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Anonymous No. 982733

any good tutorials on how to rig this thing, also how do you guys deal with the feeling of working on something and then ralizing that is not looking good enough. sometimes i want to just start again from scratch.
any good tutorials on how to rig this thing, also how do you guys deal with the feeling of working on something and then ralizing that is not looking good enough. sometimes i want to just start again from scratch.
Any good tutorials on how to rig this thing, also how do you guys deal with the feeling of working on something and then realising that is not looking good enough. Sometimes I want to just start again from scratch.

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Anonymous No. 982735


Anonymous No. 982738

the rigging tutorials by dikko on youtube are good if you want something free

Anonymous No. 982751

How deep into rigging are you already? Can you make your own skeleton and attach it? Are you past that point and want to know how to make controllers?