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🧵 Untitled Thread

Anonymous No. 982978

He taught me Blender when no one else would.
Doughnuts, anvils, chairs, you name it.

Anonymous No. 982979

>He taught me Blender
I'm so sorry

Anonymous No. 982980

You're are just jealous because you yourself are a Maya user and have to pay just to use your software.

Anonymous No. 982982

We have other software, only you idiots believe in Blender and the awful coding from the main developers.

Anonymous No. 982983

Yeah bro I'm so jealous I have to pay for my maya and zbrush I torrented

Anonymous No. 982984

But that's theft and proves my point you cannot even afford your software because opening a new file is a $29.90 microtransaction

Anonymous No. 982986

A working software is going to cost money, just like a house. You can’t expect free government housing to work.

Anonymous No. 982987

>proves my point you cannot even afford your software
Sure? I never argued I could but go off lil bro

Anonymous No. 982989

Keep making NFTs in your stolen software

Anonymous No. 982990

I find it funny that you tried to argue with me but never managed to make a single point and then ended up just making up a fantasy about me. You're a funny fella, if a tad bit pathetic

Anonymous No. 982991

You didn't deny making NFTs

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Anonymous No. 982992

Why does /3/ hates this guy so much?
I have yet to see a better blender teacher than donut guy. Sure, his tutorial is basically a tour through blender rather than an in-depth course, but he EXPLAINS what he is doing, something most tutorials do not do.
In another thread an anon recommended another artist that had a course on hard materials, so i checked his video course. How was it?
>Click here....then here....
>Check this part....this too...
>This will help us later.
>Get these addons....and these too...
>And done, i'll see you guys on next section.
What the FUCK do you learn from this? That these settings are needed? Needed for WHAT? What do they DO? Why am i enabling/disabling them?

Most people SUCK at teaching, it's a rare skill and, like it or not, donut guy knows how to teach.

Anonymous No. 982993

Keep whimpering

Anonymous No. 982994

All the Blender hate here is just a meme, right? I assume everyone is being ironic

Anonymous No. 982996

I think so.
People that claim to hate blender never post their work, those that were encouraged to use maya or 3dmax find out the communities and resources to learn are very scarce and come complain here they were tricked.

Anonymous No. 983001

I remember that one video where he mispronounced something and said "joob", started lmaoing and saying "it sounds like a derogatory term for jews" and legit struggled to stop laughing and get back on track
Also i liked his interview podcast even though he didn't get a lot of varied profiles

the chair nerd No. 983002



Anonymous No. 983016

cope & sneedthe

Anonymous No. 983052

Or maybe paid shills or actual shills that think that paying for an industry 'standard' software will compensate for their lack of talent. People I've known that work in the industry wouldn't mind using blender except that industry pipelines prevents them from doing so. The only people I've heard sperg about industry standards are amateurs or those with shitty portfolios.

Anonymous No. 983055

I remember when Blender was still not as mainstream and it was mostly his tutorials that are available. There was a certain point where a lot of clickbait tutorials started pouring in and at that point Andrew was not as relevant and since I'm not a beginner anymore I no longer kept up with his content. Compared to the FlippedNormals guys, Andrew is more of an intellectual beyond 3D unlike the other two who only really talk about their experience working in the industry. Andrew doesn't get a lot of respect because he's the beginner tutorial guy and that people only look to industry fags.

Anonymous No. 983086

>industry pipelines prevents them from doing so
You're the type of dude who says pros would use Gimp instead of Photoshop if it wasn't for the heckin' industry pipelinerinos

Anonymous No. 983087

>People I've known that work in the industry wouldn't mind using blender
They tell you that to make you happy, Andrew.

Anonymous No. 983088

I've downloaded that thing and it used to work until 4.0-unstable, then since it became stable, it just crashes at startup on my computer.

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Anonymous No. 983129

for me it's David Ward he taught me how to make characters, I still use the same techniques almost a decade later

Anonymous No. 983158


But I pirate all of that software and make money from it. I'm proud of stealing. I have zero qualms or regrets for being resourceful. You can shame me all you want but I still get paid using pirated software.

Anonymous No. 983160

>interrupts his tutorial to go on a nostalgic rant about how he misses the word fag
Yeah, I'm thinking based.

