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๐Ÿงต Blender geometry nodes

Anonymous No. 981381

I hate geometry nodes.

So I wanted to get an array that has a offset for example every repeated part is -5 of the original distance.

This is impossible to get in the array modifier (despite the devs being retarded for not including it)

So lets see how I can do this in geometry nodes.
Repeat something node yes???
WTF? What is this shit.

Youtube search.

LOOOK AT THIS GARBAGE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Why the FUCK! Are there 2 extra nodes?!
WHY THE FUCK!!!! Can this crap not simple repeat an object?!!!!

Why the fuck do they keep changing this crap all the time!?
When will they finally come up with a non retarded geometry nodes solution.

Anonymous No. 981409

Skill issue

๐Ÿ—‘๏ธ Anonymous No. 981473

>Imagine being a nigger and not killing yourself.

Anonymous No. 981490

Looks logical. They split the functionality into small atomic elements which can be recombined in many different ways.
It makes sense to separate the offset logic from the duplication functionality, that's why the geometry node version can do whatever you can imagine rather than being limited to what the developers thought to include.

Anonymous No. 981679

>They split the functionality into small atomic elements which can be recombined in many different ways.
More atomic then objects????

Anonymous No. 981688

There are the new quantum mechanical nodes coming but they're always in a superposition of being useless and being useless.

Anonymous No. 981716

This might help you.
You don't need to follow the tutorial, just grab the nodes. I use them quite a lot. The circular array is really nice, since you don't have to do the retarded "add array on first object, add empty, rotate empty, add object offset to the array on your first object" rigamarole.
Whether or not the nodes do the exact thing you need, I dunno, but I'm sure it'd be easy to tweak with some basic math.

Anonymous No. 981748

>You don't need to follow the tutorial, just grab the nodes. I use them quite a lot. The circular array is really nice, since you don't have to do the retarded "add array on first object, add empty, rotate empty, add object offset to the array on your first object" rigamarole.

I remember doing something like this like in blende 2.3 and it used something (not geometry nodes) I think it was the particle system

>just grab the nodes
Why are geometry nodes so counter intuitive?

No they keep changing them in every new version. Get your shit together!
I was waiting for the first adopters to get burned however it is blender 4.0 and they keep on fuckign with the nodes!

>>You don't need to follow the tutorial, just grab the nodes. I use them quite a lot. The circular array is really nice, since you don't have to do the retarded "add array on first object, add empty, rotate empty, add object offset to the array on your first object" rigamarole.
If blender was not retarded and god portions of it being stuck in the 90s other in the 2000s they literally give you a extra box in the array modifier that says.
So you can do a offset or
>+/- rand
Box next to it will do 99% of what you want to do with nodes without being fucken retarded!

Anonymous No. 981762

Oh, I see you're just throwing a temper-tantrum and venting for people to agree with you.
Hence you putting words in my mouth. You know, because I never once said anything about you "learning" anything.
I offered up something that might help (an existing setup that you just apply like any other modifier), but you're just looking to sperg out because something was added to Blender that you don't want to engage with.
Don't engage with it then. Simple as that.

Anonymous No. 981833


geonodes was created as an excuse so that blenderfags and devs can say that it has """"parametric modeling"""" capabilities. you just have to DIY all the presets imaginable to do the most basic shit parametrically.

Anonymous No. 983774

Any info on this?

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Anonymous No. 984523

I only use Geometry Nodes along some Addons like Geo Scatter and for making quick, advanced and ready to render environment art.

Never use it for anything else.

Geometry Nodes are engineering, not art.
You need to be extremely autistic or mathematical to understand this.

>For example:

Instead of using Arrays in Blender, I literally just use Nanomesh and Arrays in Zbrush, which is what I know.

>"But I know how to use Geometry Nodes! It's not hard!"

Well good for you! But most people do not know how to use this, it's far too complex.

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Anonymous No. 986783

I've found blender nodes to be pretty useful for making trees quickly.

Anonymous No. 986816

Smoothbrain artist-type here, I ended up picking them up after forcing myself to use them instead of long chains of modifiers and stuff.
I'm still shit at them, but they're definitely not as intimidating as they were before and I can somewhat get by. I'd say they're as complicated as learning material nodes. I used to be shit at those to, but now I'm really fuckin good at those.

Y No. 986843

They're not good for artistic purposes, better to use them as a sort of skeleton

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Anonymous No. 987911

geo nodes arent complex they are just fucking retarded. every geo node guru ive seen essentially spends all his time mangling that intuitive peice of crap to do something simple. its such a fucking roundabout system its easier and faster to do everything in python why cant they just add programmable scriptable modifiers already?