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๐Ÿงต I'm buying a desktop PC, and these are the specifications it has. How well would Daz3D run?

Anonymous No. 981542

Desktop PC Core i7, 16GB RAM, 1TB HDD + 240GB SSD, 24" monitor.

Anonymous No. 981544

No gpu?

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Anonymous No. 981548

It doesn't come with a GPU included, but I plan to buy one at Christmas, a GTX 1650 16GB.

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Anonymous No. 981550

i have a question, could I use the 16GB for rendering in Daz3D if I specifically use 3Delight? I'm not sure if anyone knows about this.

Anonymous No. 981575

>Core i7
that means like nothing. What version? I had a i7 "Bloomfield" back in 2009. So what gen?
Decent amount. Speed and performance is not that important here just the amount. 16GB is a bit low if you also have a chrome tab open on the side and such but this should be OK.
i have a question, could I use the 16GB for rendering in Daz3D if I specifically use 3Delight? I'm not sure if anyone knows about this.
yes, the 16GB will be used as video memory if you run without a gpu.
if you are talking about the GTX 1650 16GB (did not know they such a large VRAM version) then ofc you could use all that using any renderer as its mostly down to the amount of shaders and textures in the your scene.

the chair nerd No. 981576

> I'm buying a custom car for (I don't know if I'll use it as an uber or a rock crawler), and these are the specifications it has. How well would it run?
>Car with v7, holds 16 seats, hauls 1 ton, 240kg in the frunk, it has 24" inch wheels
>The car doesn't come with a drivetrain but I plan to buy it at christmas, a gold one.

>Could I use 16 wheels for going places with my car? (I don't specify if I'm going to run for a yard or 1000 miles in rocky terrain)

You clearly don't know shit about computers. Of course it will run daz3d. Do you think modern software is still prohibitively specked? Asking if a vanilla pc will run a piece of software is idiotic.

Anonymous No. 981885

Get, at least, 32 GB. And a NVidia GPU with 8 GB or more. If can't get a good GPU, just get a old Xeon with shit loads of Cores in Aliexpress.

Anonymous No. 982998


RAM seems low, I'd get 32, HDD is fine but slow, sort of okay for storage but it's gonna be a pain if you store large textures on it. 240gb ssd is cool, I'd Personally get at least 500gb because 240 will store your windows and other stuff that you want to work a little faster. Imo if you install your OS on an HDD it would be very strange, arguably stupid for today when you can get a 1tb SSD for around 80 bucks. Imo SSD speed is not important, it will be 4 times faster than the fastest hdd anyway, but my friend bought himself a 7gb read/write SSD with 1tb storage and he shits on my Evo 970. Monitor doesn't fucking matter unless you play games or work with color. For GPU I suppose a GTX1650 16gb VRAM is cool for Daz but to me it feels like it's a really bad idea, even if it's dirt cheap (becauseif its not enough you aren'tgoing to have a good time, slow renders and lag if your workload exceeds capacity) . CPU that you mentioned means nothing, which generation? How many threads? How many cores? I do not recommend anything below 8 cores, I work in blender and some denoisers use cpu only (not in 4.1 tho, and I use optix anyway but still worth mentioning) eo even if your GPU is enough you might be forced to use your CPU and basicallyget bottleneck. I would say, if your pc can't run games well it probably can't do 3D well either, but if your pc runs games well that doesn't mean it will be good for 3D work. A lot of possible bottlenecks.

Anonymous No. 983003

I have no idea what 3Dlight is but I don't work with Daz so I don't know if your beefed up gtx 1650 is gonna be able to handle the load. think GTX1650 is designed for 3d work, but perhaps it will due, budget cards are usually designedfor gaming but not production, that doesn't stop you from working on it tho.There is no "too much" when it comes to specs. Somebody mentioned that you could just render on a CPU, that's true, but don't forget that a desktop is more than just a CPU, RAM, GPU, if you don't have good cooling it will throttle your CPU, good cooling for a CPU can be expensive. I assume you are buying a prebuilt pc so they might fuck you on the cooling and case. Motherboard is important, it's the core of your pc and imo mobo maybe a worthwhile investment for future upgradability.