Anonymous No. 983162

I remember watching this guys tutorial as a person who has never touched blender before. Having to go through how-to-make a donut series sounds lame but this guy made it at least bearable.

He is charismatic and explains things instead of being quiet and saying “do this and this and that”

I’ve purchased a couple blender tutorials, and believe me- his tutorial is considered top-notch and among the best out there. People don’t realise how rare it is to have a tutorial that guides you through a 3d modelling software.

The industry fags should post their work here before trying to shit on the donut dude. I bet they can’t even make a fucking teacup and instead would rather waste their time bullying people on 4chan.

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Anonymous No. 983163

anon you naughty

Anonymous No. 983185

>The industry fags should post their work here
The work is under a NDA, something commie Blender comrades wouldn't understand

Anonymous No. 983237


Anonymous No. 983304

No, I use Paint. Also, retard point. kys.

Hmm yes Andrew definitely visits this shit board.

Anonymous No. 983306

grantt is better. i never even finished the donut he just seemed like an awful teacher, might as well follow a script

Anonymous No. 983307

Most NDA work aren't even solo projects. Someone could sperg that they're in the industry but all they do is some shitty support work on something and have absolutely no direction without some senior or lead to call them a retard for not understanding directions.

>bullying people on 4chan
No shit, if you expect something more from this board, you're kinda at fault here.

Anonymous No. 983357

my condolences, op!

Anonymous No. 983572

>my condolences, op!
thank u

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Anonymous No. 983580

Let me tell you, what ever you learn in Blender or from these fake artists who have no degree in college or qualify to enter in international business. I know for a fact that they aren't the people you claim. They are YouTubers who profit off people, just like rappers who say they were normal people, they were not.

P.S no im not waiting an entire hour to get normal looking water.

Anonymous No. 983597

Waiting an hour? You're just telling on yourself at that point. Your computer sucks dick as much as you do

Anonymous No. 983600

You’re the bad artist if you think VFX works out of the box. Everything in production is faking it make it. Animation? Some model running in the center. Fire? 2D video overlay, etc.

You don’t know anything about 3D or the work behind it. Just a brain dead blender lackey with no success.

Anonymous No. 983637

maybe learn how computers work

Anonymous No. 983657

this, poorfags gonna poor

Anonymous No. 983658

Blender and poverty go together, that's a law of nature

Anonymous No. 983659

Has if Blender could do better, Python code is only faster by the computer hardware and the rendering process of Blender lacks real processing capabilities. Let me remind you that Blender doesn’t use Graphics cards while normal software like Maya, houdini, Photoshop and others do.

>Completely ignores how expensive Maya is
Nice arrangement retard

Anonymous No. 983667

Taught you a useless skill when burger flipping makes you more attractive in the job market.

Anonymous No. 983669

Maya is not expensive, chud. If you can't afford a license then you should quit ThreeDeeCeeGee altogether. You're just a valueless parasite producing nothing of quality while hurting developers.

Anonymous No. 983673

$307 dollars for indie maya is not cheap. You absolutely don’t understand how money works either, i bet you’re those rich snoods who refused to pay anything and demand free stuff. That’s not how the real world works anon.

Anonymous No. 983675

>Let me remind you that Blender doesn’t use Graphics cards
EEVEE has pretty much always used GPU and Cycles has had GPU rendering for years at this point.
If you're at the point where you're bitching about fidelity and rendering speeds and you don't have a 3090 at minimum, you have no place bitching about blender. Maya's rendering times aren't any faster when both are rendering via GPU.

Anonymous No. 983677

EEVEE doesn't even have real Ambient Occlusion, only SSAO, which is the fake version of it. It's unusable for anything really. Let's not talk about the projected shadows that look like Minecraft maps. It doesn't matter how expensive your graphics card is, EEVEE is a joke and Cycles is too slow for animation. Enjoy your modern Blender.

Anonymous No. 983691

Cycles is only slow if you're using a 20 series card/equivalent or lower. You're making industrial level complaints about something that only occur when you lack industrial level tech. Also the rest of your post is completely irrelevant to the topic you complained about, which is rendering times, which tells me you realized I'm right and tried to move the goalposts. Sorry poorfag but your shitty argumentation is too obvious.

