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๐Ÿงต 2 questions, thank you

Anonymous No. 982063

Hello 3DCG, i'd appreciate some help learning about 3D, specifically animation. i don't know much yet, but i'm trying to learn and i had 2 questions. thank you

there was this app I remember which converted footage into 3D rendered environments. i'm not looking for quality or anything professional, i just want to quickly convert images into these low poly, weird 3D like pic rel

pic came from this video:
check it out, it has that distorted, low quality, low polygon look i'm trying to recreate. and if i'm not mistaken they used that app. any recommendations are welcome

i'd also like to know which programs experts here recommend to beginners getting into 3D, specifically animation. i read the sticky and it seems to be more oriented towards modeling. so as a beginner looking primarily to composite scenes, import low poly models, some light character animation & do some basic camera work, which program would you recommend? maybe some underground, lesser known, older programs that you see people rarely mention? i'm open to anything, i played around with Bryce 3D and it's pretty incredible

thank you!

Anonymous No. 982064

make a few pics from different yet close camera angles and pretty much most 3d software will turn it into a cgi scene
idk, but it is there, so learn it

Anonymous No. 982065

the video you've linked is the result of bad photogrammetry - there are a bunch of different applications out there that perform similarly
if you don't give too much of a fuck and are diy (you seem like the type), you should look at phone apps that will get you results like that straight from your phone - again, the word you're looking for is photogrammetry - usually people try for high quality results, but if your settings are low you'll get results like the ones you want

you should just use blender as your dcc for now (it won't do the photogrammetry, you'll need to do that somewhere else and import the files in), you can get results like your vid pretty easily. plenty of resources out there. you might be tempted to learn some hipster shit and yeah that's fun, but you won't go far in /3/ without solid foundations. do the boring normie stuff first.

Anonymous No. 982077

"photogrammetry" that's extremely useful in my search, thank you!

Anonymous No. 982086
