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🧵 Untitled Thread

Anonymous No. 981433

How do I improve sculpting bros? Does this look like I need to know more Zbrush to improve? I feel like I can’t draw the planes and I fuck up on the mouth a lot
I want to improve and I’m really stuck. I’ve been following a head anatomy course and while I have improved a bit-it’s only a little bit, I think I’m not understanding a lot. I know I sound extremely naive in this whole thing, I just don’t know where to start. I can’t keep up in this course and make turd after turd without knowing I’m knowing how to improve after each turd
I bought anatomy for sculptors book too

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Anonymous No. 981434

Here is this also so I can show my skill level. It’s not good, and I’m hitting a learning curve I think but I’m not sure how to achieve my goals of being good at this

Anonymous No. 981435

I was also just following step by step with what the guy in the video course did but i realize now that it’s copying right?

Anonymous No. 981437

I fucking love professional european artists who stream. They're so incredibly dry and unhelpful in the funniest ways. The good ones anyway. They've been professional artists for like 15 or 20 years, and have like zero in common with the people watching and can't help them at all because they don't consciously think about all the skills and talent they've developed and can't articulate it.
I'm not even complaining, I just think it's funny how innately averse to spoonfeeding they are.

Anonymous No. 981441

He’s not European. I mean I wanna get better and I will but if there’s something I’m not really getting I would like to know it if possible even if I sound like an idiot haha

Anonymous No. 981597


Anonymous No. 981730

what's the copy Bridgman twice of sculpting?

Anonymous No. 981731

>He’s not European.
Bulgaria isn't in Europe?

Anonymous No. 982759

>Does this look like I need to know more Zbrush to improve?
Maybe? You might want to hit dynamesh more frequently so you don't have your shit all stretched.
Just keep at it anon, this shit's difficult as fuck. It looks a bit like your sculpts are too flat in the face, look at side profiles more.

Anonymous No. 983940

Nigga he's bulgarian how is that not european

Anonymous No. 983950

Its looking pretty good ngl, just dynamesh higher so the lips arent so stretched out

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Anonymous No. 983972

Here is my asian scuplt, any tips and advices, guys?

Anonymous No. 983974

my perfect korean waifu

Anonymous No. 983975

when I use dynamesh to fix my stretched eyelid, it also undo some of my work on the lip. What do guy?

Anonymous No. 983976

Remove smoothing, it's usually set at 2

Anonymous No. 983988

Hot, but needs more chicken meat. If it comes in tube form it's much better

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Anonymous No. 984559

here's some brush that might help you improve your head sculpt anon, I usually use crease/mech brush for making sharp line, it's perfect for hard surface and making head planes I'm surprised zbrush doesn't have this by default, the fill brush will smooth out the surface without altering the shape too much, I also included the original brush because I might have changed the brush a little bit to fit my preference

tip: always start with low poly, it's hard to block out shapes if u have too much geometry

credit: mahlikus & 3dcw


Anonymous No. 985382

>How to improve at the thing I want to get good at? Do I keep practicing the thing?