Anonymous No. 983693

Your parents pay $10 to $20 per month to let you run your video card, which effectively qualifies video cards as a subscription service that you also have to buy upfront. Just so you know.

Anonymous No. 983698

Even middle ground graphics cards can’t do enough in Blender. Shut up about your imaginary specs.

Anonymous No. 983700

>Your parents pay
I make in a month what you make in three years. The only reason I'm not charging you for replying to me and wasting my time is making fun of you makes for a fun break.

Anonymous No. 983703

You make a lot of money and you also want to charge me. What are you a bigot or something?

Anonymous No. 983784

>are you a bigot or something?
uhm... are you not?

Anonymous No. 983790

Wtf do you mean cycles is too slow for animation? What kind of animation with what hardware? I render my animations in cycles and I know people who create better animations than I do with cycles as well

Anonymous No. 983839

He is good for the donut and maybe a couple other things but its so much easier just looking up direct tutorials for what you actually want to do

Anonymous No. 983845

Ya sure very basic stuff but harder stuff like VFX, reflections and transparency on models can cause super slow rendering. Some might even crash when doing it.

Just look at their peertube and see basic results:

Anonymous No. 983868

>He is good for the donut
I don't think any of the other losers making blender tutorials are even capable of making doughnouths

Anonymous No. 983953

I see you don't actually use Blender. But I'm pretty sure only like 5 out of the 14 people on this board actually do anything productive ever. This place is a joke

Anonymous No. 983957

I know Blender flaws inside and out. Like how lightning is stupidity bad to add while Maya and others are a click away. Dumb rules to render in Blender just to test something. Blender can’t handle animation in games it doesn’t include the ability to add more than one animation. ETC.

It’s bad anon, Blender is bad.

Anonymous No. 983961

>Blender can’t handle animation in games it doesn’t include the ability to add more than one animation.
Maybe I don't understand what you mean, but I'm pretty sure you can blend multiple animations with the NLA editor.
And if you mean exporting multiple animations for a game engine, that works fine too, I think with GLB or FBX. Just push multiple animations to the NLA timeline and they will all get exported.

Anonymous No. 983965

That’s another problem, no key frame. Maya 2024 does offer it with higher quality and more depth. Blender is stupider as you are guessing about things. On top of that, people are dumb into believing glTF as an alternative animation file. Hello no it’s not, the original intent was copy and paste. Blender has no intention whatsoever to do anything correctly.

Anonymous No. 984034

Why is this board overrun with people like this? What do you even call this? ESL schizo?

Anonymous No. 984040

English is dead, ChatGPT failed at basic grammar that you Americans give it. The whole problem was you all along.

Anonymous No. 984095

Racism and bigotry will get you banned off the 3D board, you chud filth. Post your recessed chin from the side with wireframe on.

Anonymous No. 984254

he taught me well

Anonymous No. 984283

Since Blender is apparently so shit at everything.
What are the best software's for eatch use case?

Anonymous No. 984285

Wings 3D if you want an alternative open source, the program just works as expected.

Anonymous No. 984290

For which use case?

Anonymous No. 984303

Great for modeling like you know, what actual 3D modeling program would do. Even offers UV editing and look, lighting if you want to be fancy about it. All easy implanted into the software like real developers would have done.

Anonymous No. 984306


Anonymous No. 984307

people build ak-47 parts inside blender
Software doesn't matter if you are not a 50iq retard monkey. Howewer, Blender with a certain set of addons (hops, retopoflow, etc.) makes it actually good.

Anonymous No. 984308

anon is based

Anonymous No. 984317

No they don’t, they’re copying CAD files of the original version which was published by the creator. Blender users used Autodesk CAD to get the data, use the math and redistribute it under the .blender file.

How do I know this? That’s because Autodesk refuses to give away any information about CAD files and you are required to use AutoCAD. The original source was CAD file because the guy wanted a working gun, a working gun absolutely needs accurate modeling. One inch too high and your hand will not work.

Anonymous No. 984331

and 99.9% of people do it for video games where you can get away with inaccuracy. you don't need to own CAD software to create working guns for games. plenty of braindead spoonfeed how to make X gun in blender tutorials

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Anonymous No. 984339

Oh when you said parts I thought real physical 3D printing because why would someone be dumb enough to create an entire machine that is only seen from the outside.