What do you plan to do in Daz? If you do complex effects on meshes with high resolution renders and 2k+ textures it might not be enough. I would honestly say you should go to

And test your specs. It's mostly for games but I think it will give you some idea of what your setup is capable of, if your setup cannot even run games at mid settings and you intend to do shit in 4k with effects and many (or complex) models you are just going to buy something your are going to regret. Also somebody said RAM speed doesn't matter but I disagree, it's not crucial but it's noticeable, everything depends on your goals. Imo get a CPU with at least 8 cores and not something from 10 years ago, get at least 32 gigs 2600mhz RAM, get good cooling, get a 500gb SSD and put all your important shit on it, make sure your PSU is enough both to power your current setup and is going to allow to upgrade and install better parts later on, never fun to realize you bought a new GPU but your PSU cannot actually power your setup, gonna have to buy a new PSU, I'd get 600 watts at least.

God speed, have fun morphing women into cows

Anonymous No. 983004


>I don't think the GTX 1650 is designed for 3D work*

Sorry for my rambling and typos, the point is that you can definitely run Daz, but depending on workload and intentions you might run into problems.

Anonymous No. 983005


Also this post is fucking based.

the chair nerd No. 983012

I do love my similes and metaphors.

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Anonymous No. 983697


>but I plan to buy it at christmas
>a gold one.


Anonymous No. 984036

Your machines gonna suck dick, mate.
Don't most 3D modeling programs and other stupid programs like Adobe n bhllshit like that suck ass on older hardware now?

Anonymous No. 985358

Is that an HDRI background or maybe a Photoshop composite? I want backgrounds like that but haven't had much luck finding them

Anonymous No. 985359

whos the chick

Anonymous No. 986271


the chair nerd No. 986315

Please god save me from destroying my family with one of those.
Yeah lol.

Anonymous No. 986459

You need more system RAM and you need the fastest Nvidia GPU with the most VRAM you can afford for Daz. VRAM is your main bottleneck for rendering. If you run out of VRAM using Iray it will default to CPU rendering which you don't want.

Anonymous No. 987834

The anon who created this thread either already had his answer, or doesn't care anymore, but I'm going to comment anyway.
DAZ Studio is an extremely unpleasant program to use. It's terrible, it's slow, it crashes, everything you do in it is more annoying than it should be. With all this in mind, I strongly recommend that anyone who is going to use DAZ Studio seriously consider having the most retardedly powerful computer possible. Buy the best CPU you can find, buy a GPU with at least 24GB, buy a 2TB SSD to install the resources you're going to use, etc. Don't skimp, otherwise you'll get stressed and irritated.
But of course, I'm talking from the point of view of someone who will need to work with the program for hours a day, and not just use it for recreation.

Note: I think it's best to use DAZ just to transfer assets to other programs. I've talked to DAZ users who have switched to Blender and they have no regrets. The time you spend learning Blender will be largely recovered later when you're working with a more versatile and powerful program. In DAZ, sometimes something as simple as a stubborn geometry in the model's hair that refuses to behave properly requires hours of fine tuning and the use of extra tools like the mesh grab, when in Blender this wouldn't even be an issue.

Anonymous No. 989901


Anonymous No. 989954

You need 1TB of RAM, a 4090ti or Ada A6000, and a Threadripper Pro 7995WX so you can bloat bloat bloat your scenes and rendering resolutions like a drooling retard then proceed to complain about how 5 min renders are too slow, all while you drain the wallets of coomers. Don't forget to do test renders at max rez & light bounces too

Anonymous No. 990081


I'd say get the most Vram you can buy and get twice that in Ram.
Then get a Nvme drive as your assets/morph main drive.
Your GPU will outperform you CPU: So only render with your GPU, you cpu will be free while you render and you will be able to do something else in the meantime.