiot thinking people dont know Godot is still lacking a lot of tools. His whole video was about going to Godot because it is free and open source like Blender and won't get Jewed like Unity that he was using for the past years. Him taking on Godot and getting people into it is planting seeds in hopes of Godot improving in the future.

You're ignoring a lot of context to make yourself mad.

Anonymous No. 982543

Its rendering, physics (with Jolt) and audio are fine for my requirements.
If a project needs high-end graphics, Unreal is way better. Otherwise, Godot seems perfectly adequate.
It's saved me a ton of time, and has many useful features that an off the shelf render engine wouldn't provide, like file compression/decompression, support for various file formats, networking, graphics tablet support, and surely a lot of other stuff I don't even know about

Anonymous No. 982578

>you might just grab an off the shelf render engine and start from the ground up
quit talking out of your ass, retard
I replaced some of Godot's nodes with a custom system and I still use nodes for anything graphics/audio related because it's a lot of fucking work to replace them and they work just fine.
You have never written anything "from the ground up".

Anonymous No. 982582

Yeah i'm sure toddlers watch pixologic youtube Lives where some random 3d Aurtist rambles incomprehensibly for 4 hours

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Anonymous No. 983737

who and what are you even talking about?
imagine starting a thread like this.