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Anonymous No. 984340

>why would someone be dumb enough to create an entire machine that is only seen from the outside.
one could do that, it would have no benefits other than the autism to feel achievement of being able to do that.

I argued over blender's most common usage which is game asset creation and film making where your skill level determines everything and not what the software is doing. I have to agree though blender was not built for precise modeling. I'm using plasticity for that which is simplified CAD for artists to create more accurate and smooth assets because blender lacks in that department.

the best way to maximize results instead of saying X is shit like that other anon is having various software in your belt which have their own strength. Fusion360/Plasticity for CAD, blender for general use, Zbrush for organic sculpting/modeling and Substance painter for texturing is the endgame combo. instead of fighting over software, unite them.

Anonymous No. 984358

Don't worry, you will accept the donut soon

Anonymous No. 984422

You mentioned Z-brush for organic and Substance painter for texturing ,what other's programs are there for other use cases? Anons say how it doesn't matter,but using a rock to nail in a nail when you could have used a hammer sounds retarded, point is,proper tools matter.

Anonymous No. 984479

>marvelous designer
for sewing clothes and simulating folds for your character, but clothes can be handmade in zbrush aswell
>substance designer
creating your own texture patterns. all visual node work. you can use them as materials in substance painter afterwards.
for creating accurate models blender cannot do properly, like highly detailed weapons with micro bevels and details to them.
>marmoset toolbag
best software for baking normal maps/fucking around with UVs and textures and making renders of your work
best UV'ing software

thats some off my head. there's alot of them.

I use blender with general needed addons (hardops, retopoflow for retopology, rizomuv bridge, friendly pivot, etc.) paired with zbrush and plasticity to fill every gap in modeling. marmoset toolbag is in my posession where I bake my things and lastly substance painter for texturing.

it allows me to create any asset I want with ease and most effeciently. I haven't looked back since.

it might sound a lot, but it's worth it than solely using 1 software which can only get you as far. blender is not a god. learn multiple software.

Anonymous No. 984546

do blendfags really think industrybros pay for their sw? the company or school pays for it 99% of the time

Anonymous No. 984562

Post your donut or shut the fuck up

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Anonymous No. 984824

Is her good to watch for me to learn? My end game goal is to make a psp-level graphics animation series. With UV wrapping and textures. I’ve watched this guy’s video already,

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Anonymous No. 985014

>What the FUCK do you learn from this?
I pretty much got in love with the donut guy after I lost my shit trying to follow a tutorial for a simple stylized model. Exactly how you described it.

>Now we click here... lemme remove that.... we can skip this step... we could do this like this, but we are gonna do this, this and then by cutting this by the half we get a perfect shape that will be able to use when 20 steps later with a shortcut for a feature I didn't mention.

Donut guy is a great teacher and explains everything in a way it's easy to understand, like pic rel.

Anonymous No. 985020

That’s not how UV mapping works. It’s way more complicated than that. The candy is only wrapped around the shape. It’s not the only method to UV mapping.

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the chair nerd No. 985024

No shit sherlock.

Anonymous No. 985025

Christ, man. Of course it doesn't capture the whole picture, that's the purpose of putting shit in layman's terms. If you go too deep then you lose any hope of actually helping people gain an understanding.

Physicists deal with this shit on the daily.

Anonymous No. 985033

And look how Physicists are dealing with prodoscience because they allowed people uneducated and stupid to ultimately believe in make up shit.

The flaw in candy wrapping is the extra layers to overlap. Yes, the candy requires it otherwise you’ll have problems. This isn’t how you UV Map anything in 3D, optimization and shading play a huge role. You just making shit up and believing in one method vs better alternative to UV mapping.

Anonymous No. 985040

Post your donut or gtfo tripfag,
Post it!

the chair nerd No. 985048

Not in a million years!

Anonymous No. 985052

Post it tripfag

the chair nerd No. 985056

Listen up dude I'll die on this hill. I'd first make a 4k animation of an Eclair factory before posting a donut.

Anonymous No. 985059

Post the donut tripfag
We are waiting

Anonymous No. 985081

he doesn't even have a trip, tard

🗑️ Anonymous No. 985083

Artificial Academy 2 General /aa2g/ #1316
10 Years (soon) Edition

Welcome, this general is for the discussion of ILLUSION's Artificial Academy 2.


/aa2g/ Pre-Installed Game, AA2Mini:
AAUnlimited updates:

AA2Mini Install Guide:
General FAQ:
AAU Guide and Resources (Modules, Tans, Props, Poses, and More):

>Character Cards [Database], now with a list of every NonOC in the megas:

>Mods & More:
Mods for AAU/AA2Mini (ppx format, the mediafire has everything):
/aa2g/ Modding Reference Guide (Slot lists for Hair/Clothes/Faces, List Guides, and More):

>HELP! I have a Nvidia card and my game crashes on startup!
Try the dgVoodoo option in the new win10fix settings.
Alternative: Update your AAU and see if it happens again. If so, disable win10fix, enable wined3d and software vertex processing.
>HELP! Required Windows 11 update broke things!
winkey+R -> ms-settings:developers -> Terminal=Windows Console Host

Previous Thread:

Anonymous No. 985088

No! Why did you say it. He was making himself fooler with every comment.

Anonymous No. 985108

This is a comparison between several rendering engines. First of all, it explains why Cycles looks so bad and it's essentially a joke. It also shows that Blender Guru plays tricks with the settings to make his Cycles buddies look better.

Anonymous No. 985111

If you're a racist like me you'll also find that video funny because what it really is is an actual Person Of Color explaining to Andrew why he's a bonified N-word.

Anonymous No. 985122

>go off lil bro
Ur so cool

Anonymous No. 985123

I also struggle witg wrapping gifts. Its OK anon.

Anonymous No. 985132

Thanks bro I got that skibidi rizz on fanum tax fr

Anonymous No. 985210

Post your donuts anonfags

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Anonymous No. 985242

This is why you should watch tutorials, I just did this with no prior background, it only took me an hour. Maybe I should go make sum donuts

Anonymous No. 985266

Looks good enough, now texture it

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Anonymous No. 985274

>now texture it

Anonymous No. 985278

Have no idea how to even begin doing something like that, besides I'm not happy with this model.

Anonymous No. 985296

trying to push anon to keep going
It looks like a nice base for mega man, make uvs and paint the pieces into their base colors, then paint the details, basically the face its the only difficult part, if you want more shadow details just bake ambient occlusion and multiply it.

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Anonymous No. 985318

>the blenders bow to the donut messiah

Anonymous No. 985319

>I am in charge now.
>Hand over the keys to the UI.

Anonymous No. 986191

>Go into comment section of BG's videos

Anonymous No. 986268

What's wrong with that you vitriolic fuck? You people should think before typing sometimes because you are going full retard mode

Anonymous No. 986378

beeg dong

Anonymous No. 986380

andrew price is like a generalist, meaning he will teach you a little bit of everything.
in the end you might be a good render artist with good control of materials. but the real strength of blender lies in modeling.
its a starting point for beginners so its rare seeing good hard surface stuff

Anonymous No. 986386


🗑️ Join the server now No. 986387

Idk and idc but join my servers

Anonymous No. 986553

>rare seeing good hard surface stuff
name three. bonus points if they do not require a generalist knowledge of blender, e.g. don't "take off" from past the donut tutorial an every generalist thing you need to understand alt+R,click,z,move,click - assuming they even articulate that's what they are doing.

Anonymous No. 986632

name a better program then
(you can't)

Anonymous No. 986751

based and grateful Rakesh trying to learn new skills so he can improve his standard of living

🗑️ Anonymous No. 987784

who has best tutorials for sculpting in sculpt mode? humans in particular.

Anonymous No. 987825

idk, I mostly watch tutorials by cats sculpting in edit mode

Anonymous No. 989156

The pros will troll him for catering to newbies but this guy represents everything I love about Australians. "Give em a fair go".
Absolutely based.

Anonymous No. 989178

I've been working as a CAD operator for 23 years and did this guys tutorials to ease into blender's workflow. You zoomers have no fucking clue how lucky you are with YouTube. I used to have to read actual manuals and dry ass web pages on how to use 3D studio max and autocad.

This guy's videos is like having a friend show you how to use blender. Reminds me of a teacher I liked back in college.

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Anonymous No. 989238

>But I pirate all of that software and make money from it. I'm proud of stealing.
Cool. Somebody told me that adobe has a way of finding out if someone paid for the license of their products. Is that true? Or was he full of shit?

Anonymous No. 989239

Nope unless you’re dumb enough to install real adobe software and allow them to access your computer without permission.

Anonymous No. 989240

>Nope unless you’re dumb enough to install real adobe software and allow them to access your computer without permission.
Good, time to pirate substance painter!

Anonymous No. 989251

It’s common practice to block connections in case Adobe did something to trigger traps.

Anonymous No. 989694

Sounds like excuses to me

Anonymous No. 990244

>This guy's videos is like having a friend show you how to use blender.
And the irony is he's literally your enemy.

Anonymous No. 990821

I've been trying to get into Blender for years and it wasn't up till I got in a 3DS Max course that I actually started understanding his tutorials.
I still like 3DS Max better for some stuff though.

Anonymous No. 990831

>And the irony is he's literally your enemy.

Anonymous No. 990847

>Let me remind you that Blender doesn’t use Graphics cards

Impressively incorrect.

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HStut 2.png

Anonymous No. 991013

I'm trying to get into blender at the moment (did a little 3dsmax & cinema4d many years ago). All i want is the basics of hard surface modelling, i just want to model things in grey for 3d printing. Ended up doing a few of Josh Gambrell/blenderbro's tutorials ok (pic related) but his tuts only drip feed a small amount of useful stuff with no explanations & the whole thing seems like a way to scam you in to his pay bullshit on his site. Theres also no order to any of there youtube stuff, one vid will be ok to follow then the next will require you know some fucking add-on he hasnt even mentioned before. If anyone mentions this in the comments he's like 'well, do this paypig course to get up to speed!' . I get the feeling 90% of youtube tutorials are like this.

does anyone do decent tutorials if all you want to do is model hard surface objects for 3d printing & not fucking cartoon donuts?

Anonymous No. 992328

can I somehow check if it uses a graphics card or not? everyone says a different thing

Anonymous No. 992333

he's modelling jesus wdym?

Anonymous No. 992419

Blender hate is lame since it's just another 3D tool that happens to be free and can do most things. It's annoying when anyone has this tribal view on 3D programs thinking certain programs are better than others. If a tool you know and can use for what you need then it shouldn't matter. I think it's great that Blender is getting more popular enough to to compete with Zbrush, Autodesk, and Adobe. Keeps check in balance in the 3D industry.

Anonymous No. 992426

PzThree has a lot of good informational videos, but they're long-winded and not very organized

John Dickinson does a lot of subd modeling and you might learn a thing or two from watching him

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🗑️ Anonymous No. 992478

Ever wonder why these blatant troll threads
that violate the only rule in the sticky are
never deleted while the mod is literally
in these threads all day deleting posts?

Because the apple nigger mód is the OP posting from his iphone.
He spends 20 hours a day of his worthless NEET life posting and
babysitting these falseflag anti-linux anti-windows flamewar troll
threads, deleting posts exposing him as the OP, and saving his
troll threads from page 10 after every 1-4 hours of no bites.

The only way to purge these shit threads off /g/ is to put a bullet in his head.
DoB: 2/2/1983
Age: 41
3004 Nor.folk Dr.
Austin TX 78745

Larry Richard Irwin
DoB: 3/20/1958
8 Manly Drive, Greenville, SC 29609
(864) 232-2849

Alicia Hilley Irwin
DoB: 8/5/1956
Died at 58 on April 3, 2015 when
she realized her son was a faggot.
He then immediately blew his inheritance
on fag virtue signaling toys:

Lawrence Richard Irwin
DoB: 5/19/1985
Cocain addict shoplifter brother

Leila Alexandra Scogin
DoB: 1/27/1991
Thot halfsister between his mom
and Richard Gordon Scogin.
TL;DR mom was a whore,
dad was a cuck. And in one trip to DC,
Rachel Bieder simultaneously dumped
Jay and engaged David Woolston
(must have been going on for a long time
for it to all happen in one trip),
making Jay a cuck as well.
This is why cuck in all caps is word banned.